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Everything posted by MeteoSage

  1. It doesn't help that green units are also unequipped citizen type units that don't know to run away from danger. On the other hand, they're often too good in PoR and RD, stealing exp. and killing Oliver and taking away Nosferatu from me in PoR Merchant Anna in FE13 on skirmishes is usually very capable of handling her own for a few hits, except of course when you need her to survive like the Five Anna Firefight.
  2. I thought of some more as well. I've never gotten the uber-spear or defeated Vaida for that matter, but I'm working on that right now I typically use the first Lagdou Ruin map before the final chapter just to get those secret books over and over again and for level ups Running through the Lagdou Ruins is something I typically do on roadtrips I abuse level ups with BEXP in FE9 and reset if I don't like the results I spend way too much time making sure all the children in FE13 get galeforce through EXPonential growths.
  3. I'm not having fun getting the uber-spear right now.

  4. It's amusing when there's a DLC version and spot pass version. Like Marth, Roy, and Micaiah. Prince Marth has those 3 hearts for King Marth and is a true sacrificer, but King Marth simply feels safe. Too bad for them.
  5. The one about to impact the big island is currently my profile pic when it was at peak intensity. Stay safe, biggest threat will be mudslides.
  6. Haha. I think it helps that Bors' face is upright while Valbo is facing down. Might I suggest Tauroneo for honorable mention.
  7. I've always liked Lucina mainly since she acts as a foil to characters like Owain and Inigo. At least she has fun trying to prevent her sibling from using Falchion as a fruit cutter. The main thing that has always bugged me about Lucina is her sighing or grunting or whatever noise that is she makes.
  8. I enjoy the basic boss music from FE5 and the Battle of Pride from FE10 the most. The intro for A Mighty Foe in FE9 is great, but I find the rest of it lackluster. Fire Emblem has always held my favorite boss music.
  9. Oh yeah, it's been several years since I've done FE6, and I didn't pay much attention in the Western Isles arc. Well, I suppose it's true that everything has been done before... I don't recall FE3 very well, I've never gotten a chance to play Mystery of the Emblem. I've only seen the remake on an LP. Genocide just sounds more weighty I suppose.
  10. As far as lord characteristics go, Ephraim has always been one of my favorites. However, it's been a little while since we've seen a lord/main character that is fundamentally flawed. Micaiah was my favorite characterwise because she made several underhanded choices and faced a lot of doubt and regret for her decisions. It would be fantastic if the two could collide. I've always envisioned someone (we'll call him Philip for sake of not saying someone) who gets involved in a conflict against a smaller group, like some nomads perhaps. Philip thinks these nomads are terrorizing a neighbor nation and is recruited to quell them, but finds that it's a planned genocide and uncovers corruption with the nation that recruited him. Naturally, he uncovers their scheme and what not and works to stop them. I just feel like most of the main characters are too perfect, and there needs to be more character growth, and I loved having lances or magic as opposed to swords for difference sake. However, if they keep rolling out the sword type but are usable like Chrom and Ike, then I'll still have no qualms using them.
  11. I used to never use Raven in FE7 I denounce arena abuse, but do it all the time I always use the mine glitch to get through Ch14 on Hector Hard mode I love pairing Hector with Florina maybe too much I hate using Oswin I've never recruited Karla in the maybe 10 playthroughs of FE7 I've done. I hate recruiting Shinon again in FE9 and usually kill him. I always choose to escape when facing the Black Knight in FE9, have never beaten him I think the fixed mode is totally useless I've never beaten FE10 on any mode other than easy, but I've almost finished a normal run, just haven't gotten around to it in months I actually like the Dawn Brigade chapters the most I tell people I've beaten H5 mode in FE11, but in reality, I always die in the alleyway to Medeus on the final chapter I hate Olivia
  12. Thank you, hopefully, I shall
  13. I've been a long time lurker of the site. Like a really long time. Hello everyone, I have come out of the shadows. I got interested in Fire Emblem through Melee, but it was my brother who bought Blazing Sword. At first, we couldn't get past Ch 7, but I was only 11. I tried it again a few years down the road and barely made it through, losing tons of units down the road. The obsession took off from there and now it's easily my favorite video game franchise. I've gone through Blazing Sword at least 10 times, Sacred Stones 6 times, PoR and RD 4 times, and Awakening 3 times. Anyway, glad to be on the forum, it's been a long time since I've been on anything like this.
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