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Jade M. Caldwell

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Posts posted by Jade M. Caldwell

  1. So not every model is in the folder, but all of the data files for their movements are?

    Edit: Again nevermind, upon further inspection I'm pretty sure they all are there. Sorry for the useless post.

  2. 1. Download the Live2DViewer in the zip file (you can update it I think)

    2. Go to models file and click on the files with .moc at the end or if you can see the icon, click the ones with a V on it. You should open up two windows, one with parameter and a file menu on top and the other with black shapes

    3. Let's say you chose the Aqua one, you select all the pics with Aqua's body parts (...what?) and drag them all to the texture file in the menu you see in the Viewer.

    4. Check every texture. In the no column, everything should be in -1. Change everything according to the numbers in the name of the png. E.G. if it said Aqua(jap name)_1.png, change that -1 to 1. If it's _2, change it to 2. Click Apply and see if the model looks normal or not.

    5. Go back to zip file, there's a Motion Data file, inside it with all the files with character names (some are not but doesn't affect it). Find the file with the one you want to make.

    6. You will see a bunch of stuff. Find all the MTN file (view in details is recommended) (the last one in the file isn't a MTN file btw). Select all the MTN file and just drag them into the menu with the files texture and stuff (BUT NOT INTO THE TEXTURE FILE, just white space in the area), it'll make a new file named motions.

    7. Click inside the file. You will see a heck lot of motions. Click on one (e.g. IE_Sleep00.mtn) and you can click playback to see it move (or sleep). Check Loop if you want to loop the same motion over and over.

    8. Click view > Uncheck show Canvas Windows to turn it like desktop mode. You can drag it around as you like.


  3. I can't make sense of these instructions too well, what is the "Moc" file?

    may someone post a slightly more detailed method of installation/download
    And if there is an updated link that would be nice too

    EDIT: Never mind I think I have figured it out.

  4. What is this proximity shot I heard about? It let's bow users attack from close range?

    I saw the skill in an early build skill page and I'd like to know where it has gone and if my avatar will be able to get it.

  5. Just bring back RDs skill system and combine it with Awakening's so each class gets 1 skill when they reclass (regardless of their level) and have units have personal skills that either come with the unit or are taught by scrolls that are found in chests or on enemies.

    I like that

  6. While yes, with dual guards and hit rates and the many ways of avoiding an attack may be present, an enemy phase is there phase and they have every means of countering hit rates and all that.

    Fire Emblem stresses unit survival, when a skill can just fell a Unit no matter the opposing stats, then it really is game breaking.

    But to each their own, I'm not on the FE:If dev team, and I have no idea what they'll do with skills. There will probably be more extreme ways of abusing the skill system in If though and that is truly a thought to be thinking.

  7. ^ well yeah of course she will look like herself, she is herself, I don't see how the awakening children fit into that. On outfits i am not sure if they would make her a new one or not, but they probably will. Depends on what her function is.

    I referenced the awakening characters as a means of awakening units being brought into If. Before that, it could have been possible that she would have been drawn differently than how she was in awakening. But sense Odin and Luna and the likes weren't, it is likely she will look the exact same, instead of a refreshing feel. But that's just my opinion on the matter.

  8. Easy! Activation rate equals Skill/4. There. It'll occur so rarely that it won't become as useful as a skill anymore.

    Until Skill caps at 50 rough. The chance is 12.5%. With 10 people, and the fact that some units can have rightful king, the chances add up.

  9. I am all for flashy skills.

    Personally I could do without the OP skills like Lethality though, as flashy as it is a streepass team of 10 with all lethality is a guaranteed loss of a unit.

    Just think about the other groups of people that could stack skills together. That's true FE supports/romance right there.

  10. Combine that with whatever killing weapons you could get, + if Harold and Odin can support, then go ahead and add in skills that can be learned to increase crit.

    I knew the character specific skills would be able to multiply themselves with other variables, but actually seeing it unfold is different entirely. Effectively everyone will build their units around their skills.

  11. I feel like the unequippable signature skills could work interestingly as a balancing element, working like Pokemon abilities that intend to power down a pokemon that may be too powerful like Slow Start and Truant. Harold's skill I think to be interesting because of an element like this present, because it gives him an advantage, but also has him affected to some extent by the same advantage, preventing you from just mindlessly tossing him in situations that could abuse that upper hand.

    Regarding classes I'm interested in, the Puppetmaster class Kagerou reclassed into in the newest trailer looks like Im going to like it. I enjoy the weird classes like Trickster and Griffon Rider, and tbh I'm unreasonably excited to see that class in action.

    I love how If has been doing the whole, this weapon does + this but - this. It really ups the strategy and I hope to see more out of the skills that can do the same.

    And same on the class talk, the Puppetmaster looks awesome. What skills would even come from that?

  12. I think it would depend on what the bonus was, really. Although, I would find it strange, since FEif and Awakening are two entirely different games. I could understand for something like Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Monster Hunter X, since they're directly build upon each other, but if and Awakening are and should stay separated imo.

    not!Owain and the other children, plus the Awakening Amiibo bring up some relation in the game. So will Anna when she is there. I could see a spotpass item come into play if the save was found, that would be a nice little touch

    But I agree with you, as Awakening and If are separate Fire Emblem branches they should have as little to do with each other as possible.

  13. To be able to buy skills? That's a bit strange. Upfront I mean.

    I'd love if they had it like a training area thing where an old master trains a unit in something (the skill) in return for gems or money.
    Or something better hidden so it's not so upfront.

    I guess a library would be cool, and the books where skills. I could dig that, buying skill scrolls for the library.

  14. Hopefully, we'll have skill scrolls. That's what we desperately need. Then we can avoid a grind fest and still get the skills we want.

    Besides, skills won't be obtainable the way they were in Awakening. We will get skills upon leveling up, but we can't second seal down to a pre promoted class or a level one promoted class and then grind and level up like to get skills we used to.

    There are only two ways it's going to work... Either characters will instantly acquire all skills of a granted class upon Parallel-ing, or there will be skill scrolls. Hopefully, the latter.

    How would you have them handle skill scrolls? However they do it, I would just like a good Fire Emblem If Meta game

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