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Posts posted by Alertcircuit

  1. Not sure how real the wage gap is. The 77% statistic is not nearly detailed enough to be used definitively ever. I've seen people speculate the real gap is more like 90, but I haven't seen hard evidence on that. Unless more in depth studies are done, I think tougher legislation might cause problems down the line. It might just be a case-by-case issue.

    Rape culture on the other hand is an entirely real and common problem. Not sure what the fix is for it other than just teaching people to be more respectful of boundaries. Maybe a more efficient reporting system?

    On the flipside, alimony is dumb unless there are children involved or the ex-wife literally can't get a job within a certain window.

  2. true. i just think it's weird people are so caught up about her health. people get sick. old people get sick.

    i also felt bad for john mccain when people said he was too old, though i won't deny i was a part of the bandwagon. (in my defense i was a 14 yr old.) sanders was running as an even older man than mccain, and trump only 2 years younger than mccain's running age.

    That bandwagon was valid though, since McCain's VP was Sarah Palin. People were hesitant to vote McCain for that reason. Tim Kaine seems like a pretty level-headed guy.

  3. you guys know fdr had polio right?

    That doesn't really affect being able to function cognitively. Supposedly Hillary has pneumonia though, so it's not that big a deal anyway.

    He'd probably be a better president than Hillary herself for that matter.

    I'll wait until the VP debate to have a solid opinion but I'm inclined to say the same.

  4. Though the real kicker for me is the double-standard: if Trump said something like that about Democrats he'd be celebrated by his supporters for "challenging PC culture" and being a true patriot and whatnot. And yet the same people will be the first to cry like little babies when they have shots sent their way. Looks like Hillary's statement wasn't that inaccurate after all.

    Romney essentially did that in 2012 with "47%" and it was one of the big gaffes that helped sink him.

    But this election has made gaffes obsolete. These two candidates make Obama and Romney look sparkly crystal-clean.

  5. Because nuclear winter makes climate change look like child's play? The scientists say detonating 50-100 nukes would straight up bring us back into the ice age. The modern purpose of nukes is as an intimidation tool, not to actually use them.

  6. It's not a great moment for Gary Johnson, but probably shouldn't be a dealbreaker. I highly doubt Trump knows what Aleppo is either, but he gets a free pass on not knowing things for some reason.

    Gary Johnson forgot/didn't know the name of a critical Syrian city, Trump doesn't know why we don't use nukes. The bar is set very differently.

  7. It's not that valid of an argument to bring up that the Democrats were for slavery like 200 years ago, when 50 years ago LBJ fought for civil rights, to "out-Lincoln Lincoln", and fractured/reformed the party in the process. I've been seeing this brought up on social media a lot recently.

  8. I'm a bit confused about what you're really arguing against here. Over the last like 20 pages or so the only argument that's been brought up in Hillary's favor is that she's less a sack of shit than Dolan is. If anybody said that he's actually a good president and that they'd gladly vote her I must've missed it.

    That's essentially my thought process. She shares a good chunk of policy ideas as me, but there are enough different to make me not enthusiastic and she always seems like she's hiding something. But she seems like a stable, somewhat intelligent person, which is a lot more than I can say for Donald. It makes me nervous when a Presidential candidate can be so easily prompted by an interviewer into saying he wants to give weapons to Saudi Arabia, or punishing women who get abortions. And he's stated multiple times he wants to abolish the "Department of Environmental", which is not a thing that exists. That kind of shit is what drowned Rick Perry in 2012.

    Though I can personally see why you as somebody who doesn't live in the USA would be scared of the prospect of Hillary becoming the next president. I, for one, do not fancy the thought of getting dragged into a world-war against Russia myself so I'd prefer just about anybody else as a president over her. But you can you really argue that it's wrong for somebody living in the USA to reject Dolan like that? I mean, the majority of people that support him - supposedly "angry white men afraid of losing their jobs" - will vote directly against their own economic interests. It's not far-fetched to assume that this can have catastrophical consequences.

    Arguably one of the main reasons the U.S. and Russia haven't gone to war is nuclear deterrence, a concept that Donald apparently doesn't understand, because "If we make them, why don't we use them?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpxr9ZUp7N0

  9. i think he's ashamed of people discovering he's not as rich as he claims to be

    That wouldn't just be a shame thing, that'd be strategic too. If being a billionaire business tycoon is literally his only experience, I imagine his campaign would be scrambling to at least keep that.

  10. As far as gun control goes, I think everyone considered a non-suspicious person should be entitled to own a handgun, for concealed carry or for self defense at home. When it comes to automatic rifles, I'm way less defensive because I'm not entirely sure I see the practical use there. I mean it sounds like people want to have them in case a "revolution" happens, but in a world with missiles, tanks, and drones, I don't think you can form a Minutemen militia like you could back then. There's hunting, so maybe there can be exceptions for that, I don't know.

  11. And now there's a new problem with the internet, because now that nobody wants to pay for news anymore, news sites have to do clickbait articles and stuff that will net them ad revenue. The whole thing just gets even more muddled.

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