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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Can I ask for an extension? My birthday is this weekend and stuff, and Glaceon is the only one who's posted an entry.
  2. Dragoncat


    How did you get your username? I don't see...any logic in it. But welcome to the forest.
  3. Henry would rock it. WCWY expect to be a brony?
  4. Sothe maybe? WCWY expect to wear mismatched socks?
  5. Yep! You get a big internet cookie even if it was quite obvious xD
  6. My phone is gonna kick butt...I was originally using some official art, but decided to go and draw it myself! It's flipped because the phone case designing site wouldn't accept it otherwise. Anybody who knows me should recognize this character right away.
  7. Severa and she would judge everybody meanly. WCWY expect to be friends with Sheldon from Big Bang Theory?
  8. Fivel was grateful that he had already shifted. He focused on the nearest thug, an axe wielding bandit. One powerful leap landed him right in front of the bandit, who raised his axe, swiped, and missed. The taguel used this opportunity to pounce on him and begin slashing and biting. An arrow lodged itself in his left flank, and he yelped like a wounded rabbit. In this distraction, the axe bandit wriggled free and struck. The axe connected near where the arrow hit. Fivel had lost all feeling in that leg, but it was far from broken. A nearby tree looked like it was about to fall... One swipe with a clawed forepaw, and the small tree split at the trunk and landed on the axe bandit. Even with one bad leg, a taguel could usually move out of the way of such things in time. The bandit was flailing in an attempt to get up. Fivel didn't want to stick around to find out whether he would or not. In order to use one of his concoctions, he would have to shift back, which would be unwise at the moment. He turned his attention to the red haired troubadour. Emil was somewhat nearby. There were a few trees between him and Fivel, normally that wouldn't be a problem, but now with a wounded leg, it kind of was. But he made his way over to him as fast as he could, dodging a few arrows in the process.
  9. Makalov, it's a perfect way to escape from knight duties... WCWY tell that they took the word gullable out of the dictionary and expect them to believe you?
  10. What kind of plushie is Tiki holding? Can't be a Marth one(which would make a lot of sense) because it doesnt have blue hair...
  11. I have a mega charizard y pin :) Real shame nobody really plays the pokemon tcg anymore...
  12. Soren. WCWY expect to have a wierd fetish?
  13. I loved the distortion world! And platinum was my first and only Sinnoh game....first mainstream pokemon was yellow. But I'll have to disagree with you: ruby and sapphire were awesome.
  14. I wasn't thinking siblings when I made the topic, but it works...
  15. Yeah. Now if it was an S support... ...does that even exist in FE7? Also, Pain and Agony never act like Victor and Vincent. They don't even talk to each other iirc.
  16. Marcia, me and her would get along. And it would be priceless because she might bring Makalov and he'd get drunk xD WCWY expect to be good at trivia?
  17. I will still go over how it's a burden, don't worry...and it's either that or me not enter at all, because I'm quite fond of my idea.
  18. This. Not all gay men talk like that, I know a few and they don't throw around "darling" and stuff like that. Victor and Vincent are said to be twins in their descriptions, I found it a bit weird that they're brothers and they talk like that, but meh. I agree with OP's bi friend. Unless IS says "they're gay and we made them that way because all gay people are like that", then it's no big deal.
  19. I thought people had stopped posting in here. Well, here's mine.
  20. Mine is started. So far the hinderance hasn't shown up though...I have a feeling it will be a small part of the story when it does...but as long as it's there I assume I'll be fine.
  21. Brady. He already knows how to play an instrument. WCWY expect to collect Pokemon cards?
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