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Everything posted by lordvanzed

  1. Hi Czar_yoshi! Thank you for your reply. You are right about first playthroughs. I shouldn't focus that much on optimization. So I will stick with Lucina, because I like her. I also like Tharjas Character, but if she is a bad choice than I will pick my second choice. So grinding on normal difficulty isn't worth it at all, is it? Should I safe the grinding part for my second (maybe hard?) playthrough? How does the second child thing work for chrome and MU? Do I have to do something?
  2. Hello. I am currently in chapter 13. I have a MaMu with +SPD/-DEF (possibly not the best choice?). I wanted to make him a fast, double attacking magician. Or maybe a hybrid wielding a magic sword with balanced str/mag and Ignis. So my Chrom married Sumia. Now I am wondering about the battle pairings I should do, because I want to prepare for the marriages. Please do not spoiler the story, because it is my first playthrough. But you can tell me the character names, as I already looked them up. :D I am considering the following pairings: Nah: Nowi x Kellam or Gaius Brady: Henry x Maribelle Inigo: Lonqu Noir: Tharja x Gaius Morgan: MaMu x Lucina or Tharja But I am stuck now. You can suggest something different if this pairings aren't good. Thank you!! :)
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