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Everything posted by MeteoSage

  1. I'm pretty bored too. I was gonna see a movie, but my friends decided to go to a concert and get sushi and not tell me. Oh well, I'm near broke anyway :P
  2. I will grant that Hector still has enough bulk. With good supports, he is still more than enough to take on the game.
  3. Only his luck stat is doing well, and who cares about that (unless we're talking single digits). Otherwise, very average with very poor strength
  4. When you think you've seen it all. I have nothing to compare it with. I've never had Hector turn out that poorly, though I've recently had one with 3 HP only level ups.
  5. Yeah, there's definitely a reason he's died twice. I assume he's 20/11. He's got unusually high resistance at least. Edit: Actually it's pretty average. His average at that point is about 12.
  6. Ah Hector. He's apt to be speed cursed, but I've never seen a strength cursed one.
  7. Where one gets blessed another gets cursed. It's two sides of a coin. It's the balance of fate. The RNG is blind.
  8. On my latest FE7 run, I've had a str cursed eliwood and he's instead spd blessed. He has 11 str and 18 spd and is awaiting promotion.
  9. Needless to say, his biorhythm skill went bye bye. My favorite thing about the RNG is the odd things it creates. I once had a defense capped Canas. He was an absolute beast, especially since it was HHM.
  10. Yeah. This Boyd also has 19 speed (but I gave him a speedwing), but he's only got 16 str and 11 skl.
  11. I've had a similar thing happen to Sue before. My latest oddball has been my resistance blessed Boyd. As a level 19 fighter, he has 10 resistance. I have given him no talismans.
  12. At the end of the day, the test only measures one form of intelligence out of many other kinds. These test results won't reveal things to you that you didn't already know. As long as you did your best, I'd be happy and get some celebratory ice cream.
  13. The claw is our master. The claw decides who will stay and who will go.
  14. Clearly, a third eye would be the perfect solution to this conundrum.
  15. Hooray. No one likes long tests. I have a 4 hour one coming in a few weeks. I wonder if I could see the images better without my contacts on.
  16. It's so hard not to stare intently at it.
  17. Still not seeing it. My eyes try contorting it to whatever it can think of, and then nothing.
  18. I can never spot the images either. Then I lose my attention span.
  19. Same here, but I thought perhaps it might be making fun of Brunya who makes a similar mistake in most translations.
  20. I simply wish that it could have dark magic. I hate going from Dark Mage using dark magic to not having dark magic. Like the Falcoknight, most don't have the strength to effectively use the sword component, and those that class change into it don't have the magic to use spells effectively, unless it's your avatar or Henry. I generally get Lifetaker and switch to another class for that reason.
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