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Everything posted by Squidorsky

  1. Well, first a little background, for those that might still remember when i originally began this. This project is basically, Hacking Fire emblem to replace the existing characters with Final fantasy characters and stories. Now as i was saying i started this before the super malfunction server meltdown thing and at that point i had no idea how to do any hacking aside from just making moderate sprites. so when the breakdown occured i felt like it was a otherworldly chance to slip away and be out of doing it. But soon i realized that i still wanted to do it, so i come back to you all this time bearing gifts and actual progress rather than ideas and such. It might take a while as i'm doing it all on my own and i'm remaking my sprites to make them better, but in time it will be out i suppose. So without further adieu, i present Final Emblem! (so far...) Firion and Sasuun(An original charcter based on the fighter class from FF1) Yura(another OC Based on the red mage class from FF1, don't yell at me for the outline on his hat i already know! ) Finally It's Elia(you guessed it! An OC based on The White mage class from FF1), sasuun and firion talking. Now as i mentioned above with the revamping sprites i'll basically be taking my existing sprites and redoing them to make them more accurate to the charcter or just all around better. here is and example... Some last second things i'll mention are that i'm just going to use the maps and such from fe7 but i'm going to hide it enough that it has the story like feel of final fantasy. Secondly, the story will not be a direct rip off of Dissidia, It will be largely based off of the original games. So it will be a mash up of everyone's games in the same game. Second little thing, I'm planning on releasing a demo of this game when i finish the first Ten Chapters e.g. Lyn's mode. Well I hope that got you guys interested. Tell me what you think!
  2. more or less...Yes it is but it's hard and the quality of the music sounds sort of MIDI-ish. and/or (Credits to the people who made these videos, for i did not.) So yes it's possible however it sounds really...retro. so they might not do it...but i don't want to put words in their mouths so let's just wait to see what they do! Can't wait for the game, i'm rooting for you guys! :D
  3. Yeah that's understandable it's just that...don't know how to explain it...I was just throwing ideas out on the table, you don't have to have them being siblings. what i'd like to know though is if you like the other idea i had, (the two paragraphs) As i put alittle more thought into those as i'd like to think... <_<
  4. Short on ravens, I presume? ;) Regardless i'd be okay with that. To clear things up/get things straight, BOY(TENTATIVE NAME) is a branded? if so then that mean that the father/ mother was a raven that mated with a human and a laguz, right? That being where the half sibling came into play. Sounds a little weird, Doesn't click right to me...Maybe they could be lovers? That's a relation. The girl could be a raven and the guy could just be a beorc or whatever. Their story could be something like this...I'll work on the names later... ...I'm thinking that the lover status would happen throughout the course of the game... Theif guy is like an Ex-daein soldier (Explains the dark armor) turned theif once he learns that daein has gotten a new monarch like before. not wanting to relive what happened during the Mad king's war and be drafted again he leaves the country severing ties to his homeland and living a free life, traveling from country to country in search of work. (More so a robin hood kind of theif...Due to his homeland's quarrels with royality he has grown to dislike it.) Raven girl is like a princess-y type of raven. As a member of one of the royal houses of kilvas, She didn't take place in the Mad king's war nor has she ever seen the heat of battle. One ill fated day upon visiting begnion to go to the Serenes forest, she is captured by Beorc bandits and taken to their stronghold. Upon seeing this villiany a noble theif pursues the bandits in hopes of saving her. Little did either of them know, that this would be the encounter that would change their lives forever. (Said encounter, if possible, Would happen in the game not as history before the game.) Tell me what you think, orange dragon! If this is alright i'll do a more official page for the both of them names and all.
  5. Gee...that's encouraging... <_< Any way i was playing around with sprites and here are some updates/add ons i did after heeding your previous post, Orange dragon. Hopefully this will be a little better. Quick explanation of all of them, The top left most one is a more regal appearance of the Original sprite i sent in earlier. To the right of him is a evil appearance that i experimented with after proposing making him evil. under him is a sprite of his sister i suppose in a more adventurous garb, and to the left of that is a more regal garb for her also. finally the bottom 3 are just different versions of the evil brother guy. Small modifications like a smaller collar, a softer look e.g. not angry/evil and the original sprite i handed in. If you like these i suppose i could make a more detailed history and such with them. Didn't want to start it yet without knowing how you wanted to do this.
  6. Does this refer to me? I'll be fine with changing him to a beorc. Also i'll probably just change the history of him entirely due to said change. That's what I get for picking a class that alot of people love! Would changing him to a swordmaster cut it? ;) If not i'll modify the sprite to make him look more like a theif or something...Maybe a merc/hero if that's class that you are doing. Worst case scenario, you could use him as a main enemy if you like him enough and he could be a swordmaster through means of that. (i'll modify him a little to make him fit this role if you'd like...) If this becomes the case then i'll be more than happy to make another playable character, Rather a Female one due to your lack of them...and a possibility of relations between the two of them ;) , provided you are okay with what i've proposed. Well that's about it...Hope i'm not throwing too much onto your plate! Good luck!
  7. Name: Leon Race: Branded(Raven mother, Beorc Father.) Class: Myrmidon Affinity: Wind Country: Gallia History: His mother had once been A commander for the Kilvan army. However she relinquinshed her command and status in favor of her betrothed, A Daein soldier. They lived in Daein happily until the mad king's acension when laguz were hunted there. Leon's mother was found and soon slain and his father fled with his newborn child to Gallia ,the last place he could turn. Upon arrival, garbed in bloodstained clothes and a heavy heart, His father relinquinshed his son to a beast tribe man. "My son...Leon...Please watch over...him..." Leon's father uttered. with those word's his last he passed away. Years passed and Leon grew into a fine young man, trained in the ways of the sword. Pit against his adoptive Tiger laguz father he was quite a swordsman. He awaits the day he can enact his vengenace on the royal house of Daein, because of what Ashnard had did to his family. Personality: He is quiet usually but will talk to those that want to talk, much to his dislike.Due to spending his whole life only knowing one person he comes off as a bit rude at times, And he doesn't really like being around others. Even so he will always be there to help those that need it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for this being so long... Any how here is what he looks like! (Ignore, the right one, he is the left one!)
  8. This sounds like a very cool idea! I like the idea of giving bonuses to those who are branded. Reminds me of FE4, Which i love! Anyhow i'm very new to hacking, In fact i suck and i need some experience so i'd be glad to help with hacking, if a newb like me would be help. Secondly...I'd like to post a sprite if you'd like to take it. But first i'll have to make it and i was wondering if you wanted backstories to these submitted characters? Thanks and good luck!
  9. <_< ................Still getting at me for that....Well it's understandable....any other thoughts on the other things anyone? (I give up with cropping things )
  10. So sorry for the double post and sucjh but it was for a reason...i guess. First off i started some random mug making and here's what i came out with. Reasoning was i had just gotten the game Blablue and i LOVED it so i expressed it i suppose...Haven't finished them and i'm not too sure that i will, kinda just made the ones i liked the most first... Here's something fairly new for me...that's right a picture hand drawn by me! keep in mind the only art classes i've ever taken were Fifth grade art then just last year drawing-1 so...yeah...most of it was my own skill. The picture was based off of the TCG cards...Stupid right hand... Hope you like, if anybody actually finds this topic...
  11. Squidorsky


    Sounds good! regarding the mario, i guess i could try...though i remember seeing a mario sprite in Mage knight 404's sprite page that you might be able to use...provided that it's fine by him.
  12. Squidorsky


    Wow, that actually looks good and professional(regarding the whole letter thing). Though...An explanation as to why mario is looking after her house wouldn't be bad, and why she knows him in the first place. unless this is after brawl in which case I suppose they'd already know each other. But that's just me rambling, i'm interested to see what you do. Seems like it's going very smooth, if you need any more spriting contributions i'd gladly help!
  13. Squidorsky


    Oh yeah sorry about taking so long to get these to you, I've been wrapped up with violin practicing...And playing Blazblue . Not sure if they were worth the wait... but here they are! Well there they are. Please know that i never was ever going to submit them so if they suck so be it...they, as i said, were goof off mugs, so go ahead and take whatever you like. ( if there are any...) From left to right...Captain falcon, Some form of Zero suit samus..., A rather crappy link, Finally some messing around with gerudo's. ( they are one of my favorite races of zelda...next to hylians!) I left them in because i figured you could use them in the desert level...as bandits or something? Whatever...anyway i hope you like!
  14. Squidorsky


    Then where do we start, i wonder? But who am i to say this, being that i had ideas for a hack but never went through with them. So here's to you, Riku, in finishing this! Anything i can do to help i'll be glad to just say the word! I have a little bit of goof off mugs i made of some smash characters if that will help.
  15. Uh...it's the same skintone through out the whole thing... But whatever. It was more like a joke than an actual attempt. So any way enough messing around... here's one i just finished right now. The Mage of Freege, sworn enemy of his own aunt. None other than Arthur! I sorta plan on sending this into The fe4 project, but i figured i'd run it through here first to get some others opinion's on it. I put two different hair colors to see which is best. Continuing my FE4 mood i'll show off all the mugs i have made. First Heres one that already got accepted into the Fe4 Advance project...Holyn (note he is based off of The Anthology card art) Last here's my attempt at Levin...Utterly destroyed by the one in the FE4 advance one. What can you do?
  16. Ouch...Hey come on it's my first time! but yeah...i sorta expected that... <_< It was (if anything) meant only as a little joke.... Oh well i'll just stick to gba sprites... Maybe i'll try it again later....much later... Nice to be back! And about the sprites i gave to you, i can't at least not yet because i'm at my Grandfather's house and thus can't access them....Tough luck i suppose.
  17. *cricket* Um...So alone...So, so alone...*cricket* Well this place is going well time to tackle a new front! Starting now i'm gonna try to post more things if anyone even comes here any more... <_<
  18. I finally found the initiative to make another file(since the rollback) and so i looked at your graphics topic and saw that you needed a voltz mug so i attempted it. if nothing else it could be a starter for someone to work from. enjoy!
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