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Posts posted by Topazd

  1. Funny thing was Lorenz was actually decent in FE3 thanks to the non-diminished experience, star orb, and Gradivus all obtained around the same time you get him. Just slap the Gradivus and star orb (Gradivus gives him a x2 EXP rate and the star orb increases his growths by 30% AND prevents weapon durability loss) on him and he will level up nearly instantly and max most stats. It's just useful since only generals can use lances in the final chapter since it's an indoor chapter and they are the only non-mounted class that can use them.

    EDIT: I know that was a bit off topic, but I needed to say it after seeing him bashed so much.

    Funnily enough, Lorenz is just about the best candidate for killing Medeus quickly in FE3 0% growths. Since you don't have time to visit the secret shop (warp uses are too valuable) you'll only get two energy rings, and as you have to attack Medeus from 2 range, the only three units that can get to 38-39 attack (to deal 4 damage against him) are Dolph, Macellan and Lorenz. Lorenz has the upper hand thanks to being prepromoted and having base Gradivus access, only requiring the two energy rings and one speed ring to deal that much and double. Afterwards he can just chug down as many secret books as he quickly can to improve his crit chances. Generals are somewhat rare in efficient play, so it's nice to see Lorenz get his day in the sun in one game, at least.

  2. Informaatiotaloustieteen piirissä syntynyt agenttiteoria jakautuu kahteen suuntaukseen, positivistiseen agenttiteoriaan ja päämies-agentti -tutkimukseen. Ensimmäinen on keskittynyt lähes yksinomaan tutkimaan suuryritysten johtajien ja osakkeenomistajien välisessä suhteessa ilmeneviä agenttiongelmia ja niiden ratkaisuja. Jälkimmäinen teoriasuuntaus tarkastelee agenttiongelmaa laajemmin erilaisissa mahdollisissa päämies-agentti -suhteissa (Eisenhardt, 1989). Agenttiongelma voi ilmetä yritysjohdon ja osakkeenomistajien välisen suhteen lisäksi muun muassa vakuutusyhtiön ja vakuutettujen, pankin ja lainansaajien ja yrityksen ja työntekijöiden välisissä suhteissa (Mas-Colell, 1995). Tässä luvussa tarkastellaan nimenomaan yritysjohdon ja osakkeenomistajien välisessä suhteessa ilmenevää agenttiongelmaa.

  3. Здравствуйте и добро пожаловать в лес, though my Russian is pretty lacking as of yet and I don't wish to butcher any more of the language. :p Hope you enjoy your stay!

  4. If media try to paint Rubio as a "moderate alternative" to Trump and Cruz then there's something fishy going on, y/n?

    Deeming him as intrinsically a moderate obviously makes it a misnomer (especially from an European viewpoint), but I can see why it's justifiable when compared to someone like Cruz, for instance. But that's not a matter I really want to take a stance in, I'm just saying it was all in all a significant victory for Rubio (as Sanders' strong performance was very reflective of recent polls, afaik).

  5. What's to be taken from the article is that the way Sweden lists rapes (and how high Swedes in general see the threshold to report such a crime to be) is different from most countries, not to mention that they go by a somewhat wide definition of rape. I acknowledge that Sweden's history of immigrant integration hasn't always been that great of a success story (Malmö has some notable examples), but 'the rape capital' is a claim to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Regardless, this is getting off topic. I can't say I'm necessarily a socialist, but I haven't really taken that much of an effort to see what the other Democrat candidates have to offer, so eh.

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