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Posts posted by Melissa

  1. Eric the Shy Sellsword

    Event qoute:

    Hey, someone left this 'ere, can I keep it? (Item)

    I trained and now I feel funny (EXP)

    Just got back from spendin', that bein' code for beatin' up bandits (Weapon EXP)

    Relationship qoute, asking:

    What do you dream of doing one day? (Dream)

    What's the big grin for? Did you get a cool new weapon? (Happy)

    So what do you when you're not figthing? (Free time)

    Um,.....think we could...um...fight...um...together? (Team Up, female)

    How's bout we join forces for the comin' battle, bet we could knock some socks off (Team up, male)

    Relationship, replying:

    Dreams? Does making a world with no conflict sound reasonable? (Dream)

    Oh, this is just how I always look, you're the one who looks cheery (Happy)

    Whatever will keep me from the cluthches of boredom (Free time)

    Please don't go anywhere dangerous... (Team up, female)

    Sure thing! We'll teach 'em a lesson or two (Team up, male)

    Asking, married:

    I sure am lucky to be with such a nice lady like you, (name) (Love)

    Gosh, you sure are pretty, (name) (Compliment)

    Promise you won't die out there, (name) (Promise)

    Hey, what do you got there, (name), can I see? (Gift)

    Replying, married

    You mean it? (Love)

    Are you sure, (name), cus I don't feel nothin' (Compliment)

    Y-yes, ma'am.. (Promise)

    Aw, man, that supposed to be a secret... (Gift)

    Asking, child

    Are you OK, (name) (Concern)

    Hey, how's 'bout we see how strong you are, (name) (Train)

    What was your life like before I came along? (Story)

    There anythin' I can get ya, (name) (Gift)

    Replying, child

    Oh, don't worry about me, (name), I've had worse (Concern)

    Just warning you, I'm really tough! (Train)

    Oh, boy, where do I begin, there was...., and then...., er, maybe I'll tell ya later (story)

    Oh, I'm good. Nice of you to ask, though (Gift)

    Level Up:

    This is more like it! (8-6 stats)

    Alright, none too shabby! (5-4 stats)

    Eh, not perfect but I'll take it! (3-2 stats)

    Next time I'll bring my A-game (1-0 stats)

    This can't be the only thing I'm good at, right? (Maxed out)

    Class Change:

    This feels funny!


    What's wrong with what I have?

    At least we're gettin' some extra cash, right?

    We can even give it a new name?


    What to do, what to do? (misc)

    Eep! My hairs are standin' on end, is that normal? (misc)

    Greetings, normal:

    Mornin', Robin, up early?

    Hi, Robin! Here to take a break?

    Good even, Robin, sure was a long day, huh?

    *yawn* You sure are dedicated, Robin!

    Happy Birthday, Robin!

    Greetings, married:

    Hey, Robin! You're up already?

    Hey, Robin! What's up?

    It's gettin' late, Robin...

    *yawn* Please don't so stay up so late, Robin

    Happy Birthday, Robin!

    I might add more as it comes to me, also, how do I put spoilers?

  2. Name: Eric(Not my real name)

    Class: Ranger(Are personal classes okay?)

    Recruited: Prolouge

    Class progression: Ranger->Hero->Vanguard

    Skills: Armsthrift, Galeforce, Underdog, Balance(Can gain an extra 10 levels before promoting) -_-

    Level: 3

    Inventory: Iron Sword, Killing Edge, Vulenary

    Weapon rank: A

    Modifiers: +5 HP/+7Str/+1Mag/-2Res/+10 Luck


    F!Robin, Lissa, Cordelia, Cherche, Tharja, Aversa, Maribelle, Sully, Anna, Lucina

    M!Robin, Chrom, Freddy, Donnel, Lon'qu, Henry, Yen'fay, Virion, Kellam, Priam, Gaius, Stahl

    Critical hit quotes:

    "See you in hell!"

    "Rest in pieces!"

    "For the Blue Flame!"

    "How's this?"

  3. Male MU Goten

    Asset: Strength

    Flaw: Resistance

    Classes: Mercenary, Thief, Fighter

    Final class: Dread Fighter


    HP +5




    Lucky Seven


    Brave Sword(3/2/3)


    Build 02


    Face: 01


    Voice: Male 1

    EDIT: There, fixed it

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