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Posts posted by Logience

  1. Does it ever say the original Avatar had amnesia? They could have just been hanging out in that field, noticed bandits attacking the village and decided to help out meeting Chrom in the process. Since this version of the avatar hadn't lost any memories they didn't need to depend on Chrom so much and didn't become as super best friends as in the game meaning when Premonition came around it wasn't as big a deal to kill Chrom and get possessed by an evil dragon god.

    The game kinda implies that the timestream was going to go completely the same if Lucina never took any part in the events of the storyline.

  2. Nope. Just because Sonic 06 was an absolute mess, everyone decided to retroactively use it to smear shit on the rest of the series. Hell, people hate Sonic 2 just because it added Tails and "started the chain of adding shitty new characters that detract from Sonic's screentime".

  3. there's this fanfic called like, "Fire Emblem Awakening" or something that was pretty bad. The player character was like, the tactician for this shitty army, could be any class and ended up being the scion of the dark god or something. the only redeeming part was how they had to sacrifice themself to kill the evil god at the end or whatever......except that they get revived at the end by some sort of POWER OF FRIENDSHIP bullshit

    Ha. Ha. Ha. Remind me again who elected him as the resident troll?

  4. It is explained in game. He/She got amnesia when the Grima version of his/her future self went back in time and tried to fuse with him/her. What he/she was doing for most of his/her life before meeting Chrom is still up in the air though. Probably just hanging out with the mother who stole him/her from Validar. In fact she's probably waiting for him in some village somewhere with no idea what happened to her son/daughter.

    Except Grima said he came back in time with Lucina, who didn't show up until Chapter 1.

    ...but then, Laurent came in 3 years prior to that...

    ...but then Future Past!MU wouldn't have had amnesia when s/he met Chrom...

    ...but they were still unironically Chrom's closest companion before Grima possessed them at Premonition...

    Confused face.

  5. FE13: Unironically Walhart. I know he's basically Ashnard in red, but I still like him better. Maybe it's his hamminess, maybe it's because I'm a KH fanboy, or maybe it's because he's just blunt as Ike.

    Also, is it weird to like Walhart but be neutral about Owain?

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