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Master Awesome

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Everything posted by Master Awesome

  1. Shoulda gone with Captain Falcon... Could've kicked everyone's ass even at level 1.
  2. I guess I'm the only one excited for the whole "8 player battle" thing... 8 people fighting at the new temple is going to be kickass.
  3. I had fun with it. Awesome soundtrack. They really 'hammed' it up with the villains. As much criticism as it's gotten as a Metal Gear game, I find it very entertaining by itself. Armstrong 2016
  4. I always hate it when they nerf the original characters. I mean, besides fox and pikachu, a lot of the original characters haven't been very good since 64. Though it's good to know that some characters like C.Falcon, Mario, Yoshi and Link seem to be buffed considerably.
  5. Yeah, I'm just saying if they made him heavier, they shouldn't have nerfed his strength at all. It's not a big deal, but it just seems kinda strange.
  6. Yeah... They basically buffed everyone else while leaving Ike relatively similar. He's a bit faster, but is weaker, heavier and still has bad recovery. A shame, really... Nintendo really has a thing when it comes to nerfing awesome characters/buffing stupid ones.
  7. That would seem like the best thing to do. You'd have a lot of options using va for specific text or quotes, just like you mentioned how Awakening did it. But yeah, it would be impossible to incorporate that to non specific values. I obviously can't/won't do it, but it's awesome nonetheless.
  8. Oh, that's easy enough. Thanks. *Ahem* So what about the possibility/challenge of pointing multiple (different) sounds for text? I have a feeling this would be extremely hard/impossible to do, since you'd have to screw with the loading routine and stuff. Also not sure if you'd be able to specify certain sounds for certain text. I don't know, just some random, far fetched ideas I had...
  9. Hey y'all. I got a random question, mainly 'cause I'm curious, but is there anyway to change/edit the sound that text makes when scrolling? I'm assuming it's either not possible or very complicated to actually apply the change, if any. It's areas like these in hacking where I am completely ignorant, or maybe it's actually real simple and I'm even more of an idiot. Any info or comments would be appreciated.
  10. Should the use of drinking alcohol be illegal? It's harmful to both the user and the people surrounding them. Oh wait... The U.S. (and many other countries) already tried that decades ago. Didn't work. The government doesn't need to deny us anything else.
  11. Sniff... You're right... My sun is setting...
  12. Yeah, well I purposely sat around while you got destroyed by Ornstein and Smough, even if you didn't summon me. Beat that, chosen undead.
  13. Good. That's what I thought. Hello. Praise the Sun! \[T]/
  14. I've been told I'm funny, but it's almost impossible to make me laugh. It all has to do with your personality. You can still crack jokes and screw around without being funny, but that means you're more lighthearted than funny. It's a natural thing that can't really be picked up randomly. Though if you're going to act like an idiot, you have to accept that you're an idiot. Don't pretend to do something you're not naturally good at.
  15. YES! I love these! I just can't wait for the Jets'. It'll basically be the same as every other Jets article I read, but at least they're blunt about it.
  16. Yeah, I know, but Eagles fans are crazy. They basically hate everybody. Even amateur Eagles fans are a force to be reckoned with, or at least from where I'm from. But even still, I don't hold anything against them (cuz I'm just so damn nice). Luckily, a single mention of "The Dream Team" makes them shudder away into a corner.
  17. I'm still waiting for a Steelers/Eagles Superbowl so Pennsylvania will split. I honestly think a war would break out if that actually happened. We need to settle dominance in PA, cuz some of these fans are nuts. Every time I look to my left I see Steelers fans and every time I look to my right I see Eagles fans. It's scary...
  18. Thank God those days are over. I wonder how far the Broncos' offense will go in the upcoming year(s). I'm sure it'll revolve around Manning's timetable, but the entire team has done nothing but improve over the past few years. I'm not a Broncos fan, but does anyone know if they have a plan for the future? (A quarterback after Manning?)
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