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  1. Marching for the people killed in the incident does not mean you don't give a damn about these daily atrocities. You feel concerned by these people suffering? It's the same for millions of people, including me. But do you do something more for helping them in their despair? I bet you don't. Stop being a hypocrite. Stop following the easy way condemning without thinking a single second the evil western civilization. Hate speech laws exists in France, condemning islamophobia in particular. I'm not saying laws solve everything, because it would be a lie. But it means the country fights against hate speech. Many measures have always been taken to prevent youth from going to jihad (many of them are likely not to be born in muslim families). IS has always been considered as a serious issue in France. You worry me when you say "This is the lesson for not taking IS serious", because it sounds like you think IS (and by IS I especially mean their atrocities) are legitimate. And let me also tell you something: islamophobic people basically accuse Muslims of terrorism. Islamophobic people are just fu***** morons. They are monsters. They are worthless. And right now, you're just basically accusing French people (including Muslims) of islamophobia. You're not better than islamophobic people. Congratulations, you've just proven how much uneducated you are. You know absolutely nothing about Charlie Hebdo. You know absolutely nothing about France. I'm tired of explaining what's obvious (namely the fact that Charlie Hebdo's journalists were NOT racist and islamophobic), so I'll just invite you to read this: http://ptiteutopie.tumblr.com/post/107531134592/je-ne-suis-pas-charlie-explained I forgot something. Jean-Marie Le Pen said: "Je ne suis pas Charlie." Who's Jean-Marie Le Pen? Well, he is the former leader of the Front National, a far-right party. Jean-Marie Le Pen is racist. He is misogynist. He is homophobic. He is a holocaust denier. He is obviously islamophobic. He was condemned several times for incitment to racial hatred. Don't you feel glad to be supported by him? Edit : I don't know where to put this in my post, so I let that here: 17 people died. Not only Charlie Hebdo's journalists. There was also a maintenance man, a muslim policeman, a black policewoman, and four jews who were just shopping. STOP VICTIM BLAMING.
  2. Oh my god, I give up. edit: Oh my god², did I EVER said these attacks on Mosque and these hatred towards Muslims were right?
  3. Thank you. Please, Magical Amber, and all people saying things like "they have it coming" or whatever, just take a moment to think about what you've just said. You're just basically legitimating these murders, involving harmless human beings. No matter what they drew. No matter what they may have thought. These people were humans. Nothing can possibly justify these awful murders. And I also feel sick when I see how the killers ended up killed. If only they could have been caught alive... They had to be prosecuted and punished for their crimes. Because that's how a civilized society has to work.
  4. Thank you all! Yeah, I feel terrible about that, actually, hahaha! I was like "Strategy? I'm such a zero in that kind of stuff!" But it is better late that not at all, I guess. :) Oh, thank you for the chocolate! By the way, don't worry, I've played other games since Awakening. For now, I've finished FE7, FE8, FE6, and FE4 (in that chronological order). I'm currently finishing FE9. And I plan to begin FE5 soon.
  5. Well, I'm glad to be part of this forum. I'm Jejnial, nice to meet you all! I'm not really into all these forum stuffs (probably 'cause I have a shy nature), but I really wanted to be a part of a FE community. I discovered the series thanks to SSBM (I loved playing Roy so much), but I only played FE for the first time in April 2013 with Awakening. Since that day, I "fell in love" with that universe. I even started a fanfiction ! (lol, I'm a little bit ashamed of that, actually) So... Here I am. I hope to spend some good time here with you all. ;)
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