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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Possibly. The overall grade average wasn't something to be proud of. But you got other rewards for being a smartypants, right? >: I'm sure you didn't missed out on much.
  2. Hiya thread My school had smart kids only pizza lunches. :) But the pizza wasn't very tasty >.>
  3. Howdy hey! Enjoy your stay in this wondrous forest of wonder!
  4. yay approval I officially... ✧( ु•⌄• )◞ Welcome back Karaszure ◟( •⌄• ू )✧ *Throws confetti* you might not remember me but that's okay
  5. let's throw a party ʕु•̫͡•ʔु
  6. it's funny cuz i spent my evening drawing Karas for the HHH animation then SUDDENLY
  7. omg hiiiiiiiii o/ good to see that the sharks didn't get to you
  8. ☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 ★彡☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 ★彡☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 SHINPICHU I hope your birthday gives you much JOY and cake Have a good one! ☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 ★彡☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 ★彡☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡
  9. Okay I really need to sleep -_- goodnight everynyan o/
  10. I should probably sleep... My weird side is coming out... >w>
  11. I was always here! ...I lied. I wasn't. But now I have returned.
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