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Posts posted by irock708

  1. Sorry about the whole "getting run over by a bike" incident. I never knew that could happen before. o_o

    ^ I learned that along with:

    -how much Blade Runner sucks as a whole

    -why I would never succeed in the computer science business

  2. Today I learned that putting off work to the last minute sucks. Especially when your brother takes the only way you can finish said work for an hour.

    That's a lie. I procrastinate all the time and it's FUNNNNN[/sarcasm]

  3. You've gotta build up a resistance to cold some how :o! Make sure you run around in your undies this winter.

    My own situation is like irock's - room amplifying the weather. And being in the UK where winter is starting to roll in... It's only just starting, and the nights (and most days) are already cold enough to force me to wear a jacket. It sucks, really. But, I do prefer this sort of weather to blazing hot days where even just laying down can cause you to sweat like crazy.

    I prefer the cold weather as well. I don't like sweating and I actually do like being bundled up and stuff. But I don't like it when it's too uncomfortably cold ;___; Hence the love/hate relationship bit about Canada, lol

  4. Well, I'm a wuss and I used to live in the Philippines (lol tropics), then I moved to California and lived there for some years, and now I live in Maryland where cold really means cold. I would have a love/hate relationship with Canada if I lived there.

  5. Today I found out that typing something in Finale NotePad is very repetitive and gets boring after a while

    I hate that program so goddamn much. I was in a music technology class in tenth grade, and just buhhh. @___@

    Today I learned that Otacon from the MGS series went to MIT and got Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Princeton. What a nerd D:

    It's not like I have any choice, I have to teach my choir songs from Les Mis and for that I have to type ut the singing voices separately

    Ah. Well, good luck with that then. After my music tech class, I realized that I would never want to go into the music profession lawlz.

  6. I expected very few people to be wearing clothes.

    Rofl, I guess your expectations of the SF community are that low, huh?

    Same shirt as yesterday, but with a dark blue sweater and green jeans. Oh, and socks. Because you always gotta have socks.

  7. Today I found out that typing something in Finale NotePad is very repetitive and gets boring after a while

    I hate that program so goddamn much. I was in a music technology class in tenth grade, and just buhhh. @___@

    Today I learned that Otacon from the MGS series went to MIT and got Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Princeton. What a nerd D:

  8. Fine, you can say nothing <___<

    It's just that I guess it's some kind of pet peeve when I hear people say that they're naked. But that's because my best online friend constantly brags about how he runs naked in his house. It's quite annoying to hear "DUDE. I AM SO NAKED RIGHT NOW." every single time you get online <_____<

  9. And for the love of humanity PLEASE don't say "nothing." And don't post that you're wearing underwear either. That's something that we are assuming (and hoping) that you are wearing. Otherwise, you must bathe a lot to keep your crotch clean.

    Currently wearing:

    -Death Cab for Cutie shirt

    -retarded blue jogging pants


  10. The saying "You learn something new everyday" is totally true. Whether it's just a small fact, something that completely CHANGES YOUR LIFE, or something you really don't care about, we all totally learn something new each and every day [/cheesiness].

    Post what you learned today here.

    Today I learned:

    -that I don't have a lot of coins in my coin jar

    -that no matter what I do, stupid colleges will still keep sending me crap even though I won't be applying to them

  11. Well, taking into consideration what responses I saw before leaving my house today, I was thinking about Mage Knight (I like movement, yay), and the boyfriend agreed that MK was a good choice, so I went with that.

    I still don't understand Creature Campaign or CC, though, lol, but that's irrelevant to this topic.

    Thanks for the advice, guys, it was certainly helpful.

  12. Do yo plan to play CC? If you do, go Sage. For in-game, go Mage Knight.

    It would help if I knew what "CC" stands for D:


    And this is going to sound like a stupid question, but if I pick Mage Knight, she'll be able to move around more, yes?

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