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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. i wonder if i could fill this page before people started posting again
  2. I will unnecessarily quote myself from last year oh no the emote got messed up anyways lux the message still applies have a good one >wo)b
  3. Probably when my brother came home with Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I basically ripped its plastic covering off in excitement.
  4. You actually started when I left! :O Idk if I'm happy or sad that I didn't get first impressions. Well I'll just ask you later I guess. and omg yes i love xillia for giving prettyful clothes
  5. But yeah I should sleep I'm becoming more inclined to say what's on my mind so good night thread
  6. Twitter was my life before I started forumsing or whatever (.n. )
  7. wow i least you excel in writing i always manage to typo here and there i'm pretty sure i'd typo while speaking if it was possible if he calls/texts i'll mostly likely not answer/respond and if he comes up to me in class...i'll give him my email ^^; YES he had shifty eyes and everything omg lol hue why you gotta be so rude don't you know im human too im living in the past clearly with the entirety of my school's population
  8. yes not sleeping is easy peasy you too ^U^
  9. i should but unfortunately now i don't feel like sleeping
  10. Oh random story but this guy in class came up to me and wanted my contact info so I could message him lecture notes so i was going to give him my email and reached into my bag but to my dismay NO WRITING UTENSILS OR PAPER so instead i was telling him verbally but he interrupted with "just give me your number" and he said this with a SUSPICIOUS SMILE any other person would probably be like "alright cool i'll text you later" but my mind went into a whirlwind of unnecessary thoughts probably bc that was the first time some dude asked for my number with a suspicious smile but gosh darn it why didn't he take my gosh darn email and i was too shy or whatever not to give him my number
  11. I used to stay up until 3am all the time but I'm trying to get out of that habit i freaking love ne-yo's voice
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