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Posts posted by Yojinbo

  1. I don't really see the issue tbh, everybody has a slightly different approach/bias. More casual/newer players base their ratings on casual playthroughs, semi-experienced players will base things on their experience, people like Horace or Refa who ran FE4 drafts in the past look at things from efficiency standpoints. And then there's Valkama and myself who argue things with LTC strats in mind because that's the name of our game. At the end the values get average'd out anyway so no side really gets the short stick.

    If anything the one thing that stands out is that people don't seem to understand how averages work. If you rate unit on a scale from 1-10 then the majority of your votes should lie somewhere between 3 and 7 imo. If Aira and Levin get 10/10 how are you gonna rate Celice, Oifaye, Aless and Leaf? Give them all straight 10/10? That'd make the whole idea of this 'project' pretty worthless as we'd just be handing out 10/10 ratings left and right in gen 2.

  2. I am a innocent until proven guilty believer here [...]

    Then what are we even discussing this for? "Russia", whoever that actually may be in this specific, is innocent until proven guilty. And in order to be proven guilty evidence needs to be provided. Since no evidence has been shown yet "Russia" has not been proven guilty and is therefore innocent, until proven otherwise. To somebody who's a "believer" in innocent until proven guilty that should be more than enough to convince you that the accusation is hogwash.

  3. Are you planning to do a HM run of this game next?

    If so, be warned - there's quite a difficulty spike between NM and HM, easily the biggest in all FE games before FE11 and a lot of the things that worked out well are going to be either impossible [making use of Wendy], very difficult [making use of Lilina] or take a lot of time more effectively spent elsewhere [using Lugh and Raigh over other units].

  4. So according to Obama Russia is only a regional power, not a global one.

    And yet that regional power is somehow able to "tamper with" the election of the most powerful country on earth.

    A claim which has no basis and for which no evidence exists except that intelligence agencies "believe" it.

    The same intelligence agencies that executed several coup d'etats and armed terrorists groups like the Mudschahedin?

    And even if all of that somehow turned out to be actually true - how is that related specifically to those 35 [i think?] diplomats if "Russia" tampers with the US election? Who even is "Russia" in that case? Putin? Some hacker group? Where is the evidence and where are the connections?

    It's fairly easy to see that this whole thing is just pure bullshit.

  5. 50kill+ Hero Weapons can help you out a great deal and turn underwhelming/mediocre substitute characters into quite useful ones and help them grow fast. Tristan, Femina and Janne benefit from them a great deal. They are alright for substitute characters. Tristan is a pure combat unit, that sets him back a bit being surrounded by OP units like Celice, Oifey, Aless, Fin and Leaf but he can still help out. Femina and Janne can do both fighting and utility stuff which is always good. Obviously, they're not as good at it as Fee and Nanna are but they are still fairly useful overall.

    Daisy, Laylea, Linda, Hawk and Sharlow are strictly utility units. Hawk is a very good fighter but he's footlocked and joins essentially in Ch.9 so it'd be best to treat him -as well as Linda- as a staffbot. Those are quite useful in gen 2 anyway with Warp being much more important and Libro, Silence, Berserk and Sleep freely available to heal or take dangerous magic-based enemy out of commision. Dancing is OP in gen 2 and if Laylea can get her hands on the Prayer Sword she'll have no worries about survival either. Daisy is an interesting case - she's the substitute of Patty who is considerably less useful than Dew because inheritance is a thing and ressource management in gen 2 is nowhere near as strict as in gen 1. That makes Patty somewhat useless. But since substitute charaters don't inherit anything Daisy actually becomes fairly important to distribute money among units who needs lots of them, specifically Mana and Laylea. A good strat would be to pair Linda up with Shanan asap so she can pass around money he makes in the arena. A magic sword also makes her task of stealing gold easier. Linda's easy and straightforward: use Wrath to crithax her way through the arena, make use of Elite to have her promoted by Ch.9 and then reap the rewards of having a B-Rank staffbot just at the right time.

    The remaining substitutes are fairly useless. They are footlocked combat units which is pretty much a deathspell in gen 2. Asaello in fact is not even worth recruiting imho - the experience you get from killing him is worth more than whatever he'll end up doing in your party.

    Dimna is a loser. You'd think having bows on a horse could be useful but since when do you need to do chip damage in gen 2? It's kind of nice in Ch.6 to set up kills for Tristan [Oifaye has a high cance of accidentally crithaxing enemies] but that's pretty much it. As nice as Midir's ability to chip damage was in gen 1, as little will you ever need Dimna's in gen 2. He seems helpful on paper, in practise he's kinda useless.

  6. obama is an overrated failure tbh.

    Eh, I'd say he's getting credit for the wrong things but overall most other presidents have been shittier than him still.

    russia has succeeded in aiding one of the most divisive presidents in our history via tampering with our elective process [...]

    Evidence for this claim?

  7. Seems like Obama's looking out to place some cuckoos in Trump's nest.

    Though it's about time the US government finally takes a clear stance against Israel's constant violations of international law, sanctions against Russia are not justified and a mistake that could come back to haunt the states. They could've made some profitable business with Putin while the EU foolishly continues to not achieve anything with their sanctions but I guess stable relations with Russia just aren't part of the NATO-agenda.

    Kind of an assholeish move on Obama's part to cockblock one of Trump's few reasonable moves like that.

  8. Lex!Tinny is the only iteration of hers that can reasonably promote after the Ch.9 arena and start working as a staffbot. After that Corple/Sharlow can do whatever she can do so there's no point in the extra effort of using her just to have an addition staffbot between her, Corple and Sety/Hawk [and even Fee if you did Fury x Claude]. Linda is still better than all of them though I guess Claude!Tinny deserves some more credit for being able to use the reserve staff after promoting.

  9. Lex x Tiltyu is the only way to make Tinny really usable and Lex!Arthur might be a gimmick, but it's a fun one. Azel x Tiltyu on the other hand is just lame and doesn't give you anything interesting. Azel!Arthur is just your average mage and Azel!Tinny is still worthless. If you don't pair up Tiltyu with Levin, pair her up with Lex imo.

  10. Beowulf passes down Charge which is much more useful than Nihil and Fin is just better left unpaired.

    Jamka passes down Charge and Continue to both children. Charge is perfectly fine on a melee unit -especially one with Pursuit, Continue and Astra- and much better than Elite on units that don't really struggle to make Exp. Dew's Sol interferes with Astra which is quite bad. Jamka x Aira >>> Lex x Aira > Dew x Aira;

  11. I found that the following pairings end up giving the strongest overall gen 2 children, in terms of combat:

    Aideen x Midir

    Aira x Jamka -> Skasaha won't inherit Swords but he really doesn't need them that badly, his starting swords + skills are good enough for Ch.6

    Lachesis x Beowulf

    Fury x Noish

    Sylvia x Claude -> Sylvia can be paired up with anybody but x Claude is fast and passes down Valkyrie and S-Level staves to the otherwise useless Corple

    Tiltyu x Levin

    Briggid x Holyn

  12. 7/10

    She doesn't get road bonuses but I never found that to be an issue, ever. Flying utility gives her access to terrain that's not traversable for a grounded unit which is very useful in all the Chapters she's fully available in - crossing water, mountain ranges, desert, ... that's more of a plus than the lack of road bonus is a minus for her. It's not like she really struggles to keep up in terms of movement or needs to be at the absolute forefront at all times to make herself useful. She has good bases and immediate access to all sorts of great weapons, later she can heal as well. The only thing that really hurts is her availability - 3 chapters, one of which can be finished in as little as 9 turns really limits how much use you can make of her.

  13. Sylvia doesn't really need the leg ring and the only time giving it to her would do anything that special would be Thove castle where it saves like 1 turn if you didn't train up Dew. She does just fine with only the knight ring. Having Sylvia pick up the bargain ring and then prayer abuse an arena gets her 40k pretty easily.

    How does she get past the armor knight in the Ch.2 arena? Afaik he cleanly one-shots her at full HP with no chance of prayer activation.

  14. You know they won't abandon their lovely adopted children that quickly.

    Absolutely not. That's why I'm not expecting much of a public outcry - and so far that seems to hold true. As quick as western politicians are to call out Russia, Iran and Assad they are awfully slow to finally stop supporting the 'rebels' and call them out for what they are: foul terrorists, hardly any better than the IS itself.

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