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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. aren't we all confuzzled in the grand scheme of things
  2. Tristian don't hate on Chocolat She's just a deluded girl positive
  3. I'll heart this forever I have a DOUBLE
  4. My still not over that Lloyd Mii ew essay :( hey who's the bummaster here again? don't say me what an inappropriate smile given the circumstance thnx u 2 wow so violent
  5. sorry friend feel free to ignooooooore meeeeee
  6. aye aye sen..senpai .-. well there's a hit of reality oh no! oh yay! bro it was very good REYN TIME BABY so i've heard : )))))) sure thing
  7. actually nvm i refer to tristian as a young one sometimes so i guess some laws are meant to be broken
  8. now that were the same age it's basically illegal for me to refer to you as a one young (don't question this logic) so in a sense it's kind of a sad day too bomb diggity. save me some cake. my day was rather okay i took an hour and a half long shower for no reason i agree i foresee him being my new HERO it's okie i've saved a time slot for more xenoblading tomorrow
  9. don't worry ducks a lot tomorrow i have no class so i'll probably be playing it most of the day omg
  10. yes i can't wait to play more but i had to stop because my dad wants the tv : ( oh well so far it's good
  12. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  13. oh snap the title screen music is really good <3
  14. About to start up xenoblade but I'm very confuzzled as to which of my bro's files to delete probably not the most recent save file then there's one with a time close to the recent file the last one is nearly ten hours behind the first two Idk if he was trying to do something with that last file and he won't gosh darn pick up his phone i just want to play life is hard sigh
  15. I'm... going to try to get my mind off fnaf and on more happy things so... *slithers away*
  16. @Hoshi: I say go for the animation! Animating is really satisying. @Kitty: Cool (°u°)
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