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Everything posted by Squidorsky

  1. Prepare for a bit of a rant but hopefully it helps... I am a junior in high school and I want to audition for a college scholarship under piano and violin ( Haven't decided which i'll major in yet). Course my problem is that i can't sight read very well on the piano ( I suck at the bass clef) and on violin I just started a little over a year ago...( Don't get me wrong though, my violin teacher and many others have said how i'm progressing with it remarkably fast, so yeah...i don't suck...i'm not that great either). I get overwhelmed with the above mentioned audition because i always think i won't get good enough to be able to do it. I get overwhelmed when i simply watch animes like nodame cantabile or La corda d'oro. I feel like i'm going to die each time i perform... So i can fully understand what you are going through...mostly. I don't know if this applies to you but, despite all of this i LOVE music. I want to play it though i'm no Frederic chopin or Vanessa mae. Regardless of the performances and the hours of practice i always try to remember why i started all this and why i love it. So basically long story short, Just try to relax and i'm sure that your dreams and passion will be realized for the hours of practice and blood sweat and tears ( Figuratively) that you put towards this. (Maybe that was lame and cliched but i hope that helped...) Music is a tough field, between playing an instrument or singing in choir, it's filled with lots of competition and LOTS of anxiety. Just trust in yourself and your skills and never lose sight of your passion (Which i assume to be choir) As everyone else has been saying, i'm sure you did great! -Hyrulian man-
  2. Huh, well i guess i'm hosed there. Can't say i know what sfc image compressions are or how to use the binary porgrams or find them. (My japanese speaking and reading level are that of an eleven month baby...) Hmm, Does someone have this said file? If not where would i find these source files of the english translation? Exactly that! All i meant with this was that i wanted to edit the weapon sprites of the legendary weapons on the statsheet, holy blood chart and maybe even in battle if that's possible. ...Why can't anything ever be easy... :D Thanks so far everyone! -Hyrulian man-
  3. Well just the other day i started trying out my hand at hacking Fe4 with some success. As i tried again i began to figure more out but all of this hacking left me wondering things. These things being: Portrait insertion: Is it possible? Can i insert my own portraits into the game? Text hacking: How do you do this if at all? Custom sprites: Like weapon sprites... Are any of these possible without getting too hard? I can't hex edit to save my life so...if this involves a junk load of hexing then just say so now. Basically I wanted to make a fe7 hack that has it's own story but follows many of the gameplay mechanics of Fe4. as such rather then remaking the engine to limited success i thought maybe it would be easier to just use a preexisting engine. But if none of this is doable then so be it and i'll just stick to using FE7. Thanks! -Hyrulian man-
  4. Oh! Sorry about that! Any way in better news i'm changing/ possibly getting rid of a lot of the mugs you've seen so far. so if i completely decide to get rid of one then i'll tell you and you can decide if you want it or not. sound good? On a side note, where can i get a demo of your hack? Also how much did you change? Completely new story and characters? ( Not trying to pass judgement or critique your hard work i just wanted to know! ;) Later then! -hyrulian man-
  5. ???? then why did you want to use one of my sprites?
  6. Yeah there are quite a bit of them, then again i planned on all of them being in a hack i was making. Thanks for the compliment! I'm a little iffy on letting you use him though...Not trying to be rude but I do still want to make a hack I just have no time to make it just yet. ( I was planning on making it in summer) The problem is although i have moderate spriting skills and my stroy telling is somewhat okay, I have meager skills with hacking so i'm a little troubled here...Any thoughts... Who exactly did you want and what role would they play? Tell you what, Bryan and Uphir, We could do it either two ways. If your hacks will come out before mine ( Most likely...) then i suppose you could use them but that would also mean i'd use them eventually( which might really weird). Or, you could send me a description of what you want and i could try to make a sprite for you based on the description. Which would entail describing their outfits, eye color, attitude ( Would affect how they'd look in eye structure and face) Hair length, armor blah blah, and so on... Sorry, i hope i'm not being ridiculous, i just didn't think anybody would like them enough to actually want to use them!! Thanks again, -Hyrulian man-
  7. Well the pillow shading was sorta done on purpose given the way the art style of windwaker was... This wasn't supposed to be like a Fire emblem styled mug if that makes sense...But i do see your point...wow.. I REALLY pillow shaded that sprite... Any how I've been sorta busy lately as such i don't know if i'll ever get this done so i might as well show you all what i've got. These are sprite i was making for a hack i was making...tell me what you think. Sorry about the size... Any how these are all made up by me save for a few, which were made by my siblings. In order there names are ( If you all even care) First Row=Judith, Cress, Rowan, Mei (My fave!!), Aleina, Larin, Well,Naomi,Piers,Mainnan, Next row=Jenna, Some kid I'm not using but got on the page any way...:(...oops Briggin, Eriad ( The main character!!), Mark, Mythra, Ikusen, Marina,Alnox, Ryghel Next Row= Leon, Miria, Nabaras, Ivan, Kyetha, Robin, Altia, Stahn (I don't really have a name.), Another girl that snuck on here....*sigh*, Sophia Next row= Sohn, Zalmand ( My brothers sprite and made up name), Septe, Soianne, Kain, Sheryl. Those are all the playables so far... As for the Npc's names... they are, in order on the sheet as follows, Belle, ( Eriad's father, Don't have a name yet...), Eriad in different clothes, Alnox when he is older, Selken, Mei after a sever fatal battle, Mei with her hair down ( Can you tell i like the most...:) ) And finally Stahn when he is first met rotting in jail, that's why he looks like a bum... The enemies in the row down are Augren, Ashen, Kleine, Alzen, Kraden...Sohn? oops he's not supposed to be there...Or is he?? Reicyal, and finally Kreshveltz the dark knight!! The two sprites on the bottom were me playing around with Mei again...Not sure if i'll use them or not as I don't have a reason as to wahy she'd look like that... Well that's all of the sprites for the hack i was making but discontinued for several reasons...1. Hacking is riduculously annoying and time consuming, 2. I don't have the time i used to..3. I wasn't even sure anyone would be interested in this or not... So this is a mini exeriment of mine to see if i should continue it or not...So tell me, Would any of you be interested in playing a game with these cahracters? ( I know some of them are lazy and with time, if i start this back up they'll look ALOT better) Later then, Hyrulian man P.S. Oh yeah, Florina, what did you want to use my zelda sprite for? (If you still want to)
  8. Well yeah it was never meant to look FE like! It was more just made as a sprite to be a sprite/ made to resemble the Blind Archer's Toon link. Thank for the commentary! NOTE: to any one that actually cares, I'll be taking a bit of a holiday break so expect even less than usual mug production/ activity from me. Merry christmas!!
  9. Hey all, I'm back from the dead...again. Anyhow in light of spirit tracks coming out soon i decided to play the toon zelda games that lead up to it! As of earlier today i finsihed my playthrough of Zelda Windwaker and felt inspired to make something! So after rumaging around on this site I saw a very nice sprite made by The Blind Archer, the sprite of course being a custom of Toon link! So i decided i was going to make one too and thus I, for the first time ever, attempted a full custom mug! (I used TBA's mug for guide lines so i guess credit to him for making it and letting me see it I suppose...) And so without further wait I present my full custom mug of Toon Zelda *Drumroll* Hopefully it's not too bad...( It is my first...) Tell me what you all think!
  10. Squidorsky


    Short...but sweet! You need to continue these!!!
  11. Yay! Actual people are here!! Ahem* Any way, thanks for the feedback. The reason for the pokemon being what gender that they are is that some pokemon are way too girly looking to ever be thought of as a boy, likewise in the adverse some pokemon are too manly looking to be girls ( In my opnion, Not trying to be Sexist either...) It's just you wouldn't think of a Onix or a Feraligatr as girls. on first glance you'd easily think of them as rough and tough boys pokemon. Like wise a Milotic or a Lumineon would be more thought of as a girl, right? That's why i didn't want to even bother making a boy kirlia ( Though now that i think on it this might not be a bad idea as kirlia's evolve into the manlier Gallade) or Gardevoir. Albeit Some pokemon fall into both categories, as both man or female for example A Pikachu. ( I should do this next!!!) Any how enough of my pokemon opinion rant, i'll make more of these if you want to see more of my interpretation of pokemon to people! I'll try to show more sprites tonight, Can't guarantee it though... --Reicyal--
  12. ( Why do i still bother...) Alright...Let's brush off these cobwebs and show you all some more sprites... Well Here's some (Attempts) Of zelda mugs. First we have Link followed by A really cheaply done Saria ( Hey it's nintendo's laziness not mine!) Then a Malon, followed by zelda with a major head deformity. A couple gerudos following them, then a deku scrub and a zora (TP) Then lastly a Ganondorf (TP) mug done by Alnox. The mugs below them are mugs i made for a story/ Fanfic i was doing that bridged the gap between Ocarina of time and Wind waker (The great flood and how it happened) I stopped doing as 1. I'm a terrible writer and 2. I lost interest in it ( Which i do alot) In the story the tanned guy was a gerudo ( It's been easily 100 years from since Ganondorf was born so why have we not seen a new one yet?) The orang e haired guy was supposed to be a decendant of Malon and the girl with alot of hair was the decendant of Ingo ( Don't ask how that happened it just did!!) Regardless i stopped it but the orange haired boy mug and the brown haired girl mugs are being recycled for something else however... Well enough of that... here's one last thing to you over... Yep, that's right there pokemon to people FE style!! Random phase of mine when i was playing pokemon alot. Awesome, Ridculous maybe a touch Insane, Maybe a Genious! You tell me! TTFN, Ta Ta for now! (Yeah i said that!) --Reicyal--
  13. Squidorsky


    (Not sure if i'm supposed to post here but) this is really good! I really enjoyed this, please continue! I like reading fanfics like this of Fe4( My favorite FE). Can't wait for more!!
  14. I'd say the coolest thing, one that could and should be reused, was the ability to walk around in places like towns and castles and see other people. If that was redone, maybe in a better wa, it could make for an interesting spin on fire emblem as it could give more insight to places and even characters.
  15. SO NOT TRUE!!!!! In fact... Here are some mugs i made ( spur of the moment sprites made a while back) Blazblue > Guilty gear for me!
  16. Hmm....I'd still like to help you out ( as i've been in a spriting drought, e.g. nothing to sprite!) But it's hard to randomly make a sprite without an idea of what the character is like.....So if you could at least give me an idea of what a villian is like then i could try to make some. if you don't want to reveal it to the public then send it over PM. Thanks again.
  17. ....Ok let's try that again... Looks pretty solid! Nice characters, good sprites, Good balanced characters with plenty of background and what not. Keep it up! ( I might be able to help with the hack, at the very least i could help put some sprites in for you...but i really hate hacking so don't expect it to happen over night...)
  18. This looks interesting...I hope that you can get it made as i'd like to play it. If you want any help with sprites ( Just portraits) I can help you need only ask if you want it. If you want to see my sprites then send a PM to me. Thanks, Keep up the good ideas and makes those ideas a reality! --Sasuun--
  19. I hope this isn't necroposting...but it does contribute to the hack at least! Any how I had some mugs laying around and i decided to see if they could help out. For better or worse! Here's my arthur (Attempt) Also (yes he is fine with me submitting this) Here is a mug of Patty made by Alnox. Hope these help, any comments or criticism is welcomed ( Unless it is without reason) Sure is quiet around here.....*cricket* *cricket*
  20. I hate to be the bearer of bad news once again but on chapter four (if you don't use the Swanchika with briggid at all, effectively bypassing the first crash) later on the game crashes again when Mahnya attacks Pamela. I'm not sure why...maybe it's something like what was happening with the bandits in chapter 3...like they both have to have a certain weapon or something...Regardless, this crash is not as bypassable as the Briggid swanchika bug noted above. Thus, i guess i'm cut off from this once again until you fix it....
  21. so this morning i began your hack from the beginning. so far i really liked it alot as it made cool characters cooler and even lame ones cooler, so job well done there! However once i got Briggid and gave her the Swanchika the game freezes whenever you use it as a ranged weapon...it gets especially annoying when you are midway through a chapter and an archer or something comes up and attacks her at a distance causing the game to freeze and making you have to reset the chapter. I just wanted to point that out to you so you can fix it! Thanks for the hack so far though , i find it very addicting!!
  22. Oh..yeah that would be weird...I just figured that since you were changing everyone classes and portraits, that changing who came back would be cool. anyway on another note i was just panning through your table and i found that there where alot of unused playable character portraits (EX: Cuan, Shanan, Laylea, etc.) Are you going to incorporate them as enemies or npcs or just not use them at all? Not to criticize but, isn't Aira/Mana look a little young to shanan's aunt? Don't get me wrong i love Mana's portrait to death but...unless of course Aira/Mana's brother is a lot older than here and had Shanan around the same time as when Aira/Mana was born. I only say this because they, to me, look around the same age. either way, i like the choice. Lastly, maybe it's just because of my absolute loathing for her, but Rana still looks out of place especially when next to her new family. Blondes everywhere, then the orange haired outcast Rana...it'd be one thing if her father had orange hair but as far as i know there is no one other than her in this game who has orange hair to make her fit in. Update: I looked around and as far as I can tell there aren't any blonde haired girls left either so i guess i understand why you had to use her...maybe you could color her hair blonde? If that's too hard then whatever, i can suck it up. Well sorry about all my nagging, but please know that i only what to help you make it better not to complain on it. Right behind you all the way!!! ;)
  23. This looks like a very cool idea! One thing i find myself wondering is if you are going to bring back more people, if possible from the first gen to the second gen. like making Aira( Ira, ayra or whatever it is) to the second gen, basically are you going to put more people into the second gen rather than just like three or is that too hard? Either way, i really like this idea because it gives a new idea to the judgral chapters lke making lame characters good and making characters that made no sense, make sense (Looking at aideen, mideel and their kids... )
  24. ... Uh...Not sure how to respond to this other than the fact that i will do my absoulute best to not make it like dissidia but rather a mash up/Tribute to the other Games. There will NOT be spinoff games included, this includes All the FF7 spinoffs, X-2 And so on. Secondly there is actually quite a bit of room for all/ most of the main cast from each game, trust me i've done the math several times over. That being said, Some characters will be reduced to Cameo appearances not playable for one of three reasons, I run out of room, i entirely hate the character through and through, or the weapon said character uses is too hard for me to insert or too unlike a moveset in fire emblem. Just to get things straight here is a somewhat incomplete list of the characters i have as playable(subject to change). Final fantasy 1: Fighter, thief, white mage, red mage,-total: 4 Final fantasy 2: firion, Maria, guy, Leon: total- 4 Final fantasy 3: Luneth, refia, ingus arc.-total-4 Final fantasy 4-cecil, Rosa, rydia, Edward, edge, total 5 Final fantasy 5-bartz, lenna, faris, krile 4 Final fantasy 6- Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer(might not add due to weapon)-5 Final fantasy 7- Cloud, tifa, Cid, Vincent(Might not add due to weapon)-4 Final fantasy 8-squall, rinoa, -2 Final fantasy 9-Zidane, garnet, Steiner, beatrix-4 Final Fantasy 10-tidus, yuna, auron, rikku, lulu 5 Also note that i still have three more open spots so i think i should be set, plus if i were to expand the rom i could put even more in. So i think i'm covered. Remember this nice and well WHEN I SAY IT WILL HAVE FF1-10 IT WILL HAVE FF1-10!!!!! ok, so please give me a chance before comparing me to other people. Also be a little more open ended. So aurabolt, i don't mean to yell at you but i really don't want to put up with the crap i see other hackers constantly having to take on other forums. So yes, it was a little unfair to judge something when it is nowhere close to being done. Please give me some time. "only time will tell", right? P.S. here's my input to your Favorite FF's if it matters.... I-Nice Base (Agreed, through and through, This is how every FF is if you think about it, A base/foot hold for the next best one.) II-Felt incomplete (Come on now...it was cool for it's time...) III-Nice storyline, likable characters (First final fantasy game for me so it definitely is up ther on my list!) IV-A masterpiece (It was ok....) V-Very promising if given a chance (HATED IT, with in 30 minutes of playing it) VI-This is my all-time fave. 'Nuff said. (FF6 is just as overrated as 7 if you think about it) VII-Overrated but decient (how so?) VIII-Haven't played yet (PLAY IT!!!) IX-Haven't played yet (PLAY IT!!!! ONE OF THE BEST!!!) X-The ending ruined it for me (best part)!!!!
  25. Alright where to begin! To roxas is it because of this that you like the older one better? Cause i can fix that in seconds! Please, to everyone, Inform me as to why you don't like sprites so i can fix them, i'd like this hack to be exceptable to as many people as it can be! The main reason he looks all crying like is because i re did Sephiroth with the base of the Sad eliwood so the wussy eyes belong to him and i do see your point. In fact just yesterday my brother said the same thing to me that he looked like he was too happy or about to cry and stuff.... So i will see what i can do to make sephiroth look like the evil silver haired enemy we all love....or well most of us, Talking to you kefka lovers out there! Anyhow i'll post the original and the redux sprites when i get the chance so you guys can tell me what you think. I'll also post more pictures in time so bear with me! Well more or less...Every villian and every hero will do things according to their games. So yes Sephiroth will be a boss...but just like in the original he will fight with you (in terms of Fire emblem he'll probably be an NPC if i can even do that). Basically think of it as condensing everyone's game into one game and all of their stories being put into one. But their will be some non-canonical things along the way... One more thing, can anyone point me to the easiest music hacking tool, as i'd like to redo all the fire emblem music to Final fantasy music. I've heard of sappy however i've no idea how and where to find it.... Anything would be great! Hope that answers some questions if not go ahead and ask away!
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