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Status Updates posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. *waves hello at an old soldier long since thought fallen*

  2. Hey Smirks! Good to see you around again, hope to catch ya sometime on chat. ;)

  3. Happy Birthday, Birthday friend! :D

    1. Lenh


      same to you ^^

  4. Gimme a shout on discord. @ErrantDShepherd#8839

  5. No hard feelings... just hard life lessons.

  6. I have knelt before the porcelain god... and worshipped... unwillingly... unhappily...stomach flu sucks.

  7. Gotta focus on essays and midterms this week, won't be around... seeya in a bit. ;)

  8. Being creative again is very rewarding. :)

  9. Happy Birthday Mister. I don't really know you, but you have done a ton of cool stuff and sprites... so kudos to you! You are an inspiration to the community. :)

  10. Howdy. :)

    1. ErrantDShepherd


      By the way, congrats to you Alfred for getting 1.6 out! Way to go, bud! Been playing and enjoying the tweaks. :D

    2. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      thanks man :)

  11. ...life needs a casual mode... Or maybe a tutorial... Make things much less painful. :\

    1. Tangerine


      Life has a pretty good tutorial in the western world - it's the forced promotions that really suck!

  12. Remember when c

    1. CooledEvergreen


      When country music was popular?

    2. ErrantDShepherd


      lol... Remember when comments were finished?

  13. Came on just to say this here too, Happy BDay birthday buddy! Hope yours is just as awesome as mine! :D

    1. Lenh


      Thanks, Errant, and happy birthday and same to you too!

  14. Starting to get shit sorted out... This could take a bit. :\

  15. Taking a step back, as I need to... Also to resist being an overly defensive ass to people I care about, and consider friends, even thought I am testy atm...

  16. Probably won't be around much next few days. Getting stuff done.

  17. Wanna smash some bros?... SM4SH3ds friend code=0748-4726-6955

    1. CooledEvergreen



      Topic where people are sharing their friend codes and such to play smash.

  18. Indeed, happy Birthday. I feel kinda sad I never got to comment on your sprites... But they are still damn cool! XD

  19. ...so at what point does passive aggresiveness become outright hostility? :\

    1. CooledEvergreen


      When the aggresiveness goes from being implied to being outright stated.

  20. It's... Turkey times. ;)

  21. ...quit shitting in our pool.

  22. ...wait actually your Birthday? Or fake birthday? :p

    1. ErrantDShepherd


      Either way, happy Birthday at some point somewhere! :D

  23. Tree... Treeeeeeeeeeeeee!?!?!! >X0

  24. gotta get spriting... :O

  25. just won a 3ds at a Superbowl Party silent auction... stoked to finally play Awakening! :D

    1. Klokinator


      You sonnofabitch XD

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