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Everything posted by Squidorsky

  1. Alright! Using Ponih's ever helpful tips! (Really went out of your way there didnt you, how can i be mad! I used it as a reference,(like what looks better and what areas in relation to the original needed work) but i didnt use a single part of yours if that makes sense...(How am i to get better if i did and plus i didnt wanna take your work!) in any case, good call on not redoing the whole thing. this one was pretty salvageable...and thanks for the tips and visual help! XD Anyway, i believe this one is much better...and if it isnt then it sure is on its way there! ( i have to get her right...shes one of my favorite FE characters after all!) Hopefully obvious, the new one is the right one. I based it a lot more on the tcg art (a new power to be precise) But i threw in my own embellishments here and there... (crap...i hate when you realize you forgot something after uploading it...anyway its minor but the...err...under shirt collar thing? yeah, i guess i'll go with that...i had it being the outline color which makes it alot better. guess i grabbed a slightly earlier version but other than that i guess ishtar version 1.2 is good for now...) While she may or may not be perfect im sure confident enough to say shes better than before! (you know...not so much of a giraffe anymore...XP)
  2. (Yay more people!) Ahem anyhoo, thanks for the compliments every one (and the critiques) -DH Ninja: Thanks a bunch! As for requests i dont see why not, as long as its nothing too crazy or time consuming...(no Sistine chapels or what have you! XD) Just shoot some ideas or requests and i'll see what happens from there! -Ponih : Appreciate the praise! Buuut....i sooooo agree with you. I knew even as i was making it that the neck looked long, (was hoping in vain that id be able to fix it as i went) but i never even considered the pose was screwing with it too...I think what happened was i shifted references midway...(so bad of me...) i started with her tcg judgral anthology art then decided i liked her look in the game more so (like with sigurd) i decided to use the outfit and pose of the tcg art and use the general face of the fe4 sprite ishtar...I'll tinker with it some later...(heck i might just redo it...im pretty sure i can make it better, i listed the opening sprites somewhat out of order...she was made a little bit earlier than that... All the same thanks for the critiques and i cant wait to show you all more! (i still have plenty to show i just loathe having to painstakingly upload them all...XD) On another topic, should i continue posting drawn stuff too? (just wondering cause nobody really said anything about the stuff i posted earlier. i guess thats my fault for having them in spoiler tags...but they are pretty big...aaaand this is a sprite page...guess i'd prefer to think of it more like an art page though! XD Break the mold ya know?)
  3. Sweet! definitely agree with you there! Anyway here's more crap stuff! Dante from DMC (like 1-4 or the original series, for the diehards out there! XD) and an attempt at sigurd from fe4...hmmm...i cant really put my finger on it but his head looks off... (based it off his tcg art...i think the bonds of fate series? you know what scratch that...i dont remember...XD) anyway on top of that i based it off of his original mug alot as well (wanted to keep it in the same vein as the original but just upscale it...) So thats why the old sigurd sprite is there...
  4. Hummm....take it up with the artists for Arcana Hearts sprites! No, im kidding...im not sure i understand what youre asking though...The foots not really supposed to be bending to the back (whereas the left leg is, hence the differing shading) its supposed to be coming more forward. the shading around the knee is supposed to just be for the knee...maybe this is better? (Crap i goofed up a little on the shading on the knee...but is the general idea better?)
  5. Wow thanks! (I still kinda think her head looks a little long...) Hmmm...as for how long ive been spriting...well hard to say since its been a lot of off and on again... i started when fire emblem fist came out (and my sprites were god awful...) and then i progressively just got better ( i hope) i had no previous sprite or drawing knowledge at all but it really got me into drawing and stuff so ive been kinda doing everything since then. (i actually have some drawn stuff too...i guess this is supposed to be sprites but would that be fine here? XD) Lately ive been trying to sprite more in my own style...which is hard; getting it to look right but also be my own style and less in the style of FE. i just think its sorta silly to copy someone elses style (unless you're trying to) and it being a style thats years upon years old. (Didnt FE come out in 2003? so what a ten year old style?) i dunno despite saying that i still revert to that style alot so its gonna take some time...(ok im ranting now...) ...Oh why not, here's some drawn stuff too (not a whole lot but whatever...more to come in any case!) Ariel from Little mermaid...also really big because photobucket sucks.... Rapunzel from tangled! (also pretty big but at least its the right way... Crap why are these so big!? Anyway i really need to upload more stuff...(and make it smaller) (unrelated random question: is your avatar lakche/larcei/ or ira from fe4? it looks alot like her...in any case.)
  6. Squidorsky

    My sprites!

    Alright...i guess i'll go in a somewhat chronological order according to my photobucket. (getting off topic, i hate the new design of PB...it takes forever to copy the links now...) Dr. doom.... Celica (Awakening) Celic-er...Seliph... Tiki Mia incomplete Ishtar....Thats better! (...Right?) (Awakening) Shadow dragon Radiant dawn Hmmm..... Holy war (These are bigger and not fire emblem sprites at all...but i figured why not) they are two characters from blazblue sprited in the same styled as sprites from the game... This is my version of the (in my opinion) crappy sprites (namely just Scharlachrot) from Arcana hearts 3, at the left is just a size comparison with a blazblue sprite, the middle one is mine and the right most one is the original sprite from the game. More to come...in time...
  7. I voted for olivia...As much of a nut for "canon" as i am i didnt really like him with sumia plus the pairing with olivia reminded me a lot of Sigurd and Dierdre's romance (kudos for being like my favorite fire emblem!)
  8. Hmm...Ive been replaying the whole series...Started with fe10 and have been working my backwards...(Just got to the second gen in Fe4!) Ive found it pretty amazing how fast you can get through some of these...I've been getting through every game in roughly three days so i should finish them all right before it comes out!
  9. Figured as much...Ill take a crack at gordin i suppose (Tommorow-ish though...:P, It's late here...) Oh alright...Gordin would be so much cooler if he wasn't so young...at least he's not ryan...
  10. Alright, sounds good... waiting it is! Well hearing that makes me slightly more intrigued with attempting them...Are those the only three or are there any others? (Or is it a case of needing them sooner than later or something like that?) With the whole liberty thing...can they be aged a little? Or should they remain closer to their age now. (Sorry for making this 20 questions...)
  11. Ok understandable...Any chance i can at least see the navvare mug that lumi did? Or was it just a time based thing that got mine immediately ousted (like lumi sent their's first)? If not, again i understand and i can wait! Just figured i'd ask. No wonder nobody stepped up...they all suck... How much liberties can we take on making these guys? I get that we can't make gordin a chick or a viking dude but...Are we allowed to stretch things a bit or make them solely based on some version of them at some point? -Eriad
  12. Aw...Poo...It was Blackavar wasn't it!!! (This happened before in a certain remake of fe4 a while back with a sprite i sent in...mine was admittedly worse but still...) Oh well...Any chance you know of a way to get the updated sheet...so i'm not making attempts in vain? (Course navvare was my fav/ the only one i wanted to do...) Thanks, and best of luck to you all even so! -Eriad
  13. This is still going right? Anyway, i decided to take a crack at Navarre...Sorta based it off of his bs fe appearance as well as the ds navarre for the outfit...Thought it'd be more fun to not go completely off of the ds appearance... If changes need to be made (which i'm sure there will need to be) i'd like to try to fix them first if that alright. But if it's a minor fix then just go ahead i guess? if it's completely off well then at least i tried? XD Looking forward to this (supports at last! Mostly soulless characters no more!) -Eriad
  14. That's a very interesting read...and plausible regarding the hidden FE. I don't see why not, right? If this really is the case though, then that would mean (assuming they do this...) that we'd get announcements for Awakening coming over to America as well as an announcement for a new Fire emblem on the wii u. A fire emblem E3...Ah, that sounds nice...and to good too be true but who knows? As for the numbering i'm gonna use...Call me crazy but i count the remakes as remakes, ergo Awakening is Fe11.
  15. I really like the fact that the chapters were so long in that regard. It made them each fight feel more connected than the other games where every fight was broken up, with the next fight happening close by, then randomly you wind up halfway across the continent. I could go on and on, so suffice to say that it's cool to hear that you're liking it!
  16. First off...How are you on chapter 9 with Lex and Arya? But regardless, The scene that occurs is basically just a quick convo between lovers saying something like "____ , you're back!" while the other responds back to them saying something like "____ , I'm glad your safe as well." Or words to that effect. Its quick stuff like the supports in 10 were. As for julia and celice, there is a reason behind it. It's nothing to worry about though, as in our game is not glitched or anything. But anyway, how are you liking FE4, if at all? EDIT: i guess i'm too slow...
  17. Well, basically Fe4 is my favorite game, as such my favorite engine. Thus i'd very much like to learn about how to hack it/ if it's possible no matter how hard and go on to learn it. So first i'd like to know, with a solid answer (elaborate, no one word stuff please) what all can be done. Can... -Music hacking happen? -Map hacking -Portrait insertion -Text editing -Custom animations Whatever can be done, might i trouble someone to either explain or point me to a good spot to learn how to accomplish any of these tasks. I already know of the binary group or whatever it's called being able to do some of these, but everytime i've ever looked around i've found nothing helpful/ can't read japanese well enough to even navigate the sites or what have you. Any help will be appreciated, -Eriad Edit: Err...i looked at the pinned post rearding most of what i talked about...So instead perhaps a guide or something to help make the learning curve a bit easier might help? If that even exists... Edit2: Never mind my never mind...Turns out alot of the links there are gone...So i'm back to square one...
  18. ^^^ Perhaps it's just a title for him, given by those that were saved by ParisIke. Like they call him king though he is not officially that. (Amen to Ike x Elincia) On an unrelated note, why is Awakening called fe 13, shouldn't it be called Fe11? Why are the remakes considered a numbered release? I mean, if Final fantasy followed that logic, wouldn't we be up to FF 24 or something? Just wondering...
  19. ^^Yeah, i can see that too. Who knows, it could be anything ultimately, just look back to when they showed the silhouettes of the new ( at the time) gen. 5 starters for pokemon black/white. Artist's renditions had them as many things, but ultimately most, if not all, were wrong. So i suppose time will tell...though it's still fun to guess!
  20. I definitely am getting a lord vibe from the silhouette, especially if you look at celice's fe4 sprite. But at the same time, if you look at Leaf's class in fe4 a slightly stronger similarity can be drawn, if only a little, perhaps hinting at a return of the prince, and by extension, master knight class? The best comparison of stances would be when the leaf gif has the sword closest to his chest, making the sword "disappear" just like in the fe 13 sprite. it's almost exact when like that, but that's just my two cents... (credits to Feplanet for gifs) the link's back here if you need/ want it for comparing.
  21. Oooohh, yeah they should just do that. Course, given how pricey the lords are, i don't even want to imagine the bill this would amount to... -Eriad
  22. ......But it's Daaaagggdddaaa.....Plot importance or not ( Honestly i can't argue how important or not he is as...Every playthrough i've ever done he is always resigned to the grim fate of being Drei...course to me this is his good ending... XD) Ahem that was long for a parenthesis but anyway, At the end of the day we have this...thing... Instead of ANYBODY. Semi joking aside ( Yes i've been mostly joking, most of the teams aren't too bad. At least there's a million other swordmasters...) ......... Yeah i'm not even start with that...
  23. Gah! Where's Galzus!!! ( say what you will) He's the reason i play 5 again occasionally. And instead they put in Dagda... are you kidding me? Three swordmasters for POR? The stupid replacement characters for FE1 being shoehorned in for 3? I can't even fathom what the thought process were for some of these teams...It's like it tries to be the main characters/ fan favorites but then it leaves one out in favor of a minor character/ stupid character....Like Dagda...Why oh why Dagda... But at the end of the day i can't complain too much more than i already have, especially when it's free... Whatever, at least Sigrun is in...and the black knight...Maybe i'll get Dagda just to have every possible character use him as a punching bag for having wasted a good spot...and i'll blame him for every wasted spot...just because he sucks that much. -eriad
  24. Oh jeez...figures it'd be the first pinned thread...And by you no less Celice! Well, regardless of how silly i feel right now, thanks for compiling such a great list and pointing me there, ( Hey you did both of the things i suggested in my OP, nice work!) Alrighty, all done here i suppose, thanks to all for the help. But i didn't see anything that seemed to suggest the other hack i mentioned was in your list. Do you know of that hack/ where to find it? Upon further inspection of the video, namely the comments i find a comment that seems to suggest it can be found here, (By any chance is this you also?) Here is the comment, This hack has tentatively been released! There's a release thread about it over at Serenes Forest. CelicetheGreat 1 year ago -Eriad
  25. First off, i really wasn't sure where to put this, so if this is wrong i apologize in advance. Secondly if there is already a topic listing and showing where all the hacks for FE4 are, then show me the way and proceed to remove this as needed. Onto the actual purpose, I've been looking for fire emblem 4 rom hacks forever...to no avail however. I've seen videos of them on youtube coutnless times. To list a few, The one where you play as tiltyu in the first gen, I think it's called legend of tordo...That doesn't sound right, but hopefully you know what i'm talking about. I'm not sure if was fe4 or 5 but it definitly looked cool, it was one where fe people from later fe's were in it. Like gerik and the black knight...but 5 ( i'm thinking it was in 5...) I'm sure there are many more out there, and i'd like it, with whoever is interested in lending a hand, in making a list of the hacks out there so that we might make it easier to find and play them, as long as it's alright with the creator and such or whatever. If making a nice little list is too much, then at least point me in the right direction to find it on my own. Thanks in advance, -Eriad
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