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Status Updates posted by vietgrl

  1. I've made my return! ;D

  2. Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  3. Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  4. Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  5. Just for you I've come back m'dear!!! Thanks for the birthday wish! ^-^

  6. life is good (=D finished some drawingsss! ^-^

  7. yes, indeed. hmm..what to say.....umm...Heyyy! How's your day going? XD

  8. Nice to meet you! oh! you live in the USA! yay ^-^ Easier to communicate with ^-~

  9. ah, it's fine! It was just sudden and all! But you seem friendly ^-~

  10. ahhh...erm....why are you talking to me all of a sudden?

  11. oh, thank you! It took me a lot of time to set all the characters up ^-~ I hope you enjoy other things on my account too, Thanks!

  12. hmm...just stayed up all night with my friend so...tired....ZzZzZzZz......

  13. ....ehh? Wallpaper?

  14. yeah ,yeah. Just had a flute recital >.> nervous, but I got through phew. Just kinda bored now...

  15. Last Day of School! That's all I can say~

  16. yes today, it was pretty boring though, the bus ride back was probably the most exciting part....sad XD...aww, no yearbook?...oh well...hope your having fun wiht life ^-~

  17. hehe, I got the highest grade in my section for science! (97.8%)


    For english i think i got a 96

    and im not really sure about everythign else...But i get to go on a field trip tomorrow! yayy! we got our yearbooks too ^-~

  18. hehe, I think I got a hundred in one of my classes (=D but i don't get report cards until.......who knows when.....

  19. oh, sorry! School out on the 18th! yesh! ^-^ still have some last minute test and quizzes thoguht T-T

  20. Oh, we have it in all of our schools, except elementary.....I think...yeah, I have a flute recital coming up. I;m playing "River Flows in you" or the other name is "Bella's Theme" but i don't like Twilight no offense, just the song

  21. I'm fine, just practicing violin and flute. Also I got an "A" on my Scince Fair Priject!

  22. Same! Im jsut like looking on the forums and im like, male, male, male, male, male, I give up. then one day, Female! *ask to be friend* haha

  23. heyyy, how's it going? Haven't said hi in a longgg time

  24. haven't said hi in a longggg time! so, Hiiii!

  25. heyy, haven't talked in a while, so Hi!

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