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Fei Mao

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Status Updates posted by Fei Mao

  1. Happy Birthday

  2. Indeed and thank you for adding me.

  3. Thank you for finding that video you posted on my profile. (they were pretty good)

  4. Also adding to the video settings you might want to try closing some programs. (IE: Firefox MSN etc)

  5. EDIT:NOcash for the renderer is the fastest apprently

  6. Well for no$ GBA you the only thing you can do is set the sound quality lower and the video output lower to increase framerate and depending on your version of No$Gba you can set the render to opengl instead of nocash to increase performance. (I think I only use DesmuME rather than no$)

  7. Hmm alright I'll go play FE7 again later and see it

  8. The one where he and his paired person talks to the tactician? or something else?

  9. I did but I don't deploy Lyn on that map and also I forgot that you can only trigger that conversation on that map.

  10. Happy Birthday

  11. Happy Birthday

  12. Hazama suits you well.

  13. Happy Birthday

  14. Patchouli Knowledge from the Touhou series.

  15. Happy Birthday

  16. Happy birthday

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