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Everything posted by Alacalibur

  1. I will never say Radd sucks. All I have ever heard from people is "Radd sucks, Radd is a failure, Don't use Radd". That will never be enough to convince me He sucks. Until anyone gives a solid argument, any post that just says Radd sucks is solid shit.
  2. My cat eats Bottle caps. Capped cat.
  3. <H2 align=center>You are Temperance</H2> Time. Ages. Transformation. Involuntary change Temperance is another card of aspiration, but also of much change. It often represents complex situations. Positively, you can harmonize contrary forces. Temperance is, on a surface level, about "tempering." The original pouring from cup to cup might have been about cutting wine with water. So this is a card about moderation. There is, however, another angle to the card, that of merging seemingly impossible opposites. Sagittarius, the centaur, merges beast and man into a unique creature. And then there is the bow and arrow, one moving, one stationary, working together to point the way. Temperance may be, at first glance, a warning for you to "temper" your behavior, to cut your wine with water. But it may also be a reminder to that seemingly irreconcilable opposites may not be irreconcilable at all. Belief that fiery red and watery blue cannot be merged may be the only thing standing in the way of blending the two. Change the belief, measure out each with care, and you can create otherworldly violet.
  4. The forth one looks like she has an amputated arm on our left. Also, that head looks to big for her body. Otherwise, good job.
  5. This. A thousand times this. You guys are forgetting. Yersterday was opposite day.
  6. Rhys sucks. EVERYTHING boubles him. When I level him up and he gets speed, I don't think "Yay more doubling" or "Yay more dodging", I think "Yay fewer thing double him".
  7. The person who gave me my very first warn star Here....
  8. Whaaaaaattt? Having only 3 warn stars is boooooo-riiing.
  9. Alacalibur


    What is it and where can I get it?
  10. We need a smiley to retaliate to his knowledge. Oh, wait,
  11. EDIT: Unfortunately, My fucked up computer won't let me use HTML forms. That means no Gfaqs.
  12. In FE8, I auto-premote knoll and have him stave and summon spam. In FE7, Dark magc only reall shines with a maxed MAG canas VS the dragon. In FE6, LolSophia, LolRay, LolNiime.
  13. I use the EURO ROM to play on. The glitch does not exist on there. I do have the American cartridge.
  14. She gets neither, as you don't need an Accuracy boost on Rebbecca and Wil sucks.
  15. What if we had a Marth_Koopa for game mechanics? Oh, Wait, we have smash.
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