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Posts posted by Renall

  1. Now for a mad request:

    Elise with Voice of Peace and Luck+4, and Azura with Nobility.

    I thought I had VoP on Elise but it turns out Sakura is the one with the VoP/FP combo. However the other two skills are up now.

    Anyone have a Hana w/ Lifetaker? It'd be much appreciated!

    She's up now with Lifetaker and a semi-random assortment of Nohrian skills.

  2. Route-Exclusive Unit Average Base Growths

    Format is STAT: Birthright / Conquest.

    • HP: 39.74% / 43.82%
    • STR: 37.63% / 38.82%
    • MAG: 17.89% / 17.06%
    • SKL: 39.74% / 39.71%
    • SPD: 39.21% / 40.59%
    • LCK: 38.42% / 39.71%
    • DEF: 32.89% / 34.41%
    • RES: 25.26% / 30.29%

    On average, Conquest units tend to be slightly better statistically overall. They are however much more specialized: The most imbalanced Birthright character is probably Subaki, and his stats are more balanced than comparable Conquest unit Charlotte (both share 5% base RES). 14 out of 19 Birthright characters have a base MAG growth >0%, while only 11 out of 17 Conquest characters do. Conquest units tend to be bulkier due to a combination of generally higher HP / DEF / RES growths and matching growths in more common classes.

    If you were using Birthright's units in Conquest you'd notice their relative fragility more. Likewise if you were using Conquest units in Birthright you might not see that much difference in survivability. Underleveled BR units in Lunatic Revelation definitely have some issues with their durability in comparison to CQ units, but underleveled CQ units have a tendency to have SPD and SKL problems. The higher individual enemy stats in Lunatic RV call out the particular stat deficiencies of characters more.

  3. Any skill that the game lets you buy from an online castle is fine. If a skill would get someone shadowbanned, then 99.9% of the time that person's castle wouldn't be possible to visit anyway because they'd be the ones shadowbanned. As far as I know there's no way to maliciously cause another player's file to get corrupted in a way that would ban them.

  4. Hinoka's is a decently useful aura for other frontliners that's free damage for sending her in first, Leo's is okay for guaranteeing finishers. It's debatable. But if you think Bushido and Competitive "aren't that great" I'd like to know what you think is better than +/- Damage and +10 Crit for reasonably easy-to-trigger conditions. Particularly Bushido which requires basically no work to set up because Ryoma is almost always higher-level than everyone else he could be supported by except maybe Corrin (and in that case a Ryoma + Corrin dual strike is probably a kill).

    There is some genuinely bizarre anti-royal doublethink sandbagging going on in this thread for some reason.

  5. If you think the "only saving grace" of Ryoma vs. Hana is Raijinto you may have missed the entire point of why Xander and Ryoma are overpowered.

    HINT: It's Raijinto and Siegfried.

    You may also have been grinding or heavily favoring non-royals because quite frankly there's no way I can see for Silas, Peri, and Sophie to catch up with Xander. It beggars belief and reality that you would just happen to be using literally every unit in the same category as one of the royals and that you would somehow not be impressed with the fact Xander has a 1-2 range sword over them.

  6. Here's probably a hard one: A Reina with Vantage and Lifetaker, and a Scarlet with Vantage.

    Bah, gimme an actual hard one. Reina up with Vantage / Lifetaker / Pass / Bowbreaker / Lancefaire.

    Can't help with Scarlet though.

  7. I hate to sound like a total noob here, but I've heard about this save trick, but I've never been able to do it. How exactly is it performed, if you don't mind me asking?

    Visit castle. Save on battle preparations screen. Seize throne. Save to different file. Soft reset (L+R+Start). Reload battle prep save. Seize again. Save to different file again. Repeat until you get the last skill you want. Every character you bought a skill from during this process will be in the Unit Logbook (but only the final skill you bought will remain purchased).

  8. Haitaka's only really bad growths are Magic and Luck, for when he shows up and for filling a semi-unique class role (not too many Spear Fighters in Conquest) he's reasonably viable. Lack of supports can be a thing but he's probably doing a lot of rallying and hole-plugging as is. If he manages to keep up in levels he has reasonable durability and pretty good offense. If not you can just rotate him out once Camilla/Beruka has Rally Defense. If you manage to juggle his classes around post-promotion he can end up with Rend Heaven and Lancefaire by the end of things plus multiple Seals (which is less exciting in Conquest since Draconic Hex exists, but is still nice). That's better kit than some real characters can get.

  9. Awesome, got all of these, thanks a lot.

    The updated list of skills I need is:




    Laslow-Pavise, Vantage

    Peri-Warding Blow

    Shigure-Replicate, Lancefaire, Bowbreaker


    All bolded skills are up now. Recommend using the save trick to logbook them all in one go.

  10. Gunter is p helpful in IK Lunatic tbqh. Support, Shelter, flight with 8 mov, and he levels up quickly, which lets him get to the good skills (Lunge, Defence Rally) really quickly. The kind of utility he provides is also the kind that doesn't diminish as enemy stats grow.

    Blowing a Heart Seal on Gunter seems like a huge waste but I guess you have a point that outside of a Cavalier Talent you're not getting Shelter early in Rev (Silas is late, Peri/Xander is later). Still, that's as marginal a benefit as I can think of and even with his low internal level and technically-promoted status it can be kind of an ordeal to get him levels; I think you're overstating the value of his utility and understating his ridiculous fragility against Lunatic enemies. Still for LTC there's probably a lot to love there with flying + Shelter for Azura shenanigans.

  11. The funny part is due to the experience funneling of the prologue and Rev7 up to that point it's highly likely that Corrin will have better stats than Gunter across the board, so he isn't even good at being a Jagen for one level and gets one more map past that (Mozu Paralogue or Rev8 depending) and is immediately out of the running for deploy slots. If he could still support he might make a case for himself as a Corrin backpack but as it is Rev is pretty lean on slots so he really just might as well not exist. His greatest contribution in Rev7 is probably giving Azura +1 Mov.

    He might be the worst Jagen at his job in the entire series. Even setting aside obviously superior "Jagens" like Titania, Seth, Frederick, etc., his comparison to other bad-growths Jagens is kind of unfavorable. OG Jagen has more uses, Shadow Dragon Jagen is way more useful, Dagdar is a capture god and coasts on his ludicrous base HP all game, FE6 Marcus is clutch. So I guess he's fighting with Arran or something? Mystery Arran barely has better bases than Marth. New Mystery Arran is barely better but I imagine benefits at least somewhat from free reclassing. The usual advantage of a Jagen in earlier games is high weapon rank and that doesn't even help Gunter because starting with early Steel/Silver access isn't an advantage in Fates. He doesn't even get a Silver to start and that Steel Lance is just begging to get doubled.

  12. After working with it in practice I came to like the fixed growth system of Lunatic. Bad level up? Can't change it anyway, so w/e. Good level? I can take solace in the fact that, if I fuck up and die, that level up will still be there waiting for me.

    Gives me less to worry about.

    I do like this and I think it needs to be a feature in general. Or at least an option; I'd take it every time because it's way less stressful since I'm never even tempted by the notion of a reset and don't lose good levels if I screw up. Averages as an option would make sense as a third radio button there, so to speak (Pure Random / Locked Random / Locked Averages). But lol detailed setup options like that in a Nintendo game.

  13. Anybody have renewal on dwyer?

    Does anyone here have a Laslow with Aegis? I'm wanting to pass that on to Hana!Soleil.

    Anyone have Death Blow for Benny?


    Effie- Quixotic and Astra

    All of these are up now (Death Blow Benny and Astra Effie aren't because they were already filled, but Effie has Quixotic).

  14. Idk man, in Rev she falls of pretty hard after Chapter 18.

    Not sorry.

    I get it, but at the same time she's one of the better units in 16 and 17 without actually doing anything except existing, and she's free deployment on 16. You could literally never field her again after that and she'd be great! Which is good, because... also not sorry.

  15. OK, I need Onmyoji and Dark Knight skills on Velouria. No, I'm not kidding. Particularly Magic +2, Tomefaire, Rally Magic, Malefic Aura, and Seal Magic. Tomefaire and Magic +2 are the big ones, I need to take her through Witch.

    Im feeling evil tonight. Anyone have:

    Azama with counter, countermagic, pavise and aegis

    Elise with hoshidan unity, nohr unity and quixotic

    Azama is up with Wary Fighter / Aegis / Pavise / Counter / Countermagic.

    Elise up with Dragon Ward / Nohrian Trust / Hoshidan Unity / Dragon Fang / Draconic Hex.

  16. You want weird, hard to get Sakura skills? Well I got some for you: Trample / Movement +1 / Sol / Wary Fighter / Axefaire Lancefaire since someone else already did that one.

    Can't visit yet. ;-;

    It'll stay up a while.

  17. Apparently hackers have determined that the prologue chapters are like some sort of completely different thing that gets mucked with after Branch of Fate, especially for Conquest/Revelation. Lack of inventory persistence may be tied to this as they just didn't track certain things so regardless of who has them post-ch5 they simply don't get updated when ch6 of a given path is initiated.

  18. Looking for

    Soleil with Miracle

    Effie with Vengeance

    Soleil up with Miracle / Pavise / Aegis / Counter / Countermagic.

    Looking for Rend Heaven or Astra on Hinoka.

    Thanks in advance

    Someone already got RH but I put her up with Lethality / Astra / Sol / Luna / Rend Heaven.

    I'm looking for Rhajat with dragon ward.

    Rhajat is up with Dragon Ward / Aegis / Pavise / Counter / Countermagic.

  19. Even the non-royal prepromotes are remarkably viable, except perhaps for Revelation Gunter just because he doesn't get the Conquest bases bump and has no supports at all; Conquest Gunter however has OK bases and a personal skill that encourages gluing him to Corrin once he's lived out his usefulness.. Shura is a great utility healer right out of the box and is indispensable on Revelation where a lot of healers and lockpickers just do not get the time to develop, allowing him to fill their slots as just one guy and also provide some bow utility and mild debuffing. Reina is a player phase godsend who can get where she needs to be and kill who she needs to kill, and her growths develop decently along offensive lines (her defense is garbage but her role mitigates this a lot). Scarlet is extremely solid and has a great class set. Izana/Yukimura/Fuga are all perfectly usable with zero effort and have good personal skills; Izana's is a little esoteric but Yukimura straight up makes your entire side better for free and Fuga's helps him stay alive when he needs it (which isn't as often as you'd think because his bases are fantastic).

    The royals have that sort of utility plus much better growths. Of course they're viable.

  20. Stone users can't be WTD'd so my guess is you'll see more random selections of enemies against them but none will take away their weapon rank bonuses or gain bonuses of their own. Effective weapons do not exist in the arena so unless there are other stone users generated as enemies (which I have never seen), and unless those units get Beastbane (and I've seen no evidence arena enemies have skills), they should be quite effective. I'll try it out with Velouria once I get around to it.

    EDIT: A quick update, Velouria seems to face 0% critrates from enemies which is pretty nice, but still needs Wary Fighter to avoid doubling and isn't always the tankiest even with Armored/Warding Blow. But unless up against Berserkers she can be pretty good. Also I think Dwyer's ability does indeed work in the arena but need to test it more. Also interested if Lucky Seven works in the arena or not.

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