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Posts posted by Melissa

  1. 10. Felicia's character to be that she is really shy and soft-spoken but goes insane and rampages when anyone threatens Kamui. She is the Jeigen or a late-game powerhouse.

    9. Less focus on the Avatar

    8. A more interesting main character

    7. No reclassing

    6. No children

    5. More diversity in the classes (maybe having each class not only have different weapons but different max weapon ranks).

    4. More supports between the same gender.

    3. Better map-design with more interesting architecture and gameplay-implications

    2. S supports stay but are gameplay-wise equivalent to A support

    1. Pair up giving no stat bonuses, only the aid of the ally, making it (combat wise) the same as 2 adjacent fighters, but still retaining the ability to keep one unit protected and travel with another.

    You're no fun

  2. I tend to name my Pokémon for a specific game along a certain theme, typically based off of other video game characters or anime. For my current ORAS playthrough, it's all Awakening names. I was irrationally upset when I found out I couldn't name my event Beldum "Stahl" (since it's German for Steel).

    Hey, I kinda did the same thing with AlphaSapphire, though, not all my nicknames were FE-based

  3. Look at the unit I circled in green; it's almost identical to FE13's Dark Mages. I think we are going to stick with the traditional Dark Mage -> Sorcerer or Dark Knight path in this game. Though, I hope there would be more special classes that use Dark Magic, like how Izuka was handled in FE10.


    Anyway, I'd love to see some sort of Master Knight or Baron class return. I love the idea of having a class that uses all 4 melee weapon types.

    Master Knight? PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!

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