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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    Depends on if you need another Eir/ITM!Lyn for Aether Raids. Since everyone got Eir and ITM!Lyn, I do not think RR!Palla is necessary unless you already put ITM!Lyn on Light Season and you need another one for Astra.

    It's more that I'm merging up Duo Lyn -- Lyn's HP can become too high for her to reliably use her Prf weapon and get into WoM range if she were to be used for Lynforce in Astra AR and I do not have a Halloween Dozla or Larum sitting around (I already used the Spring Palla manual from Divine Codes 1). I also cannot really afford to spend orbs hoping for a Spring Palla pull anyways since A Hero Rises is coming up and I need every orb I could get for the spark.

  2. Sacred Stones vs. Bartre+Fir wasn't too bad.

    +0+0 Duo Ephraim: Reginleif, Reposition, Galeforce, Heavy Blade, Lull Atk/Def, Odd Atk Wave, Even Atk Wave
    +1+0 +Spd Innes: eff. Nidhogg, Draw Back, Life and Death 3, Poison Strike, Savage Blow
    +2+0 +Spd Mage Eirika: eff. Gleipnir, Reposition, Luna, Swift Sparrow 2, Desperation, Savage Blow
    +1+0 +Spd Winter Eirika: Joyous Lantern+, Restore+, Wary Fighter, Atk Opening, Armored Boots

  3. Pretty sleep banner overall. However, I do like Spring Severa's and Spring Minerva's artwork. Also, dang, Duel Cavalry skills are finally a thing, though I can see that B Duel Cavalry would be cancer on Duessel and FE8 Selena.

    Will probably try to hope for Spring Severa on free summon (with AHR banner coming up, I don't really have orbs to spare).

    Spring Saleh is pretty disappointing though that's expected from yet another grail axe unit (especially since we got Plegian Kris only a couple months ago and we've gotten some good inheritable axes in Steadfast Axe, Deck Swabber, and Plegian Axe). At least he brings Rouse Atk/Res, which was previously only available on Fallen Lyon (granted, Rouse skills haven't been too popular since they're not Joint Drive skills, Smoke skills -- especially Pulse Smoke, or Savage Blow). Let the grail piling continue.

  4. Archanea vs. Alm+Faye was very easy thanks to Draug and Sheena.

    5*+10+9 +Spd Draug: eff. Stalwart Sword, Rally Def/Res, Aether, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte, Armor March, Swift Stance
    5*+10+10 +Spd Sheena: eff. Crimson Axe, Rally Up Res+, Aether, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte, Atk Ploy, Def Ploy
    +Spd/-Res Phina: Dance, Hone Atk 3
    4*+4+0 +Atk Maria: Physic

  5. The free units/pulls (dates assume that Daylight Savings Time are not applied after 3/14):
    3/11: Ninja Lyn present
    3/12: Seliph+Deirdre BHB banner (Seliph, Deirdre, and either Julia or Sigurd)
    3/16: Tempest Trials banner
    3/18: Tempest Trials; Spring 2021 banner
    3/20: Null banner
    3/21: Ashnard GHB rerun
    3/23: A Hero Rises banner (Ninja Lyn, Seiros, Legend Dimitri, Legend Corrin)
    3/25: Spring 2020 rerun (Idunn, Narcian, Fir, Est); Hall of Forms (Echoes themed)
    3/26: Rouse banner
    3/27: New Heroes Revival+Forging Bonds rerun (MKris, FKris, Julian, Lena)
    3/31: Mythic Heroes banner
    4/2: Rally+ banner
    4/4: Spring 2019 rerun (Marisa, Palla, Bruno, Veronica)
    4/6: Spring 2018 rerun (Catria, Kagero, Sharena)
    4/7: New Heroes banner + Forging Bonds
    4/8: New Power banner (Valentines Hector, ...)


    Hm, only 1 week for the AHR banner. Oh boy.

  6. Just now, Othin said:

    I think it'll a normal 3%, like 2019's. I don't know if they've confirmed that, but I can't really imagine anything else.

    They didn't mention anything about the rates so it's assumed that it'd be the standard 3% Focus rate. Find and Vote and Choose Your Legends banners all work with the 3% rate so I wouldn't expect anything different with this one.

    Also, whoo! Lyn won the Voting Gauntlet -- a free merge for me!

  7. RIP, Lyon fans -- IS has spoken and they have effectively stated that they will not buff Lyon; they will only correct the weapon description. Lyon's refine isn't terrible (it's certainly a lot better than what the Robins got) but it's certainly not amazing, especially in 2021. I guess he could run something like Lull Atk/Res for his B-slot and Renewal or Death Blow as his seal now. 

    A 5*+0+0 Lyon with refined Naglfar (with the effects active), TA3, and Death Blow 3 seal can OHKO a +10+10 Legendary Alm (assumed to have no Res boon) with +7 Res buff on initiation.

    L'Arachel's refine is... meh. I won't use her over Reinhardt or Ursula.

    Ishtar's refine is very nice -- with Windsweep, she's a conditional Firesweep mage. Can do some dumb stuff with Luna, Time's Pulse, and Flashing Blade.

    Ayra's refine is pretty disgusting though like Legendary Claude, she would not want to be on the receiving end of a Brave weapon unless she has something like Spurn.

    Halloween Nowi's refine is terrifying, especially if she were to run something like Atk/Res Unity. Can certainly be fun to use in gamemodes like Rival Domains.

  8. Easy skip. Tried to get Mila but Claude, Leif, Hel, and Annette said hello. Also sparked Annand with Azelle and Lex tagging along.

    Ingrid: a conditional Firesweep Lance cavalier with potential fodder value for those melee units who already have gotten Atk/Spd Solo 3 beforehand.

    Dedue: Sturdy Stance 3 is no longer seasonal exclusive and Near Save is making its debut in the regular pool (though it's A/D rather than D/R). We're also getting the axe version of Carrot Cudgel, Pale Breath, and Gilt Fork.

    Linhardt: Really? Another staff demote in 2020-2021? At least his fodder isn't bad (Distant Guard).

    Marianne: B Duel Infantry already. Whew, IS is not wasting time with dropping Tier 4 Duel skills. And another source of Lull Atk/Res and Joint Drive Res.

  9. I'm not expecting much from seasonal refines, especially since there are so many seasonal units to go through even in book 1.

    Book 1 seasonals:
    4 Spring units (Chrom, Lucina, Xander, Camilla)
    4 Wedding units (Lyn, Cordelia, Caeda, Charlotte)
    8 Summer units (ATiki, Robin, Frederick, Gaius, Corrin, Xander, Elise, Leo)
    4 Special Dancer units (Azura, Olivia, Shigure, Inigo)
    4 Halloween units (Nowi, Henry, Sakura, Jakob)

    If they're only going to release 1 seasonal refine per month, it'll take more than a year to get through all book 1 seasonal units assuming IS even bothers to give them all refineable Prfs/refines for their Prfs which leads me to believe that this is pretty much a one-time thing since Halloween Nowi is the only book 1 seasonal with a Prf weapon (Performing Arts Azura has one, too, but she's a dancer and since the book 1 dancers -- Olivia, Ninian, Azura -- still haven't gotten refines, uhhh...)

  10. Pretty odd that they'd give Halloween Nowi a refine in early March. Though then again, they've pretty much run out of book 1 Prf weapons to refine that aren't DC weapons or Dire Thunder.

    Halloween Nowi and Performing Arts Azura are the only book 1 seasonal units with a Prf weapon though since Azura is a refresh unit, well... Whereas Nowi has a very trash Prf weapon (Aerobatics 2 + Flier Formation 2).

    Would be nice to see the book 1 seasonal units with inheritable weapons get refineable Prf weapons as well; however, there are still a lot of them and it'd take a long time to do if they decided to go through with it at all.

    L'Arachel getting a refine means that IS is finally giving book 2 demotes refineable Prfs. Only a matter of time before popular book 2 demotes like Soleil and Ares get refines, too!

  11. 20 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Hmm... If Fjorm and Ike didnt get that, Lyn will not too.

    The main difference here is that Fjorm and Ike do not have Prf A-skills; they have Prf special skills in Ice Mirror and Radiant Aether respectively, so they don't conflict with B Duel Infantry and R Duel Infantry respectively. Lyn has a Prf A-skill, which conflicts with the G Duel Infantry skill, which is currently her optimal A-skill in her main intended use case (Arena modes). It is for this reason that Lyn's Laws of Sacae II would be required to have a Duel effect at minimum if IS wants to see Lyn being used if at all in at least Arena modes. Sure, Hrid and Gunnthra would be screwed score-wise but players generally don't complain about them since they're already at least decent combat units whereas Lyn only beats them at score and doesn't do a particular task (combat, support, unique gimmick) particularly well when compared to other Wind options (or any Legendary Hero in general).



    Non-weapon Prf skills each Legendary Hero has (and slot the skill occupies); bolded units with a Prf A-skill:
    Fjorm: Ice Mirror (Special)
    Gunnthra: Chilling Seal (B-skill)
    Ike: Radiant Aether (Special)
    Ephraim: Solar Brace (B-skill)
    Robin: Dragonskin (A-skill)
    Lyn: Laws of Sacae (A-skill)

    Ryoma: Bushido (B-skill)
    Hector: Ostia's Pulse (C-skill)
    Lucina: Future Vision (Assist)
    Marth: Binding Shield (B-skill)
    Tiki: With Everyone! (C-skill)
    Eirika: Lunar Brace (B-skill)
    Hrid: Freezing Seal (B-skill)
    Azura: Gray Waves (Assist)
    Roy: Human Virtue (C-skill)
    Alm: Lunar Flash (Special)
    Eliwood: Visions of Arcadia (C-skill)
    Julia: Light and Dark (B-skill)
    Leif: Njorun's Zeal (Special), S Drink (B-skill)
    Celica: Soul of Zofia (B-skill)
    Chrom: To Change Fate! (Assist)
    Edelgard: Raging Storm (B-skill)
    Seliph: Holy War's End (B-skill)
    Corrin: Negating Fang (Special)
    Dimitri: Atrocity (B-skill)
    Lilina: Gifted Magic (Special)
    Claude: Fallen Star (B-skill)

    Dang, Lyn and Grima are the only units with Prf A-skills. However C Duel Flying doesn't exist at all so the Duel effect problem is still pretty much unique to Lyn.


  12. I don't really have high expectations that IS is going to make Lyn any good -- Laws of Sacae takes up the A-slot and Lyn is a sub-170 BST unit without a default Duel effect due to being an old Legendary unit. She's also neither Lucina, who has a Prf positional assist in Future Vision, nor Eliwood, who has a Prf weapon with an interesting team support effect, nor Corrin, who is a strong combat unit. If Lyn is going to be remotely usable at all in her main intended use case as a Legendary Hero (Arena modes), Laws of Sacae II must have a Duel effect at minimum (ie. treat Lyn as a 185 BST unit if lv. 40 since Legendary Claude set 185 BST as the new standard Duel BST effect) -- otherwise, most players would likely still not use Laws of Sacae at all when G Duel Infantry would do a better job of making her a score bot for Wind season (and Lyn would still be regarded as one of the worst, if not the worst, Legendary Heroes in the game).

    Lyn's base kit:
    Swift Mulagir
    Rally Def/Res
    Laws of Sacae
    Spd Tactic

    As for the new skill to be given to Lyn, given how Laws of Sacae takes up the A-slot, Close Foil and Close Counter are out of the question unless they include one of them as an effect in addition to the Duel effect for Laws of Sacae II. The main possibilities I can see include giving her a Lull skill or a Joint Drive skill.

    It's worth noting that in the Feh Channel, Feh states that "some of them will be able to learn additional skills". While the immediate meaning would be that not every outdated Legendary Hero would be updated at once since Ike and Fjorm were the only ones updated, it could also imply that IS may not update certain Legendary Heroes at all or that IS could potentially give a unit more new skills than the amount Ike or Fjorm got.

    Worst case scenario: Lyn doesn't get updated at all. She'd still be the worst Legendary Hero as a combat or support unit and only better than Hrid and Gunnthra as a Wind Legendary Hero in Arena.
    Best case scenario: Laws of Sacae II has an effect that treats Lyn as a 185+ BST unit. Lyn's base kit gets revamped to give Lyn a more cohesive build.

  13. What's more interesting is which element they'd associate Micaiah with. While Wind has the fewest Legendary Heroes out of any season, I wouldn't put it past IS to just make Micaiah into yet another Fire Legendary (blue flames), with the main difference being that Micaiah is treated as a 185 BST unit in Arena modes.

  14. Easy fight since Claude's damage reduction effect only works on the first attack received during combat (he's very vulnerable to Brave weapons).

    So in the end, he gets shot out of the sky by a pair of amateur ninja girls riding a pegasus.

    +2+5 SS +HP Duo Lyn: Tailwind Shuriken, Reposition, Ruptured Sky, Swift Sparrow, Desperation, Spd/Def Rein, Savage Blow
    +Spd/-Atk New Year's Azura: Spd Hagoita+, Sing, Wings of Mercy, Hone Fliers, Drive Atk
    +1 Peony: Flower of Joy, Gentle Dream, Wings of Mercy, Fortify Res, Flier Formation
    +HP/-Atk Legendary Azura: Prayer Wheel, Gray Waves, Wings of Mercy, Torrent Dance

  15. 13 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Freyja is competing with Peony and Eir, so I do not think it is necessary to have a third Light Mythic for free. Seiros is defense Mythic, so she is a lot less valuable to normal player in my opinion. 

    I don't consider Freyja as competition with Peony and Eir especially since it's only a matter of time before a slot-6 Light Mythic gets added to the game. We also have to consider how the current AR bonus seasons work -- each week has an in-season Mythic for AR-O and AR-D be bonus units. Having 3-4 Mythics deployed at once can be very beneficial for the carry unit. Yeah, Freyja is easily the worst Light Mythic unit but it doesn't change the fact that Peony or Eir isn't always a bonus Mythic every Light season.

  16. Supporting Duo Lyn without question. 1 or even 2 guaranteed merges sound really good to me!

    I expect Dimitri to make top 4 assuming no VG shenanigans.

    I don't mind either Seiros or Micaiah making top 4 though I'd personally prefer Micaiah making top 4.

    Between Freyja and Corrin, I'd rather see Freyja in top 4.

  17. Hmm... Lyn already looks to have a hard match up for the first round -- Byleth is a popular female character in her own right and it's her swimsuit variant paired with Rhea. Hope Lyn gets through the first round!

    Freyja vs. Corrin: I want Freyja to win so that I could have a chance at a Light Mythic I don't already have. Sure, Freyja may be all-combat but she is part of the AR bonus rotation so I'd need her anyways.

    Dimitri vs. Edelgard: I don't like seeing both of them in top 8 though I'd rather hope for Dimitri to be one of the top 4.

    Seiros vs. Micaiah: I'd like Micaiah to win the round because of personal character bias though I wouldn't be too upset if Seiros makes top 4.

  18. Took several tries but I managed to clear out Tellius vs. Abyssal Duma LHB.

    CYL Micaiah: Light of Dawn, Reposition, Glimmer, Atk/Res Bond, Yune's Whispers, Ground Orders, Atk/Res 2
    5*+9+0 +Atk Reyson: Heron Wing, Sing, Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Wings of Mercy, Atk Tactic, Atk/Spd 2
    5*+10+8 +Atk Sothe: Atk Broadleaf Fan+, Reposition, Miracle, Close Counter, Vantage, Atk Smoke, Atk/Spd Solo
    Winter Altina: Ragnell+Alondite, Reposition, Twin Blades, Atk/Res Unity, Wings of Mercy 2, Atk/Res Oath, Atk/Def Solo

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