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Posts posted by Etria

  1. Morgan's only a taguel if the player wants her to be. I would disregard that...and not call it headcanon. But that's just me.

    What? Do you mean by "the player wants her to be" that you decide if you marry Panne and therewith father a child (which would disprove your theory, because her existence is depended on the fact that you're banging Panne) or if you use Second Seals? Because the latter one is only a game mechanic and Taguel!Morgan, Manakete!Morgan and Nah don't change their race when they get a new class. They just get different sprites (and Morgan doesn't get another portrait because IS was lazy).

  2. Nah says that she was treated like a slave despite her efforts to please her foster family. And like I said, Nah never knew her parents, which means she must have been a baby when she was sent away. She would've remembered them if she was a toddler.

    So for what you're saying to happen, Nowi had to have given birth and then both her and her husband got killed soon after. This is possible, but we're never told exactly who sent Nah to the family that treated her so poorly.

    Wtf, being sent away and being given to a foster family because your parents are dead is not the same thing. I seriously doubt that IS would imply that their characters would knowingly give their child away to a bad family (it would be beautifully dark and interesting, but that's why it's unlikely). And even if Nowi and her husband gave their child away, it's probably because it's the bad future where their comrades were killed left and right and they knew Nah would be in danger if she stayed with them. I doubt Nowi or her husband would give Nah to a family who they knew would treat her badly. Seems more like a desperate situation to me.

    That's just it, KNOWN survivor. There could be more hiding somewhere...

    And that is more likely than Panne becoming pregnant how...?

  3. As far as I remember, nothing in this games implies that the Laguz rules from Tellius apply here. Especially since they Taguel, not bunny laguz. I assume IS wanted animal people again, but not that whole laguz/beorc deal again and took the easy road. Taguel seem to be closer to manaketes in how they work, i.e. children are half-manakete but can still transform (they probably mature a bit faster than full manaketes, if you compare Nah's growth to Nowi's (and maybe Fa's and Myrrh's)).

  4. I think the St. Elimine Church was established comparatively well. But you're right, the games really don't go into these things most of the time.

    Hm, kinda. It's one of the better examples. But then you have Awakening, Sacred Stones, and maybe some of the older games where you get almost nothing. Even in PoR and RD, you get to hear almost nothing about the philosophy of the followers of Ashera (or do the people in Begnion even pray to Ashera? I think so). They don't have to go into details about rituals and stuff, but some general rules/beliefs could come up in supports.

    And they should clear up if their religions are monotheistic or polytheistic. What's this nonsense with the Goddess (the priests/monks follow her) in FE8 and then theres talk about a war god in two supports? They make it sound like they have a monotheistic religion with the nameless goddess in-game so are those supports just some oversight?

  5. I'd rather want them to develop their in-game mythology more :/ We have priests and nuns and clerics in pretty much all games, but have little to no idea what they believe in. I mean, i find the real world references kind of fun as well. But a bit more worldbuilding would be nice. I mean, they could do this in the supports! They already kinda did it with the Eirika/Saleh support.

  6. Rumor has it that they would do that back in the day, put people in catapults and throw them into the enemy ranks to cause chaos/make it easier to seize the castle

    If you want to kill your own allies maybe. Mythbusters tested that one, I believe and the dude would not survive this. But they did catapult corpses into besieged cities so that illnesses would spread. That'd be a bit too harsh for FE, though.

    I definitely want ballistae back. And Ledge or what it was called. But apart from that I can't think of anything new I'd want. I'm rather content with how things are.

  7. Rolf and Mist never refer to each other as siblings either, yet them seeing one another as such is now said to be plausible. And Elincia was still raised in the royal villa from childhood. Geoffrey even mentions this in his support with Callil. He says that Lucia and Elincia chased him around when they were kids.

    I did always feel that Elincia saw Geoffrey as a brother figure though, so her getting a marriage ending with him shocked me more than anything.

    I don't think they don't need to call themselves siblings. If the relationship between them shows their "siblingness" well enough then I can identify it as such. Mist and Rolf were such a case for me.

    I felt the opposite, but really, who cares. You'll ship Ike/Elincia and I ship Elincia/Geoffrey. We can peacefully coexist as long as one side doesn't get nasty.

  8. But then what about Elincia, Geoffrey, and Lucia's situation? Elincia and Geoffrey grew up like siblings too, as did Elincia and Lucia. If IS was fine with doing Geoffrey x Elincia (which I find a bit weird because of the foster sibling thing), I don't see why they weren't fine with Rolf x Mist or even a tease at a lesbian relationship between Elincia and Lucia.

    Geoffrey never refers to Elincia as his sister. Only Lucia does. And considering he was raised as a knight, he probably was taught not to see her as such. And, correct me if I remember it wrong, it sounded like Elincia lived at the castle for some time before she was sent away. So they wouldn't be too young when she came to them.

    That said the Westermark Effect doesn't have a 100% accuracy.

  9. You also have Formotiis in Sacred Stones. He's just a ghost/soul possessing someone during most of the game, but in the end you fight his resurrected dragon zombie body.

    It seems he's more of an evil god if he's truly the opponent of the nameless goddes of Magvel. Or a strong demon. I don't think that was ever made clear.

  10. Oh yeah, and Tana and Ephraim. "They remained the best of friends after the war." Yeeeeeah? "They visited each other when time permitted-" Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhh? "-and their kids were great friends too."

    Huh? You mean when you have Eirika&Tana A support? I actually like that because it implies that Tana eventually falls in love with another man. I hate it when characters are like "I can only love one person in my WHOLE life". Second or third loves are awesome, too.

  11. This thread isn't just about pairings. It's about any ending, paired or single.

    And yet the OP talks about nothing but pairings? And threads like these always end up as "My pairing is better than your pairing" anyway?

    Did you even look at it? It's the longest article I've ever seen.

    You must not read much then. That's nothing.

  12. Amelion, the perfectionist. I expected nothing less XD

    On, topic, no I don't care. After all, non-canonicity doesn't prevent me from writing what I want. I don't understand why you need your favourite pairings to be canon. Who gives a fuck?

    If IS intended for Ike x Soren to be romantic, I think they would've actually established that with their ending like they do with the other lords' romantic endings. For the other lords, it says that they and the women they got an A support with got married and settled down.

    Yeaaaaaaah, because a videogame would just do a canon gay relationship in there. That doesn't sound improbable at all. Games with gay protagonists are still rare, especially in games that don't revolve around romance. And when games have them, they're often still ~controversial~ Many producers just don't want to risk losing the sales of neckbeards and homophobes.

  13. Hmmm, maybe it's just been too long that I played FE9, but some of the things you said, Bright Bow, do ring true to me (at least regarding Ch.24. In Ch. 11 I was just annoyed because I had to watch out for the guy I sent around the top, lol). I played it when it came out and that feels like ages ago. And doesn't he eventually start to move during Ch. 24 and threatens Geoffrey and the NPCs? That got me nervous.

  14. I dunno, I found Zelgius as bland as most of the rest of 9/10. Nor did I find him threatening. He was very easy to identify as a character that you would not be able to beat anyway (and that you weren't really expected to attack) but was just there to make the enemy seem overwhelmingly strong.

    But then I don't most of the FE enemies threatening. Lyon was the only one who was really interesting, mostly because there was the emotional tie to Eirika&Ephraim. There was much more at stake for them because they had to fight a friend.

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