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Posts posted by Alertcircuit

  1. Exit polls in SC said that Hillary won by like 2 points. Which is about a 5 point difference than what actually happened. Not that exit polls matter all that much, but if there was a fourth state, that one and Florida would be the prime candidates.

    Hillary won't, and probably shouldn't, say anything. She wouldn't want to look like a sore loser among all this.

    I don't even know if Jill herself thinks that the recounts will do anything. She might just be doing this as a publicity grab to liberals.

  2. Why does Jill Stein even want a recount? It's not going to magically make her the winner.

    1) To drum up sympathy and support for her inevitable 2020 run.

    2) To keep whatever money isn't used.

    Or maybe it's an honest endeavor on her part. I don't know.

  3. If 2/3 of delegates have to vote the way their state voted, wouldn't that just make them normal delegates? I thought the point of super delegates was that they could vote however they wanted.

    That was the compromise. 2/3 of superdelegates are basically regular delegates now.

  4. At least with the Pokémon games, they don't use the same characters/settings over and over, and there isn't the repeated story of the same princess being kidnapped over and over - especially when it turns out she can defend herself just fine in Smash.

    Literally all the Pokemon games except for this newest one have the same protagonist who goes through the same path to get to the same goal. Some boring kid gets a Pokemon and he/she has to grind through all 8 gyms to win the game. Pokemon is not an example of good, varying storytelling.

  5. Trump (and Obama) don't have to hold press conferences every time they eat a goddamn burger. It's a ridiculous thing to waste news-time on

    Don't know enough about Jim Webb to make a judgement on him. I just remember him getting torn up at the debate last year..

  6. Ben Carson ran for President to sell books. The reason he pushed the "I stabbed my friend" story despite his friends saying it was probably made up, was because it makes a good narrative. Troubled black kid finds God and becomes a surgeon makes a good underdog story. And it did. They made a movie out of it.

    I doubt he expected to actually win or get an administrative job out of it. If he actually believed the "I don't have the experience to be in government" thing from the beginning, he wouldn't have run for President.

    I respect him for knowing when to step out.

  7. - Sarah Palin as anything

    - A climate change skeptic for the EPA

    - Arpaio for Homeland Security

    - The entire list of Interior Secretary candidates ('cept that one senator who I'm a bit too lazy to research)

    To add,

    - Ben Carson as anything.

    Don't mind having Republican establishment figures in Trump's cabinet. Although I hate Bannon, Gingrich and Giuliani, he's on the right track in the sense of wanting to pick people who know how Washington and politics work. Winning an election is one thing, but actually being able to do the job is another. The actual people he's choosing I think are poor though. It seems like he's going for people that kissed his ass during the primary and not people who would do a good job. The fact that Palin is on the list proves that. Hoping it's fake.

    where do you guys think corey lewandowski is gonna end up?

    secretary of state!?

    Corey Lewandowski has 0 nuance, I don't want him anywhere near having to interact with foreign governments. I know your post was a joke but with Palin rumored to be considered I have to cover my bases.

    Ginsburg is 83 and has had massive health issues. There have been rumors that she would retire for years, and I'm surprised she didn't while Obama was still president.

    Scalia was 80 when he died.

    Stephen Breyer is 78. Anthony Kennedy (swing vote, pretty libertarian) is 80.

    Ginsburg didn't retire because she wants to be on the court as long as she's mentally capable. Not sure if she would have during a Clinton II Presidency, although being nominated by a Clinton and retiring under a Clinton might have been nice closure.

    Aren't the pre-existing conditions and 26 year old bits of Obamacare part of why premiums are rising so much? Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that's true I'm interested to see how he attempts to remedy that.

  8. There's a lot of stuff in that 100 day plan that makes no sense. How is he going to "drain the swamp"? Does he really think Congressmen will vote to fire themselves?

    Protests seem like a waste of time. Literally the only purpose they could serve is to convince electors to vote for Hillary, and even then I don't think this is enough to do that.

  9. I'm too left leaning (specifically on climate change) to vote for a Libertarian, especially one that believes climate change isn't a problem because we'll all die eventually anyway. Stein's power-hungry with barely any more experience than Trump.

    So none of them are appealing enough to bring me out of the fold.

  10. Looking at this debate on it's own, Pence clearly won. Kaine just listed off a bunch of fun facts and rudely interrupted like a know-it-all kid while Pence kept it smooth. Kaine missed opportunities. Specifically to talk about LGBT issues, and to elaborate on tax plans.

    But post-debate, Kaine won. He walked Pence into lying a lot. There's enough soundbites for media coverage until Sunday's debate. Maybe that was Kaine's strategy? Not to be good at the actual debating but to create good campaign ad fodder? I don't know.

    Also, given their positions, I thought they both answered the police question perfectly. Didn't think enough attention was brought to how flawlessly they both handled it.

    She could've gone with a two woman ballot, and I think that would've added some much needed enthusiasm to the campaign, but in order to balance things out, she went with a politician as cookie cutter as politicans get.

    I guarantee you a Clinton/Warren ballot probably would have turned off white dudes.

  11. Roosevelt would probably slap Ted Cruz off Capitol Hill with his massive dick if Cruz tried to bitch about Teddy heroically blocking corporations from doing whatever they wanted. Good god I would pay so much to see that.

    I would pay so much money to see a Teddy Roosevelt biopic starring Nick Offerman. Teddy Roosevelt is almost comically manly. Dude got shot during a speech and he basically said "Gonna take more than that to kill me" and kept talking.

  12. Honestly don't see how anyone who watched could say Trump won. When he said he had better temperament the crowd literally laughed at him, and then Hillary proceeded to run him into the ground. The cybersecurity questions were a perfect time to bring in the emails, but instead Trump tells us his 10 year old son is really good with computers.

    The only time Hillary made me go "what are you doing?" is when she plugged her book.

  13. Hillary was on the birther thing for a short time because Obama was her opponent. Trump did it for who knows why? The people who say it was out of racism can't exactly be proven wrong, especially when he says shit like "Obama was so bad, there will never be another black President again."

    I don't know if Trump will get destroyed as much as people think. Unless Hillary stops dodging easy questions, and she and the moderators fact check, I don't see Trump messing up that badly.

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