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About NutOfDeath

  • Birthday 10/25/1993


  • Member Title
    Kaden fanboy (and weirdo)

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    Smash Bros, Kingdom Hearts, and Fire Emblem!
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    Corrin (M)


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  1. If one does not fail for fulfillment, why must we all fail by conversing with intelligent-sounding vocabulary that isn't quite astute? I dunno. That just sounded like smart.

    1. Cowboy Karimov

      Cowboy Karimov

      I've just invented the term "legal polygamy" a day ago. It describes when one or both people in a separated married couple remarry without divorcing their spouse.

    2. NutOfDeath


      Quite the magnificent discovery. I shall reward you with a extravagant reward: Russian rubles from the 19th century. Truly classy and intelligent, wouldn't you say?

    3. Cowboy Karimov

      Cowboy Karimov

      Yes, very. I would be honored to give you my extremely classy Mercedes-Benz pocket watch! It is not nearly as grandiose as your offering, I would say.

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