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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Because people like me would want to enter, but know we'd have no chance and be sad.
  2. It's a neat idea. But kinda unfair to people whose art skills aren't perfected yet. Like me...
  3. My local library doesn't have gaming stuff though.
  4. When I was like 12 I went to Barnes and Noble and asked where the Redwall books were. The lady at the counter told another employee, direct quote: "This young man wants to know where the Redwall books are." I am female. -_- But that's my only experience with this store. We don't have one locally, you see...
  5. Can I have a summary before I click that link?
  6. Yeah, probably. But Sinnoh Confirmed eventually maybe? And yeah, I know you're not a Hoenn person.
  7. Omg if Sinnoh's confirmed I would piss myself in happiness and drive the hype train all over everywhere blowing the whistle. I wouldn't even care I peed my pants. I'd sit in the conductors' seat in a puddle because yolo. Not literally of course lol. I still love Hoenn, but Sinnoh gave me a certain OC's parents and boss, plus I was super hyped for ORAS too. Goddesses don't pee themselves Shut up Merc, it was sarcasm. Goddesses CAN be sarcastic Yeah but I'm technically not a goddess anyway...I know it's confusing. Go throw the ball around for Rex or something. Deadpool is on TV Then you can go watch it instead, that works too. ...Wait, DEADPOOL? Talk about a literal "merc with a mouth". Oh geez lol.
  8. True. Just saying, even if you don't do anything, it's still an issue you should care about. Also if you go to that site, they have other ways you can help. Like sharing one of the memes on social media and linking to the site. That's what I did: Actual screenshot of what I posted.
  9. Everybody saying "I can't support this because I'm not in the US": If net neutrality goes away in the US, it could still affect other countries in a roundabout way. All of us in the US wouldn't have as much freedom as say, Canada, on the internet, and therefore if you're talking to somebody from the US you could get slower responses or no responses at all if the site you're on didn't pay to be in the fast lane. Or, the governments of other countries could decide to get rid of net neutrality themselves. It's a big if but it could happen. Food for thought. Some countries already have internet restrictions. I know China does. North Korea probably does too. They block sites that don't fit their propaganda. Kinda similar. @Nym @Vaximillian Also @MadJak91, there was a big fight for this a few years ago, you're right. The reason it's an issue again is because some lawmakers are trying to get rid of net neutrality again, after they failed the last time. If you go to that Battle for the Net site you can read about it and how it went down last time.
  10. I think it's great that SF is joining in the protest and I'm doing my best to spread the word. And stuff. Long live the internet, and keep it free and weird!
  11. I'm not a fan of it myself but I know it has two dangerous enemies known as Weeping Angels and Daleks xD
  12. You also appear to be a Doctor Who fan... Hi.
  13. Why not just alternate using all of them when they're needed, but not at the same time? That's what I do.
  14. I no longer have a GBA or regular DS to play these in. Selling them for 8 bucks each, willing to haggle but won't go below $5 for each. They are all legit, original cartridges. No bootlegs here. Spyro is a fun little platformer and I don't think I have to explain the other two. If you buy all three I'll give you them for $15, if you buy two of them they'll go for $10, again, prices negotiable. I use Google Wallet. Post here if you're interested and if a deal is made, I'll PM you for the details. I can only ship to the US, sorry in advance to anyone anywhere else. FFTA: not sold FE8: not sold Spyro: not sold
  15. Maybe it's not worth getting ANGRY about. But annoyed? Yes. I'm just annoyed. Not angry. I'm also still a bit of a competitive n00b...I'd like to get into it but there's just so much to learn and not much time to do so.
  16. A Team Plasma watchog just pulled off three successful detects IN A ROW and spammed sand attack. Then it fainted my darumaka with crunch. Then it sand attacked my timburr and my first rock smash attack missed. Then I finally managed to get rid of it after being super annoyed and saying "I hate you" out loud. My cat was beside me on the couch. I hope he didn't think I was talking to him. This is the most strategy I've ever seen a villain team grunt use. I should be impressed but ugh... Protect and detect are the most pointless and annoying moves ever. Why on earth is it ever a good idea to waste a move slot AND a turn doing pretty much absolutely nothing, when you can use accuracy lowering moves to achieve the same thing with a bit of luck? Or actually attack? Or raise your own stats? Or pretty much ANYTHING ELSE? If you're doing a regular battle you can even use items. Even with the Battle Royale, there's still better options, yet it seems like just about everything the NPCs use there will have protect and use it. All these moves are are wastes of time and sanity killers. Just had to rant. Yeah...
  17. Spaced this off for the whole day yesterday xD @DisobeyedCargo
  18. If anyone cares for some backstory: my brother is 13, so he's into the fidget spinner fad, he has two of them. He bought me one and I was like, what on earth am I supposed to do with this, I don't normally fidget. It baffles me that these things are so popular. They're not even a cool tech gadget. Anyway my fuzzy roommate started batting at it on the table. so I recorded that video. This happened before this game even started! Glad I saved it and put it on youtube. The cat's name is Cheeto ^_^ He was a shelter cat and already named, and I wasn't changing it, it's perfect. His nickname is Cheeto Bandito. I see. A slight advantage is good!
  19. Fidget spinners, huh? Very specific :P Do I automatically win for making the content myself?
  20. Well I can't vote for myself so @Corrobin
  21. I did vote. You missed it. I voted for OrangePerson.
  22. May I suggest postimage?
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