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Everything posted by flyingace24

  1. Were you talking about wav2gba? I've never tried this myself, since I've never used a .wav file in my life ever. I prefer MIDIs for inserting into GBA games, but I've provided the link if anyone is interested.
  2. Thanks for reopening Lord Glenn. I just wanted to clarify things a bit. Why was this topic closed in the first place? This answer is half right. The songs ARE, in fact, in the same format. Arch is correct though that each game has its own instrument table, which is the reason it makes it a bit tougher to simply copy and paste the data into each game. I think you may have misunderstood what I meant when I said that Arch. You technically CAN directly transfer songs from one game to another. Some songs sound fine the way they are (and sometimes even better), while others need a bit of fixing. For some reason, I feel like I'm missing something. When/If I recall it, I'll be sure to edit my post. EDIT (not because I remembered but because someone else posted while I was posting): Yes you can. I'm not going to lie though. Music is one of the tougher things IMO along with inserting a completely custom battle animation. PM me if you're still interested and I didn't scare you out of it lol.
  3. You can use VBA. Go to Tools and choose one of the Viewer tools (Tile Viewer, Map Viewer, OAM Viewer, etc.). When you find the graphic you want, press Save and save it.
  4. It happens. Uncompressed size != compressed size. You can either repoint it or just overwrite it anyway.
  5. It's in the event data. Read this to get some basic knowledge on events.
  6. You can do one of two things. 1) Mess around with the values and test if anything happened. 2) Check around the data and see if you can locate any similar data (that you know for sure is correct). For example, I searched for Roy's supports. Say I found the data for Lilina and Roy's supports. I also know that Roy supports with Marcus. If I find Marcus' support data around the same area, I know I am in the right place. If not, try the other options.
  7. Values in the thousands can still be converted to hex. 2419 is 0x973 in hex. But as almost all the data in almost every game is, the bytes are reversed. So you'd have to search for 73 09. Searching takes a very long time though. And it only works if you know what you're looking for.
  8. No offense to Arch, but I don't think he's ever actually found anything. Arch, correct me if I'm wrong, buddy. He knows how to edit stuff very well, but that's after the data has already been documented and found. What I do when searching for stuff is use a hex editor with a search function for one (HxD is my hex editor of choice and I like how a lot of people use it now after seeing my first text editing tutorial). It depends on what you're looking for really. I'll use the FE6 Support Editor I made for you as an example. The first thing I did is find out what the actual data was in the game (I looked here on Serenes Forest for that). I saw that Roy supported with 10 characters, had a 56 base level and 4 growth level with Lilina. I used that data from there. Lilina's character number is 0x(I forget off the top of my head, let's pretend it's 0x1F). 56 is 0x38 in hex while 4 is 0x04. Using that, you kinda just search for it. However, if you don't know any of that stuff, generally a corrupter works very well. It basically just screws over a certain part of your ROM. It may seem stupid at first, but when you mess up something, you can test your ROM to see if anything happened. If something did happen, you'll know that the data is located in the section you corrupted. You can then just keep repeating the process until you find something. It's kinda like using a phone book and splitting it in half until you find the name that you want. EDIT: Fixed some spelling errors in my post.
  9. Seize is tied to character. You can always change Lyn into someone else.
  10. You have to edit it for both characters in order to gain the levels. However, you can make it interesting by having one way supports.
  11. I think it's the other way around. My FE4 Binary has a header.
  12. Yup. The data starts at 0x662098. But since I'm nice (and I had a couple minutes to spare), I made a module for that. http://www.freewebs.com/flyingace24/FEHC/F...rt%20Editor.rar NOTE: This does not mess with the convos at all. It only edits who supports with whom, so having someone support with another character they were not able to previously will result in no convo. Their support level will still increase, however. I'll make a module on the convos later if I find time.
  13. http://fehacking.ipbfree.com/index.php?showtopic=36
  14. For anyone complaining about music... I'm still working on it. Haven't perfected the insertion method yet.
  15. If I may, I'd like to add a little guide to inserting weapon/item icons. If you don't feel it belongs, feel free to delete it. Inserting Weapon/Item Icons For inserting weapon/item (we'll call them w/i since I'm really lazy) icons, all you'll need is a tile editor. I will be using TileLayerPro for this. First things first. You have to open the ROM in your tile editor. For FE6-8 you will need to make the window 32 tiles long. For FE4/5, you can leave it as the default 16 tiles. If you're using TLP, you'll want to use this palette that I put together. Just click the Palette option and click Load. Then just load the palette (remember to unzip it first). It makes things a whole lot easier. You'll need to know where they are located in each game. I've never tried FE3 and below, so yeah. FE3 - 0x98000 FE4 - 0x184200 FE5 - 0x390200 FE6 - 0xF9D80 FE7 - 0xC5EA4 FE8 - 0x5926F4 All you need to do is click on the Go To option and enter the appropriate address. UPDATE: Well, I looked into FE3 and the w/i icons are located at 0x98000. I'll update the list above. It does, however, use a different palette. I'll try to make one so it'll be easier to edit items. UPDATE: Got it. Here is the w/i palette for FE3. I think I got all the colors. If not, let me know. Once you are there, you will see something like this (linked for size). FE5-8 has split icons. The top half is on the left and the bottom half is on the right. FE4 icons are normal. Now, you'll need a w/i icon. You can either Copy and Paste from other games (like putting FE4 weapons into FE7) or make completely new ones. To make your own, Arch has a basic tutorial, which you can find here. If you are making a custom one, save it as a .bmp when you are done. If you are C&Ping, that's all you need to do, C&P (you have to drag with the right click in order to C&P). If you are inserting your own, click on Edit>Import Bitmap. Now find your icon. Once it's there, put it in one of the empty spaces on the bottom (so you can organize it). Once you paste it there, it may change colors. Just fix them up again using the palette and tile editors (they are one of the two little windows in TLP). For my edit, I'm going to insert my own w/i icon and replace Durandal. Look here to see what I did (again, linked for size). Once you are done editing your icon, save it, and enjoy the results.
  16. Yeah. It's funny how lots of people started using it after I did. When I first started, I didn't want to overwrite anything, afraid I'd mess something up, so I just expanded it. But yeah, as you and Nintenlord said, there is a lot of space that can be used without the need for expanding.
  17. Same thing for FE8, just at 0x8ACBE0. Not sure if FE6 uses the same format, since they don't blink. I'll check up on that sometime.
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