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Blaze The Great

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Posts posted by Blaze The Great

  1. I was completely sarcastic.

    But it's okay; I've had people believe I was serious before when I went on similar facebook tangents. It was kind of sad, but unlike them you had the right confused response.

    EDIT: Meaning you at least didn't agree with me.

    Ok, that's what I figured. You just didn't type it in the same way I would've if I had said something sarcastic. Just a little misunderstanding on my part.

  2. uh it's pretty obvious from context that she's being sarcastic and taking the piss out of klok's unironic "i'm not racist, i have mexican friends!" comments? i mean, let us go back and read her post again: "In all seriousness this reeks of the typical "I'm not racist, I have black friends!" excuse. And to be honest I don't think you guys even need to write paragraphs and paragraphs about how misinformed that is: it's kind of obvious."

    e: reading again, "Something something about bleeding heart liberals and SJWs who may call me out on my stupid comment" is taking the piss out of another aspect of klok's post and the whiny "abloobloo PC SJW thought police keeping me down and violating my first amendment rights" crowd in general; arguments which have little substance to begin with don't particularly warrant a serious counter argument

    That's why I was hoping it was sarcasm. If not, it was a post that hardly even warranted a reply, given the circumstances of the rest of the debate taking place. The tone didn't seem sarcastic, but the material HAD to be.

  3. Trump is a bigot and he made a bigoted comment. It's not the librul media spinning it or taking it out of context; it is a factually inaccurate statement he made to appeal to his base, and the consequences are his fault.

    I live in Southern California where about 90% of the business signs on my street are either in Spanish, Chinese, or both. I'm dating a hispanic man. This makes me more knowledgeable than Klok about an entire ethnicity/community (of which I'm not apart of - whiter than sour cream here) because I said so. I just love hispanic people. I have asian and hispanic friends UP THE WAZOO. And I say he's wrong.

    Something something about bleeding heart liberals and SJWs who may call me out on my stupid comment.

    In all seriousness this reeks of the typical "I'm not racist, I have black friends!" excuse. And to be honest I don't think you guys even need to write paragraphs and paragraphs about how misinformed that is: it's kind of obvious.

    EDIT: damn it Phoenix already did

    Please, PLEASE tell me your second paragraph is sarcasm. A lot of personal experience>personal experience? Even when other people are being called out for using personal experience as evidence. And also, you said "because I said so". I'm not sure how you can think of that as a legit argument.

    Way to write a serious counterargument in the third paragraph. And the last one is just fine, that 'America ended slavery 150 years before everyone else' was pretty stupid.

  4. You also missed the first emblem weapon, which means another sidequest missed. They're effective against everything, it seems, so they technically have double the might displayed. Why, I really have no idea.

    BECAUSE! Being effective against everything is just SO MUCH COOLER than simply doubling its normal might. It's just SO COOL, amirite?

  5. ^Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Wind Waker Personal favorite, and Twilight Princess are considered among the best.

    Majora's Mask is also really good, but its so different from the rest of the series I recommend playing one of the other mentioned ones first.

    Thanks. I'm probably gonna buy Twilight Princess because I have a ton of extra birthday/Christmas money and it's the cheapest on Amazon.

    Also @ Knight, that makes me want TP more. I love me my epic games.

  6. Maybe not the best place for this, but what are the Zelda games that are generally regarded as the best? I've really wanted to get into them, and I've played a few of the earlier ones some, but I didn't like them too much. Any that are good that I should try?

  7. I have never been a fan of Stalin of course, but theoretically Hitler made more deaths I think, if we add to the Holocaust victims also everybody who died during the war attacks and the occupation on conquered territories (even if we don't count the soldiers but just the civilians).

    But why do you think Stalin is worse than Hitler? To me, making a choice in this case would be pretty hard.

    Anyway, I think the worst dictator in history was Pol Pot: only massacres and no improvement not even on a purely political level. I mean, Hitler and Stalin committed atrocities, but made their countries stronger (even though this does in absolutely no way justify what they did). Pol Pot, on the other hand, accomplished absolutely nothing other than making a big slaughterhouse.

    Woops, I messed up my post. I was literally thinking as I typed it that I needed to mention that Stalin is a worse LEADER than Hitler. As for who is a worse person, I'm not going to say, because they are both terrible beyond belief. But considering that Stalin had a body count in the millions of HIS OWN PEOPLE, and Hitler, despite having a higher body count overall, killed mostly foreigners, I think that that makes Stalin a worse leader overall.

    Pol Pot was terrible. Also on the dishonorable mention I would add Mao Zedong to the list. I'm fairly certain no other leader in modern history has been responsible for more deaths during their regime.

  8. consider that trump is basically the id of the GOP, and much of his support comes from the fact that a good portion of the republican base actually agrees with the crap coming out of his mouth; whereas more "respectable" candidates have been going *nudge nudge wink wink* "ILLEGALS" for years, donald trump blew their cover and their plausible deniability by straight up calling mexican immigrants rapists.

    tl;dr he's blowing a foghorn where other candidates blew dogwhistles, and the RNC is panicking because an actual candidate, instead of some random yahoo they can keep from a mic, is finally acting on the cues they've made for years and getting a lot of support for it

    of course, one can't rule out the possibility of this all being a publicity stunt

    I'm pretty sure most of his support is coming from people who just want to see how far DONALD FREAKING TRUMP can go in a presidential election as a joke. Any Republican who supports him is a disgrace to their party, IMO.

  9. a nation saves its own hide before anyone else.

    i was hoping blah would respond. but anyway, why isn't it ok? what makes chemical weaponry different from strategic bombing? why are chemical weapons taboo? even in war?

    some think "anything should go" during wartime.

    They're called weapons of mass destruction for a reason. Potential for damage to civilians or civil infrastructure is much higher.

    Well, lets turn the situation around. If a ruler kills their own people, are they worse or the same as a ruler who kills the same amount of foreigners in your eyes? This is the core of the Hitler vs Stalin debate.

    Worse. Yes, I am calling Stalin a worse leader than Hitler. No, there is no reason for you to be shocked.

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