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Everything posted by Diabeasty

  1. I've been thinking about building a team for fun using old GameFAQs staple pairings, but actually using them in a way that makes sense. It naturally won't be "optimal", but games are meant to be fun so goofing around is fine. Stahl!Severa, Chrom!Inigo/Olivia!Lucina, Henry!Cynthia, Donnel!Kjelle, Gaius!Noire are non-negotiable. Those pairs were easily the most common back then. I really want to run Avatar!Nah, I feel like it's pretty much perfectly in-line with what the meta was back then. Nah gets Galeforce+Luna, both her and Morgan get some relatively crappy stats. Nah/Morgan will be supported by her father, I don't want to lose out on Lucina's free 100% DS and A rank support isn't ideal but is usable. For Laurent, I'm not sure if I should go with Ricken or Gregor for his father. Gregor!Laurent has pretty much been the go-to pairing since forever, but I know Ricken!Laurent has been quite popular at some points as well just for the fact that he has a huge MAG stat. Who I use here pretty much determines what Owain I use. I feel like Ricken!Owain has always been a staple, and still is on top of having Luna. Vaike!Gerome was easily the most sensible pairing for Gerome that was popular back then. (Frederick Gerome? No thanks!) Plus he gets to be Char Aznable, that's always a benefit. I would use Virion!Yarne since Virion is naturally free, but I feel it would go against the spirit of the team. Everyone considered Virion to be the worst father back then, so I'm thinking Frederick would make the most sense. Decent stats and some okay classes, probably one of the more reasonable pairings for him that I could use. Lon'qu!Brady because I'm pretty sure Brady has always just been "give him whoever he doesn't care" So basically I end up with a team of B-tier units, except for a few which are still relevant today. However if I pair them up properly and give them the right skills I think I can make something decent out of this team. Gerome and Yarne lack good +hit skills, so I'm thinking pairing them with Severa and Noire would be the best, as they both have Hex/Anathema to help alleviate that issue. Stahl!Severa as a Swordfaire Hero can reach 75 speed with a Berserker support so that works out nicely. Outside of that, I'm not really sure how to pair this team up. What do you guys think?
  2. As a general question, has anyone ever tried giving Wyvern Lord Lon'qu/Virion!Severa or Gaius!Kjelle a Hero support instead of Berserker? Berserker is the ideal and gives you a massive amount of power, but just how far does Hero fall behind in power where it matters? Do the benefits of Hero actually give you enough reason to use Hero at all? (Not necessarily as a sidegrade to Berserker, I mean using Hero in a situation where Berserker is unavailable, like Stahl!Gerome) The extra SKL gives you extra DS rate and Hero is generally more accurate than Berserker. If you've got Kjelle paired up with a Hero she gets some extra Luna activation rate too.
  3. Are all your parent pairings COMPLETELY locked in? (Just want to make sure) If not, you should try swapping Vaike and Henry. Henry!Gerome and Vaike!Nah sounds a lot better than Vaike!Gerome and Henry!Nah to me. I would recommend pairing Gerome to Noire, Inigo to Lucina, and Yarne to Kjelle. I think you'll get a lot more mileage out of Stahl!Yarne x Gaius!Kjelle than other alternatives, giving Libra!Inigo to Lucina gives you the option of having Sage x DF (Gerome can go sage, I guess, but it's not really that great of an idea.), and Noire x Gerome honestly sacrifices nothing compared to the other children, Stahl!Yarne is just way too good to be wasted on Donnel!Noire. You can make Noire a Sniper and have Gerome as a 'Zerker, Gerome will probably suffer some hitrate issues but at least he'll hit hard and Noire will get some extra SPD and a lot of STR.
  4. While Gaius!Noire is probably the best one in a vacuum, she doesn't really bring anything unique to the table. Donnel!Noire isn't particularly good, but Donnel makes anyone lackluster. As I said before Noire missing out on GF isn't a huge deal. I would rather have two units with good stats and one with Galeforce than two units with Galeforce and one with good stats that aren't used particularly well. Stahl!Gerome has some pretty good synergy with Gaius!Kjelle, though maybe not quite as much as someone like Virion!Yarne. Gerome has Swordfaire Hero for a +3 SPD support so that Kjelle can reach 75 SPD as a Wyvern Lord. Kjelle probably makes better use of the +8 SKL than Severa too since she has Luna instead of Vengeance. Kjelle can be an assassin and hit 75 speed with Gerome as a Bowfaire Warrior, and since Kjelle doesn't need any extra speed she gets to procstack. Gaius!Noire can do that too but there's only one Gaius. Gerome as a Sniper also hits 100% DS with Kjelle as an Assassin, both using all+2 and Gerome using SKL+2. They can't quite hit 100% DS with Kjelle as a Falcon Knight like Virion!Yarne x Gaius!Kjelle could, but sacrifices have to be made sometimes. Donnel!Kjelle can't really do anything cool, though I guess she can hit 75 SPD as an assassin with all+2 and any pair-up.
  5. Henry!Nah or Vaike!Nah pretty much comes down to preference, they're both very good. Vaike!Nah hits incredibly hard from the physical side, while Henry!Nah has the option of running magical or physical. Her magical set is very nice in my opinion. Libra!Brady is good, though Henry!Brady is basically a direct upgrade the difference isn't huge, just 1 STR and 1 SKL. Henry also gives Berserker and Thief, but those aren't things you'll generally make much use of. I like Henry!Nah and Libra!Brady personally. Vaike!Nah is very close though. Also, I would say try Gaius!Kjelle and have Donnel be a bachelor. Donnel's stats are just kind of terrible, and Noire missing out on GF is a fair trade for having actually decent ones. Vaike is a pretty solid father for a GF-less Noire, he gives a ton of STR, Axefaire, and Hero. Gregor is generally better than Vaike for Noire since he gives Merc alongside Myrmidon and Troubadour, but Vaike is way more available.
  6. Well the reason I want to have Berserker as an option is because I'd like to have the option of running the Berserker x Wyvern lord set, as it's kinda neat to me. It's not a necessity but it'd be nice.
  7. Are Vaike!Yarne's hitrates as a berserker a problem in your experience? That's the only thing I'm really worried about.
  8. Thanks! My pairings look something like this at the moment. I don't really have final classes currently because I'm building this team around being able to run a lot of different sets. Avatar (+SKL/-DEF) x Sumia!Lucina Libra!Inigo x Chrom!Cynthia Lon'Qu!Brady x Kellam!Noire Ricken!Owain x Vaike!Nah Stahl!Yarne x Gaius!Kjelle Gregor!Laurent x Virion!Severa Henry!Gerome x Lucina!Morgan I'm pretty sure the only pairing here that can't reach 100% DS is Owain and Nah. If there's anything I could swap around that might give me some better results, let me know.
  9. Hey Czar_Yoshi, if you read this do you think you'd be able to post your 100% DS team again? (If not I can always go digging for it) I'd like to see what you did for a few units, mostly Owain and Nah. I'm working on a team that coincidentally ended up being able to have around 6 pairs that are capable of reaching 100% DS, but Owain and Nah are proving difficult to work into any pairings that can reach 100% as well. I might just have them go without, I'm already using an oddball pairing in Kellam!Noire who is paired with the more standard Lon'Qu!Brady and I'd like to keep my sacrifices to a minimum. Frederick and Donnel are my only bachelors at the moment, I would think Frederick could be worked in there somewhere since he has +2 skl. I can post what I've got later, I have it saved in a text file.
  10. Hm, alright, thanks. That makes sense. I wonder if I could do something similar with Frederick!Inigo, using a breaker skill (or outdoor/indoor fighter, i guess) instead of Luna.
  11. Well... yeah. That goes without saying. But he's still there 1/3 of the time, which means he's going to have a standard GF/AGG/Proc/LB/Faire setup. That means you don't have room for a +hit boosting skill, which you want because Berserkers tend to have issues with hitrate. Regardless of Morgan supporting or leading, you'd still want a +hit boosting skill. Unless LQ/Virion!Yarne!Morgan's skill is just so high that it doesn't matter, or Berserker just being so damn powerful that it works out. I know why Berserker is a good support class, but that's not what I'm asking about. You're not really answering my question. You edited your post while I was typing this up, but either way... I don't really know why you'd want to sacrifice axefaire or a proc for a +hit skill. At that point, wouldn't it almost be better to just use a different class entirely? A faireless berserker will have the same STR as a faired assassin, I believe. Yeah if you switched to assassin you'd lose 3 STR in the front, but you would have a lot more SKL and an extra point of SPD. You could sacrifice your proc, I guess, but do you really want to do that? edit: I'M WRONG. But I'm still not sure if sacrificing Axefaire would really be worth it or not.
  12. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't have Morgan lead, otherwise there'd be no reason to even give him Galeforce or a proc. Yeah you're gonna want his wife to lead more often than him, but he's still going to be in front sometimes. I guess you COULD use him as a hard support, and he'd be very good at it, but isn't that kind of a waste of potential?
  13. If I might ask, why Berserker? I've generally read that Berserker is a meh class for a lead unit due to their shaky hitrates (and if you're running DLC male characters have no room for a +hit boosting skill), is it just that strong that it's worth doing anyway? Or is something like Lon'Qu/Virion!Yarne!Morgan's SKL just so high that it makes up for it?
  14. Alright, so I'm trying to tweak my team a little for future use. I posted it here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42247&page=169#entry3549547 I'm considering swapping Gerome and Yarne. My reason for this is that with Yarne as her husband, Severa has a few extra options than she does with Gerome. She could then pull off the wyvern lord set, and she has a few options as a Hero with some of Yarne's non SPD boosting classes. This would leave Noire with Gerome. Gaius!Noire hits 69 speed without a SPD pairup, which is pretty much all she needs. A big reason I was pairing Yarne with Noire was so that Noire had the option of hitting 75 speed as a sniper if I sacrifice Astra for AS+2. Noire can hit 75 SPD without +SPD as an assassin, so if I really just want to load up on 75 SPD units, that's an option. So basically, Severa gets the ability to have a 100% DS pair between her and Yarne with her as a Hero and Yarne as a sniper, she can run the famous Wyvern Lord set, and still can have the same bowfaire warrior pair-up that Gerome offered. Noire can actually still reach 75 speed as a sniper with Gerome, but Gerome has to be an Assassin to do it. But outside of that, she loses that option unless she wants to reclass to an Assassin. But really, I doubt she'll miss it much. She also loses the ability to hit 100% DS, but I'm not that worried about that. What do you guys think? I'm pretty much just thinking aloud, but I'd just like to hear what other people think.
  15. Quick question regarding Gaius!Kjelle. Aside from being able to hit 75 speed as a Wyvern Lord, does she have any other notable uses of the extra stats compared to Donnel!Kjelle? I'm trying to figure out if I want to give Gaius!Kjelle a shot in the future, I usually don't because Noire is one of my favorite characters in the game and I like having her be awesome.
  16. So, I'm trying to figure out if there's a better way that I can pair up Donnel!Kjelle and Frederick!Inigo. They both have so many options (and very similar class sets) that I can't find a clear answer. I currently have Kjelle as a Paladin and Inigo as a Wyvern Lord. Wyvern Lord gives a very nice STR boost, and Paladin offers +STR, SKL, and SPD. I've considered making one of them a General, maybe Kjelle since she has room for Deliverer. I'm just really not sure what to do, there has to be some combination of classes that is the most efficient. Anyone have any input?
  17. The only real reason I can see to run Libra!Yarne over Virion!Yarne is that Libra gives him a proc, if you actually want to have him in front. It could be fun actually, since Libra!Yarne would let you have a proc on everyone. Also, don't forget that Virion!Yarne can make a nice sniper for 100% DS setups. Kellam!Inigo is something I've considered a lot, but ultimately I think the only real reason you'd want him over Frederick is if Inigo is married to someone that has the option of going magical or physical. There are much better options for a magical Inigo, but in a pinch I think Kellam could work. Something that I really like about Frederick!Inigo is just how many different classes he has the ability to perform well in. He has a faire for literally every class he has access to, I believe.
  18. You could use armsthrift or something if you want. Gregor!Laurent is primarily for convenience, he frees up valuable space elsewhere since Gregor isn't too great of a father on a lot of kids. 3 MAG is still plenty, and Gregor gives him the only classes he really wants. Also, his Berserker set is pretty solid, he has +1 STR and has hex/anathema to patch up Berserker's low hitrate. If I were to make any changes to my own team I think I'd marry him to Morgan instead of Cynthia just to take full advantage of his ability to run that Berserker set. I don't agree with that necessarily. I think it really depends on what you want Morgan to do. Switching to +SKL from +SPD gives you 2 STR and 2 SKL, and you lose 4 SPD. The 2 STR is fairly negligible, and if you aren't specifically reaching 100% DS with that 2 SKL it won't make too big of a difference. I like Morgan being able to hit 75 speed easily so I can have an extra 75 speed unit to fall back on. There are quite a few assets that can be good depending on what you want to do with them.
  19. This is the setup I've been using. It sounds about like what you'd end up with if you decided to use a MaMU setup, I don't claim to be good at anything but maybe you'll find it helpful in some way. In no particular order:
  20. Yeah I'm not even gonna make excuses, I have no idea what I was thinking when I said that.
  21. Pretty much this. Valkyrie is actually very very nice, you use it for the same reason you use Dark Flier as an end class. However she doesn't get hero access, but she can be an axefaire Wyvern Lord which is pretty decent. Her skillset is absolutely excellent for a support.
  22. Henry!Nah has much better class selection than Vaike!Nah, in my opinion. The only thing Vaike!Nah has over Henry!Nah is raw power with the ability to run axefaire general, Hero is an okay support class but there are just better options. Henry!Nah gets Valkyrie, which is in my opinion much better than either option especially considering Inigo is the only galeboy that can be physically inclined. If you use Vaike!Nah as a hero to support a magical galeboy, well Henry!Nah would pretty much just be better. If you're using a General Vaike!Nah, Nah is effectively locked to Inigo. Vengeance isn't a bad proc at all when you're using brave weapons, and if you aren't Nah doesn't ever need to be in the front anyway. Henry!Nah is a ton more flexible than Vaike!Nah is, and really that's the big reason why I prefer it. Stahl!Gerome trades the +SPD pair-up and a little power for a lot of accuracy. Hero Lon'qu Severa with AS+2 reaches 75 spd without a +SPD pair-up. I see no issue here. You're only really losing out on the MOV and a little STR. Swords are better than Lances for Apotheosis as well. I would say it's basically a sidegrade to Wyvern Lord Severa. If you want 100% DS I believe the pair can even reach that with Severa as an assassin and Gerome as a Sniper sporting skl+2 and as+2. Yarne losing out on 2 str going from Stahl to Virion is extremely negligible. Is Stahl a better father for Yarne? Probably. But honestly, Gerome needs him way more and being forced to use Vaike!Nah just puts an unecessary strain on teambuilding to me. I like marrying Laurent to either Cynthia or Morgan. Cynthia and Morgan are both capable of switching between physical and magical sets at will, and Laurent can run very solid support sets for either side.
  23. I wouldn't call these options straight upgrades, but in my opinion you should give Stahl!Gerome, Virion!Yarne, and Henry!Nah a go. Unbench Libra and give him to Brady. That's actually my preferred setup, and I'll tell you why. Gerome has one of the worst class sets to begin with, and while Virion gives him one class that allows him to function and decent stats, Stahl's genes give him a lot more options to work with especially if you like doing things outside of Apotheosis. Yarne only really needs some kind of hit boosting skill, since he starts with Berserker. Virion lets him re-inherit Wyvern Rider, gives him the hit boosting skill he needs, and gives him Sage so he can do magical support if you have him married to someone that can go either way. Just in terms of giving the children the most options, I like Stahl!Gerome and Virion!Yarne much more than the other way around. I like Gaius!Noire and Donnel!Kjelle more than the other way around for this reason as well. You'll want to pair Stahl!Gerome with Severa most likely. Yarne has some options, he could go with pretty much any of the remaining girls. Brady really doesn't care who his father is for the most part, Virion and Lon'Qu let him hit 75 speed with a dark flier pair up, but you already have quite a few units that can hit 75 pretty easily, especially if you have a +SPD avatar. Vaike!Nah is pretty nice, and is really one of the only truly good uses for Vaike's genes (Vaike!Severa is actually pretty good as well), but I've really come to like Henry!Nah a lot. She has an excellent skillset and good end classes.
  24. If you want to make use of Frederick, I'd really have to recommend Frederick x Olivia. Not sure if you like the support or not, but Frederick gives Inigo a pretty nice class selection and solid stats. I really, really like Frederick!Inigo. Frederick is one of the least wanted fathers and his class set has excellent synergy with Inigo's base classes. Henry is good for a lot of children. If you aren't using Chrom x Sumia, give Henry to Sumia. Sumia's options are so limited it's basically between those two. Gregor x Cherche and Lon'qu x Cordelia would be my recommendation. I personally like both of those supports as well. If you really want MaMU to have a 1st-gen wife that doesn't give a second child for some reason, I'd say go with Aversa for sure if you don't mind waiting till endgame to marry. If you just want to marry a 1st gen, Sumia and Cordelia are good ideas. If you don't mind marrying 2nd gen, Lucina, Chrom!Cynthia, and Severa can be good options. If you want to make the best use of MaMU's Premium Genes™ marry Nowi or Tharja.
  25. I don't see very many people actually discuss using VV, so it doesn't seem like a particularly popular strategy. It's probably because it requires a fair amount of setup to make it work. Gregor!Laurent is mostly good because it gives Laurent way more options to work with than any other father not named Lon'Qu. Pretty much every other father just has Laurent locked to hard support, Gregor actually gives him the ability to run other sets. It's also pretty convenient since Gregor is low demand. If you want a better hard support Laurent, Ricken is probably his best father (hit+20, huge overkill MAG) but he doesn't really need anything to actually work in that role, he gets all of it from his mother. You could even use someone like Kellam!Laurent and he'd function exactly the same as a hard support. Also Libra!Inigo is basically Gregor!Laurent -1 MAG and SKL with Galeforce.
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