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The Geek

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Posts posted by The Geek

  1. Feel free to lecture us on objectively good tactical gameplay (I think I know the arguments, but others might find them enlightening) and the literary/artistic value of Fire Emblem (you did make the analogy, no?).

    I don’t claim to know the intentions of others, but I’ll speculate FE13 was made primarily for entertainment and for profit, and was bought by consumers for entertainment/fun. I’m sure there’s a fair sense of “good design” in the success there (sales, critical/professional/industry/casual opinions, word of mouth/internet, even wrt to the ratio of hours played/actual cost, compared to other media forms.)

    (And what exactly are you referring to with “ease of being optimized”)

    Also, no one (afaik) claims to discount broken mechanics, the issue is typically brought up when people claim that previous games were exempt.

    This. All of this.

    Also @dondon. You claim that Awakening isn't as good because it was made to have a wide appeal. If that isn't elitist, then clearly the word means something different than what I think it does.

  2. No love for Golden Sun's Isaac so far?

    Okay, here's what I got for him:

    Neutral B: Move - Isaac uses his Move Psynergy. Does not damage the opponent. Can be charged to increase the distance the Move Psynergy travels. The hand is only about half the size of Isaac's body, so it is not as big as his Assist Trophy version..

    Up B: Meggido - Isaac does a high rising vertical slash. If the B button is pressed again, Isaac will immediately launch a ball of Earth Psynergy. However, unleashing the second attack will put him in a helpless state.

    Side B: Flint - Isaac unleashes a strong leaping slash. This move can be charged while moving, but cannot be stored, similar to Kirby's hammer. When fully charged, this move deals massive damage and will bury the opponent. However Isaac cannot turn around when charging the move and has a longer recovery period after using the move.

    Down B: Earthquake - Isaac creates a tremor under his feet in a small area around him. Similar to Donkey Kong's Hand Slap move.

    Final Smash: Judgement - Isaac summons Judgement who will fly onto the battle field and launch a large Smart Bomb-like energy blast. Enemies will take multiple hits if engulfed by the blast and will be sent flying once the move finishes.

    Just a thought, but I think his Final Smash should be Ragnarok. I think it's a little more iconic, and a giant sword falling from the sky is just cool.

  3. The only "father" I can think off that can be judged that way was like Cuan(LETS TAKE OUR DAUGHTER TO A DESERT WHEN A DRAGON KNIGHT IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO ShadowbladeinitateintoSTUN AMBUSH US tier) Greil(never play tha gem :() and like Finn(50:50 and too vague)

    One of these does not belong....

    Actually it was Ethlyn that decided to take Altena along.

  4. I have a few complaints. I don't mind the free Spotpass characters basically being Avatars with different hairstyles but the DLC legacy characters definitely desereved more effort. All of them should have had unique skills or classes (though being Avatars and having access to all classes and skills makes this difficult).

    There are definitely a few bizarre decisions when it comes to the legacy characters. The Black Knight isn't black, can't use swords and doesn't even wear a helmet. Legion doesn't have a mask either and they easily could have used the Risen Chief Mask on him. Lachesis is a Troubadour even though she's best at using physical weapons in her own game. Some of the unique legacy characters definitely deserved unique classes. And if not, then if would have been better to just exclude them completely. Some characters are in classes that just clash so heavily with their character. Gentle and sweet Deirdre wearing the see-through outfit of a Dark Mage? Technically, it makes sense since she can now use Nosferatu which was a Light magic tome but no. Just no.

    But I don't really see the problem with killing thses characters in battle. That's not really an issue for me.

    Sigurd's behind it.

  5. And if Nintendo were smart they'd make PoR and RD available for download because Ike's games are underplayed and Tellius always needs more fans.

    Yes please.

    When I played the Tellius games, I had to borrow them from a friend, so I've only played them once each. I'd love to play them again, but they're the hardest FE games to find.

  6. I think something that a lot of people forget about is that they need to consider Smash Bros. as a series in and of itself. Ike got back in because he was hugely popular among Smash Bros. players despite his games not selling the best.

    As for Chrom, I can definitely see him getting in, even if I would prefer Lucina. Oh well. DREAM ON~

    Anacybele, on 02 Jun 2014 - 2:26 PM, said:

    I edited to say "other FE games." I admit I messed up there, but PLEASE. Just fucking STOP IT. I'm sick of being accused of bias and shit every time I bring up valid points. Just because I love these games doesn't mean I don't know what I'm fucking talking about.

    Hey, this just coming from a noob who's only been here for about a month, but you're definitely letting your bias get in the way. I hate to say this, but you are what people on the other forum I'm at would call "A Mike"
  7. I log that much time into power much every game I play because I don't buy a lot of games. Pokémon Y and Awakening are the only games I bought in the last year. So when i buy any game, I play it as much as I can. 300 hours is what it says in my Activity Log. Planning out pairings and skills combinations is fun but after I've actually recruited the kids, I lose my desire to actually finish the game on that save file.

    If you played 300 hours in 3 months, then I can see how you burned out. I was at about 100-150 when I burned out last year, so I probably wasn't burnt out to the same extent.

  8. I burned myself out. I think I've written my thoughts on why I dislike Awakening several times. But one big factor of my dislike would be that I played too much of it. Over 300 hours in a matter of months. Now I can't even get past Prologue without getting bored. I've played the game to the end only twice. Every other time, I plan out my pairings, grind skills for them, get the kids nad get bored. So I delete the file and start again. And get bored again. The story and characters were awful but the gameplay was fun while it lasted.

    That's how I was around this time last year. Then I took a really long break from it, played Luigi's Mansion, Snake Eater 3D, and other games while I lent the game to a friend. I also finally got to play FE7 again when I got my own copy, so that might have helped.

    I came back to Awakening with a fresh perspective and realized that despite its story suffering when viewed beyond surface level and some of the gameplay elements being a little too easily manipulated to destroy difficulty, the things about the game that were good were so good that it more than made up for it.

    Story sucks, but the characters are great (for the most part). Gameplay can be a little too easy, so place restrictions on yourself (ie: no reclass, no pair up, etc.).

  9. It was well advertised, the graphics are bright and colorful with an appealing anime style. High quality cutscenes and voice acting, with atmospheric, if not really memorable, music. Most characters are quirky and likable on the surface, and some are even so on a deeper level. And we can't forget the nigh limitless pairing options which can guarantee many playthroughs for those who become attached to the characters.

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