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The Geek

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Posts posted by The Geek

  1. Shadow Dragon was the first Fire Emblem I played, and coming into the series with a clean slate it's a great game. However, when I later played the other games in the series, I found that in many areas it didn't really hold up.

    In other words, Shadow Dragon is not a bad game, it just isn't quite up to par with the other games in the series.

  2. My dad would sometimes make this super sweet cake known as Gooey Butter Cake (it's apparently a Kansas City Missouri thing?). Neither me nor my sister cared for it, so we didn't understand why he made it. He told us that it was for the Great Humdinger, a dragon who would throw fruit at you if you didn't give him Gooey Butter Cake. The fruit he threw was seasonal too: in Spring and Summer he threw coconuts while in Fall and Winter he threw oranges.

  3. We all know about licensed games, and how most of the time they're complete crap. However, there are some licensed games that are really good. Take this time to discuss the licensed games that you enjoy.

    Some of my favorites:

    Lord of the Rings Return of the King (PS2): A really solid hack'n'slash game with some RPG elements thrown in (okay, it's just a level system with unlockable combos). Recently returned to this one and reminded myself how fun it is to wreck everything as Gandalf because he is ridiculously overpowered. Nothing beats destroying a legion of Orcs while the music from the movies plays in the background.

    Lord of the Rings The Third Age (GBA): The game that inspired me to pick up Fire Emblem. Still fun to play, though I'm a lot better at it now that I have more tactical experience under my belt. This games RNG is even worse than Fire Emblem's in how devastatingly unfair it is.

    LEGO Star Wars I&II(PS2)/The Complete Saga(PS3): In my opinion, the very first movie tie-in LEGO games were the very best. They had the best mechanics and unlike the others weren't riddled with glitches. The Harry Potter ones are good runners up.

    Star Wars Battlefront II (PS2): Speaking of Star Wars, this game is amazing. EA, if you fuck up Battlefront 3 I will... be very mad. And not buy it. So there.

    The Hobbit (PS2): I don't care if this game took a lot of liberties to make Bilbo capable of combat, this game is an awesome action/adventure platformer. Has some great puzzles, a beautiful art style that still looks good, and an amazingly awesome soundtrack.

    Shrek 2 (PS2): An amazing four-player beat'em'up. A fitting adaptation of one of the best comedy films ever made.

  4. Ripto from Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. He's easy now, but as a kid... yeesh.

    Cackletta's Spirit, the final boss of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga.

    Freaking Dr. Nefarious from Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal still kicks my ass every time.

    Lavos from Chrono Trigger, specifically his second form.

  5. Lords only runs, though i have never completed any FE on this run mostly due to how boring it gets eventually or getting stat screwed on dumb lords like Eliwood or Eirika.

    All footie runs are interesting though they take far longer to actually complete. especially on FE4 (arden prologue solo baby)

    Huh. My Eirikas are almost always amazing dodge tanks who never ever take a hit the entire game. Guess I just get lucky.

  6. One of the chapters I absolutely cannot stand is chapter 13 in Shadow Dragon. Even in small numbers, long-range attackers can be very irritating. This chapter, however, takes it to an extreme that I feel no chapter has ever gone before or since. Other than that:

    I usually just warp Marth to the village where you get Beck and then have Beck basically solo the chapter.

    As for my personal hated chapters:

    Chapter 16 of Shadow Dragon: being chased by a powerful (not to mention invincible) magic user with high SPD in the game where everyone has shit RES = not fun.

    All the Gaiden chapters in Binding Blade. Fucking Boltings, man.

    Chapters 2, 4, and 7 in Genealogy of the Holy War. It takes way too long to move your units around.

    Can't think of any others at the moment.

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