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Status Updates posted by BANRYU

  1. Back in action and loving Fates. Currently attempting an all-wyvern run lol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. euklyd


      My first avatars for both Conquest and BR were both basically just better Camillas than Camilla, haha.

      Worked wonders for me (I went +Spd on one, and +Mag on the other).

    3. BANRYU


      My problem may have been that I accentuated wyverns' features too much.... first Avi was Str+/Res- haha. Might give it a shot if I ever give it another go!

    4. euklyd


      I've heard +Str Ninja is hella good, so my Revs run will probably be that. Maybe.

  2. Hey man, your sig gifs are neat. Did you make them? Or where did you find them?

    1. HK Motendra
    2. BANRYU


      Awesome, thanks! Imma just steal one or two of these lol.

    3. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      You're gonna have to crop it tho haha. My sig has six of them in rotation

  3. I think I'm gonna go inactive again for a while on account of Smash Spoilers and whatnot

    1. euklyd


      because you don't want to get spoiled, or something else?

    2. BANRYU


      Yeah basically that. I'm allowing myself to know officially-released stuff, but beyond that I want a ' ' ' 'pure' ' ' ' experience with the game, basically. As it relates to the leaks, I'm highly skeptical, but not sticking around just in case they happen to be right *shrug* so leaving now while they're still pretty tame lol.

    3. euklyd



      at least the games are coming out *relatively* soon

  4. Just wanna say, badass sig banner BTW -3o Did you make it?

    1. dap005


      Thank you :), just photoshoped some official art together that's all haha. I had a left over transparent dragon from years back when I entered for a serenes banner design competition :).

    2. BANRYU


      It might have been simple to execute, but don't sell yourself short, it's pretty badass haha. 

    3. dap005


      Thanks I do enjoy a bit of graphics design. And kozaki does draw Erikia really well :P. I think for the next one I will feature some hidari art. And if I ever find the time after university finishes, make something myself (probs fanart for Gerik's mecerneries) 

  5. Hey man, sorry I didn't wind up being able to reply to you in the chat the other night, wifey and I ended up having a longer convo than I expected haha ;; BUT I did read what you said about Hinoka and I think that sounds like a great idea to give HER more initiative in the story too, just wanted to let you know

    1. Marz


      Oh don't worry about it, I honestly think you should do Character Analysis'. I would love to hear your thought about certain Fire Emblem Characters as I think you have a unique way of thinking about things and it would be nice to get a more in-depth look for FE Characters like you did with Camilla. Anyway keep up the work man.

    2. BANRYU


      Oh dude, I'm making a tumblr post that expands on it haha. Been writing it on and off for the past few days but hopefully it'll be ready soon =3=

    3. BANRYU


      ....on the Camilla thing, I mean (realized I didn't specify whoops)

  6. Asking for ROMs, Banny? Really? Did you even READ the rules or are you JUST THAT STUPID jeez it's no wonder they call you BANryu

    1. Randoman


      Don't be too hard on yourself. It's an easy mistake, and I'm really glad you did a lot of regular forum posting first so the SF staff wouldn't give you an insta-ban like they do for people whose first post is asking for a ROM.

  7. Gonna be inactive for a while. Need to take a break.

  8. Not been spending enough time with milady compared to SF, so I'll be less active for a while.

  9. RIP in pieces, democracy.

  10. SHIT DUDE. I never thought I'd be this excited over a freakin' mobile game.

  11. Wife and I rearranged our living room last night. Went in to ask her if she knew where my drawing tablet was (she suffers insomnia and needs to sleep in during the morning) and she said 'I think Froggit has it' =w= Precious bab. I'll let her sleep.

  12. So fyi to anyone who cares my computer is currently bricked due to my charger not working. Activity will be limited.

  13. Spoiler


    Haha I was kidding myself thinking I could get any of my favorites in this game, hahahaha...

    It's funny because I'm sinking into the depths of depression and depravity over a fucking mobile game

    I guess that'll teach me to get excited for things that I KNOW are gonna be random and that I SHOULD expect to get screwed with



  14. Why are some people on this site so goddamn negative. Like seriously, if you DON'T LIKE SOMETHING, that's cool. But why waste your energy talking about it so much? Why not just talk about what you DO like? If, in a batch of new stuff, you just say 'boy, I really like X!' and don't bother making mention of Y and Z that were also shown in the batch of new stuff, I THINK people can infer that the others didn't interest you and that's all anyone really needs to know, isn't it?? Keep your goddamn negativity to yourself.

    It sucks too because I know there are plenty of people that this does NOT apply to, but the people who are so ceaselessly vocal about nonconstructive complaints really just ruin the whole thing for me and make me not want to be involved in any of it. 


    maybe I also need to not care so much about the opinions of people I don't really know that would probably help too ya sensitive bastard. but still. I don't think keeping negative, non-constructive opinions to yourself is really THAT hard

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