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Posts posted by Jacien

  1. Dunno if anybody has said this. So regarding that list of characters from the character table, turns out the 54th entry may actually be the Maiden that is used for Chrom. The lists we have call it "Dummy" but I basically followed the parent pointer of my Maiden!Lucina.


    The list

    1. Avatar_M
    2. Avatar_F
    3. Avatar_N
    4. Chrom
    5. Lissa
    6. Frederick
    7. Virion
    8. Sully
    9. Vaike
    10. Stahl
    11. Miriel
    12. Kellam
    13. Sumia
    14. Lon'qu
    15. Ricken
    16. Maribelle
    17. Panne
    18. Gaius
    19. Cordelia
    20. Gregor
    21. Nowi
    22. Libra
    23. Tharja
    24. Olivia
    25. Cherche
    26. Henry
    27. Lucina
    28. Say'ri
    29. Basilio
    30. Flavia
    31. Donnel
    32. Anna
    33. Owain
    34. Inigo
    35. Brady
    36. Kjelle
    37. Cynthia
    38. Severa
    39. Gerome
    40. Morgan_M
    41. Morgan_F
    42. Yarne
    43. Laurent
    44. Noire
    45. Nah
    46. Tiki
    47. Gangrel
    48. Walhart
    49. Emmeryn
    50. Yen'fay
    51. Aversa
    52. Priam
    53. Marth_FE1
    54. Dummy
    55. Unpromoted_Monster
    56. Promoted_Monster
    57. Merchant

    Does anybody have an image of the breakdown of the character/support table bytes? This is basically static.bin right?

    If I remember right, these character tables have the growth rates but it's encrypted, right? I think the creator of FEXNA wanted to know the growth rates of the Maiden.

    And with Rey's nifty code thing. When I made a guest avatar that character, the only thing that changed was "Child: Lucina" was added, and there is no bio info on the avatar. So basically that character table does not have a name or portrait to go with it. It becomes "Unknown" if there is no Logbook pointer.

  2. I posted the hair colors child units are given if they're generated with no parent a while back. All of them match their official art except for Yarne and Morgan. I planned to do what you did but fully complete. Even the appearance details for the Logbook avatars.

  3. Yeah, I mean Mass Effect 3 was released 2012.

    If you really hate that people are offended, you are barking at the wrong tree here. The only people here acting offended so far are those who attack the very idea that people talk about this topic at all...

    Well, and of course me who is above all else offended by people being butthurt about other people harmlessly discussing a topic.

    There has never been a time were people completely uncritically consumed media that they paid like 50€ for, not counting all the related costs. And that's generally a good thing, given some of the bullshit that companies often pull. Like Sony installing actual malware on the PCs of their customers for example. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal

    And remember what EA did with the most recent Sim City? Or Konami recently making P.T completely unavailable? Or the entire XBox One always online nonsense? Which actually was 2013, btw.

    And man, If I think about all the problems I had with the Copy Protection systems of perfectly legally owned game copies, I could tell stories about that. Countless hours of my life wasted by companies who take their customers for granted. As if I lengthy installation procedures, hardware compatibility issues, CD-keys, software conflicts and expensive hardware among other things weren't enough to deal with already.

    I do not long for the day were paying customers will just silently take everything that game companies do.

    Lmao. Holy shit you took my post way too seriously and read way too deeply into it. But it is good to know Japan not advertising female avatar is comparable to a malware scandal or Konami being dickwads, I guess.

  4. I made a post earlier about it on my views on the whole thing. Quite frankly as long as the F Kamui remains playable in the same way the Male one is and the game is of good quality I don't really see an issue. But just my opinion.

    I wasn't around the forums during the Awakening hype and I only got the game last fall which prompted me to join SF but I wonder if people had issues or brought this topic up with Robin/MU being introduced and used.

    2013 was a good time. People didn't complain about being offended as much back then.

    I miss the days when people just played video games. :(

  5. With the Logbook data, the four bytes related to appearance, I did some fooling around with changing them, and I see how they work.


    It only changes the appearance of the person on the portrait and 3D model. Changing the gender doesn't change the 3D model to the new gender, instead it just shows the same gender equivalent. The game knows what's the true gender of the unit somewhere.

    I tried this on my main avatar and a guest avatar. Main avatars have pointers to character table entries that determine if they're male or female for Supports, and I know guest avatars point to a non-Support entry. So maybe the Logbook has to determine it's gender elsewhere? IDK, I'm tired.

    So essentially, this is really appearance only.

    So now I wonder where the voice option is.

    Welp, that was fun.

    EDIT: As for the Asset/Flaw bytes. It seems the first byte is Asset and the second byte is Flaw. I compared to the units I have and Logbook Units and it is in sync with the order of the character creator


    Edward - 01 03 A: HP F: Magic

    Wolt - 01 07 A: HP F: Def

    MaMU - 07 06 A: Def F: Lck

    FeMU - 05 06 A: Spd F: Lck

    Friend - 06 03 A: Lck F: Mag (His first time playing he thought that Luck was good and Magic wasn't needed for Grandmaster lol)

    Each byte.

    01 - HP

    02 - Strength

    03 - Magic

    04 - Skill

    05 - Speed

    06 - Luck

    07 - Defense

    08 - Resistance

    Yay, now I can make certain DLC characters not crap (Seliph!)

  6. In reference to that "Hair color?" it's hair color used for the portrait for the Logbook/Streetpass and viewing Support Convos from the title screen. Filter my posts to find when I made one value blue and the other white to figure it out.

  7. Awesome, no weapon durability. One less thing to translate when I'm playing the JP version next month.

    In all seriousness, I like it. It is dependant on how acquiring weapons are in this game. As others have mentioned many times, when money isn't an issue, it's effectively a pseudo-infinite weapon thing (except for Legendary weapons at times).

    As for Phoenix mode. Huh. Didn't expect that. I wonder what the respawn will be like. Do they just re-raise in place, or is there a home base they come out of (like they probably rush back to a medic and heal up lol).

    Changes the context of this comic lol:


    Just got done reading all the comments. A lot of people here have different opinions on these topics, but none are really accepting the other's point of view or are being way to pushy with their opinions. Can't we be civil and talk about these new features maturely?

    I don't care much of what other people think lol. I just wanna play the (single-player) game.

  8. Oh interesting. I saw only one other person here had the same offsets like me for the character roster. That could be interesting if that's the case.

    For perspective my save files have been on a U.S. Retail cart, spot pass data and dlc with a standard home theme.

    However the 3ds has dlc data in the save but not installed. I think I'll buy the dlc on the spare 3ds

  9. Here ya go.

    Most recent Dump: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlxvvsq66er8889/Skills.bin?dl=0

    HexWorkshop Bookmarks for mine: https://www.dropbox.com/s/brjafwsnjm9k1wy/Slots.hbk?dl=0

    The first four are Character Table entries (with the character pointer in it). And the rest of the bookmarks that say Slot # are on each character pointer in the roster.

    EDIT: Yeah the parent pointers are weird. My Avatar married Tharja, and Morgan points one way and Noire points the other way.

    A8853915 = Avatar; 78B63915 = Tharja

    Morgan points to 0x018EBDA0


    Noire points to 0x009B46B0


    And both begin with Avatar. I was under the impression that it was always the mother first. So yeah, whatever this place is that contains marriage/parent data, it has both parents together.

    And on a different dump Noire points to a place south like Morgan's and everyone else goes north.


    This is weird lol. But it does seem like it always points to the father first. Going to bed.

  10. For whatever reason, I can't get the FCRAM dumper working again.

    Same, this is odd.

    I guess it's the site acting up.

    EDIT: It works for me now, used this https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=220x220&chl=http://dukesrg.no-ip.org/3ds/rop?memdump.dat%26

    Which is basically the usual site with no filename chosen. The way it dumps is changed, it doesn't just flicker, it shows the progress of the dump now.


    So now I realized that the Logbook Pointer points to the Logbook data for an avatar (you don't say), which basically leads you to the hair color, which I did a previously convoluted way to find it. Now I figured out how to quickly change hair color totally in both spots for an Avatar.

    So I started with the Roster slot and find the avatar.


    I see Logbook pointer right below the Character pointer. For me it's E0 BE 8E 15. Flip it and minus 14 00 00 00, and I get 01 8E BE E0, which is the offset. Then when I do Go To, it leads me to where the saved info is for the Logbook.


    Two lines below that destination is the hair color. Easy.

    Like I mentioned before, the hair color in roster data affects everything ingame, and the Logbook data is for streetpass, logbook, and viewing Supports from the main menu.

  11. Also, I'm not sure how the different battle models are picked. Nah, Nowi and Tiki all have the same class pointer as manaketes, but have 3 different models.

    I'm thinking the game decides on the model used depending on the character ponter.

    Same thing occurs with pretty much everyone that has a unique model. I was experimenting a bit and noticed similar situations. Like the Hero♂ model. Priam's is unique (he has a cape), but his class pointer is the same as my other 5 Hero♂ characters I have.

    Off the top of my head, the unique models is pretty much color related (Anna is red/yellow), or styled after their portrait image (Like Virion's ruffles)

    Maybe I'll try figuring out the order of the class table. But today after work is a haircut and some other games. :P

  12. Also, Supports between parents/siblings unlocked by the Parent Pointer. It can even give supports to siblings that wouldn't normally have supports (Male Morgan and Female Morgan as siblings to the same parent).

    Regarding the Manakete/Taguel thing, is the class/weakness trait only added in when Morgan is generated (on chapter loading) when linked to the proper parent? I wanna try playing with that.

  13. @Rilne it looks like things are getting screwy with having all those characters at S-rank. It's pulling the first S-rank available for Female Avatar from the Character Table. Basically Lissa's Support info is first for Female Avatar (it goes all the females, then males). For Chrom, I believe it's the Avatar data first, then the males, then the female data. So that's why it seems right.

    Welp, back to work.

  14. It allows emunand support to the latest version. You still need the actual 3ds at 9.4 or lower though.

    On a side note. My OTP. This persists as long as Josalyn is in the lead when the file is loaded.


  15. It's not part of the roster or the table, and it seems the order can change around. Cause in a recent dump, that offset now belongs to my Avatar Male (A8853915). It's a weird spot, don't know what this is.

    I noticed they're followed by ??????14, the ?'s being wild cards.

    And Female Avatar's Character ID is not in there.


    So I just did an S-support with Female Avatar (converted Logbook unit) and Libra. Saved the game, restarted, loaded it up and saved again. Went to home menu and dumped.

    I decided to try thing, have Male Morgan's Parent Pointer point to my Female Avatar's Character Pointer in the Roster data. She's in Slot 1, which is at 013D0284. So I change it to 84023D15. Let's see what I break, lol.

    013D06D8 84023D15

    Aaaaaaaaaaand, the game froze. lol That doesn't work.

    Now I gotta start doing things so i can't play around with it. And now I learned how Character Pointers work. They point to the Character Table! I'm learning! I'm helping!

    EDIT: Oh I have an idea. I'll give it a shot when I finish trimming this tree. (Not what you think)

    Nope, didn't work. I noticed there were two entries generated for A885391507060014 after creating the "main" female Avatar. But having Male Morgan point to the one not used by Female Morgan made it crash. Hmm...

    FINAL EDIT: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I get it now. This ties back to how depending on depending which Avatar was in the lead when the game is loaded, the game thinks that's the main Avatar. So that data I found will always only have for one Avatar. And Morgan's pointer will always point to that. The game won't generate a separate entry for "new" lead Avatars.

    I loaded up the save and now Female Morgan's parent is my Female Avatar.

    So what I'll do is, probaby have Female Avatar marry to Chrom instead, Male Morgan won't be generated. Instead, when I create him I'll give him the same parent pointer as Lucina pointing to Chrom's data referencing to Female Avatar.

    Damn, I wonder how powerful a Lucina!MorganF would be from a FeMU!Lucina?

    FINAL EDIT 2: Lol this is weird. Making Chrom Support to Female Avatar says Male Avatar is his Wife. The cutscenes where Chrom would talk to his wife, has Male Avatar appear for a second then the dialog is skipped.

    But for the Female Avatar it says Chrom is her Husband. Male Avatar has nothing on him.

    So in summary, whenever somebody marries an Avatar, the name will reflect the file name.

  16. Okay so I figured it out.

    That whole Big/Little Endian is the flipping business I've already done before. So I flip the Point, and minus 14000000, cause I remember it was something SoC mentioned.

    So for Lucina, it goes from E06C4F15 to 154F6CE0. Then minus 14000000 to get 014F6CE0 which is the offset. And it leads me to 508C3915 which is Chrom's character ID.


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