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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. 1. Is the Yuri-part in your UN a reference to Yuri Lowell? 2. What's your favorite videogame theme? 3. What has been the greatest day in your life yet? 4. Can you speak any other languages besides Portuguese and English? 5. Have you any pets?
  2. FE needs more mages like her with high magic and decent speed growth. Unquestionable the best anima mage in the GBA series (even if you don't really need good units in FE8). SF needs a thread like this for Neimi too.
  3. Idk... Had to check out some. http://www.relatably.com/m/img/recent-internet-memes/Putin-Ukraine-meme.jpg Do you like memes?
  4. Sword because easier to hold I guess. Favorite Chinese food?
  5. C'est le jeu :D J'éspère que tu l'as compris maintenant.
  6. Why do you want to be Chinese? I'd like to travel to Japan if I have the money.
  7. Je voulais joué un petit jeu avec vous. Mais vous n'avez pas compris.
  8. French because living in China would give me a hard time. Any interest to travel to east Asia sometime?
  9. Identified the hair color of my avatar incorrectly. It's purple.
  10. My favorite puzzle is in the Absorption Gate in Tales of the Abyss. You're separated in three groups and each group has to open a path for the other two.
  11. How many cats do you own / live close to you? Still the same answer: why not
  12. Why not adding a "B" before Elle? 50 at least (1-2 cats per day)
  13. ^ Did you assmue it because of my location? It's referring to my avatar/signature whose name is Sophie.
  14. My GF. (You have to figure it out for yourself who it is.) As for best forum friend I can't give an exact answer: There are about five people I have pretty good contact to. I don't like to mention names though. Have you met a person of this forum irl yet?
  15. Just have started Graces. Idc so much for the story and characters too much as long the gameplay works. I played Vesperia without understanding one single word. How did your friend list become so short?
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