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About ToastyYlissean

  • Birthday 10/02/2000


  • Member Title
    Male Manakete

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Fire Emblem, Earthbound, Pokemon, and Smash Bros.
  • Location
    Fort Frances, Ontario

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I don't think Nowi needs more hentai...

  2. Aw thanks. I'm downloading Smash Bros 4 3DS as a gift .3.

  3. Heya~ Just letting you all know I'm a member of this site, and me and my waifu shall reign over all. That is all.
  4. Why thank you new friend.

  5. Hey there Serenes Forest users! You're waifu's are garbage compared to the queen of all loli's and dragons, Nowi. Lucina and Aversa are dead. Long live Gangrel. The end. PS: Henry likes big butts and he cannot lie.
  6. Hey there, quick question for all of you Fire Emblem and Shin Megami fanboys/girls. Is the game cancelled? It was shown along with Yoshi's Wolly World, and we got info on that, yet no info on this cross-over yet... In other words, do you think the games cancelled? An answer would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Anybody else think that Fire Emblem Awakening got a HUGE reference in the form of the Lucina alts? I mean, seriously. Cherche, Cordellia, Tiki, Lissa, Tharja, Sumia, and my waifu, Nowi, are ALL alternates. (Or at least that's what the alts are supposed to look like.) I personally think the Sumia and Tiki ones look like the actual characters. Were there any alts you wanted to see on Lucina? (Remember, FEMALES ONLY) Post them in this thread, I would love to see what you guys had to say OuO (I also included a picture of all the alts with this post, if you don't want to see them, DON'T OPEN IT)
  8. Alright people. I need some help, and this seemed like the most appropriate chat to ask for help in. I need a zoomed in sprite of Nowi, as a Manakete, in a good quality. I can't seem to find one, and thats why I'm asking. Please help, and thanks in advanced.
  9. hey guys. I was wondering if somebody wouldn't mind helping me by zooming in on a Nowi's sprite (The one when you're on the over-world, before you fight an opponent.) and get it in a good quality. I want to make a pixel-art of my waifu in Minecraft. Thank you for helping and reading.
  10. So, I want to point something out about EVERY marriage. Why do people complain? If you marry Nowi, your a lolicon. If you marry Chrom, your a royalty hog. Marry Tharja or Henry, you succumb to the Yanderes. Now, why do you complain? Its not your problem if I marry Nowi and than you get angry. Its your problem, and your better off not complaining than complaining. Also, a lot of people marry other units for abilities. I've done that for other units. But here's another thing. Why complain? I guess what I'm trying to say here is why do people start up useless arguments over virtual marriages? I know this thread will cause arguments, but try to answer nicely. Thanks, and good-bye.
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