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Chocolate Kitty

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Everything posted by Chocolate Kitty

  1. eh some of them looked interesting to me; but too much effort to warrent a map lol
  2. 2 days yeah yeah map 1 map 2 map 3
  3. 2 days left it'll upload eventually; my internet has been garbage
  4. I mean I said most accurate but you can ignore that part I guess
  5. not in defense of fe proportions but tbh that tileset is the most accurate out of all in terms of houses sizes to objects, such as thrones and chests(houses being 6 tiles, while chests are 1 and thrones 1.5). nor in defense of klok but he has a point with the ships next to giant ships; the proportions get stupid skewed and confusing which is why I've just been saying "wao what cool battle sprites" and ignoring the voice in my head screaming about proportions :)
  6. I think it's fairly obvious who you're sending entries to, since I'm the person posting every single contest topic, but whatever.
  7. then you should probably do that, the system is fine as is.
  8. Ask for clarification if needed. Guidelines: -Submit your entry.PNG via PM to me, Kitty of Time, I will post them all anonymously and reveal the entrants after the voting is over -Make your maps original, don't copy/steal someone else's design. -If you have any constructive criticism to offer to an entry, feel free to post it in the main topic(Keep this civil) -If your map is being talked about and you want clarification, PM me this as well and I will ask it for you - If you want to re-submit your map after changes, just re-send it to me. - Please refrain from using backgrounds in map submissions unless they are specifically stated to be allowed in the requirements - Generated maps are frowned upon(and are typically easy to spot), so avoid them if you can Fun Links: GBA FE Tileset Zelda Tiled Ganondorf Mappy Vaati Requirements: "remaking a map from TRS in any tileset" Bonus: throw on some map sprites to spice that muddafka up Additional Information: Winners shall pick the next map to be revamped, any map from FE(or anything similar to FE ex Tear Ring Saga) that isn't GBA FE for obvious reasons or a new map and tileset like normal Winners of 3 contests in a row are barred from entering the round following their 3rd victory. They are still allowed to submit a submission, but I will post it separate from the poll. All participants must vote in the round they entered or they will be barred from entering the following round. Refusal to cooperate consecutively will result in multiple bars. Side note: Ever wonder why this contest disappeared? No, it wasn't because I forgot or got lazy; I got tired of either having to extend the thing by a week and a half and getting piss poor amounts of entries and no one ever PM'd me requirements for the next map. If the same behavior applies, the contest will disappear again. I don't ask for a lot; just try to be on time(I'm going to be a bit stricter regarding this to keep this a timely fashion) and ACTUALLY PM ME A REQUIREMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. If this is no longer someone wishes to do, just say something and I'll make something up, don't just not respond for a week+. Barred Contestants: None Due Date: April 3rd 2015 Winner Count: Round 1 - Kitty of Time Round 2 - Celice Round 3 - Sairento Round 4 - Koopa Round 5 - Koopa! Round 6 - Matt Snow Round 7 - Haku(Koopa) Round 8 - ShinyPichu Round 9 - Matt Snow Round 10 - Primefusion Round 11 - Haku Round 12 - Sairento/Aura Wolf Round 13 - Matt Snow Round 14 - ShinyPichu Round 15 - Haku Round 16 - ???
  9. we're done 1st Haku 2nd MidnightStar Smirks Celice Primefusion ShinyPichu
  10. he explained it already and there's a difference between criticism and just being an asshole if you're not enjoying the product, give your spheal on why, and let the creator actually address and fix those issues; else stop using said product
  11. don't give him a swelled head, just report him :U also I can't say I understand how the spring blade turns into a ball, but it's pretty freaking cool nonetheless
  12. I'm somewhat open for requests currently(via PM or request thread), but I'd rather like to see what sort of setting this is before saying I can do much for your project.
  13. 1 2: Various walls disappear and reappear throughout the chapter 3 strikes you're out
  14. it's edit -> copy map image on the top bar
  15. move and bump i never post maps on sf for some reason, but they're on dA but yeah same stuff applies, I use mappy because it's the master race, tiled is a terrible knock off, and I do tile changes myself for when they are needed blah blah blah oh and to note the difference between this topic and this one; mine is mainly commission(aka first one is free, all following ones payment), whereas that one is 100% free as far as I know
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