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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. EMOTES ARE LOVE, EMOTES ARE LIridmeogtndlgt
  2. Hey you fake! I would never call Tristian, Trisite!
  3. Nobody is meeeeeeeeeee I mean meiiiii Who is meeeeeeee Also bye because mobile is suffering.
  4. Visiting some friends, DAILY JOGS \o /, and completing a couple of art projects. Bonus: Yes. I still need to pick a social science course. As to which course, I'm not sure ;u;
  5. When the madoka badge was here I gave it no figs, but thanks to its absence I have come to see how truly amazing it was (also thanks to finally watching the anime). Please come back to us madoka badge. Edit: "gave it no figs" hmm this doesn't seem right ..oh well :L
  6. Shock the rain stopped! \;u;/ I hope I make it home before it starts again Did I say it stopped? Haha, craiiiii
  7. Noxbe- Oh I can't call you Noxberry anymore :c Hiiiii Zackary!
  8. @Shock: Thanks Shock! Though for the time being this bus shelter will keep me safe ;u; @Jedi: Whoa that is super strange. Good golly mother nature
  9. Bonjour Sophie o/ Jobhixhekh typos plssss It's hard enough typing on a keyboard.
  10. Holy beep on a sandwich. It's hailing like crazy over here. Oh, it just turned into regular rain. But maaaan those hail stones were massive...and sudden. I should have brought an umbrella crai crai Also obligatory, mobile is suffering.
  11. I kinda laughed imagining it. Not going to lie, but him (or me) would most likely be the first to die <:
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