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Everything posted by SonPancham

  1. Did anyone else think of Star Wars when Leo was like "Traitor"
  2. Gurei will be Saigu, Son of Saizou. (keeping the Sai, a little bit like how some people called Tom may call there son Thomas lol). I don't like Laslow. They just injured the pride of my favourite character. It just doesn't work for me. Subaki is just why. Shortened names do not tickle my fancy. Especially many the hoshidan ones. However, most of the Nohrian names I am ok with.
  3. AHAHA ok cool shino is crayfish? Wasn't sure cause im not the best at lobstering or marine biology. Cool to know though.
  4. Maybe Crayfish or Grey lobster?
  5. Got the same question as OP of New vs Old. Thinking of upgrading to the new 3ds black (finally came to Australia and gonna order those faceplates if I get it). Yeah it happens. There is this weird thing when you suck/blow on the R button but I don't know how to explain it other than putting your mouth on it and sucking/blowing it (its legit but search it because I'm not sure of the method. Haven't done it in a while). I did it to my L button and it started working fine but I have the original 3ds so it may be different.
  6. Btw there is no censorship for tharja in my awakening. I just checked and its my australian copy. There is no towel of any sorts.
  7. Not that anybody cares for me, I am taking a hiatus from Serenes (mainly this thread) just to focus on other things. I also have a writers block and have been making up the story from scratch since I haven't played the game but have only used information from most of this thread and others. Sorry if anyone (doubt that) who was looking forward to my rewrites. However this does not mean I'm done, just on a break. If you have ideas post them because apparently this story really needs saving.
  8. No golden ending on Nohr and Hoshido paths. Both face repercussions of war. Invisible kingdom is where is at though for the Golden ending. Moving on here is chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
  9. Yes on the Nohr line as well. The daimyo will have two daughters. The daimyo's forces will ally with Garon after the once loved ruler loses favour with his people. The Nohr army will follow the siblings while a loyalist group and the western daimyo's forces ally with Garon. The daughters are not kamuisexauls as well.
  10. Yeah. The western daimyo will have two kids. You can only pick one. The other will leave bitterly and join their father.
  11. The daimyo of the west (military) is only kept in check due to the other daimyo's supporting Hoshido. The eastern daimyo and southern daimyo will eventually fall to Nohr and the western daimyo will see his opportunity to expand since Hoshido policy was very conservative(keeping to Hoshido lands) and was mainly fighting on the borders. A coup will happen where Hinoka is captured by the west and Nohr. The western daimyo will be very courteous towards the Nohr siblings, as he will try to gain favour with Garon since they share similar Ideals. The eastern and southern will be smaller with less explanations only their for plot to cause a loss in defense and a recession in economy. The northern daimyo is very indecisive as they seem to follow only the strongest and lend weapons there. The northern daimyo provides personal weapons to the elder sisters.
  12. Nohr is a monarchy so Garon would be supreme power and rules almost like a dictator. The lack of opposition can cause uprising. Maybe an autocratic rule. Hoshido will be a constitutional monarchy. For hoshido, other than the tribes there will be 5 main areas. Hoshido will be in the centre, being the main power. The western daimyo will be of strong military force, with his own children as well who you may fight/ally with. The eastern daimyo will be of high magical talents and in the war uses magic ballistas and magic to fight. The southern daimyo will be extremely wealthy, focusing on economics. Like TNCs in the real world they will use their money to influence and exploit others. The northern daimyo will be science based, and focuses on creating weapons.
  13. Leaders of other kingdoms (so more rulers other than Garon and Mikoto) are obviously Izana, Asyura (his father may be a character who is having a political battle to gain favour with Hoshido. His death and the fall of the Kouga is orchestrated by Fuuma who joins Nohr (parallels to Chevalier). Crimson (will be daughter of the Mayor of Chevalier (located in Nohr Lands) and inherits the Principality) Fuuga will be leader of the wind tribe. Clear will be leader of the ice tribe Rinka will inherit leadership of the fire tribe when her father is killed in battle. The three tribes will team up later on. Draj, Nacht and Vashala are a travelling group of famous mercenaries. They will be of the beowolf archetype. William and Hormone will rule the desert.
  14. Well, I'm doing Invisible so far so no Hoshido story yet. Garon's shift in nature (kind -> cruel) and Kamui's connection to his family are reasons I guess. Maybe kamui will feel a desire of revenge for Garon killing his father, coupled with the fact that Hinoka has brought news that Garon has been doing atrocious deeds. I may do the later chapters today if I have time.
  15. I will probably post the first few chapters here if thats ok. Also this will be invisible route. I may add character profiles if I tweaked them. Suggestions welcome and if you have any ideas I will try to implement them in. Away I go! Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapters 5-7 (7 being the where he joins no one) Sorry for the font inconsistencies. Not use to doing this on here but hopefully you like it so far.
  16. Ok I think I got a role for Camilla. This is just a suggestion but I think it could expand more on her character. Lacking a mother Camilla took on that role for the siblings. She generally dotes for all her siblings and often gives advice to them and advice is asked from her. She isn't Kamui specific as well. Camilla is also extremely driven and takes her father's dream of bringing Nohr out of famine etc etc.
  17. Though I don't want to admit it but it seems Camilla and Hinoka can be axed. Ryouma and Marx are the influential older brothers and are too plot relevant to be killed. Leon is done well from what I heard and so is Takumi. Both younger brothers are serious and tactical which parallels the characters. Sakura and Elise are both the cornerstones of the family because they bring joy and happiness and are determined to help the family. Camilla and Hinoka both parallel by loving Kamui. Camilla fights for Kamui and Hinoka fights for Kamui. Thats pretty much it. Other than supports its very Kamui centric. I haven't played so its a bit early but from what I've seen the characters haven't been integrated as well in the story which warrants an axing.
  18. Maybe maidens don't work and the evil dragons want a meal. Hmm, hoshido path will probably be repelling the nohrians but then listening to some of them and realising something is wrong with the bountiful harvest. Kouga knew the darkness of Hoshido and Fuuma are just evil i guess so they eliminated kouga to get rewards from the evil dragons. Don't know about Nohr. Maybe the family is being split apart by being sent on missions and Garon's sudden change in nature is needing exploration. Also for third path, i like the siblings coming together but i don't want it to be the standard everyone is happy. So, maybe to eliminate the famine in Nohr they storm the God's realm or sometihng. I haven't really thought of the path's plots, but my other posts were more character and minor tweaks to the story.
  19. Good point, you're really making me think and pushing me into a corner so I'll try my best. Well, Yukimura will probably be a clergy of somesort of a hierophant who has connections with the God. Nohr however lost favour with the Gods (in the past) and so it slowly became barren. Garon, not only wants to take back Aqua but communicates with the God(or Gods not decided) and is told to take over Hoshido to regain favour. This is more insightful to his character as he wants to sincerely help his people. The god (also in the cahoots with Yukimura) who told Garon to take over Hoshido is kind of evil and feasts on blood of the dead. Nohr simply doesn't have a god who will help them. This is kind of on the spot but it was a good question Alazen. Also, how do you feel about putting one or two more chapters about maybe going to Kouga (Asyura dude's place) or Chevalier (Crimson's place and Kamui's abduction) to recruit and build backstory. Also maybe a few chapters on Fuuma for Kaze and Saizou with Kagerou possible being that evil guy's daughter (plot twist for the Saizou x Kagerou people). Just to know more motives and history of the places in fates.
  20. Hmm. The hoshido God will probably be a dragon or twisted Hydra. It will probably be pleased with human sacrifice. I don't know if there is actually a god, but in my version of fixing the story there will be one.
  21. Basically the sacrificing maidens to the hoshido god to get good crops (sorry if i didn't explain that well). Also adding human sacrifice to make hoshido a bit more dark. Also, if there are other things you don't get, i will be glad to change or explain.
  22. - Kamui is full blood siblings with the Hoshido royals - Though Garon has concubines, it was his idea to have his children together as he wants them to be happy (so he seems nice and caring) - Aqua being taken by Sumeragi is a huge blow to Garon and his mental state -Kamui is taken when Aqua is taken. Sumeragi dies when in a later attempt when he and Ryouma try to take back Kamui. Aqua considers Sumeragi her dad as Kamui considers Garon his dad. -Iago is a female. She is similar to Aida (fe4) and is Camilla's mother. Camilla loves her family but has a tactical side thanks to her mother's teachings. -Children are scrapped. -Elise and Leon are full siblings (magic inheritance) -Yukimura is married to Yuuguri. Yukimura is an anarchist and tricked Sumeragi into taking Aqua. Yukimura is in the cahoots with Iago. -Hoshido's bountiful harvest is due to sacrifices of young maidens. Aqua was going to be sacrificed as Yukimura planned.The royals do not know. -At the bridge Kamui is injured by Ganz. Gunther sees the last resort is to take Kamui to Hoshido to heal. Both of them are suspected as they are Nohrians but Suzukaze and Rinkah's (they still save them) reputation protect Gunther from being captured. -Kamui is no dragon. His mother's death leads to his sword to him and guides his hand to kill the enemies in the chapter. -The Awakening trio are still there as retainers. Lazward is Chrom's son and has the mark in his eye. Many nohrians are suspicious of the three. Odin has the mark on his hand. This leaves Luna wanting to prove herself more as she does't have a mark. Naga sent them. -Tsuyukomi is Fuuga's grandson and he struggles to live up to the expectations as he is a magic user in a warrior clan (similar to Loki). -Silas is still the best friend. -Crimson is Ryouma's lover. Her death in Hoshido is one of the big reasons that pushes Ryouma to fight Kamui. In IK, her death causes Ryouma to clash blades with Kamui in anger. -Ryouma/Marx are leaders of their respective armies. -Aqua's lance is a fang of Hydra. -Takumi's insistence of Kamui's incompetence is one of the main reasons that Ryouma is the leader. -Leon is the right hand man of Marx rather than Kamui. -Camilla marries Takumi to seal union of the two kingdoms. -Nohr's horrible climate is due to the past when Hoshido pushed them back into the dark places where no sunlight gets through. Garon's animosity is due to loss of Aqua, the past and wanting to give his people food. -Orochi is Izana's daughter (fortunetelling) -Joker is Flora/Felicia's senpai. -Gunther is still Joker's senpai. -Silas is introduced earlier as both Kamui and Garon save him. Silas replaces the maids/servant role as joining them early in the beginning when fighting Kaze/Rinka. Silas's friendship is seen as Garon's attempt to love Kamui even though he isn't his father. -Elise and retainers often help the poor of Nohr. Harold is often the hero of many drawings and arts of the children. -House Pieri plays an important role in Birthright. -In Conquest both Takumi and Saizou conspire to kill Kamui. -After Kamui decides not to join any sides Tsubaki sends envoy to him from Sakura -Yukimura and Iago conspire against Kamui because Izana foretold Kamui would unite the Kingdoms. Yukimura/Iago influence Ryouma/Marx respectively and are killed by Takumi/Leon respectively. -Garon fights Marx. Camilla inherits his axe (vs deceased parents in IK) (receives axe in conquest) -Hinoka gets Suujin Naginata -Takumi mirror matches with Mikoto (both have Fuujin Bow). Takumi gains closure and forgives Kamui (IK). -Ryouma Mirror matches with Sumeragi. Gains closure that losing Kamui was not his fault. -Saizou and Suzukaze both at Sumeragi's death and have both met Garon. Sorry if its long but I had a lot of ideas.
  23. Flora and Takumi. Will later do Saizou and Kaze and possibly Orochi later. Maybe they are looking for characters to be in the scrambles?
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