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Dual Dragons

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Everything posted by Dual Dragons

  1. [spoiler=Chapter 13-2 - *More Unchaining*] More cutscenes! I like this music. Hey, you're... Sophia, aren't you? You also appeared in FE7. You still look like what you did then. Apparently Sophia(?) tended to Cecilia's wounds. Dang. Cecilia thinks she can move after the immense beating she did? It seems she can't, though, because she says ow afterwards. Sophia(?) says Cecilia mustn't move. Cecilia says that she has to do something. Sophia(?) says everything will be fine. Now why would she say that? And this light will aid them so they should wait patiently. A seer? Cecilia asks who Sophia(?) is. Sophia(?) --> Sophia Arcadia? That's the hidden city, isn't it? Cecilia does not know what that place is. Sophia just says that she will explain in due time. For now, just trust her. Turn 4 new enemy positions Baiting of the Wyvern Riders: success. Wait. I can use these? I thought I couldn't before! Why didn't the attack ranges show up before then? Oh well. Now I know the stats for the Iron(?) Ballistae. Apparently it also adds Klain's Strength because he can kill the 26 HP Wyvern Rider. I have him do so since he's the only one not Lilina I want to get EXP. Fun times! Uh... that's weird. Why did this show up in my player phase? Maybe you should be the one to take care of us instead of, I don't know, your peons? Yes, a dragon that got absolutely beaten down by a little Mage and a Paladin. Mostly by the little Mage. I'm soooooo scared! Narcian blames Flaer for not taking care of the Lycian Army over at the Western Isles. Despite it being Flaer's actions, Narcian's reputation is at stake. What does he do about it? TAKE CARE OF ME NOW, YOU DUMBASS. Thank you for letting me convert another one of your higher-leveled peons into EXP. You dumbass. Narcian just wants Flaer to soften us up a bit. That's... assuring? But aren't you going to be somewhere else? And I heal myself after every map. This logic, it make sense not. Delicious EXP. In truth, Narcian, you should have been executed the first moment you let someone else do your job and they fucked it up. HOW DOES ZEPHIEL PUT UP WITH YOU?! Narcian has to act all high and mighty and say he could personally execute Flaer now if Flaer preferred. Flaer just submits to Narcian. What even. And back to my player phase. That was... very strange. New boss is Flaer. I already showed his stats. Clarine heals Lilina. Milady attacks the Troubadour once. Elphin plays Milady. Milady kills the Troubadour and levels up! I want more stats eventually but PATH TO RUIN STARTS. Saul heals Geese. Allen takes out the Troubadour. Jerrot has Allen equip the Javelin and Jerrot takes up his Hand Axe. Lilina will be able to survive the Cavalier east even not at full health. She takes out the Wyvern Rider unable to attack back. Lance and Rutger Rescue-Drop Roy for more distance covered. Ending positions after Astore moves to space indicated. Wyvern Riders on the move! Cavalier goes for Lilina. He misses. Lilina hits him once and unleashes her anger in a crit-kill. That's my Mage on Bike! Turn 5 incoming enemies: I guess I understand now how the ballistae works in FE6. Klain doesn't "enter" the ballista unless he shoots from it. The ballistae don't move in this game but you can enter/exit and shoot on the same turn, unlike in FE7 where you had to enter and shoot or depart and not shoot. And I think you only "enter" by shooting at something, which I don't think there was a target back in Chapter 11 or whichever chapter it was with Bartre. Anyways, a turn in which I can relax a bit. Saul heals Shanna. One more heal for a level up. Milady visits the village, where a man wants to give us a ring that will build the muscles. I think it's an Energy Ring. wtf man That's rude to say in front of Milady It turns out to be a Body Ring. That will probably go onto Shanna. Geese visits the house. This boy talks about the Etrurian Generals and how the Wyvern Generals of Bern are no match compared to the Etrurian Generals... at least, that's what he wishes he could say. Kid doesn't have enough confidence in his own Generals. I guess, to be fair, they did get trumped because their king was taken. That still wasn't a hint on how to recruit Perceval. I really may need to leave him alone or recruit with Roy/Cecilia. Elphin plays Saul. Saul heals Milady. Magic is strong with this one. He now has A rank staves. Healing for Lilina. Clarine levels up. Clarine no Allen and Jerrot Rescue-Drop Lilina in range of the Javelin Wyvern Rider. Lance and Astore Rescue-Drop Klain for more distance covered. Merlinus moves as indicated, ending this turn. Wyvern Rider misses Lilina. Lilina can only hit once. Turn 6 enemy positions The Wyvern Rider with the cursor on it has a Horseslayer. Better keep Allen and Jerrot out of range. Lance would just explode on contact. Lilina hides herself into the forest before taking out the weakened Wyvern Rider. She's 15 EXP from leveling. Allen and Jerrot do a Rescue-Drop to Rutger so Rutger is in the forest. I made sure Rutger was equipped with the Lancereaver. Allen is in range of the Mercenary. After I moved Roy, I accidentally fumbled with my controls and ended the turn preemptly. Dang! I didn't really need to make moves in the north, though, so it wasn't that bad of a fumble. The Mercenary poses no threat to Allen. He misses and Allen kills him with two Iron Sword cuts to the face. He's 4 EXP from leveling. Horseslayer Wyvern Rider misses Lilina. She's safe from death for the turn! Lilina smokes herself some Wyvern Wings. Her Fire breaks but she has another Fire that she equips. 2 EXP from leveling. The other Wyvern Rider hits Roy. Roy hits once and then crits. Turn 7 enemy positions Me and my fumbling... I have Lilina take out the Wyvern Rider. I'm part happy and part sad. Happy because UNLEASHING THE ANGER. Sad because it was a low RN and she's leveling up. MORE SPEED If she keeps getting Speed, I will run out of things to call her. Jerrot visits the village. Says the villager who is likely to have 0 stats across the board and no weapon rank. The sword was last used by a kid named Al. Another one of those named weapons like Gant's Lance? WHAT WHO BERN I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS Pretty much a slightly weaker (by 1 Mt), slightly accurate (by 5 hit), less heavier (by 3 weight) Steel Sword. Not bad. Rutger can use this fully. I have Allen get in range of the Mercenary and Hero. I want someone else to get the Hero kill. I Rescue-chain so Lilina moves almost another full movement of hers. Ending results of this turn (Merlinus off-screen but he will move): Mercenary hits Allen. Allen murders him. Allen levels up! This is good and bad. Good because important stat increases. Bad because I don't know if the additional two points in damage will kill the Hero. Apparently not. Hero misses Allen but Allen hits him twice, leaving the Hero to 16 HP. Phew! A north Cavalier is on the move! Turn 8 The Cavalier in question is on the bridge. Lilina goes after the Hero for massive EXP. 15 --> 58. All the EXP! I have Allen visit the house. This still doesn't tell me how to get Perceval. Well, a plan is forming on possibly how to recruit him. Perceval isn't moving so hopefully... Allen uses the rest of his movement north. Jerrot rescues Lilina and takes her north. Lance does something similar with Roy. I move people around for the incoming Cavalier. Saul waits for a turn so Elphin can play for EXP. Merlinus will move to end this turn. Cavalier group reinforcement in the north section. Oh boy... Cavaliers on the move! Cavalier on the bridge misses Shanna. Shanna hits him once. That's a level up for her. It's not Strength or defensive stats but okay. A cutscene happens between Perceval and the Generic Soldier. Perceval's like, "Fuck this I'm out." Maybe I get him in the chapter with Narcian? So Perceval orders them to fall back. It was a good thing I didn't provoke these people. I forgot to mention this but I did notice that they were called "Soldiers" and not "Etruria." Thank god. I didn't want to face Perceval. But now there's a group of Cavaliers behind me. Wonderful! That means now that the north ballistae Sniper is gone as well. My fliers are free to move forward! Turn 9 enemy positions Perceval's gone but now I must counter and in a way where no one dies. That Cavalier group kind of just came out of nowhere. I don't know where else they might spawn. Geese has a go with the bridge Cavalier using an Iron Axe. Geese kills. Saul heals Shanna. Elphin plays Saul. Allen gets rid of the Troubadour with his two Javelin throws. Jerrot and Lance drop Lilina and Roy out of range of the incoming Cavalier group. I placed Milady and Shanna just out of range of the Cavalier group. Merlinus will move and I will end this turn. Silver Lance Paladin misses Allen. Allen hits him twice with his Javelin. Javelin Cavalier misses Allen. Allen leaves the Cavalier clinging on for his dear life. Turn 10 Prioritizing killing but being safe. Shanna takes out the Killer Lance Cavalier northeast of the Paladin. Horseslayer gogogo! Milady rescues Shanna and goes east. Elphin plays for Milady. One more play till level up. If I do my calculations properly, Shanna should be able to survive both the Silver Lance Paladin (27 pure) and Javelin Cavalier (15 pure) attacks with her 6 Defense and 33 HP. Milady drops Shanna off in a spot where the Paladin and the Javelin Cavalier can get to her and make sure to have Shanna equip the Javelin. Clarine emergency heals Roy. Roy gets rid of a Cavalier. Klain equips the Brave Bow and kills off the Killing Edge Cavalier. Lilina cooks herself some Paladin meat. She levels up. A little more defensive this time. Allen rids me of the north Cavalier of a weaker level. I want to see if I can give Lilina the Level 15 Cavalier. Merlinus will move and I will end this turn. Axereaver Cavalier hits Klain. Silver Lance Paladin misses Shanna but Shanna also misses. Javelin Cavalier misses Shanna. Shanna counters with two Javelin throws. Turn 11 new enemy positions I was hoping Shanna would hit the Paladin since it would be enough chip damage for either a Halberd or Horseslayer to take him out. Milady hits the Paladin from the north. She dodges the counter. Shanna slays the Paladin with her Horseslayer. Nice! She's 9 EXP from leveling. Geese kills off the Cavalier Shanna weakened earlier. Elphin plays for Shanna and levels up. Not too bad. Shanna also puts down the Axereaver Cavalier. I may just promote her early for the promotion boosts. I don't know. As for Lilina... Why is she so angry today?! Saul switches Shanna's equipment so she's wielding the Iron Lance and heals her. There's only one Javelin Cavalier so he won't die even if hit. Merlinus moves, yada, yada. Steel Lance Cavalier goes for Milady. How strange! She's also able to double him but not kill him. Javelin Cavalier misses Saul. Troubadour heals Cavalier. Turn 12 Now we can start to end this map. Well, okay, not really. Flaer will one-round KO Lilina even with support bonus. I'm going to have to weaken Flaer down for her since he'll give enough EXP to level her to 20. Shanna weakens the west Cavalier. Geese kills the Cavalier and levels up. Finally got Strength and he got Defense! Sweet! Milady takes out the other Cavalier. Saul heals Milady. Milady misses the Troubadour. I'm off to fast-forward! And there was no way of getting over to this side of the map before Turn 1, huh? Dang it, game. Oh goodie! More Cavalier reinforcements! This is coming from the south section where my army started. It's good because Shanna wants to get to Level 20 too! It was on Turn 12's enemy phase when this group came by. Milady, no! I actually don't want to shop for now but I will show inventories. This is in case I do enter the Arena and I can still ponder what I need. Buyable Killers, eh? More Elfires might be good. I think Lilina can carry them without AS penalty. On Turn 15's enemy phase, Shanna got hit by a Silver Lance Paladin but she countered with her Horseslayer. Turn 16 I had transported Klain and Rutger by Jerrot and Clarine. Saul physic'd Shanna in case of missing the first hit. It's a good thing too because she DOES miss. And she DOES get hit. The odds of that happening! She does end up killing him for 50 EXP. Good. I do need her close to Level 20. Like I said, I don't want to Arena abuse unless they are close to another level. Milady rescues Shanna and moves east. Elphin plays Milady. Milady puts herself in a spot where she will get attacked by the Axereaver and Javelin Cavaliers, equips the Javelin, and drops Shanna away from combat. Guerilla tactics. Axereaver Cavalier hits Milady. Milady misses. Javelin Cavalier misses. Milady throws her Javelin and lands a hit. Turn 17 In order for Shanna to level up in the Arena, she needs to win a Level 17 battle. I think I'll just give her a low level enemy kill. Saul heals Shanna. Shanna switches to the Iron Lance and attacks the second to the right Cavalier. She kills with little difficulty. She's 8 EXP from leveling. Milady takes Shanna's Horseslayer and kills the east Cavalier. Geese lodges his Halberd into the Killer Lance Cavalier. Elphin plays Milady. Klain shoots two bolts into the west Cavalier. Milady kills the softened Cavalier. 6 EXP to a new level up. Jerrot rescues Klain and moves east. Rutgets takes and drops Klain out of harm's way. I hope no more reinforcements come. Javelin Cavalier misses Jerrot. Turn 18, now anticipating not much else except boss and Arena screenshots. Geese takes out his Iron Axe and hits the Cavalier twice without incurring damage. He now has A rank axes. Milady takes this kill. Another level up. Much better, Milady! Klain lodges an arrow into the Troubadour. Elphin plays Milady. Milady misses the Troubadour. Saul levels up healing Shanna. Ever closer to Level 20. Shanna makes her way towards the Arena. Fast-forwarding! I may just win. Shanna kept missing and I was worried. The Pegasus Knight had 14 damage and landed the first hit on her. Shanna was able to double her opponent and win in the end. So her last level up? SHANNA LOL PLEASE I'M DYING There's no one else who's close to a level so that's it for Arena, I think. Good level up, Elphin. Okay, Shanna. Since you've somehow been blessed with the Strength and you're Level 20, I think it's time. 15 STRENGTH ON A LEVEL 1 FALCOKNIGHT +6 HP is cool too Oh man Those are some stats Sure Turn 25, time for defeating the boss Klain attacks Flaer using his Steel Bow. And Klain is a general of Etruria. This will be a worthy duel. They both hit each other. Geese gets chip EXP and gets hit on retaliation. Lilina kills. Hurrah! Nah. Lilina will become a Sage in just a moment. She gets her last unpromoted level up! SHE INTENSIFIES Little bit of healing and shopping as I need Lilina to promote. Become the ultimate Sage! And then I remembered That was supposed to go to Saul OOPS I hope the other Guiding Ring is pretty unavoidable and soon because I won't have a good Light user for a while. Well, this will do for now, Lilina, my little Glass Cannon. Just don't disappoint me. Shopping time! I still got another full use Killing Edge in the convoy. Rutger has a 10 use Killing Edge that I will only need on occasion now that he's a Swordmaster. May need more Iron Swords because they're the only consistent weapon that no one will get AS penalty. I'll buy: 2 Iron Swords, 1 Killing Edge, 2 Killer Lances, 2 Javelins, 1 Iron Bow, and 1 Killer Bow. Enemies are getting tougher and might need more power. At the Vendor, I'll get: 2 Fires, 1 Elfire, and 1 Heal. Before I forget... Yay less AS penalty. Let's seize this castle, where Cecilia is still alive! You took a critical from Zephiel. Don't be ashamed. Roy says it's more important that she's alive. Yes, Sophia. This "girl." She introduces herself in the same manner as before. A seer. What is her story? Music shift! And ugh, the Nabata Desert. I really don't like that place. It had Fog of War and desert in hard mode. Hell visited me. Arcadia has always been hidden but Bern found out where the village was and attacked it. I see. Bern's just got to raid and pillage everything they see. Roy asks why Bern would attak Arcadia. Dragons! The hidden city of Arcadia was founded by man and dragon a long time ago, as these people wanted peace among the races. I remember. Sophia asks Roy to save her village--and guess who has to just butt in. YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST CHARACTER IN THIS GAME Roy outright ignores Merlinus' bile Roy says that we are in Sophia's debt for saving Cecilia and we should do everything we can to save the village. And then Roy wants to learn more about Arcadia, to which Sophia agrees to do as much as she can say. As Sophia tells Roy more about Arcadia and the inhabitants, let's sit around the fire for a second. We need to relax after this long day. Three more people have overcome their limits and are eager to become even stronger. I sure hope they do. It seems Bern is only going to be more relentless as the days go on by. For now, I'm willing to let them have their rest. They deserved it. So let's record what has happened... Class Lv HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Roy Lord 17.46 34 13 13 14 13 7 9 Allen Paladin 3.45 43 18 17 19 10 12 5 Lance Cavalier 20.00 36 12 13 20 9 7 2 Merlinus Transporter 1.03 15 0 3 3 10 3 0 Shanna Falcoknight 1.00 34(+7) 15 17 22 19 8 9 Rutger Swordmaster 1.37 40 15 22 21 7 10 5 Saul Priest 19.68 29 10 14 16 4 3 14 Lilina Sage 1.00 27 22 10 16 10 6 13 Astore Thief 14.41 29 7 9 17 11 8 3 Klain Sniper 2.61 28 13 14 11 11 8 6 Elphin Bard 8.52 21 1 3 14 15 4 3 Geese Pirate 16.75 39 11 11 12 11 9 1 Milady Wyvern Rider 13.57 33 14 12 11 5 13 3 Reset: 3 Lost: 2 [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table] *DEATH* [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!] *RESET* Chapter 4 Wade Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 4 Lugh Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 10 Lilina Combat - Hand Axe Fighter *LOST* Chapter 6 Cath Combat - Chad Chapter 9 Shin Combat - Lilina
  2. Hey there, new poster! I DON'T EVEN KNOW BUT I HOPE MY WITCHCRAFT NEVER STOPS WORKING ITS MAGIC LOL He's finally catching up. My poor lad has been left behind for too long. Gladly will promote this Shanna of Strength. Lilina's trying. At least her Speed is apparently good. :'D I read what was in the spoilers. My god. What is wrong with my Lilina and Shanna? XD @PuffPuff: Huh. I guess so on the ranking stuff. It's been a while since I did FE7's ranking (and only on normal; I was working on hard last time) but one or two of those requirements were ridiculous. There was much unchaining this chapter. Interesting. Lilina really is the old Micaiah. So much magic. Poor Rutger and his single-digit Luck, haha. Yes but I kind of expect more threatening Dark tomes... especially after I've been scarred by FE7's Luna tome. ffffff the Luna tome. I was thinking if to do Chapter 13 or the alternate run of Chapter 10 first. Since I didn't give much of a warning, I'll hold off on Chapter 10 alternate until completing Chapter 13 and anything I missed is cleared. *This chapter had soooo many screenshots. All the cutscenes! So there's more summarizing in the cutscenes. *This first part has an awkward split as a result. It's during Turn 2's enemy phase. Now Etruria is revolting! They have been our main support line for Princess Guinivere and Mage General Cecilia. I can expect for the time being that they will be my enemies... [spoiler=Chapter 13-1 - *I'm not teased anymore*] And just after we got Armands. Something bad happened when we got Durandal too. Pattern? Okay so she's still on our side or at least neutral. Bern was only being silent to do this kind of stuff to me. Curse you, Bern! So I finally know the other Etrurian General. Cool. But no! They're my enemies! Perceval, please don't be a permanent enemy like Camus. You were cool! With Perceval and Douglas on the revolutionaries side (even if against their own will), the loyalist group is pushed out of Etruria. Definitely rescuing time. I shall rescue a member of Roy's harem! Chapter 13 is pretty huge with terrain not many can cross. And even while Shanna and Geese (under slow movement) can cross these waters... We've got ballistae here to stop them in their tracks. Geese only gets a 10 avoid bonus on Sea so it's not that ideal terrain to dodge ballistae bolts. That third one is a Killer. I would probably be unable to exploit it for long. Across the waters is Cecilia surrounded by many enemies. Even while being a promoted unit with an Aircalibur tome, she's not going to last long here under constant abuse. Not too far away is Perceval, who's packing the stats. He only has a Silver Lance... but that's the thing, he only has a Silver Lance. He's not going to be afraid of murdering any of my units with it. Two ways I can think of recruiting him: recruit Cecilia and have her talk to him or get the king and prove to Perceval that everything is okay. Perceval's AI, I'll need to figure out. If he goes for Cecilia, she might be gone before I even reach the bridge. Oh! But I have a third guess as well: leave Perceval alone. Perhaps by seizing the castle, Perceval will be recruited just from cutscenes. In the same screenshot, you can see the Armory, Vendor, and a tiny Arena. It's also the return of the houses for the first time in a while. Maybe they will tell me how to get Perceval. Two villages. The left screenshot is a village that is to the north of where I start. It's being guarded by Etrurians. The other village is near where Cecilia is. Also surrounded by Etrurians. I don't know if the king would be in either of these villages but I would guess so if my second guess on how to recruit Perceval is true. I'll try to make sure to visit them first before getting to Perceval. Looking like another split party again--hopefully just one or two units going north will be good enough. Roy's objective should be going to Cecilia first thing. As for the enemy line-up: A whole variety to pick from. It's the first appearance of the Troubadour and Hero class. The Hero, to me, is especially threatening. Honorable mentions of worrisome foes: From top-to-bottom, left-to-right: Killer Lance, Horseslayer, Killing Edge. There's also enemies with Axereavers--not the other Reaver weapons. They don't like Geese today. Flaer is the first Wyvern Lord. The pummeling of Narcian will have to come later. But hey, we get his lackey! And I know how to combat this guy. Before figuring out the inventory, a statistical look at Armands. Considering how bad most axes' accuracies are, this 75 hit looks good. Like wow good for an axe. 13 weight is pretty heavy but I think promoted Geese will make this work. The Berserker crit bonus will make up for the 0 crit Armands has. Jerrot's there for Rescue-ferrying if need be. Clarine for support boost and secondary healer. Roy's got the Wyrmslayer and Lancereaver because he'll be sent towards Cecilia. Lilina's carrying the Aircalibur tome. Shanna has the Horseslayer. I know it weighs her down terribly but I don't plan for her to go solo mission. Geese still has the Halberd and Swordreaver. I give Rutger my seal of approval, or the Hero's Crest. Until another Knight's Crest presents itself, Lance is unfortunately capped for the time being. He'll still be coming along for the Allen support bonus. Don't know if Shanna is going to hit Level 20 this map but just in case. Upon the chance she does, carpe diem. I'm going to be doing something with Elphin, Shanna, and Geese in the first turn. Lance and Allen may need to charge towards the ballistae area so everyone can rush in safely. Rescuing mission: commence! I'm prepared! As soon as I heard the music here, I knew Narcian was coming. I will kill you soon enough. Flaer states that the loyalists led by Cecilia are stronger than anticipated. Narcian isn't pleased. Your work, Narcian? I haven't seen you since like... Chapter 8. I think you've been lazy and expecting others to do your work. Please. WELL FUCK. CECILIA MIGHT BE DEAD FOR SURE. Zephiel compliments Cecilia's fighting prowess. He says as I'm here. OH NO ZEPHIEL Instead of listening to me, Roy hears Merlinus say the castle hasn't fallen yet. Turn 1 enemy positions: In the north, the southwest Cavalier has a Javelin. The north ballistae on the south bridge has a max range of what the Mage's range is. Enacting the plan I mentioned earlier. First, Geese goes up to Shanna. Shanna rescues him and moves north a few spaces. Elphin plays for Shanna. Shanna makes sure to equip the Javelin. She drops Geese off into the forest and moves in range of that southwest Javelin Cavalier. Allen and Lance will be charging ahead with everyone following after them. But first... SHARPEN YOUR KEN. +5 HP and +3 Def. EXCELLENT. With these stats and 41 PURE crit chance, you can bet the crit is real for Rutger. Merlinus will go to Clarine's west. In another cutscene, Zephiel steps up to Cecilia and greets her. Shortly after, they commence combat. OH NO Oh Cecilia no... no... Cecilia... Just lie down and try to pretend you're dead. No... Cecilia... Oh boy... He does a swirl and twirl and lands a crit on Cecilia. Ah... Cecilia... Uwah? She's still alive? ! She's still alive! Cecilia! Zephiel comments that he supposes it was foolish to exepct any sort of challenge from an Etrurian like Cecilia. Narcian proposes that Zephiel leave Cecilia to himself. Zephiel's like why. DEAR GOD NO NONONO Narcian prepares a cell for Cecilia. Crap! Zephiel takes the castle! Everyone's on the move! Ballistae hits Allen. Mage misses Lance. Lance kills him. Ballistae misses Lance. Javelin Cavalier hits Shanna. Shanna retaliates with two hits. PERCEVAL, SAVE US! ! Perceval asks if it was Narcian who made the decision to attack the castle. Generic Soldier says it was Zephiel. Perceval comments that Bern never saw Etruria as partners to begin with. I don't know why they would think that when Bern has DRAGONS. No, Perceval! Cecilia might be getting the horrors visited upon her by Narcian! DAMMIT, ROY. I TOLD YOU ABOUT ZEPHIEL. Roy asks about Cecilia's condition. And we're basically retold what it is: Cecilia not dead but hurt badly. Roy says there's a chance she's alive and we should save her. Of which I go "STOP JABBERING! LET'S GO!" Turn 2 enemy positions So... King Zephiel. You can't be telling me I got to face THIS at this point in the game. Okay. So Cavaliers have been provoked and that might have been too risky when Shanna hasn't even promoted yet. My mistake. I need to get rid of the most units I can on the ballistae bridge. Klain isn't fast enough to double the Mage with normal weaponry. He's going to need to withdraw the Brave Bow. Merlinus takes out the Brave and Killer Bows from the convoy and trades them for Klain's Longbow and Shortbow. Klain misses once! DAMMIT, KLAIN. Mage hits him with lightning. SERIOUSLY, KLAIN? 89 HIT CHANCE? Lilina takes out the Mage. Jerrot whips out his Iron Axe and murders the east Archer. Lance kills the other Archer. He levels up for his last level as an unpromoted. I don't need this right now, Lance. Allen kills the south ballistae with no injuries. From this battle, he gets an S rank in lances. I heard that people can have multiple S ranks, though. Still, it's nice to see. Geese takes out the Cavalier Shanna weakened. Shanna rescues Geese and moves south. Saul heals Shanna. Elphin plays Shanna. Shanna equips the Horseslayer, moves in range of the Paladin, and drops Geese. I do a little trading chain so Rutger will end up with the Wyrmslayer and Lancereaver in exchange for his Vulneraries for the incoming Wyvern Riders. This ends the turn. Another cutscene (so many cutscenes!) where Narcian reports to Zephiel they found Guinivere. Zephiel orders to bring her to him. She gets a Sage model. Cool. Also: crap. Sad music shift. Your father was scum and tried to kill Zephiel. Now Zephiel's taking his daddy issues onto the world. Zephiel's all, "How can you say people are innocent? Men get afflicted with emotions like jealousy, greed, vanity and kill each other out of those petty emotions." Start with yourself, buddy. Guinivere's still on about how there are so many people being killed for his change. Zephiel says a few worthless lives are nothing for the change he wants. Changed so hard from FE7. I wonder how I would have felt if I played FE6 first and then FE7. Hm... Zephiel shows a minor form of compassion by saying to Guinivere that she is his only blood relative left. He is willing to forgive her trechery for one time but will not forgive the next instance. Zephiel asks if the head of Guinivere's guard is present. Back to the menacing tune. Milady! CAN I FINALLY GET HER THIS TIME? PLEASE STOP TEASING ME AND DON'T TEAR OUT MY HEART BY SAYING SHE'S NOT RECRUITABLE. AGH. WHY. This went from bad to worse. Narcian, Zephiel, and Guinivere enter the castle. The castle is open to be seized... for now. Silver Lance Paladin sinks his 21 damage lance into Shanna. OW! Shanna goes for a glorious counter with the Horseslayer. It's the duel of the high-damage attacks! Silver Lance Paladin hits Jerrot. Jerrot hits him back once and gains a level up. Not bad. SNIPER GETS OUT OF THE BALLISTA. He hits Jerrot for another 14 damage. JERROT NO. Jerrot dodges a Javelin Cavalier. Sad song. Also: MILADY. Milady says she is glad that Guinivere is safe but... Not this again. Please. Guinivere backs away from Milady. Silly Guinivere. Sages can't use swords. Guinivere demands to be let free. Milady asks what would Guinivere do if she was let free. Guinivere responds that Roy and the army are near by, of which Milady is astonished that Guinivere would consider joining the enemy. Guinivere says that she cannot stand idle while she watches the world get overrun by Bern's forces. No matter what reason her brother has, it is still a violent conquest. One where dragons rule and humans are dust in the burning wind. Guinivere asks again to be let go. Milady has a question. Does this mean...? Does this mean...?! Milady says that she serves Guinivere before she serves Bern. If Guinivere so asks, Milady will gladly let her go. Accompanymeaccompanyme YEAHHHHH! Milady's AI searches for Roy and-- FUCK YEAH I SWEAR, OLD MAN. I WILL PUT YOUR NOSE THROUGH THE GRINDSTONE--LITERALLY. Roy thinks Milady could be a messenger. Now quietly slither into the shadows, Merlinus. Go on. Shoo. Much better. Why hello, my Wyvern Rider! Guinivere presents herself and Roy is glad she is safe. Guinivere tells Roy that she escaped with Milady's help. PLEASURE TO MEET YOU TOO. STAY ON MY TEAM FOREVER. Guinivere assures us that Cecilia is still alive but gravely wounded. After Roy thanks her and declares once again we must save Cecilia, we enter Turn 2: It's very hard to get enemies without having to get two screenshots. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh Sorry. I just love the Wyvern Rider class so much. Since you get them later in the game, I get so excited each and any time (yes, even on repeated playthroughs) I get one. Except for Luck and Resistance, of course, Milady is looking great. She could do with more Speed since she's not going to be able to double many enemies with a Steel Lance. I should have an Iron Lance and Javelin in the convoy with her name on it. Needless to say, YES I'M USING HER. HAHAHA YES I move Roy out of the way so Merlinus can withdraw weapons and trade to Milady. Unfortunately, Milady can't kill anything to the east without help. I also don't think the main army needs that much help. FEASTING TIME. Milady kills him for 73 EXP. PATH TO GLORY. AHAHAHA. KILL ALL THE CAVALIERS. She's 4 EXP from leveling. SLAUGHTER ALL THE CAVALIERS. He's 4 EXP from leveling. Elphin plays Geese. I'm more concerned about the east side for now so I'll hold off killing the Cavalier. Clarine does emergency healing to Jerrot. Klain kills the north Cavalier with his Silver Bow. Rutger goes for the Paladin. DESTROY HIM AHAHAHAHA Allen builds his sword rank by killing the Sniper. I better check back on Geese in case he misses. He downs the Killer Lance Cavalier. Wahoo! Level up! What happened to Strength, Geese? Saul heals Shanna. Lilina kills the last nearby Cavalier and is 3 EXP from leveling. Jerrot moves in range of the Javelin Wyvern Rider and equips the Hand Axe. These positions shall end this turn. WELL Some of these dragons will be supplied to Narcian. WELL The Nabata Desert? Not the desert! The hidden village Nergal and Athos were said to have stayed in? That place? Oh not this place again. If there's Fog of War I swear I will choke someone. Outnumbered by what? That village will be mine! Zephiel says Narcian better not disappoint him. While I'm around, this is blatant lies. Even with a 38 hit chance, the Cavalier hits Lilina for 17 damage. Lilina counters by killing him. RARE STAT GAINS Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Jerrot. Jerrot hits him back twice. Troubadour heals Wyvern Rider. Hey!
  3. [spoiler=Chapter 12x-2 - *Disappointing Looting*] Turn 4 The Thief with the Elixir sunk into the shadows. I think he's just going for the chest above Allen. Lance rids himself of the Brigand he weakened on enemy phase. Elphin needs to get out of the way so I had him grab this Elixir. Lilina incinerates the Archer. Rutger hacks the Brigand dead with his Steel Sword. Roy's very angry too. Astore moving reveals a new Brigand. Saul heals Roy. I shall end Turn 4 with this arrangement: Except not. Dang! I was trying that path to avoid crashing into an enemy. Looks like the Thief is going to grab that chest too. Steel Axe Brigand misses Lance. Lance counters him twice. Myrmidon cuts into Allen. Allen kills him. Steel Bow Archer misses Allen. Hand Axe Brigand coming from the shadows misses Lance. Hand Axe Brigand misses Lance. Mostly Elixirs and Antitoxins. I don't necessarily use Elixirs so maybe I should just kill the nuisance. Eclipse Druid shall always miss Allen. Turn 5 enemy positions This Thief is loaded. Could it be that he won't go for more chests? Maybe it's possible to catch this guy using Astore? But then I would have to guess where he's going. The whole east side is empty. On the west side, there's the northwest and southwest areas. When I stole that Thief's Lockpick, I think he was trying to leave through the southwest area. I think I'll wait a turn before doing something to this Thief. I guess I can keep this for now--even though it doesn't give EXP. Lance switches to the Javelin and kills the weakened Brigand. I hope to counter and hit the other two Brigands on enemy phase. 16 EXP until he levels up. I check and see that the Druid has a Nosferatu tome. I have Allen equip the Javelin, go around to the Archer's north, and attack directly. He slays the Archer. In northwest, left to right off-screen is Lilina and Saul. Elphin and Lance stayed in their positions. Steel Axe Brigand cannot hit a swift-footed Astore. Astore hacks at him twice. Hand Axe Brigand hits Lance. Lance misses both his attacks. Hand Axe Brigand misses Lance. Lance hits him once. Thief is running south. Aha! Eclipse Druid tries to get Astore. He shall always miss. Another not-as-obvious noxious fume area. Turn 6 enemy positions I want the Thief's two Elixirs and Lockpick. I'm going to have to dump Astore's inventory into someone else's inventory. Lilina has been carrying this 1 use Fire for a long while. I have her break it while killing off the Brigand. She's 3 EXP from leveling. She also increases in Anima rank to A. Lance uses a Vulnerary. Roy has a full inventory after he takes Lilina's Elfire from her. She now has three empty slots. Astore moves southwest but not too far away so Lilina can't catch him next turn. Saul uses a Torch staff for EXP. Allen hits the Druid once with his Javelin. Elphin shall be moving towards Astore so we can hopefully steal everything and kill the Thief in due time. Lance and a Hand Axe Brigand have themselves a dodge party. Lance is able to kill the other Brigand without further damage. He levels up! Strength nearly equal to Rutger's. Not too bad, I guess. Eclipse Druid misses Roy. Turn 7 Alright. Let's do this. I may need to fast-forward a bit if there ends up not being any other enemies. There doesn't seem to be any currently because no others have come at me during these turns. Lilina takes Astore's Torch, one of his Iron Swords, and the Antitoxin. Astore runs further south. Lance throws his Javelins at the Hand Axe Brigand in a spot where Elphin can get him. Lance hits him once and dodges the counter. Elphin plays Lance. Lance switches to the Iron Sword and kills the Brigand. Allen will move to the southeast of Rutger, ending this turn. Druid switches to Nosferatu and misses Rutger. Turn 8 I wanted one of my unpromoted units to get that Druid kill. Let's see... I think it might have to be Roy. The boss is probably a Berserker/Warrior and Rutger can take that kill, hopefully to get 100 EXP. Block this guy's path for the time being. Should have had Elphin dance for EXP this turn but oh well. Roy kills the Druid easy. His EXP goes from 28 to 75. So much EXP! Saul heals Allen. One more heal to a level up. Didn't realize that Allen would be the last unit to move but I discovered a Brigand, it seems! Turn 9 That's a Devil Axe Brigand up there. Apparently doesn't move. Good to know. Elphin plays for Astore. Commence stealing operation! I have another idea. If I can pull this off, I can have all four Thief items in tow. For now, Lance will move to Elphin's west so the Thief can think he is going to keep exiting west. Last unit to move is Allen. I will make sure there are no more enemies in the east area by sending him there, ending this turn. Turn 10 Two steals with Elphin's help. Now for the plan in question. After all that Brigand fighting, Lance happens to have a 1 use Iron Sword on him. As long as he doesn't activate his 1 chance crit, I can get the Antitoxin as well. Lance and the Thief trade blows. Lance breaks the Iron Sword. Next turn, he will take one of Astore's items. Oh dear. That's a Killing Edge Myrmidon. Hopefully he doesn't get provoked by Rutger and Roy right there. The boss is in sight, though. Yep. Another Berserker. I should have known. I don't have Clarine with me so Rutger might be in trouble with Guerrero's crit chance. I can force him into the Hand Axe however. Level 2 Berserker boss means a Level 13 unpromoted will get 100 EXP. Level 19 Rutger will get 80, 5 more than he needs to hit Level 20. There seems to be no enemies in the eastern area. Allen can come back up now. I'll end the turn even without Saul moving. Hi, hidden Brigand! Hand Axe Brigand misses Allen. Turn 11 No screenshot since there probably won't be much going on this turn. Lance takes Astore's new Lockpick and starts heading towards the main group. Astore steals the Antitoxin. Forgot to screenshot this. Elphin plays Astore. Lance left just enough HP for Astore to get this kill. Full Thief EXP! Astore levels up! Astore why Since it's going to be a while for Lance to make it to the main group and for Astore to get all the chests, I have Allen trick the Brigand into moving north towards the main group. So I'm fast-forwarding! From the Brigand that Allen dragged all the way north. More Magic is always appreciated. She's now on the same level as Roy. Healing Lance nets him more Speed. More Speed, Elphin! You need more Speed! I guess more Lockpicks are always good for either unlocking or funds rank. Still fast-forwarding but... Lance throws his Javelin at the Killing Edge Myrmidon. He hits. Lilina takes that kill. I'm uncertain if that provokes the Devil Axe Brigand to move so I have Roy kill him while also breaking the Iron Sword. He's 2 EXP from leveling. Turn 17 I'll start killing the boss. Allen gets in Guerrero's Hand Axe range. Eloquence in its finest. He misses. He has no hit chance. Upon checking stats, Allen just has enough Avoid to null out his hit chance with a Hand Axe. Nice! A bit risky even with the boss having 18 hit chance, but I have Roy hit the boss for chip EXP. This is successful without Roy getting injured. Level up! Not too bad, Roy. Rutger needs a little more chip before he can possibly crit-kill the boss. I have Lance trade Allen for his Iron Sword and attack Guerrero with it. Lance manages to crit him, dodge an attack, and then hit him. Well, that made Rutger's job a lot easier! All he needs to do is hit the boss normally with the Killing Edge. This battle was actually tense at first because Rutger missed! The boss missed too before Rutger killed him. Phew! As for this guy's quotes, "DAAAAAH DURRRRR DEEEE." I mean, I got nothing else. This material is hard to work with. And just as calculated, Rutger levels up for level 20! Interesting, Rutger. I feel like this is his first time getting Defense. The unchaining will unfortunately have to happen next chapter. FAST-FORWARD FOR CHESTS. Awesome! More money! Money! Bleh Man, really? On the last turn (Turn 25), which is also the turn Astore gets the last chest. Better stats for a Bard. Time for us to uncover the legendary Armands. I want to get out of here as soon as I can. Elphin has sharp hearing. He and Raigh should be good friends. Secret passage! And one will not likely use if you're your father's son, Roy. Roland was small but could wield Durandal. I thought it was all about strength rather than stature. Scene shift! Hi Generic Soldier. What can I do for you? Not another revolt! Merlinus enters because reasons. That was the other guy I was trying to remember. And I knew we shouldn't have let Arcardo get away. If they do that, Perceval and Cecilia will be our enemies. I must not let that happen. That's right! Guinivere was over there too. Whatever happened to her? Dang it. That's bad. That means Perceval and... whoever the other general is are my enemies. I can assume Cecilia isn't. If I can somehow get Cecilia or the king, I should be able to get Perceval and... whoever the other general is. We should, stat! Best wishes to the princess. We have acquired Armands for our trouble! Hurrah! Thrown into Merlinus' wagon Armands goes; but, as we do so, a revolution in Etruria has spread across the land. Shall we find Cecilia together and calm down the turbulence in Etruria by reuniting the Etrurian Generals? I dearly hope so--for the sake of Lycia and Etruria. Class Lv HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Roy Lord 17.10 34 13 13 14 13 7 9 Allen Paladin 2.45 42 17 16 19 10 12 5 Lance Cavalier 19.69 35 12 13 20 9 7 2 Merlinus Transporter 1.03 15 0 3 3 10 3 0 Shanna Peg Knight 17.55 25(+7) 12 14 20 17 6 7 Rutger Myrmidon 20.00 35 13 20 20 7 7 3 Saul Priest 16.48 27 9 13 16 4 3 11 Lilina Mage 16.47 22 15 5 12 9 3 10 Astore Thief 14.41 29 7 9 17 11 8 3 Klain Sniper 2.03 28 13 14 11 11 8 6 Elphin Bard 6.02 19 1 3 12 13 4 2 Geese Pirate 14.33 37 10 11 11 10 8 1 Reset: 3 Lost: 2 [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table] *DEATH* [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!] *RESET* Chapter 4 Wade Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 4 Lugh Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 10 Lilina Combat - Hand Axe Fighter *LOST* Chapter 6 Cath Combat - Chad Chapter 9 Shin Combat - Lilina
  4. I see, I see. Next gaiden requirement chapter isn't too far away. Gotta remember that. Aw. I could have waited a few turns. Maybe given someone that Level 15 Warrior. Oh, that would make sense what to use Eclipse on. Yeah. I would think even the Knights would have enough Avoid at this point. But-But-But Milady! She definitely looks recruitable! 8C Please don't rip out my heart, momogeek. My heart wouldn't be able to take it! But Rutger's not Level 20. 8'C He will definitely get the Hero's Crest, I promise. Really now! That's very interesting. I should keep the weapon ranks in mind any time I play FE6. Lilina is definitely looking good--especially after this chapter. Berserkers are very scary this game. +30 crit bonus?! I knew those two Berserker people in FE7's desert chapter weren't that intimidating, even on hard mode! Erik haunts me: 3. *First part ends before Turn 4's player phase I'm visiting more legendary places instead of saving Lycia from impending doom. [spoiler=Chapter 12x-1 - *Thieves on the Prowl*] Field trip! Great. More stupid-or-genius bandits. I never would have guessed. Hey, what's this? The Augury? Though I was told that the Augury doesn't have the support list. Let's see... Ah. Just the ranking stuff? I see. Let's see how shitty I've been doing! La-La-La-Lalum this text is really slow game why you do this to me That is... very vague. I've had a few chapters that were in the 20s and 30s in turn count. How could I have been overall doing well in here? And I thought I was calculating very well on EXP. I wonder where I messed up. So I guess "really well" > "pretty well" > "good work." I still have absolutely no idea what that means, Lalum. "Really well"? That's odd. I sold off the gems, used the Seraph Robe, used the Knight's Crest, and having been doing liberal use on equipment. FE6 is more laxing on the funds requirement? Combat should still be the same. Not the hardest of requirements to do. I'm taking a stab at it but would "really well" means "fulfilled the 5 star requirement"? This one, which is new to me, I'm doing less stellar. Huh. What's this one, I wonder? "How strong are your units?"... would that be based on stats or levels? But shouldn't EXP already factor in levels? Well, it's no matter. I'm not doing ranking--but I do think whatever this is is interesting. Huh! How can "really well" be "5 star" if Cath and Shin died? Maybe "really well" isn't "5 star." Maybe "4 star"? But none of the other descriptions suggested anything that was better than "really well," so I would assume that's "5 star." I never recruited Cath or Shin... and any of the units I did recruit I reseted for their deaths... Interesting! Very interesting! I'm now legitimately confused! Thank you, Lalum, but I must be off to inspect the map. All these brown boxes with green on them? Chests. This is the true "Chests Everywhere" map. These chests, this kind of cave area, the throne in a top corner reminds me of... Hector's exclusive map. I can't remember what it was. I count 12 chests. While two Thief units might be redundant, they will also be valuable for the type of map this is. Fog of War. The boss data is going to have to wait for later. To get what little of enemy data I can for now, I have Chad and Astore on the field. They're still using Brigands. Don't they usually quit using them by the double-digit chapters? Anyways, mix of direct fighters and ranged enemies at the start. This guy's lugging around a Halberd. I'm starting to realize that this game really LOVES to use their effective weaponry. That or I'm just noticing them more often because x3 effectiveness. Only judging from the initial enemies, a bit more axe-based. I also have a bit of a limitation of deployment slots. So... Decided not to deploy Chad. I do have some sets of Chest Keys so Elphin should be okay to function as a Thief. Saul deposits the Unlock for the Torch staff. Ready to lock and load. We go in search for the axe that crashes in its wake. Oh. Of course this similar model would be in Fog of War. Curse you and your ilk! In my convoy, where it will be. You're still not done using this sprite, game? You should do what Bern says because I be comin' for ya! Of course you can be like this guy and get yourself slaughtered. Not really? I don't, but I'm the player. It's infinitely more important to me than it is to you. I raid ALL these caves. I seriously want to know how these elongated vowels were written in the Japanese version. This logic. Don't worry, Roy. I brought Saul with his Torch staff and Astore with his vision. I still can't believe we're going to damn another person to a warrior's death. If Geese grows into a good lad, he shall wield this mighty axe. Imagine: a man of the sea smashing things with his Thunder Axe. He'd be the most feared pirate and merchant ever. Though I don't think it's JUST because you're a bard, I will let you go for the time being. It would be wise to learn more, Roy. I approve. It's more incredulous that the volcano had bandits. I can't be that surprised anymore. Oh. Oh yeah! Wasn't there a mechanic like this FE7? I think so. Turn 1 enemy positions Right. I should see if I can find those noxious fume spots. This looks like one of them. Okay. They're commonly placed in front of chests. But I can't discern if there are any placed on the sides. I did bring the Restore staff with me but Saul should be able to benefit from poison. Astore is providing the visibility to see the east Brigand. Any business I want to take care of the east Brigand should be done before moving Astore. Simple enough. I have Allen use of his movement towards the Brigand. We reveal the Shaman from before in the process. This is so Lance with his Iron Sword can whack this Halberd Brigand to death with absolutely no chance to get hit. A pitiful state of affairs when you can't use your effective weapon. Lance hits him once before crit-killing him. Ha! Astore steals the Thief's Lockpick. Elphin plays for Rutger while being in range of the east Chest. Elphin levels up. I know HP is important but please, Elphin. Future Me: When I got the Myrmidon screenshot seen later, Elphin played and got a much better level up. It included HP, Speed, Defense, and one other stat. I was quite sad. Rutger sends the Brigand to near-death. 15 more EXP and he will level up. Turn 1 ends as such: Roy counters by killing the Brigand. Level up! What are you doing, Roy? Are you trying to prove that you're... good?! He is still subscribed to the Res Bus. Myrmidon in sight! Steel Bow Archer misses Astore. Hand Axe Brigand misses Astore. Shaman does not get to Flux Lance. The Thief I stole his Lockpick from is trying to run away. A Thief is nearing the Chest I'm nearing. Hey! Here's another noxious fume that may be harder to tell is there. Turn 2 Future Me: I remembered that I forgot to screenshot a Myrmidon. I still had the save for 12x so this was no biggie to go back in and get this pic. ... Now that I think about it, I haven't seen droppable items on this journey, have I? So in order for me to get that Elixir, I need to steal from him. I didn't bring Merlinus. Dang it! I want Lilina to get Thief kill EXP. Lilina releases pent-up anger for the first time. Mage on Wheels --> Mage on Bike Lance plunges his Iron Lance into the Thief twice to take him out. Elphin plays for Lance. Lance gets rid of the Shaman. 2 EXP from leveling! Allen goes north to possibly intercept the Thief. Rutger switches to the Steel Sword and kills the Archer. 2 EXP from leveling as well. Oh yes I will be needing this No not really Saul will stop at the spot the arrow ends. Hand Axe Brigand misses Saul. It sucks that the Elixir is unavoidable. I could care less about the Antitoxin. I wasn't quick on capturing the hidden noxious fumes but I think they were in these locations. Turn 3 I'm trying to decide if the Elixir is really worth trying to steal from the Thief. If it is, I will need to have Astore make some room. Lance misses one of his 82 hit Iron Lance attacks on the Myrmidon. Argh! Myrmidon misses him and Lance hits. That is enough chip EXP to gain a level up. Defense has been kind of lacking for the Cavaliers. The battle reveals a new Brigand. Elphin playing for Lance on the west keeps him safe. Lance switches to the Iron Sword and fells the Myrmidon. Lilina puts her new Speed to good use by killing the Hand Axe Brigand with no injuries. I have a feeling that this is a noxious fume area. Rutger kills the Myrmidon while sustaining injuries. That's Level 19 for him! While more Strength is always appreciated, I then remember that I didn't bring the Hero's Crest because I originally was planning to bring Merlinus--thus I didn't pack a Hero's Crest onto Rutger. Saul heals Rutger. Allen will park himself to the north of the west structure (labeled as "cliff") so he's in range of the Halberd Brigand. Halberd Brigand squanders his 8 hit opportunity and gets murdered by Allen in the process. Lance weakens a Steel Axe Brigand. Hand Axe Brigand misses Roy. Steel Bow Archer sinks a bolt into Roy. Yes, you're a Druid, but you're not going to be hitting for squat. More noxious fume spots.
  5. Now that there is a time and place I can discuss, I'm addressing some earlier posts: If this was towards me or including me, nah, I wasn't mad. I just didn't know why she was being defensive over my post when I meant no finger-pointing of any kind. Also I kind of lost track of who said what and wanted a more personal answer. But no worries. No feelings harmed; no offense taken. Quick response because needing to leave suddenly but I wanted to put that out there. Also, men are not like women in that they have a "specific" time of when they can produce reproductive stuff. Getting more detailed would require an anatomy lesson I have no time to entail. And I do believe that Ike may not have been able to submit to a whole lifestyle for the entirety of his life. It would be very taxing on him when he has no interest.
  6. [spoiler=Chapter 12-2 - *Allen Becomes Unchained*] Turn 4 Dang it, Klain. A Flux tome for Raigh. Clarine uses her movement to catch up with everyone. Astore opens the next door. Saul heals Klain. Lance and Allen go ahead. Allen trades his Steel Sword for Lance's Vulneraries and heals himself. The Archer's level 13 so level 12 Geese would benefit the most. It also will give him a level up. More Skill? I suppose so, Geese. That's three levels without Strength though, bud. Elphin plays for Roy this time. I shall end Turn 4 like this. Why I am not risking having Lugh encounter the Archers up north is in case the Sniper moves after he gets into a battle. Except, now that I think about it, Roy is in range. Well! If Roy gets attacked, I will have my answer about the Sniper AI. Shall we? Sniper doesn't go for Roy! This time Klain does the dodging and hitting. Son of a... It doesn't heal for full health but it's still dumb. Turn 5 new enemy placement Klain misses and the Sniper hits. Are we seriously having this right now? Saul has to patch him up. With Roy as evidence, I think Lugh and/or Shanna is safe to move through the hallway. Lugh moves in range of the Steel Bow Archer. Shanna moves to Lugh's south. Now that's some good stuff for Klain. I see another kill opportunity for Geese. Elphin plays for Geese. He gets a level up. A bad one. Geese squanders his opportunity halfway by hitting once and getting hit back. From my calculations, even with Allen support, Lance is not going to be able to kill the Longbow Archer. I guess it's up to Allen. Except Allen doesn't kill him either. Come on, guys! Lance moves next to Allen, has him switch to the Iron Sword, and then equips the Iron Sword himself. Those Fighters and the Warrior are probably going to move now that they are in their range. And then I forget again to make a screenshot after moving the last unit. Dang it, me! I'm very sorry, guys. Have a screenshot of Lance utterly destroying the first Steel Axe Fighter as compensation. The next Fighter fails to cash in on hitting Lance. Lance hits him back twice. He's 11 EXP from leveling. Longbow Archer misses Geese. Steel Bow Archer misses Lugh and gets killed by Thunder. Lugh will level up with 13 more EXP. Shaman is not able to hit Lilina. Lilina just has enough Attack to kill this Shaman. Sniper and Klain trade bolts. Physic Priest keeps on physic'ing. Turn 6, with Sleep Priest range in left screenshot Time for more Klain-healing with Saul. Geese kills off the Longbow Archer with no more damage sustained. Another kill of his level will get him to level 14. Lance finishes off his opponent. He gains... POWER AMONG GODS Allen keeps up with Lance in the crit-kills. So proud of my men! Elphin plays for Clarine so she can heal Geese. Klain and Saul are still stuck down there. War of attrition, Sniper and Physic Priest! War of attrition! Hand Axe Fighter misses Allen. Hand Axe Warrior misses Lance. Klain gains the upper hand by dodging and hitting... though that Physic Priest will heal him up. Turn 7 Wasting my Silver Bow bolts on the Sniper. Stupid Priest moved a space south. I was hoping he would move one more space north so Klain can Longbow shoot him to death. The third possible Elysian Whip but my actual second one. Milady is going to get this one. That's a level 5 Warrior right there. As a level 19 Cavalier, Allen will get 50 EXP, 10 more than he really needs. However... I could have Paladin Allen right here by killing the Warrior. Allen and Lance finally can now get A rank too. I'll wait for more opportune turn to come up. I have Lance throw Javelins because if he chips, Allen can kill the Warrior. Lance and the Warrior have themselves a dodge party. Elphin plays for Lance. I have Lance try again. Lance hits the Warrior twice. Allen kills the Warrior without injury. Allen's last unpromoted level up! Not too bad, Allen. YOU WILL UNLEASH TRUE POWER--NEXT TURN. Shanna kills the Mend Priest. She's now in range of the Sleep Priest. Hopefully she has enough dodging ability. I could never remember the formula for status staff accuracy either. Klain switches to the Steel Bow and misses the Sniper. Sniper hits him back. For crying out loud! Saul has Klain equip the more accurate Silver Bow and heals him. Roy actually has more Resistance than Shanna and will be further away from the Sleep Priest than Shanna. Roy attacks the Fighter twice with no damage. Rutger will end his turn to Clarine's west. Hand Axe Fighter misses Roy. Klain dodges Sniper and hits back. Argh! More healing! Turn 8 That Sniper is being a thorn in my side. Klain has a go again with the Steel Bow. He hits and Sniper misses. Klain levels up from chip EXP. Expected. Saul has Klain switch to the Iron Bow and heals him. One more heal and he levels up. Geese takes the Fighter kill. He's 3 EXP from leveling. Shanna and Roy Rescue-Drop Lugh in range of Elphin. Elphin plays for Lugh. I had miscalculated. Even with Elphin play, Lugh will not be able to reach Raigh. He moves out of range of Raigh. POWER COMES TO THE STRONG OF WILL Different promotion theme. A little strange to my ears but perhaps I could get used to it... ...in trade for ultimate power. HAHAHA. NOW MEET YOUR NEW PALADIN, ROY'S ARMY. They grow up so fast! And such relationships grow too. Begin power duo A rank. About sacrificing yourself, Lance? Yes, well, within that time, Allen has become a Paladin. Very unlikely now to die. From this support alone, Allen doesn't seem that hot-headed. Best Lance line so far. You don't need to, Lance. You'll be a Paladin yourself soon! Allen, please. You're a Paladin. You have been unchained. That's not exactly fair to chained Lance. Ow. Gameplay and support segregation really hurts right now. Unlikely! Brothers to the bitter end! I really liked that support. It's very simple (pretty much anyone could say those lines), but I sometimes really like the best friend kind of supports over the romantic ones. I think it helped that Allen could provoke Lance despite sounding like an arrogant ass and still be very friendly with each other. It goes to show that they are great friends. The support benefits themselves kick ass and this support is good as writing in my opinion. Would definitely do this support again if not doing something like completing the support library. I forgot I only brought one Door Key and Merlinus isn't here. I may or may not want to break the wall down so I have Astore unlock the exit. Ending results of Turn 8 before Clarine moves to the east of Rutger: Sniper heals himself. WHAT THE HECK. JUST DIE. Sleep Priest misses Allen. Turn 9 new enemy positions I am about ready to just bust open the wall and kill them. Elphin plays for Lugh. Hey, Brother. I don't agree, Lugh. Jeez, kid. What the heck is up with your eyes? I must know! What about you, Raigh? You were aligned with the enemy. Though you mentioned all the way back in Chapter 4 or whatever, I only got you now. You got some explaining to do. Yeah! If you wanted to train, you should have stayed and I would have personally trained you. Because I swear now that the girl we got at Chapter 8 is higher-leveled than you. It's crazy. Kid, you're dabbling in the dark arts. If you continue... well... you might go crazy. Please don't go crazy. It's a darn shame. It really is, Raigh. Maybe so. I don't know about callous. I think Raigh was trying to be a bit positive, even if it was downplayed. Listen here, you. I got this Flux tome for you. I did not use one of my precious Chest Keys to get a "not interested." Does... does he think he can take on a dragon? HIM? AHAHA. That's funny. Hoo. I got a good chuckle out of that. That's cute, kid. Please don't stop being so cute. But I get an appropriate answer out of this deal. Raigh2tsuntsun4me Hey Raigh. Now I can get a proper evaluation for him. Coming at C rank Dark rank with a Nosferatu, he does bring a better impression than his Anima brother, though he came much earlier. Using Canas, Shamans can be really cool--though, yes, starting out slow because of their usually heavier tomes and slow base Speed. Raigh's base Speed isn't that bad, but I'm thinking he has a slow growth in it. He also has the same Con as Lugh, making it difficult for him to wield his other heavier tomes. If I knew he was this late or that I would eventually get a Shaman, I might have considered using him. As is, I have spread the EXP too much to really consider him. There's also the Guiding Ring issue. So, unfortunately, I think Raigh's benched and maybe even Lugh's benched, considering how Lilina has somehow been getting more Speed recently. Sorry, brothers! With the Sniper relocated, I'm thinking Geese should get that kill while he's unable to damage the dragon up there. Klain, Astore, and Saul are on the move. I shall end my turn as shown. Sniper continues to heal himself. This is going to take a bit of time so I'll fast-forward a little bit. During this fast-forwarding process, I'm going to be looking at the boss. Ein is apparently the boss. LOTS of Attack and Defense. 32 pure Attack and 125 hit. Not many people can take such hits. But... is that 1 Range? Does that mean while he's untransformed or... for all of it? Does that mean the boss can be exploited very badly? Because his Resistance is actually quite terrible. I don't know! That's weird! Ein is not much for talking. Be glad he's on your side. Wahoo, Saul! More Magic! Dang it, Geese. Reinforcements on enemy phase Turn 12. Oh no! Klain was put to sleep and Geese and the Sniper had themselves a tussle. Now that the Priest is in range, new target is that Physic Priest. But now I must defeat the boss and claim the throne before much trouble can come to Geese and Clarine all by their lonesomes. Turn 13, enemy reinforcements The top-right have Wyvern Riders while the area where the second part of my team has a group of Fighters and a Warrior. The Wyvern Riders and the Fighters are pretty standard for this chapter, being around level 15. The Warrior? HE'S NOT MESSING AROUND. Saul restores Klain to normal. Might as well get free 20 EXP. Elphin plays Saul. Saul heals Allen. Ein has some major defensive parameters while having major Attack. I think it's going to have to call for Allen to take out this boss. Though without a Wyrmslayer... I think I'm going to have to go for the Killing Edge. Allen has enough sword rank for that. So proud of him. Uh... wow. WOW. So this is what I get for not bringing the Wyrmslayer or Merlinus. gg game! I have Allen wait there for counter. Roy takes out the Priest that would heal the boss by Physic. eep OW Allen doesn't proc a crit so only 4 damage total. OW. Turn 14 Geese hits the Priest. Allen got 12 EXP from chipping the boss. I guess gives a pretty big deal. I don't remember the calculations for dragons that well but I think it's based on 5 class power? And if dragons are considered promoted units then, yeah, 12 chip EXP is about right. So a level 8 dragon... hm... would that be a level 3 promoted unit will get 100 EXP? Jeez! Well, no one really qualifies other than Klain and he's too weak to do any damage against this lizard. However, if Ein really is restricted to one range then... ... you must be joking. You must be REALLY joking. ... Okay. If you want me to exploit this so badly, game. Lilina attacks Ein with her two Fires. Shanna and Lance do a Rescue-Drop so Elphin can play Lilina. Lilina hits Ein twice again with Fire. Allen has another go with Ein. They trade blows but Allen is the victor. Haaaa.... haaaa.... Allen doesn't get a full level up. Huh. I wonder what the formula is then. No matter, because he still gets a level up. Hopefully I get to keep some level ups. Wishing so hard that I got the gaiden. He also gets a rank up in swords. I have Saul and Clarine do the last bits of healing before Roy claims the throne. Not in direct combat, no. Lilina was the MVP of dragon-damaging. Being locked to one range is not horrific enough, Roy. I guess. I would say dragon rather than "unhuman." I don't know Roy--- AGH CRAP. I FORGOT THE SCREENS. I guess this can apply to me too. ...Haaaaa. Okay. A little calmer. What sort of information do you speak of, Elphin? Then Arcardo has actually made a deal with Bern. Aha! Not that I didn't know about this through the power of switching PoV. Nope! Now hold on, Roy. I have to know if I got myself a legendary weapon. Scene shift? More EXP opportunity, Elphin? Really! I got the gaiden chapter? Let's go! The gaiden confirmed. My shitty playtime confirmed I was not able to rid ourselves of Arcardo--but we encountered our first dragon. Our journey may become more difficult with them around. But next time, we visit a cave to gain ourselves a legendary weapon only suitable in the hands of the powerful. Class Lv HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Roy Lord 15.79 32 12 11 13 11 7 8 Allen Paladin 2.05 42 17 16 19 10 12 5 Lance Cavalier 17.28 33 11 13 19 8 6 2 Merlinus Transporter 1.02 15 0 3 3 10 3 0 Shanna Peg Knight 17.55 25(+7) 12 14 20 17 6 7 Lugh Mage 15.87 20 9 14 11 11 6 7 Rutger Myrmidon 18.77 34 12 20 20 7 6 3 Saul Priest 15.44 26 9 13 15 4 3 10 Lilina Mage 14.80 22 13 5 11 8 3 9 Astore Thief 13.12 28 7 8 17 11 8 3 Klain Sniper 2.03 28 13 14 11 11 8 6 Elphin Bard 3.92 17 1 3 11 12 4 1 Geese Pirate 14.33 37 10 11 11 10 8 1 Reset: 3 Lost: 2 [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table] *DEATH* [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!] *RESET* Chapter 4 Wade Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 4 Lugh Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 10 Lilina Combat - Hand Axe Fighter *LOST* Chapter 6 Cath Combat - Chad Chapter 9 Shin Combat - Lilina
  7. I was a bit worried about Lilina since she was described as the Micaiah of Mages. And yes, I am proud of my Shanna and Rutger. 8) Thanks so much! That's such a huge honor, really. I'll try not to fail you or anyone who likes the style. 8') Oh noooo! But thankfully Tequila cleared the Geese promotion matter up. I was scared that Geese was going to cap at a Level 20 Pirate, haha. Since this is a gaiden requirement chapter, I shall say what I plan to do for these chapters. First attempts will be based on optimizing level gains. I figure it's the best method to take notes on the workings of a chapter as well as doesn't put pressure to figure out a turn-shaving strategy. Second attempts will be on turn limit. I will still try to balance between turns and EXP gain. After that, it should be a mix between the two. I'll be screenshoting the status screen, unit list screen, and the save screen as proof of my attempts. So how does this work in terms of posts? First attempts will be displayed since it is still the blind portion of the run. If I didn't get the gaiden on the first run, the tables will be missing and I'll leave a note saying I have to restart. Only the first run that ends with a normal reset will be shown in entirety and I'll try to get that into a single post. As per usual, that will have a note saying that it's a normal reset. Subsequent resets I'll show the cause of the reset and any additional highlights of the chapter (so it won't include a turn-by-turn detailing like how I usually post). Second and beyond runs will show the results and what method I attempted in a run. I'm thinking the attempts will be between 5-10 before I have to give up at least for the day. Now that's out of the way, I'll proceed with the chapter! *This first part ends before Turn 4's player phase Roy and his army have arrived in Jutes to end Lord Arcardo's tyranny of the Western Isles. Hopefully we can put the Western Isles episode all behind us. Etruria may be mad with us in the end, but Roy does what he thinks is right. [spoiler=Chapter 12-1 - *Revolving Door of Bosses*] This whole mess ends here, I hope. Damn nobles. Let's end this! Welcome to Chapter 12, the first of the gaiden requirement chapters that I have to figure out! I love winding corridors! If this is a turn limit gaiden requirement, I can see why this would be annoying. The return of many chests. My forming assumption says that Cath would have been here. The chests in the right screenshot are near where we start. I'm thinking I'll have a horse unit take a set of Chests Keys and a Door Key to the closest chests and try to catch up with everyone. Astore can take the left screenshot chests--perhaps with a bodyguard. There's a set of stairs that leads south and goes to a cliff section and... This section here. A very odd place, I think. This would be one of those areas I would guess has a Secret Shop. If the Member Card is in one of these chests, I must check it out for curiosity's sake. There's all these ranged fighters in areas of where I can't get to them directly. Now this game is really trying to mess with me. Jerk. Stairs for probably reinforcements. Ranged fighters central just to take potshots at me. There's only one promoted unit each shown on the map. The Sniper has a Silver Bow--because that's cool. Going through the enemies for special equipment--hang on. Raigh? Raigh! What's up? You're looking... weird. Your face, seriously. What were they thinking with his mug? Enemy Shaman. Not cool. How to recruit him? My first guess would be Lugh, being brothers and all. Maybe Chad could work because they were at the orphanage together. He's carrying a Nosferatu tome. That's awesome--provided he's not coming at me with that. Looks like Lugh is a mandatory deployment this map. Back to the enemies. Highlighting those with special equipment: The two Priests have Sleep staves. Out of all of these, I'm worried about the Eclipse Shaman. I've been hit with some rather low hit rates. The Eclipse + arrow/magic hallway could easily spell death. But I think it shouldn't be that hard in actuality. That Shaman's in the chest room. Arcardo is no push over. 19 Defense and 13 Resistance in total. He trades off that one Defense point for additional Avoid. He has no ranged weaponry so no switching to a weaker Javelin for this guy. My units not ranged fighters may get met with a Silver Lance to the face. Hopefully not a troublesome boss. Being a 10 promoted boss, a level 1 promoted unit should get 100 EXP off of him. I don't know if I would want to do that even if, say, Allen did promote this chapter, but it's something to keep in the back of my mind. My current Astore could steal those Elixirs. That might be good too. I didn't see this before but now I know the party split. There are also breakable walls. But first, figuring out who I'm deploying: I'm anticipating Allen's promotion. I'll bench Jerrot so Allen can get the Paladin spotlight. He's going to be a star. I'm so proud of him. Though this does mean that, until Allen promotes, I'm not going to have a 8 movement unit on the field. One more movement can make a huge difference. I'll try to manage for now. Left Cavalier is Allen. Lugh is closer to Raigh and doesn't have to go through the winding pathway that the main group does. Saul has Unlock, as well as Restore, and Barrier in case of the Sleep Priests. The main group is just going to have to be careful avoiding Sleep. Clarine has a set of Chest Keys and a Door Key for that room with the Shaman. She's carrying an Armorslayer. Lilina is carrying a Horseslayer while Geese has a Halberd. Who knows if Geese is actually going to land a hit with the Halberd, though. Allen's holding onto a Knight's Crest. I can't wait! Astore's got the Killer Bow. At the Trade Armory, I sell off the White Gem, Red Gem, and Blue Gem. All the money! Without Merlinus, I hope I have enough equipment for everyone to do this map. Let's begin! Will I finally know what is up with Etruria? Another Wyvern Lord! I can't tell if I will get this guy or not. Something is up with Arcardo. Units of mine would love to drink from your severed head as though it were a chalice. A bit barbaric but effective in raising them, no? Oh? Now why here at the largest capital of the Western Isles? I have 12 chapters worth of experience. Would you like to try me? Mm. Yes. Losing money is so dreadful and is about as horrid as the abuse of many people. Really, Arcardo. I feel for you--not really. You're a little more justified complaining about that. But you know, Arcardo, maybe if you didn't plant yourself and your horse on the throne, I wouldn't need to kill you. Think about that for a moment. This man allows him quarter in Etruria? In mainland Etruria? That is suspicious indeed. Oh yes, the dragons. Can't really say I've forgotten about them. I am going for the gaiden chapters after all. But that is a bit worrisome, to be honest. When will they unleash these worms onto me? So there was that one guy who was working with Arcardo with Bern. This Flaer guy says that Bern and Etruria are likely to join forces. If that's the case, Perceval and Cecilia could be our enemies. That would be really bad. Flaer convinces Arcardo that Bern and Etruria will join forces. Arcardo leaves through the stairs and Flaer takes the throne. Let me guess: either Flaer will leave and Arcardo will return to the throne or Flaer is really the new boss and Arcardo is going to serve as a mini-boss. I could get flanked quickly. Hm. You guys keep underestimating me. Except for the ambush spawns, it's not working so well in your favor to underestimate me. Mhm, Roy. Some nasty dealings are going on in there, let me tell you. Though that won't mean the end of the game, my boy. Ack! Don't creep on him like that, Elphin! That's good news, though. wat Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. She's a Dancer? In a game with a Bard? A Dancer? And a Bard? In the same game? At the same time? ... Well! I think this calls for "break the game break the game" for level spamming. Yes, yes. I do see you on the screen. No need to shout. I would assume she's much closer than they're implying. Now isn't that peculiar. At first I thought she said that to Roy. "Your Majesty," eh, Elphin? Lalum. I thought I have heard of her, though only by name. Roy I think can support with her. Interesting. I will need to see into her--even though Roy/Lilina is now A at the point. Can't do much about that without killing Lilina. The amount of BS I can see into this (out of 10): 10 The amount of BS Roy can see into this (out of 10): 0 If he's anything like the past Lords. ... or not? Maybe I give Roy too little credit. Oho! Everyone has heard of Roy? I'm flattered. My efforts are making him a name in the household. Yes, hi Lalum. You what, Roy? You can't say that to a member of your future harem. If only she knew what she was getting herself into. Or maybe she and other girls DO know what they're getting into and do it anyway. Hey, I ain't going to judge them if they want an open relationship. We could do for some more positive open relationships in Fire Emblem. Elphin says her name to get back on topic. I'm all ears, girl. "Unhuman"? Please elaborate. Must be that old geezer, Bantu. He's probably lost his stone again. Nothing to fear, people. Or maybe it's Nils. They're the only male dragons that can actually turn into dragons that I can think of at this moment. So they're going to unleash a dragon onto me now? Well that sucks. I didn't bring the Wyrmslayer. Here's to hoping that the dragon won't come out. Turn 1 enemy placement: Highlight the Sleep Priest. If only I had a way to deal with him efficiently. Rutger cuts up the west Fighter. The enemy holds onto 1 HP. Klain shoots a Steel Bow arrow at the Killer Axe Fighter--and misses. Shanna picks up Klain's slack as she crit-kills the Fighter. Nice! Astore has Klain equip the Iron Bow. Lance gives his support as Allen kills off the other Fighter. Elphin plays for Geese. Geese slays the west Fighter. He levels up! Pirates are known to be speedier but I have faith you'll get other stats, Geese. Roy will end up at Elphin's south, ending the first turn. Uhhh... I really don't like the looks of that guy I swear if I fight this guy in this chapter, I will be throwing in the towel once I get into combat with him Mm... Maybe Ein will leave when Flaer comes back? An ally of justice?! Or not? Hm. Yep. I'm in trouble. Didn't bring the Wyrmslayer. Can't even use the Durandal. Didn't deploy Merlinus. The very definition of "screwed." You must have superhuman hearing, Raigh. So you won't be like Klain and slaughter his own sibling if Lugh happens to be in your range? I hope that is the case. Longbow Archer misses Allen. I have you now! Oh god. That's hilarious. Please try, little Shaman. No Sleep for me as Klain dodges this. I will kill you, you sleep-inducing Priest. Just you wait! Turn 2 Alright. Maybe I should have caught on that I needed to look at Eclipse's hit rather than its special description. That Shaman has 21 hit pure. Pretty much anyone not a Knight will completely null that hit. Perhaps the ones slightly at risk are Lilina and Lugh because of WTD. It still won't be that much of a problem. Really, Intelligent Systems? 10 hit from Eclipse? What did they expect could get hit by Eclipse? Astore unlocks the door. Saul raises Klain's Resistance with Barrier. Lugh strikes down a Knight with his Thunder. Klain shoots two fatal Steel Bow arrows into the Fighter. Shanna has Klain equip the Silver Bow to have a one-on-one Silver Bow match with the Sniper. This is true war of attrition. Roy moves to give Lilina support as she encounters the Longbow Archer. She kills him after she dodges a bolt. 3 EXP from leveling! Allen parks himself in a spot that will be adjacent to Lance. Lance charges forward and throws his Javelins at the Steel Lance Knight twice. Clarine opens the door and uses the rest of her movement north. Elphin plays for Geese. Geese slaughters the Shaman. I forgot that Geese would be the last unit and would automatically end my turn. I wasn't able to capture a screenshot. Steel Lance Knight gets a taste of two Javelins after missing. Steel Bow Archer misses Lilina before getting burned to death. The new Mage on Wheels?! This time Sleep Priest goes for Lugh at 17 hit chance. No luck on that either. Turn 3 Sorry about that lack of Turn 2 ending screenshots earlier. Sniper didn't move. I guess he's there to guard the breakable wall. Okay. I will make note of that. My own Aircalibur tome! Awesome! I want Geese to get this Knight kill. As there are Shamans mixed in that hallway, Allen and Lance should team up and destroy that little section. Lilina would get WTD... and that may be too many enemies for her to handle at once. Before I do that, I'm getting rid of the Sleep Priest. Shanna kills him easy. Just to be on the safe side, I have Klain and Saul Rescue-Drop Shanna out of possible range of the Sniper. Sweet. Another Reaver weapon. It's the better one too. The other Sleep Priest is up north in the boss' room so Allen and Lance are now safe to be in that hallway with their Javelins. Allen does the same thing he did last turn: stand in a spot where he will be adjacent to Lance. Lance kills off the Shaman without damage. Elphin plays for Geese. Geese whips out the Steel Axe and kills the Knight. He's 4 EXP from leveling. Ending positions of Turn 3 Steel Bow Archer misses Lance. Lance does not have enough Attack to kill the Archer. Dang. Now that means Allen is going to take the rest of the kills. Allen dodges the other Steel Bow Archer and kills him. Allen gets hit by Flux. He slays the Shaman. Sniper lands his 17 damage Silver Bow arrow into Klain. Klain misses. Klain! You had the better shot!
  8. Yes, I know some people do. I am presenting my own opinion. My post wasn't saying that anyone who didn't share my opinion was wrong. I don't know, Ana. Do you think his sexuality would change him as a character? Like personality-wise? I ask this out of curiosity because you felt the need to try to defend yourself in your own post despite "[having] said this a couple times."
  9. Just because you're friends doesn't mean you can't be lovers. "Lovers" doesn't have to mean you regard each other intimately. You could just be fuck buddies or "friends with benefits." Lucius and Raven are friends and maybe lovers which I assume would mean they're not just messing with each other to satiate needs, especially in context of the A support. I honestly wouldn't care which sexuality Ike is--though how I read him is either uninterested entirely or a smidge gay for Soren. He could even fit under the spectrum of asexuality, bisexuality, or pansexuality. I care not.
  10. This is your first LP, right? If not, I apologize. My advice if it is is that you do try to find your LP style--and don't be afraid to try another style if it's not working out for you. Some people would rather list off level ups or show the level ups rather than comment on them. It definitely works on a more gameplay style. Some people would like to comment on level ups to make them feel personal.. It might be good to mix it up from time to time. I mostly comment on each level up but if I'm fast-forwarding (because a boss is being too dodge-happy), I might mix it up if I'm staff/dance-spamming. I may comment on the overall stat gains across many levels. As for the battles in FE4, that is harder to judge for me because of the chapter lengths. Maybe comment on your impressions of the mechanics and highlights that got a big response out of you. Shenanigans happen in a 1 RN system. Personally, I wouldn't mind hearing more of your thoughts on the mechanics and characters over what happens in the battles. Not that the battles are boring but since you're blind to the game and it's vastly different from the later titles, a good discussion can come out of talking about the lack of Rescue command or how it runs on the 1 RN system. Azel is cool but considering the special events that net you good items for a more aggressive playstyle, he may lag behind because of his foot movement. At least his advantage over Arden is attacking Resistance and what he gets on promotion. Poor Arden can't compete.
  11. [spoiler=Chapter 11-2 - *Bartre is Ripped*] Turn 7 Still no signs of A Allen/Lance. What's up, you two? Geese gets his first kill this journey. Saul heals a beaten up Geese. Lilina burns a Fighter to a crisp. Elphin plays for Shanna to get in range of that Archer north. I guess I can also send her north to intercept the Druid group. Shanna kills that Archer no sweat. Archer annoyed me before the map started. Jerrot and Klain Rescue-Drop Roy closer to the bridge. Allen and Lance, still choking points. Pirates incoming. Rutger crit-kills a Pirate. Geese and a Pirate hack at each other. Shaman misses Shanna. Civilians are hopefully safe at this point as they have run past Allen and Lance. Turn 8 Shanna is pretty safe where she is thanks to lack of peak-traversing enemies. I actually check into the Pirate stats since Geese was getting less than I was expecting. They're not even double-digit levels! Poor guy's not going to eat right with these low-level Pirates but I might as well feed him these guys. Geese keeps feasting off of them. Saul patches him up. Shanna kills the Shaman from the north. She'll be in range of the Druid group. Roy is provoking the south enemies. I have Lilina move a space away since I remembered that FE6 employs a limited support point gain system. Elphin plays for Roy for all the EXP. Everyone's positions. Druid group is almost in sight by Allen and Lance. No more Pirate reinforcements. Fighter misses Roy. Roy cries for more crit-kills. Dang Roy is angry today! He's 4 EXP from leveling! Steel Sword Mercenary hits Roy. Roy cuts him back. There's that level up. I know that Roy's promotion time is very late but... hopefully not too... late? Who am I kidding. It's probably the semi-last chapter of the game or some weird timing like that. Archer misses Roy. Uh... ... BARTRE, WHY NOW? I DON'T HAVE FIR. AND YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE MY KILLS. NO. GO AWAY. Oh that's just swell. Just dandy. I miss out on a prepromote because this game's lack of telling me anything or hinting anything before the start of the map. I am crying for FE6's blood right now. Yeah. No. I'm not calling out the joke right now. Bartre, why?! Please go away, Bartre. He and his men are heading towards the enemy group. Turn 9 Well then. Great. I miss out on Bartre because I probably needed to take Fir to this map. Haaaaaa. I'm a bit insulted, Bartre. I'm a bit insulted that YOUR STATS WERE SHIT IN FE7. And you have a Brave Axe. I miss out on a Brave Axe! Other than his Speed, he's looking pretty good for a Warrior. Like wow good. And he must have at least B axes since he can wield the Brave Axe. I'll see this guy in the missing content run, which shouldn't take that long since it's going to be just Bartre so far unless someone tells me I missed a secret place or something. Curse you, Bartre. Lance tries his luck throwing Javelins at the Shaman. He kills the Shaman with no damage. He levels up. Please get more Strength. Allen goes for a Druid kill. He gets hit for 23 damage by a 40 hit attack. OW. 5 EXP from a level up. Shanna has Lance switch to the Iron Sword and throws her Javelins at the Fighter. She hits twice. I got a plan for her and Geese later. For now, Lilina takes the Mercenary kill and gets from her level up... I'm going to guess her Skill growth is bad but it might be okay because of accurate tomes. That's a level 14 Archer that Lilina can benefit from. I think that calls for a Elphin play for her to get another kill. Before that, I have Astore attack the Archer for softening. He gets a level. Dang it, Astore. Lilina actually has enough Speed to double this Steel Bow Archer. That's kind of sad. She kills him easy. Merlinus takes out a Swordreaver, hands it off to Geese, and moves as much as he can. Jerrot takes Geese and moves a space south. I am trying to show off as much as I can. Jerrot and Clarine are hiding under the mini map. From top to bottom, left to right in the northwest area, that's Allen, Shanna, and Lance. Klain moves south, ending Turn 9. Mercenaries are on the move before I'm ready! Dang it! Steel Axe Fighter goes for Allen. He had enough Attack to actually kill Allen if he hit with his 5 hit chance. Allen kills him and levels up. Bad level up but those stats at level 19. One more and I can promote him! I can almost taste the future victories. Bartre and his group are moving away. Nuh uh, you guys! Turn 10 Plan has been slightly ruined by this guy existing but it shouldn't be that bad. A normal axe will do the trick. Jerrot drops Geese at the spot where the Lancereaver Mercenary will reach him. Shanna, Lance, and Allen start moving to intercept Bartre and his group. I will not let them take any kills! Astore moves back so Saul can heal him. Elphin plays for Saul for more healing EXP. It's the perfect team. Lugh will move into position to end this turn. Oh great. What now? Please don't be high-movement units. Curse you, Morgan. Lancereaver Mercenary can still hit Geese at 70 and with 2 crit. What the! Geese hits him back. Turn 11 My plan has been spoiled. Bartre and his group also keep moving too far from my units. I didn't take a closer look at the Lancereaver. ARE YOU SERIOUS WHY I thought the Reaver weapons got hit with double WT bonuses/penalties, but I guess they don't in this game. Dammit, game. Allen patches up his wounds with a Vulnerary. He deserves it after taking such a beating from that one Druid's attack. Geese kills off the Lancereaver Mercenary and levels up. Nice first impression, Geese. The game is giving me close to victory theme. Nuh uh, game. You quiet that down. Klain weakens the Armorslayer Mercenary. Klain is best chipper man it seems. Lugh softens up the Steel Sword Mercenary. Elphin plays for Roy so Roy can reach any of the Mercenaries. Elphin's first level up! This is all he pretty much needs. Roy takes out the Steel Sword Mercenary. Lilina kills off the last Mercenary. My plan was ruined. I wanted Geese to get all these kills. Saul heals Elphin. Another level comes for him. Please don't stop getting better. Lance, Allen, and Shanna from top to bottom in northwest. Clarine will move to south of Saul. Two Fighter reinforcements. Okay. Not as bad as I was thinking. Fighter goes for one of Bartre's Fighter units. He hits with a 45 hit chance. Bartre wastes Brave Axe uses on an enemy. Civilians flee from the scene. That's a wrap! I forgot to take a screenshot of Turn 11 before having Klain weaken the Fighter. Turn 11. I have Geese take the kill. Saul heals Geese. Elphin has Saul move again. Saul heals Lilina this time. Clarine and Astore do a Rescue-Drop for Rutger to get a little closer to the boss. Allen rescues one of Bartre's men and Lance takes him. Shanna rescues Bartre. Didn't take a screenshot before it ended my turn since I moved all my units but this is what it looked like after everything was done. Turn 12 Fighter's lucky that the enemy phase doesn't come after the ally. Allen nabs the last Fighter and moves out of range of the boss. Lance stands guard next to Allen. I have Shanna drop Bartre in hopes that Roy can recruit him. Can I possibly get Bartre? Recruitment theme?! YES THAT BRAVE AXE IS MINE Thank you game for showing me some mercy! Roy intimidated by someone: 2 Oh Bartre. You hardly changed. See. Not the last time, I did say. Bumbling idiot will still always be bumbling idiot. Just a bumbling idiot with a heart. "I worked with your dad once upon a time ago. He probably hasn't talked about me so I won't talk about it." Roy does the exact same thing as with Geese by saying we are working with Etruria. Roy is a little slow on remembering what happened with Geese just turns ago. We already have. Your point? So glad to see that "good" and "evil" can be catagorized so easily in this game. "Well, I am my dad's son. I wear the same garb he did too. Didn't he tell you about me? Do you not recognize that we wear the same clothes? I suppose not." Bring the whole entire family!... Except I know Karla died. Such a sad fate. Checking his stats again, he's got A axes and D bows. WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE BEEN THIS GOOD IN FE7? Out of curiosity, I'm checking his stats now to the stats he would have as a Level 2 Warrior in FE7 on average. Level 2 Warrior Bartre (FE7): 48.15 HP, 19.5 Str, 13.65 Skl, 10.6 Spd, 9.7 Lck, 12.7 Def, 7.75 Res. FE7 Level 2 Warrior Bartre in comparison to these stats: +0.15 HP, -2.5 Str, +2.65 Skl, +0.6 Spd, -4.3 Lck, +2.7 Def, +4.75 Res Granted, a lot of pluses. But the effort to put into that Bartre compared to this one: a lot. I feel so teased. And betrayed. And played with. The boss. Let's talk about the boss for a spell. A Level 6 General will give 100 EXP to a level 17 unpromoted unit. Rutger just happens to be level 17. Right now, Morgan has his Silver Axe equipped. The +1 from WTA will convert into +3 after effective bonus comes in for the Armorslayer. In total, that should make Rutger's pure attack 38. Morgan's Defense + gate bonus should make it 18 damage. Rutger should have 145 hit after WTA, making that a 97 hit chance. This is with Clarine support nearby. Rutger should have just enough Speed to double Morgan. Just need to chip him and he should go down. This is going to have to happen next turn though since Rutger is too far away, even with Elphin's help. Elphin plays for Rutger for more movement. Saul physics Allen for EXP. Nothing much happened except moving in closer so no screenshot. ... except a Mercenary and Archer came out. And Shanna is out in the open. WELL. Mercenary hits Roy. Roy hits back. Apparently Archer doesn't want eat some pegasus wings and goes for Lance still carrying a Fighter. Sure. Turn 14 I'm ready to murder you all. Lilina goes to chip Morgan. This guy. What a guy. I mean, the civilians left like probably five hours ago. And he thinks Lilina is one of his men. Classic. Just classic. Lilina is successful at chipping. Clarine gets close so Rutger can have support bonuses. Now isn't that a sight of beauty? Ah. And I still have another Armorslayer thanks to Ogier. Let's go for it! Rutger kills Morgan with no damage sustained. Just some powerful people here to destroy your plans. Rutger gets a perfect level up. What does he get? Truly a work of perfection for a Myrmidon. Jerrot takes and drops Lance's Fighter off so Lance can weaken the Fighter with Javelins. They trade blows. Lance is almost dead. Oh nooooo. Shanna takes that Archer kill. Let's get more Strength, Shanna! I ACCEPT THIS I have Bartre block the gate in case the Fighter would try to. Klain rescues Lilina so Roy can attack the Mercenary without a crit bonus. They cut at each other. Even with a Swordreaver, the odds aren't that good. Still, Geese kills the Mercenary. Geese is very close to a level but has no enemies to level off of. Sad. This is Saul and Elphin spam time! Two level ups of Magic in one map. I am pleased. Time to seize this castle. Well yeah, Roy. Saving the ones at the mines is what we're doing next. Hold your horses. Didn't Milady go there? !! Can I recruit Milady next map?! The excite levels are rising! What's this, Roy? I guess a fair question. Elphin, your response? Is that even proper punctuation?... I don't think it is. Maybe "?!?" By looking this up, I learned that the punctuation represented by the "?!" is properly called the "interrobang," after the words "interrogative point" (for the question mark) and "bang" (for the exclamation point, a jargon word in certain groups). The more you know! Probably the blond hair. Lies, Roy! So he IS right? Just answer the question, Elphin. You would best hope he's not a traitor, Roy. And so that conversation was finished! Sure!(?) Hey, those people I saved! I'm kind of glad that they give as much respect to Merlinus as I do, except on a lower scale. Sure thing, fellow men. I will either add this to the coffers or use it for great justice. Ooh, an Energy Ring! Nice! I can't think of who to give this to but there are some good candidates. Thanks! No more Admist a Struggle save. Hopefully I got everything this chapter so I can do Chapter 12. I think I saw that it's a gaiden requirement chapter. If so, I should hold off on alternate Chapter 10 until that can get accomplished. Let's go save more enslaved people next time on the main blind run! Class Lv HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Roy Lord 15.54 32 12 11 13 11 7 8 Allen Cavalier 19.12 37 14 13 16 9 10 1 Lance Cavalier 16.13 32 10 12 18 7 6 2 Merlinus Transporter 1.02 15 0 3 3 10 3 0 Shanna Peg Knight 17.14 25(+7) 12 14 20 17 6 7 Lugh Mage 15.44 20 9 14 11 11 6 7 Rutger Myrmidon 18.69 34 12 20 20 7 6 3 Saul Priest 14.19 26 8 12 15 4 3 9 Lilina Mage 13.70 22 12 5 10 7 3 9 Astore Thief 13.12 28 7 8 17 11 8 3 Klain Sniper 1.39 27 13 13 11 10 8 6 Elphin Bard 2.52 16 1 3 11 11 4 1 Geese Pirate 11.96 34 10 10 10 10 8 0 Reset: 3 Lost: 2 [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table] *DEATH* [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!] *RESET* Chapter 4 Wade Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 4 Lugh Ambush spawn - Rutger Chapter 10 Lilina Combat - Hand Axe Fighter *LOST* Chapter 6 Cath Combat - Chad Chapter 9 Shin Combat - Lilina
  12. You bring valid points about Klain and Lot. Yes, crit bonuses for those two classes. Rutger is looking really good--wish I could say the same for any Berserkers I could get. @elf_01: I steel my nerves for the gaiden. *This first part ends before Turn 7 starts I'm over the hump of putting off the blind run's Chapter 11. Looks like the poll has now shifted to having me be blind even on the gaiden chapters. Hopefully if one is coming up soon, I'll not be restarting like 20 times. Southward bound we go! [spoiler=Chapter 11-1 - *Jumping Off Cliffs and Ballistae*] I do not approve of this. I do not approve of him ursurping my role. Just add "of Death" to any place and it becomes x10 more scarier. Oooooh. But of course. Making a pit stop at Edina. Sounds like fun. These are not fun. Hi, Ballistae! Ready to shoot down my Pegasus Knights today? Also I see that the arrow amount is added and is that... is that an avoid bonus? What. Come on. Castles? Sure. Thrones? A bit weirder but okay. A ballista? No. We got ourselves a probably shorter range but higher Might ballista and a longer range lower Might ballista. Fun times! Now my problem is how much damage do the ballistae do. I could never remember the ballista Might for the life of me. They're still going to be on that x3 effective bonus to fliers so better keep them out of the way. Hopefully the ballistae stay in their place like FE7 does? Also, of course that ballista is covering a village. The other one is just... there, I guess. There's a Vendor but no Armory. Interesting. Forts for reinforcements probably. Likely will be Pirates because the village is right there. So the enemy line-up. Standard fair. There is only one Shaman and he's guarding the longer range ballista Archer. Generic promoted units already? It feels like so long ago when I was just at the first chapter and battling mostly Fighters. But of course a Berserker. Who loves that Berserker crit bonus? I sure do Thankfully only has a Steel Axe and hey Allen or Lance in a forest giving support bonus could benefit from this guy's EXP. A level 3 promoted. It'll be a good time. There are two mountain tiles so someone like Roy/Lilina, Rutger/Clarine, even Astore could just poke this guy to death without suffering any injuries. Hi Legance--I mean Morgan--I mean Legance--No really Morgan. Another General on a castle. Because I love tank bosses on dodgetank terrain. He's packing some stats. He's also packing some good equips. At least he has a Javelin so I can force him into that. 20 Defense and 52 Avoid. I ain't hitting him with a Hammer you kidding. Looks like I'm pelting him with magic despite the 13 Resistance. So a moment dedicated to Clarine. I feel like I have to let her go at this point because she's been doing so awfully that she's not likely to be a candidate for a Guiding Ring. Likely candidates for Guiding Rings is a toss-up for Lugh or Lilina and then Saul. I feel like I'm guaranteed for two Guiding Rings and will not anticipate a third. I would have really liked to have a Valkyrie--but alas. It was not meant to be. I think I'll take her along for her great Thunder affinity bonus for Rutger but I think all healing is going to be minimal for her if Saul can't reach a person. I'm thinking of going with Klain. I think he can be fine for my Archer/Sniper. He even comes with A bows. I just hope he grows into a fine Sniper. For my axe-user, I'm going to wait until another axe-user comes up. Gonzales' Skill is bad and my units look a bit lacking in EXP. Axe-user can wait. I'm still not sure who to drop between Lugh or Lilina. Lugh has the better stats except in HP, Mag, and Res but he's also higher-leveled. I may not use him much in this map since he's about equal with the enemies but I'll keep him there for magical insurance. If he still turns out better than Lilina, I guess he's the best candidate for the Guiding Ring. If only Lilina would get more Speed and Skill. Positions. Also, Clarine has a Killing Bow in case Klain needs that. Starting now... I can tell you I am not doing one of these because ballistae. Legance--I mean Morgan moves into the castle I'm guessing and these civilians come out. Something tells me I'll need to save them. Man on right has a very good point. I will help you if you don't go all stupid on me. Meanwhile, at the castle... I don't know who this is but looks somewhat cross-eyed to me. Hi... Erik? That must be Erik's body, head, and hair portions. It's the battle of the rehashed sprites! Save me! Also: drugging. Is this traitor someone I can recruit? Ah. This is Lord Arcardo. I wonder if I will get to kill this guy. He wants Morgan and his men to pursue and eliminate the civilians. I will not allow this. Dang it. He's getting away. Paladin (probably Lord Arcardo) leaves and Mercenaries come out. They'll probably there to hunt down the civilians. No! Roy asks Elphin if seizing that castle is our objective. Because clearly we haven't done seizing enough for him to just assume automatically. Elphin basically reiterates what happens: slave laborers get sent to Castle Edina and then sent to Eburacum. Isn't this like the third time I'm told this? This however is new. And Roy successfully deduces that we must rescue them as part of our daily spread of charity and goodness. Elphin is a crafty man. I still don't trust him being our advisor. Not good news either way. Heading north from their positions means they're heading towards the ballista and the Berserker's direction. Heading south means they're running towards the Mercenaries and other ballista. I'm not exactly certain what this means. I would assume that they have to exit to the northeast similar to the situation in Awakening with the villagers going southwest? But with that we start and here are enemy positions on Turn 1: Alright! There's a bit of a problem, however. The ballista can already go for the civilians and, yes, looks like the civilians are going to be heading north and wrapping to northeast. Seems like I'll have to be mad-rushing. What it appears like I can do is send a small force south to get to the village and send the majority of the group to the west. The ballista and Berserker are the most troublesome things but hopefully things will work out. Oh. I didn't notice I had Elphin. I'll check him out. Mm. No rings. I am sad. What are you doing with Strength, you weirdo. Bards don't need Strength. Or Skill. I'm not sure what to feel about GBA Bards/Dancers. I can't remember Tethys that well but at least Ninian had rings to balance out that they can't fight. Elphin has an Angelic Robe and a Blue Gem, which I guess can hint that you give him the Angelic Robe. Not a good use of resources on a character that can't fight and you shouldn't risk getting into combat anyways. He's not looking great compared to Ninian but he's a Bard so he works. Looks like you'll be a permanent addition to the team. I set Rutger into the forest. Shanna will protect Elphin once I have him refresh someone. Actually. One moment. WHY DID THE GAME SET LUGH ON A CLIFF FOR A DEPLOYMENT SLOT I DON'T I CANNOT COMPREHEND GOOD STRATEGIC PURPOSE IF I KNEW BUT I DON'T UNDERSTAND LILINA TOO MY BRAIN IS MELTING OUT OF THE EARS Lance rescues Allen and I have Elphin play for them. That's a harp, right? Or is that supposed to be a lyre? Were personal harps or lyres ever bigger than a person's head like that? Or their chest? Or as long to go from the chin to the hip? Anyways it's okay music both for the background and the instrument. It keeps a sparkle circle around the unit. I guess cute? Oh, and the bird moves. That might have been a little excessive. Lance darts off next to a forest on the west side and plants Allen on it. I hope A rank comes soon! Merlinus will move to Clarine's north. Mercenary hits Roy. Roy goes, "GET OUT," and crit-kills him. The Steel Axe Fighter doesn't have a chance of hitting Rutger but he tries. Rutger cuts him up twice. Steel Axe Fighter has a 1 hit shot at Lance. Lance denies him this opportunity and nearly kills the Fighter. Lance gets a rank up in swords. Hand Axe Fighter misses Shanna. Oh wow! The ballistae have animations! Why was this missing in FE7?! They even had FE6. They could have reused them! Anyways, I now have the stats on this guy. He misses Lance after a whooshing sounds that gets a chuckle out of me. Hand Axe Fighter misses Lance. I forgot about the civilians. I guess the ballista doesn't mind them. Turn 2 I just realized that the ballista could get Lance despite his movement being listed. Shanna's going to have to stay grounded for a bit until the ballistae run out of their arrows. I give Roy the weakened Fighter kill. I guess Roy was mad about getting scraped earlier because he crit-kills that guy. God, Roy. Roy levels up. Engage dodgetank parameters. Saul heals Roy. So Rutger was supposed to weaken the other Fighter for Lilina but no. Rutger crit-kills him first chance. Oi, Rutger, please be a better team player. The Fighter down south is a Hand Axe Fighter and while I would risk Lilina to encounter him, she cannot use the forest and the space is in range of the ballista. I think I'll use Klain instead. Klain runs as south as he can and Elphin plays for him. Klain moves into proper position, which is just south of the southern forest. Let's get rid of a Hand Axe Fighter. Allen can do just that with his Iron Sword. He moves to the Hand Axe Fighter's west and kills him with no difficulties. Lance kills the other Fighter after moving to Allen's east. Allen's in range of the Berserker, by the way. I had moved Lilina into a spot where she could get hit by the longrange ballista when I wasn't being careful. I hope she will be okay. Jerrot moves to Merlinus' west, ending Turn 2. Steel Axe Fighter misses Allen and gets slaughtered. Other Steel Axe Fighter meets same fate. Allen dodges mighty Berserker's axe. I'm grateful since Berserkers are crit-happy. And then I laugh out of coincidence. Allen levels up! I'll take more Strength. Surprisingly, longrange ballista goes for Klain. He hits! AGH Hand Axe Fighter also hits Klain. NO. Klain hits him twice for good measure. THE OTHER BALLISTA. DANG IT-- ohthankgod The lower hit attacks hit him but not the highest? Game just messes with me all day every day. Turn 3 Okay. A little too close for comfort. Let's not do that again. And I also accidentally overwrote the Turn 3 beginning screenshot. Here's a screenshot after Lilina's level up in a bit. If I can get the south ballista this turn, that would be swell. Klain softens up the Mercenary with his Steel Bow. Lilina cooks herself some delicious Mercenary EXP and goes for a level up. I'LL TAKE IT Rutger takes the Fighter kill. Roy and his Iron Sword just has enough Attack to kill the Fighter. Easy pickings! I have Lance have a go at the Archer. He is able to hit him twice without damage. Lance now is an ace in lances for now. Allen kind of has to wipe out the Archer so there isn't a nuisance on enemy phase. Allen has Lance switch to the Iron Sword for better Avoid and then kills the Archer. Klain is in the spot where I want Elphin. Shanna and Astore Rescue-Drop Klain into the forest just north of where he was. Jerrot's job is to take out the ballista Archer. Elphin plays for him after Jerrot moves. Jerrot switches to the Steel Sword for slightly better accuracy and is successful in killing the ballista Archer. Another nuisance down! Saul heals Klain. Allen is northwest Cavalier. Clarine will move to Merlinus' north, ending Turn 3. I'm not good with ballista calculations. ELPHIN CAN'T TAKE A HIT. I also didn't anticipate the other Archer to take up the ballista. He hits Elphin to near death. Yikes! Turn 4 So either ballista have a constant Mt unaffected by Strength or they do get affected by Strength. Like I said, I never was good at remembering ballista calculations. The long ballista should have between 12 or 19 Mt, and the normal ballista has 8-15 Mt. I probably should have figured that out before I decided to put Elphin where he was because that was close. I have decided to look at the civilians. They didn't bother to recolor sprites despite using the exact same characters. Come on, guys. You bothered to recolor them in houses in different chapters. What gives? These stats would make me sad. They're all carrying Vulneraries but watch. I'm going to guess that there's an ambush spawn on the mountains just to make me flip. It's going to take two turns for Jerrot to make it to the village. I have him visit the vendor. First time Lightning appears! Saul should definitely gets one or two of these once he promotes. I'm starting to run low on coffers but I still got Klain's white gem to sell at the Trade Armory. Then I notice this. Its accuracy was lowered but it has the same Might as a Fire tome. I thought Light magic was the most accurate but the weakest. Huh. Before I buy anything, I check my convoy. I still got a couple Heals, a tome of Thunder, three sets of Chest Keys, and four Door Keys. Lilina has 36 Fire charges and 15 Thunder charges. Lugh's got 12 Fire and 20 Thunder uses. I'm thinking if I drop either Lugh or Lilina, I'm good on their Anima magic. I'll go for two tomes of Lightning for Saul when he promotes and Jerrot moves towards the village. Lilina has to give Roy support bonuses so Roy can kill the ballista Archer. Finally that nuisance is gone. There's still a few uses of that ballista left. I have a plan. I have Elphin play for Klain. Except apparently a ballista takes up movement? I think? I'll set Klain near the ballista and he shall take it up to snipe at that other ballista. Shanna and Astore combine their efforts to Rescue-Drop Elphin out of danger. Showing the positons of the more important people. I haven't moved Lance and Allen in case of ambush spawn near the civilians. HI DRUID Ohhh no. They're heading towards the civilians. That's not good! Long ballista misses Lugh. Huh. I would have thought he would go for Saul. Okay. Turn 5, with spawning group HEY THERE BUDDY HOW'S YOUR MAGIC DOING TODAY Only Flux but eesh that's 25 Attack. Those civilians will be slaughtered! And even my units could be slaughtered! The long ballista has one bolt left. Means I'm free to do... Uh... wait. You... The reason they got animations was because I couldn't use them? What the heck, game. You ruined my fun! Fine! Be that way! Saul heals Klain. Jerrot visits the village. Absurdly orange-haired kids make a come back. For our assistance, he gives us a Red Gem that he found while escaping the castle. Thanks, kid! I see that I can't go this way. First the cliff deployment slots and now this? BEST GAME DESIGN. I forget that I had a plan for Elphin and Shanna to move past the long ballista and messed up where I would have dropped Elphin for this turn. So Elphin plays for Shanna who landed just south of where Elphin can go. Shanna rescues him and moves south and out of the range of the long ballista Archer. Astore and Clarine should be able to survive a long ballista attack. I end Turn 5 as such: Allen and Lance are still in their current positions. Merlinus can't move this turn without dying to ballista attack. Pirate reinforcements! Clarine has just enough HP to survive the long ballista attack. She dodges it anyways. At the village I visited... Geese? You're related to Geitz, aren't you? Cool. "Mates"? Ohhhh. You must be a Pirate! Great! I was wondering about you. I'm sorry to hear that, man. Why must the good always die? Yes, actually. Not now, lady. He's going with me. Wasn't that the merchant business Geitz didn't like or something? Geese sounds like a cool guy. I would like him as a part of my team. Geese has himself a first encounter. Oh god, Geese. You need Skill help, pronto! Turn 6 Hopefully Geese isn't a problem to recruit? Roy is able to talk to him. Please don't be difficult. Recruitment theme! Well this is convenient timing! How are you, my man? I AM ROY, SON OF ELIWOOD. I'M LIKE A QUARTER-DRAGON AND-- Nah. Roy gives a simple introduction and tells Geese that we're with Etruria. I'm hoping this won't turn him off. HE WAS TURNED OFF Fir was the first time I had to settle someone down. This probably won't be the last time. Geese and Roy don't understand what is up with Etruria. I don't either. Indeed, good sir. Now please don't kill Roy. Definitely! Yeah, well. Gonzales is a Brigand. Most Fire Emblem games just send me to poke them to death with swords. And aren't you the first Pirate since Darros? No, you're okay, Geese. I heard this before. Except that character decided to get in my way. Don't get in my way, Geese. Roy agrees to this deal since we're not locals of the West Isles. Geese says his final words to his mates. Aye. Now there's a good lad. Geese! I think his bases are not too shabby. Pirates are known for their bad Skill though so that 9 Skill will either get capped soon or never go into the double digits. Now, next thing to address: Ocean Seal. I have a bad feeling the Ocean Seal is not going to be in a place where I can easily find it. I hope I can find it. I kind of want to use Geese but I don't want him to get capped on his power because I can't find the Ocean Seal. That Fire affinity is good if only I knew who he could support with. Maybe Cath if she was still alive? Anyways, let's have Shanna murder that longrange Archer now with no more bolts and the Shaman trying to guard him. I have Shanna drop Elphin as far west she an before moving a space north. Rutger easily kills the north Pirate. Klain moves in range of the Hand Axe Fighter with Lilina near him. They make a somewhat decent team. Clarine takes an Iron Axe from the convoy and moves near the Pirate. Geese takes the Iron Axe and attacks the Pirate. They trade blows. Jerrot and Saul do a Rescue-Drop to get Clarine out of danger. Allen and Lance still are holding positions. Also still no A for them. It sure it taking a while. More Pirates! Rutger kills a Pirate. The other Pirate goes for Roy. Roy, that was supposed to be Geese's kill! However, Roy's sword rank goes up. Geese and a Pirate trade blows. Hand Axe Pirate takes the Klain bait. He misses and gets pelted by two shots.
  13. It's not a problem because Jill defects by talking to Shiharam. I believe she is fine to attack him. I like Jill/Mist because I find it the best of Jill's supports, benefits- and characterization-wise.
  14. I guess? But Charm is Lord-locked and is pretty much FE4's Charisma (slightly different icon and lowered effect). That's on Lachesis and Laylea (who's a substitute character). I mean, if that same explanation can be used here then sure?
  15. I'd say it's possible. Ike himself isn't one to like the noble lifestyle. The same mentality could be passed to a child. They can stay or go. I'm not sure if IS has precedence for a character doing it, though. For the sake of just Awakening's story, Ike never needs to be mentioned. It's more necessary to talk about Marth because Chrom has the Falchion. Guys, stop using the word "theory" wrong It's a hypothesis that has yet to be confirmed true or false--but at least it has a basis that Chrom and Lucina get Aether.
  16. Was the patch extension still .ups after extraction? Most importantly the ROM has to be clean (as in unpatched) and the Japanese ROM. So if you got, say, an FE6 ROM with English on it already, that was prepatched (I think they call permapatched) and you can't use this patch to make it work properly. I can only guess that the "Extract all..." doesn't work properly or the patch may have been improperly applied. Try getting another clean Japanese ROM and see if it will patch properly this time.
  17. Busy life, busy life. I'll be back on the main blind run soon enough. I'll answer to posts first. Ahhh. I see. I should have figured ROMs could be treated differently. Thanks for letting me know! Reminds me of the Soldiers in FE7's chapter with Raven and Lucius--except far more annoying because hey! Cavalier group, incoming Mercenary and Shaman on the east side, and Pegasus Knights suiciding themselves on my units or the Brigands. At least now I have a better way to handle it. Seems the first option just won out by a vote. I've been mulling it over. Would it be fair to offer a compromise? Like if I attempt the chapter 5-10 times without a hint and I still can't get the gaiden requirement then people can hint or tell me the requirement? I would put in screenshots showing the chapter status screen, the unit list, and the save screen if it helps, as well as what method (turn count, levels, etc.) I attempted each run. Aye. Yes. I guess I'm still colored from FE7's Dorcas and Bartre. Also bad accuracy axes. I just remembered that I need a S rank axe- and bow-user and realized that I would have none of those at this rate, haha. Though whether to assign S axe or S bow to Warrior Lot will be the question. Geitz was so good--at least in ranked play. Loved that guy. If reconsidering Lot, I'll need to fit him somewhere. Sue's just been neglected and will probably be dropped. Clarine, as sad as I am to say this, is looking like another drop because bad stats. I have the first few screenshots of Chapter 11 (haven't started the chapter), and oh boy does Lot need to catch up. I have been considering dropping either Lugh or Lilina since it seems I'll be getting limited Guiding Rings; one should go to Saul, I'm thinking, and one needs to be decided between Lugh and Lilina. I would think Lilina the better choice since accuracy for tomes is not as big of an issue. Power seems more important. She does need more Speed though and I don't even think she's gotten an increase in Skill yet. A knowledge of supports she could have would have helped me but alas. 'Tis the nature of a blind run, haha.
  18. If you unzipped it, it should not be in a folder that looks like it has a zipper on it and you should have had some program, whether it's a free one like 7-zip or a paid one, to unzip (decompress) the folder. The process to actually unzip the files is usually called "Extract" and it will make a new folder that looks normal that will include all the documents in the original zipped folder. After unzipping, I've personally placed the NUPS program folder and patch folder into my folder with the VBA and clean Japanese ROM. Open up NUPS (bear with me as I'm inexperienced as well but I believe NUPS works with Windows and a program called wine will allow Macs to use Windows programs) and click "Apply an UPS patch to a file" In "File to Patch," browse for the clean Japanese ROM (I would recommend to also keep a clean copy on hand so you don't have to go re-find it) In "UPS Patch," browse for the Redux patch and hit "Patch" From then on unless you changed the options, it should automatically stay patched whenever you open back up the ROM By the way, gringe, I'm enjoying the game so far as a first-time player. I don't recall if this was ever covered and it's a minor detail but did you change Dracoshield to Dragonshield?
  19. I actually didn't know how to do that and didn't bother to learn how to since I thought it would be a legit blind experience to play it like as though I got a new catridge. I kind of learned how to just by tinkering with an FE7 save. Though if I did that now, would it overwrite my in-game saves? I haven't save-stated for FE6. Though I still probably won't do hard mode for the blind run, it would be good to know for other games. My emulator/ROM knowledge is very limited. xD There were many resets for this missing content run. Resets for unit death (I think two), resets because an Archer/Pegasus Knight died, resets because dumb AI. Bottom line: I hope I got all the missing content, because without being an expert on this chapter, this was stupid. 8( I apologize in advance. These screenshots are not from a single playthrough. I'm also not keeping this playthrough to become the main blind playthrough. I just wanted to show off the missing content and my reactions. :) [spoiler=Missing Content 1 - *This Chapter is Loaded*] So I remember Klain appeared first for a couple turns before Tate and the Cavalier group come. I leave Rutger and Clarine here to intercept Klain. One among the readers said that talking with Tate should have made her and her unit allies, so I think Klain should do the same. Yep. There they are. Except... Even when Clarine is in a forest and has A Rutger support, Klain outright slaughters his sister. I mean, bro. What gives? Can you not see that's Clarine you killed? This is the first of a few restarts and I didn't bother to capture all restarts so I'm providing the first one. So from here on, I place Rutger on the forest and Clarine a couple spaces away. Aha! So Klain's group does go green after talking with Clarine. I have to keep these guys alive to get the other item. Restart count because of Archers: 1 I have brought Lot to visit the northwestern houses close together. First up is Mary's. I had decided for this one map that Lot can get back into the ballgame to see his friend's sister and the little girl who asked for Lot. He did not "happen" to be nearby. ... Mieu? MIEU? What kind of name is that? I try to look up if Mieu is a real name or something and... First thing it gives me is from Tales of the Abyss: But apparently it is a Vietnamese girl name meaning "salt." I'm not sure what to make of that. Why didn't you take care of her? Come on, be a brother. Uh, Lot, about that. I'm hoping about on my save files so I can show off missing content and the like. Your promise will poof after this. But at least know that since you're benched that you are safe from war. I will likely never send you out again. Come now, Mary. Don't be like that. I just explained why he will return. Oh. Are these two lovers or something? Okay. Thanks, Mary. It's good to see that you kept a weapon around instead of using it or something. Especially when the lord's men were around and could have broken into the house or Mieu's house or whatever. Another Swordreaver! Now I feel bad that I won't keep this playthrough because two Swordreavers in a chapter is absolutely awesome! Hi Tate. I make sure to keep people away from Tate and her crew. Except, the times her Pegasus Knights: suicided on Roy and suicided on a Brigand. Lot visits his anthropomorphic sister. That's nice, kiddo. I mean, I don't know how old she's supposed to be but if this is her greatest accomplishment at this age, she's gotta be pretty young. Because he is a good brother, he lies to her. Wait... Didn't he tell Mary "since our mother died?" I would assume their mother passed away a while ago and he saw it. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this. It's not like it's that important to the main story, right? Whatever it is, thank you, Mother. The bench is almighty. It will keep your brother from harm. You are not taking stuff from Merlinus' wagon, Lot. There are sharp objects in there for her to cut herself on. They should have done this HOURS AGO. The bench is almighty, the bench is life. Oh hey, a Speedwings! That's like not going onto Lot! Now that we have Klain, let's talk to Tate. And a little bit into the conversation later... It looks like Shanna somehow got the word that Klain joined our ranks despite he's all the way down south. That's cool. WOOT So her Pegasus Knights kept suiciding or someone kept dying. In one particular playthrough, she went Klain on me and didn't move for one turn. And then she went for the Physic Priests. I mutter: "You little shit..." LET ME TALK TO YOU. After Klain was all the way south and she could have stupidly gone for the boss or the Killer Axe Fighter just south of here. So about that old man that references to Gonzales and throwing rocks at him? He doesn't apologize to Gonzales right there. Fucking old man. After I rid myself of the boss, enter the complex, get visited by Elphin and Mary, we get presents from our allied subordinates! That's good. Though none of the villages were torn down. I don't need bad ally units. Another Orion's Bolt? Cool. Though Klain can't use this, you nimwit. Good on ya. I would like for them to hear good results. Now here's an item Tate can use! Except she won't because this is a good Shanna playthrough! But nonetheless, it's still a good item! I missed some pretty good stuff. Damn. :c
  20. Well Elincia comes at Chapter 26. Elincia only has two chapters (26, which is forced, and 27) to actually be deployed. Ike and Geoffrey get their A's after two chapters. You can argue that Ike/Elincia gets to B faster than Elincia/Geoffrey gets to B, but you can't argue either one gets to A faster. They both do at two chapters. In RD, Elincia is reported to have the fastest with Geoffrey than Ike. "Death of the Author" is a term meaning after the author sends their work out, it is no longer in the author's hands and that the author and the writing are now separate entities. Meaning: though the author can say that the story means this message, the readers are free to say the author's story means that message. Readers are free to have their own interpretations from the author's work and it shouldn't matter the author's background, history, philosophical views, or whatnot to determine what the story means. As far as I'm understanding him, he's saying you reject "Death of the Author" so anyone can be free to interpret the story as they wish but you still go ahead with your interpretation of the story and try to shove it down others' throats.
  21. All Reyson is going to do is avoid combat. The avoid boost is only good if he somehow gets caught in the action. Ike using all his support ranks guarantees him +25 Avoid if those people are around. Titania (Light, but A rank you have to bring to all maps; B is gained at earliest by Chapter 13, I believe) - A = +1 def, +7 accuracy, +15 Avoid; B = +1 def, +5 accuracy, +10 Avoid Oscar (Earth, A rank gained earliest at Chapter 14) - A = +30 Avoid; B = +20 Avoid Soren (Darkness, A rank gained earliest at Chapter 25; B by Chapter 16) - A = +1 atk, +22 Avoid; B = +1 atk +15 avoid Lethe (Heaven, A rank Chapter 25) - A = +15 accuracy, +15 Avoid; B = +10 accuracy, +10 Avoid Reyson (Fire, A rank must bring to all chapters, B rank by Chapter 26) - A = +1 atk, +7 accuracy, +15 Avoid; B = +1 atk, +5 accuracy, +10 Avoid Ranulf (Wind, A rank by Chapter 26) - A = +7 accuracy, +22 Avoid; B = +5 accuracy; +15 Avoid Elincia (Heaven, bring to all available maps for A, Chapter 26 for B) - A = +15 accuracy, +15 avoid; B = +10 accuracy, +10 Avoid Outside of Avoid, Ike's not going to benefit much from anyone because he's not going to need accuracy because of swords and the +1 atk or +1 def is rather negligible. I think it's just better that Ike actually has supports to benefit from. All he really needs is Avoid at the start. It's just much easier to recommend Ike/Titania, /Oscar, /Soren, /Reyson because these are more likely candidates to stay in the team. From here, it's based on your playstyle. Edit: Read your earlier post before your edited post. Bottom line: Reyson may not be worth it since the player is kind of expected to have Reyson stay out of combat. It's probably better to stick with /Titania, /Oscar, /Soren, depending on who you use or who's likely to be near Ike most of the time, which is up to playstyle.
  22. Reyson has Fire, but it still doesn't add to his Avoid. He'll get +15 from Ike/Reyson A from Ike's Earth alone. I mean, it'll add to his already Avoid-inclined stats and Ike can benefit from the +1 Atk. It's not like Ike really needs the accuracy boost because swords.
  23. Oh yeah. I guess I did forget about Reyson. I listed Ike/Oscar because the avo is good despite not using Oscar much (I hope to remedy that). I do have Ike/Reyson more often though I prioritize Ike/Soren A because favoritism. I actually don't field Titania that much after Chapter 11 out of preference. I know of her contribution beyond earlygame but I choose not to. At least there's the crit bonus for the siblings. The support bonuses in this game were downgraded from the GBA games but I think it's a compensation for how much easier this game's Difficult mode is compared to the GBAFE's hard modes.
  24. Ike/Soren for avo boost for Soren and also it's my favorite of Ike's supports Ike/Oscar for dat avo Mist/Jill because that's really the only support left for Jill that is consistent for my teams. Once Mist promotes and if Jill is more grounded in a map, +3 def, +2 atk and +7 avo isn't... too bad, I guess. You can get to A real quick (by like chapter 19, I think) Boyd/Mist because, again, consistent units. Also lolBoyd and his every support is Fire/Water except Titania That's all for my consistent units. Though, funny enough, I have been thinking how many playthroughs it would take of the game to max out supports to transfer to RD. It would use many save files just so you don't have to replay from the beginning over and over...
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