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Posts posted by Flamy

  1. 15 hours ago, Nanashi said:

    I have a question about 2 card ability's, would the Canas 3/2 prevent Zephiels abilitys from procking even though Canas's text reads "auto ability's that can activate at the start of your tun cant." Zephiels abilitys happen when declaring an attack, and after combat, neither are at the start of the turn... also, would it prevent Henrys mire from working?

    Just wanting clarification

    Alright, let's look at the skills, shall we?

    Heir to the Hermit, Canas
    Forbidden Magic (CONT) Any AUTO skills that can trigger at the start of a player's turn cannot be activated.

    King of Bern, Zephiel
    King's Whirlwind (AUTO) [Flip 2 Bonds] When this card attacks, you may pay the cost: Until the end of this battle, this card gains the following skill "(CONT) Your opponent must discard 2 cards with the same name instead of 1 to declare a Godspeed Evasion."
    Liberate the World (AUTO) When this card destroys a unit by battle, if this card had used "King's Whirlwind" this turn, the opponent must choose a card in their hand, and discard it.

    Smiling Sorcerer, Henry
    Mire (AUTO) When a unit you control Class Changes, both players must discard a card.

    Point to me where the timing in Zephiel and Henry's AUTO Skills indicate that it is "start of turn", making it affected by Forbidden Magic.

  2. On 6/15/2017 at 8:47 AM, Gonzak said:

    100 flat....wut


    13 hours ago, Troykv said:

    100? What exactly mean? xD That looks very powerful, but I don't know it's actual meaning.

    12 hours ago, Kirie said:

    The 100 on the bottom left is Caineghis's Attack stat, which is basically his power in battle. This may seem overpowered, but apparently he would have a difficult chance of actually surviving on the board. Someone with a better understanding of the rules than I do can probably explain better how this card is balanced.

    12 hours ago, MediocreLee said:

    Holy...100!?  That's pretty gnarly, though it would seem to be difficult to play the king with that 6.  

    Allow me to enlighten you all.

    Caineghis is a card with a Field Cost of 6, something we've only seen with Ike, Anankos, Deghinsea, and the Black Knight. As you all can see, he also has 100 Attack, the highest "original Attack" we've ever seen printed as of now.
    However, unlike Ike, Caineghis can't be Class Changed for an earlier arrival time. 
    Unlike Deghinsea and the Black Knight, Caineghis doesn't prevent himself from being defeated by units of Field Cost 2 or below (unpromoted units, basically), meaning the old strategy of critting a high-attack unit with a low-Field Cost unit still works. 
    Unlike both Anankoses, Deghinsea, and occasionally the Black Knight, Caineghis only has a Range of 1, meaning he has to be put on the Front Line to do any actual attacking. 
    Unlike ALL THE OTHER FIELD COST 6 CARDS, Caineghis can't use his skills right then and there, if you put him out exactly on Turn 6, as his skill, which reduces the Field Cost of all Medallion cards in your hand by 1, to a minimum... of 1, meaning all you get for that turn is... this big beating stick. 
    In Cipher, once you get to 70 Attack before supports, any increase past that becomes a starkly diminishing return. All that matters is if you're at least equal to the other unit when attacking. Doesn't matter if you have 70, 80, or 7000. In addition, good targeted destruction, such as Mae SR's Seraphim skill, has been arriving recently, and it shows promise to removing high-Field Cost cards like Caineghis, the Black Knight, Anankos, and Deghinsea.
    In other words, your furries are trash, and you all should leave.

  3. 22 hours ago, Shireke said:

    Dauntless charge: (CONT) If you control another ally, and this card is the only unit on the front line, this unit gains 10 attack

    What did they mean by this?

    So you put a unit in the back to buff him... which "goes against" Walmart's ideals, if his next card is to be believed?

  4. Just as the title says. Faction, Attack, Support, Skills, Title, and everythin' (or just Skills). Show me your style!

    Opening up!

    Exquisite Swordplay, Tsuki Cost 4 Blade Dancer
    Oracle/Female/Sword, 50 ATK/20 SUP/Range 1
    "Thank you all for coming to my performance!"        
    Blade Dance (AUTO) [Flip 2 Bonds] When this card destroys a unit by battle, you may pay the cost: Untap 1 other unit you control.  
    Flourish (ACT) [Once per turn][Tap 1 other Sword unit you control] This card gains 10 ATK x the Cost of the unit tapped to activate this skill.
    [DEF] Makeshift Getaway (SUPP) The supported unit loses 10 ATK until the end of this battle, but your opponent cannot declare critical hits this battle.

  5. On 3/28/2017 at 9:17 PM, Alger said:

    Alright, I don't know why it took us so long to figure that all out. I still think that it is confusing having allies on both descriptions, but oh well. Thanks!


    Totally suspicious. Not like I pointed out that I'm not tech savvy or anything. I know wikipedia pages can be edited, though I've never done it, but didn't realize that must be what the wiki part means. 

    Even if I had known I wouldn't just log on out of the blue and start rewriting other people's stuff. Also you aren't a moron! Don't get too down on yourself

    (shots fired)

    >needing to be tech savvy to edit a wiki with templates
    >editing quotes
    >trying to play it off

    You literally couldn't dig yourself into a deeper hole. It takes like, what, a minute or two to understand what to do? Sure, you can make mistakes sometimes, but that's why we have a team. We help each other out, and point out typoes here and there.

  6. 16 hours ago, Alger said:

    4) Would it be possible for all the descriptions on the wiki to updated? I was thinking that instead of using allies maybe use all units you control (Chrom?) or all lance units you control (Cordelia), etc as opposed to all other ally units you control or all other flying units you control (Cherche)? It just is kind of confusing having the word allies for both conditions, though i understand that is more of the literal translation.

    Also thank you all so much for creating and maintaining that wiki, without which my friends and I would be completely incapable of playing what is now basically our favorite game. If there was anything I could do to help I would love to, however I am not very tech-savvy and do not know japanese, so I'm not sure what hep I'd be able to offer. Thanks again.

    >asks if wiki articles can be edited
    >then says that they would like to help out for the wiki, but says that they can't, because they can't into moon

    S u s p i c i o u s

  7. Alright! It's time for...

    ~Scarlet Flame's Burnination!~

    The first step in creating a Main Character for a deck is to consider what they can do. Generally, this refers to the three criteria, and if they fulfill at least 2 out of the 3:

    • Can they attain 100 Attack, a generally agreed-upon benchmark of combat, after supports, during either turn? 
    • Do they have strong skills that can be used well?
    • Can they provide strong board presence?

    Sure, Gaius can reveal the next support AND let you heal yourself, but let's get serious, how many heavy cards is the opponent going to run? (Not a whole lot.) While he gains 10 ATK when you use Door of the Treasury (and more, if you use other effects), he's still 60 ATK, and vulnerable to high-cost mages and the MC, along with having 10 SUP, which further harms his usefulness as a supporting character.

    Tharja does nothing by herself, as you will likely require a fair amount of setup or luck to pull off Spiteful Flame, has 50 ATK, and gets a very situational draw. Very... eh.

    Let's look at Guardian of Hope, Sothe, however. Sure, he's got a Cost of 5 and 10 Support, but since he's indestructible as a Main Character, you don't need to worry about either of those, as Sothe being supported by himself would still be a support fail. (Cost 5 also means that you can always deploy Lady of Dawn, Micaiah, for free draws.)

     His skills are "Bane", which allows you to, once per turn, flip 2 Bonds to destroy a unit your opponent deploys (but not Class Change or Level Up), and "Green Shadow of Protection", which allows you to use the "Thief mill" (reveal top card of opponent's deck, and choose to send it to the Retreat or not) whenever Sothe destroys a unit by his own effect, or by battle. While Bane is an ungodly hell of a cost, Maiden of Destiny, Deirdre's "Taboo-Surpassing Love" alleviates this cost, and even allows you to build up a buffer, should she die in unfortunate manners. In addition, Sothe's neutralization of Deirdre's threats allow him to keep other characters in the Rear Guard safe, like Micaiah, Brigid, Leanne and Erin. While weak to aggro, Sothe excels against control and stall, often slowing them to his own enormously glacial pace, as they fear his slaughter from the shadows.

  8. Guardian of Hope, SotheRadiant Hero, IkeBegnion Empress, Sanaki+... yeah, those are my top 3, really.

    Wow, they're all Medallion cards that are Master Class. Now isn't that funny? They all fulfill my childish power fantasy of deploying big cards, too.

  9. REPORTING for DUTY. Ikuzo!

    [Stage 2] Destination: Mars!

     The part where I get most of the characters in my team comp! With a Gain on Granteed, Touya bravely ventures on to take down the Moebius in the left! Meanwhile, the Nadesico and the two Aestivalis handle the enemies on the right. As they approach the Delphinus, they reunite, though Touya is majorly damaged. With the help of Gai and Akito, the swarms are easily dealt with, and I get to force Wave 2 out on Enemy Phase. Ryoko, Hikaru, and Izumi appear, and it's up to them to handle one of the Katonbos, while the others take on the other! Admittedly, I make a bit of a tactical error in this segment, failing to realize that a Break Tempest Lancer may have let me wrap up the whole deal a little quicker, and let me focus the second Katonbo. 5 Turns (10 Turns total)



    So in this set, it'll be Divine Weapons (Purple) and Falchion (Red) cards.

    E X P A N D   M A R T H

    That aside, I'm pretty sure Magvel will be a part of the Divine Weapons faction, since it's the closest thing it's got. You can't make a single faction out of Magvel, methinks.

  11. ALRIGHT, it's TIME for me to POST my RESULTS for PHASE ONE of my draft.

    I chose Banpresto Originals, Mobile Fighter G Gundam, and Martian Successor Nadesico as my favorite series. (Hey, they really are, unlike that heretic SERAPHIM.) Like Leaf, I went for Granteed Touya, in the hopes of Accel pulling through (and also that hair bob). Besides, the upcoming maps will be easier to do with Gaistivalis and Touyanteed. ANYWAY.

    Stage 1: Mazin-GO! Mazinger casually strolls down, and deals with those pesky Batta. Of course, Koji won't be able to eliminate them all in one turn, as there's just one pesky little arse that's far off the pack. Still, Player Phase 2 is good enough, and Granteed appears. I'll need to position Touya right in the middle, so he gets all the attention that much quicker. (When I think about it, though, maybe Sayaka could have taken a few hits to conserve time.) Well, during Enemy Phase 2, Touya's finished killing Wave 2, meaning Wave 3 happens! Sadly, Mazinger Z and Aphrodite A take the glory here, finishing on Enemy Phase 5, but I do get a Repair Kit and Propellant Tank. 5 Turns

    ... okay, FOR NOW, I shall leave just Stage 1 in here. Some... things happened today, so I won't be able to play further. Stay tuned for more updates, though! (And cheer me on, will you? I'm an underdog here.)

  12. On 2/9/2017 at 1:16 PM, Oseous said:

    Hello, I'm new here. I found out about the existence of this TCG because of FE Heroes. What would it take for Nintendo to localize cipher in the Western market? For those of you who have been a fan of this TCG for a long time, what is your outlook on it? 

    Still no hope. It's gonna be eight sets soon, and no worldwide Cipher. Far as I see it, there won't be an international release. Fire Emblem is still a niche thing, and though I've seen a guy be really wanting to play the games of the characters he's rolled, not all normies are gonna be like that.

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