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Posts posted by Jacien

  1. Windows 8.1 user here, and I can confirm that it doesn't work from PC -> Card on this OS. But can extract no problem (I'm assuming, I'm holding onto the save file for later).

    I tested out my save dongle also (using an Animal Crossing cart whose town I've abandoned a long time ago). Same error when trying to bring it back to the card.

    I don't have a Windows 7 device handy, but I'll test it out as soon as possible. My birthday is next Saturday so maybe I'll ask for a laptop? (then install W7 on it lol).

  2. Hm...

    • The game ($40)
    • Black 3DS XL ($200)
    • Capture Card (TBD)
    • All the DLC ($53)
    • All four Drama CDs ($142)
    • That large mega feels doujin ($81)
    • Knights of Ylisse Iris artbook ($51)
    • Owain keychain for a friend's B-day gift ($20)
    • R4i Save Dongle ($22)
    • Full OST (Pirated :smug:)

    About $609 so far. Neat.

    The money I saved on the OST is gonna be for the capture device. I'm sorry, but the lowest the OST is out there new is $200. So I just d/led a FLAC release.

    And I just wanted to get the Owain keychain for the aforementioned present, and I didn't want to spend more than $60 for a set and give away him and be left with an incomplete set, so I found one guy selling one on Ebay. Owain is my buddy's favorite character.

  3. Also a stripper-iffic villainess. Team Ninja, I thought they kicked you out after Other M!

    It wasn't even Team Ninjas fault for ruining Samus. It was ironically the co-creator of Metroid, Sakamoto that pushed the stupid character choices in that game. Team Ninja is good at getting their crap together and developing games. It's really the directors that screw things up (ie Ninja Gaiden 3 got a rerelease called Razer's Edge that fixed all the issues with the original cause the director was a dumb dumb)

  4. Hah, I was thinking of doing this later on with Avatars based on my close friends and certain designs I like.

    (skipping most of the thread)

    When you got all the Avatars recruited in Chapter 4, did you level them up a bit accordingly before starting the chapter so it wouldn't be entirely imbalanced?

  5. I'd like a money cheat simply because it saves time. Though it's fun to see my uber units own the Risen in GG.

    If you wanna save the most time in GG do this. Turn off all animations, set skip actions to all, set auto battle to Blitz and turn off the auto battle confirm prompt. Now send out your strong ranged units, preferably with Galeforce and just keep on hitting Auto.

    After two or three instant turns they should've cleared the map. Should take less than a minute easily. I did this not too long ago. Capped out in no time to use the gold for renown grinding.

  6. If there's one for max Renown, you'd save yourself a lot of time.

    I've been Renown grinding in spurts these past couple days (Max out money via Golden Gaffe, then recruit Wolt over and over) and I'm currently at 34,000 Renown.

    I'll get it done eventually, I'd like to get max Renown on my first save just for completion sake and to make future save files already maxed.

  7. Was reading up about Cumulative/Internal Level to refresh myself and didn't see this specific instance mentioned:


    It's something I was wondering recently when I got my buddy's Avatar via StreetPass. Since StreetPass'd Avatars only bring the skills they equipped, you'd have to re-earn them by leveling those classes. But if they carried their Cumulative Level when sent out, it'd take longer to level up because of the less EXP gain (though it may be minimal).

    Was just wondering about these two things and searching didn't find anybody that's asked this before.

    On that note, if I remember right, Avatars saved directly to the Logbook by Adding them retain all skills, not just equipped, right?

    Thanks to any responses.

  8. You don't move the dongle. Like at all.

    And the first thing you have to pray for is that you don't screw up backing it up the first time.

    I have so many saves it's not even funny.


    Lol, those file names, doe. I guess three save file slots weren't enough lol.

  9. I got nowhere really to talk about this, but I recently decided to Eng patch this game, but the twist is I have a backup I've done myself personally using wooddumper r85 (slot2 onto my GBA flashcart) from a legit cart.

    So because I ripped it this way, the rip doesn't match the one the patch uses. The notes say the compatible ROM has a CRC32 checksum of B6AF36B5, but it turns out that is actually an improper rip (missing DSi data). I don't know if wooddumper covers that properly, but it is different (scene folks started using wood dumper because it ripped the headers properly).


    These are my file hashes for my dump:

    CRC32: B9432461

    MD5: 4AE99298B66B16AEBF57B3D312953116


    I have some faith the rip I did is accurate cause I've also dumped Shadow Dragon and Golden Sun Dark Dawn and the hashes match proper rips.



    My ultimate goal though was to make my own personal save file so I had the DLC on it before WFC goes down. So that's all good! This is probably no big deal at all, hell I don't even know what the DSi enhanced features are!

    EDIT: Decided to redump again just to be sure, and got the same hashes. Googling isn't telling me if wooddumper r85 takes care of the DSi part of the data or not.

  10. Aha! I thought I saw this on Tumblr a few months ago!*

    I really was impressed with the concept of this project, and glad to see it's nearing completion.

    Was just wondering, when the child inherits the hair color, is the color pallete the exact same as the parent?

    Like if I were to compare the blue of Chrom's hair to his potential daughter Cynthia's, it would match up with the same hex values (is that the right term)?

    *EDIT: Although it may have been a month ago. Two at most?

  11. You're lucky you don't have two copies of the frigging game to do that on.(The Japanese digital copy can copy the one from the cartridge because I have a save dongle, even though I technically have three copies.)Japanese, yes.English, no. (I doubt I ever will.)

    Ooooh. So with the save dongle could backup a retail save and have the digital version recover it by putting it on the SD card?

    I was just looking at thing after stumbling upon it. Seems nifty.

    EDIT: But to stay on topic. I'm still on the first save just maxing out stuff post game. Probably will do the classic normal bookmark method to update the log.

  12. Just wanted to say hi, that's all. Basically a long time fan of FE, though I consider myself more casual than others.

    I've been using the main site for a while now, and most recently the plethora of FE:A info really helped me out. I fiigured it's about time to make an account to chat with other fans.

    Here's a pic of my FE collection just to show off right away. :D

    I only went for US releases, I don't import too often.


    That's about it! :p

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