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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. 46 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

    I get to Rhea execute you for being an apostate to her knights and her nuns.

    Thank you so much for not making a Leonie joke.

    34 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

    I say that Advance Wars is better than actual fe.

    People say "meh" and move on.

    I convince Anna to sell bombs to Hubert.

  2. 11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    It's funny how that was my first thought when I saw this banner. XD


    14 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    I'll be honest, at this point the only opinion I care about seeing on this banner is @Anacybele.

    She told me to tell you she loves it, but she'd rather have Shinon with Silencer and she'd want Boyd in.

    She's not here anymore, PM me for details if you want them.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Oh by the by, Part 3's enter the realm of the dead arc occurred before the release of Three Houses.

    Yeah, I haven't played FEH in over a yearish, I thought it started around the time 3H came out. This is mostly a joke/satire anyway.

    Nice to see you thought of it too though.

  4. 9 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

    Okay. Here's one I've been joking about for a while.
    Waluigi's Apartment Complex.
    It's like a parody of Luigi's Mansion conceptually. Except, Waluigi owns this huge apartment complex for monsters, and sneaks into the tenants' apartments to steal their stuff. Every once in a while, he screws up and ends up trapped and has to fight the apartment's tenant. Basically, the main character is, arguably the villain. Naturally, the game ends with a karmic boot to his posterior as one of the battles results in the apartment building being condemned, and Waluigi out of pocket. Naturally, by the time the sequel rolls around he's learned nothing and is ready to engage in petty crime against his tenants all-over again.

    As for the tenants.... well, this is the fun part. We can draw forth a mix of recurring baddies like Petey Piranha, more one-off characters like Hooktail or Scumflower (Wario Land the Shake Dimension), and of course OC characters (presumably including the final boss). Why? For the sheer fun of designing apartments personalized to each tenant. Whether lava-filled, or waterlogged. Naturally, this means the gameplay is going to be more focused on traversing/looting the rooms than combat.... which will be more about manipulating the environment to do your work for you (i.e, essentially setting traps).

    I love this. Kinda reminds me of Hotel Translyvania.

  5. Insert obligatory "I don't play FEH anymore" here.

    Book 3 had our heroes travel to the land of the dead, where the queen of death Hel reigned and had control over the souls of the dearly departed. Now quick: think of a FE trope that's painfully obvious by now.

    Did you think of the Dead Parent Club? Of course you did, or you should have. All the banners in book 3 should have had a dead parent or two. Maybe keep the couples together? Greil and Elena on one banner, Jeralt and Sitri on another? Why limit it to lord parents? Rod and Lambo, Faerghus' Noble Hooky League and former frat boys. Emmeryn. Etc etc etc.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


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