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About vietgrl

  • Birthday June 26


  • Member Title
    Shadow's Mistress

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Otaku, Gamer, Musician, Fanfic Writer & K-Pop fan at your service m'dears!

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a little late!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday again ^_^ (belated)

  4. I've made my return! ;D

  5. Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  6. Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  7. Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  8. Just for you I've come back m'dear!!! Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  9. Happy Birthday!!!

  10. Happy Birthday!!!

  11. Happy birthday!!

  12. Aw you don't come on anymore but happy birthday anyway!

  13. Happy Birthday! ^_^

    <.< >.> am I the first one?


  14. life is good (=D finished some drawingsss! ^-^

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