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Fei Mao

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Status Updates posted by Fei Mao

  1. (Last link is Tao)

  2. I think you already know this but they are adding more DLC for BBCS, which is voice packs that replace the announcer. Two packs per character most likely.

    (JP Jin speaking english)



  3. Impressive, I tried spriting a little but my artistic skills fail. > . >

  4. *Quick question about your Gazlus sprite* (Sorry can't focus today)

  5. Quick question for you Gazlus sprite, did you had to custom draw some stuff on it? Or were they spliced from other characters?

  6. Happy Birthday

  7. Happy Birthday

  8. Not sure if you saw this yet. (Blazblue radio special) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQ-MDBIBM0&feature=related I'm not sure how long it is.

  9. For some reason I keep thinking that young Joesph is screaming"JESUS" when he does that uppercut special in the JoJo game.

  10. Happy birthday.

  11. Happy birthday.

  12. Happy Birthday.

  13. Happy Birthday.



  16. (Runs away from you)

  17. Happy birthday.

  18. Happy Birthday

  19. At least I didn't get my head chopped off by Samuel L Jackson.

  20. Happy birthday

  21. Not sure if you saw this before, but it's pretty good.

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