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Posts posted by Chigai

  1. Alright. It's time for my final gambit!

    OC x OC

    Lemming, from a certain RP I'm in, and Avia.


    Avia is a noblewoman from afar, (I don't know Tellius well enough sorry ;w;) with blonde-brown locks tied up into a ponytail that streams down her back. She's a more wild and adventurous type, and is the first to volunteer for the front lines. Her class? She's a trueblade, meaning she has excessive training with the blade.

    Lemming is a dutiful but reluctant youth freshly graduated from the Air Force Academy, where fliers learn to fly their flying beasts, with his father's wyvern, Des. His hair is red, with his bangs swept aside. Two streaks of hair reach down to his chin, and the backside of his head is covered by hair reaching to the neck hole in his armor.

    C Support

    *sticks clashing*

    Lemming: Show me and Des what you can do, princess!

    Avia: You're on! Nobody can best me!

    *Wyvern roars, followed by more sounds of sticks clashing*

    Lemming: Hah!

    Avia: Eeyah!

    Lemming: Alright, Des! Now, special attack pattern!

    Avia: Hah, you shouldn't shout what you're going to do out loud, boy!

    Lemming: Kyah!! You blocked it?!

    Avia: Did you even LISTEN? I just said you shouldn't shout out your attacks...

    Lemming: Fine, I... I give in, then.

    Avia: What? But this has just begun!

    Lemming: It's been going on for half an hour.

    Avia: You know, almost everyone trains more than that!
    Lemming: You may be right, but I have to review my tactics. Goodbye.

    (Lemming leaves)

    Avia: Wait!! Ugh, what a pain. Where was that swordsman, now...

    B Support

    Avia: You! Lemming! I've found you!

    Lemming: Can it wait? I'm doing something.

    Avia: What do you mean? You aren't doing anything.

    Lemming: well, actually... I was heading for war council. Weren't you supposed to go as well?

    Avia: Oh! Yeah, that's right... Darn, I've been preparing all day.

    Lemming: For what?

    Avia: I wanted another round with you! I just have to teach you more.

    Lemming: I think it would be best that we don't, though. I need to keep diversity in my training.

    Avia: Well, I can be as diverse as it gets!

    Lemming: No, you're not. You can't fight with anything but a sword. What would happen if I fought someone with an axe or a lance?

    Avia: Well, you WOULD be unprepared...

    Lemming: That's right. Perhaps you have some things to learn, as well.

    Avia: You're right. I don't have time! I have to get to training!
    Lemming: We still have war council to attend to. We're late.

    Avia: You're right again! Come on, let's hurry!

    A support

    Lemming: Ah, hello... What are you reading?
    Avia: Oh, this is just a book on blade techniques. I took our last conversation seriously.

    Lemming: Really? Well, it feels great to be acknowledged, I have to say.

    Avia: There's always something to learn, isn't there? But the more books I come across, the more I realize I haven't got enough time to read them...

    Lemming: Well, libraries tend to have a lot of books. You're already highly skilled as it is. Why do you need to learn any more?

    Avia: I can never rest. As a leader, I must fight, I must learn, and I must do everything I can for my people.

    Lemming: I see... Being a ruler is much harder than it seems, isn't it?
    Avia: Yes. I thought I'd be relieved of some liability when I joined, but... All of the work coming to me is relentless since I left.

    Lemming: I don't think I can fully understand your plight, but I can surely help. I'll train with you some more, if you need.

    Avia: Ah... Yes, that would certainly help. Thank you.

    Lemming: No problem.

    S Support

    Lemming: Er... Avia... Are you still in here?!

    Avia: ... Zzz....

    Lemming: You stayed here overnight, didn't you? You've put so much time into this...

    Avia: Hrk! Ah! Wh-where am I?

    Lemming: You're at the library... And from what it looks like, you read a few books.

    Avia: No... That's the pile I haven't read.

    Lemming: Then you read all of those?!

    Avia: Yes... As I said, it's hard work.

    Lemming: I... See. Look, Avia, I have something to ask you...

    Avia: Yes?

    Lemming: You see, you've taught me... A lot. About being a warrior, and a person. And I want to keep learning.

    Avia: I don't understand...?

    Lemming: I want to learn with you forever... I want you as my bride. Will you marry me?

    Avia: I... I... Of course, I will! Oh gosh, this is... Amazing!

    Lemming: Yes, I think it is, too... Now, let's rejoin the army and inform them of the news.

    Avia: Right. But how do we tell them?

    Lemming: I can't be sure myself... We'll figure it out.


    When Avia and Lemming returned to Avia's land, they were fully wed in a ceremony attended by many. As the ruling king, Lemming made a just example for many a young boy, and Avia's bravery was admired by most, if not all women across the land. Even Des made an example of how a wyvern can brave the fright of wars without fear.

  2. Really wanting to do my second one right now, actually... I'll hold off on it if you want me to.

    Canon x Canon, Non-romantic.

    Characters: Male Morgan and Male My Unit (Using the name Robin) (This would be assuming that Male Morgan would be Robin's child. Just roll with it, I guess?)

    C Support

    Robin: Hey, Morgan.

    Morgan: Ah, Father! What is it?

    Robin: You left your tome on the battlefield. I brought it back for you.

    Morgan: No way! Thanks, Father, I've been looking for this everywhere!

    Robin: You're welcome, Morgan. While we're waiting around at camp, would you like to help me and Chrom formulate some tactics. It'd be a great learning experience for you.

    Morgan: Oh, definitely! I'll be ready in a few minutes with that book you gave me.

    Robin: Good. I'll see you there, then. (Leaves)

    Morgan: Oh, gods, I can't believe he's letting me do this! ... Now where did I put that book?

    B Support

    Morgan: Wow, our last battle went amazingly, Father!

    Robin: Yes, it did! You've got quite the tactical mind. However, I think it could use some more training.

    Morgan: Really? I'll do anything to further my knowledge! Just tell me what to do, Father!

    Robin: Good. Me and you are going to run some practice battles on a chessboard. I want you to give it all you have, as if it were real!

    Morgan: Y-yes, sir!

    (cut to black for a moment, then come back)

    Robin: Alright, so if I move here...

    Morgan: Then I can move here, and then...

    Robin: And then I can wipe out your pegasus riders with my axe users.

    Morgan: Gah! No way... Alright, then I move my swordmaster troops over here, to defeat your beserkers.

    Robin: Then you're trapped between my pegasus riders and my cavaliers. You've lost.

    Morgan: Aw... I completely forgot about the weapon triangle! Could you teach me again, Father?

    Robin: Wait... How could you... Did you throw the match?!
    Morgan: What? Of COURSE not, Father. Why would I do that?

    A Support

    Morgan: Hah! I win...

    Robin: Not yet, you don't. You can't just say you win if you corner manaketes with wyrmslayers. Battle is unpredictable, Morgan.

    Morgan: Y... You're right. I should have been more careful. Sorry, Father... I've... failed you... *sniff*

    Robin: Oh, relax, Morgan. You don't need to cry. You have a long time to learn yet. We both do.

    Morgan: You're right... I'm sorry, but it's always felt that I'll never be as good as you.

    Robin: I'm sure you will. I can't remember well, but I bet I wasn't half as good as you when I was your age!

    Morgan: R-really, Father?

    Robin: Really.

    Morgan: Thank you for teaching me, today. I'll go review my books a bit more.

    Robin: Alright. I'll see you for another round tomorrow.

    Morgan: Yes, sir! (leaves)

    Robin: Hm... Had he remembered to use his staff users effectively, I probably would have lost.. I should probably review those books again.

  3. I'm gonna do OC x Canon, just as I promised!
    The canon character will be Dozla, because Dozla is bae

    As you can guess by that awkward little quote, I'm doing a romantic one.

    The OC character is-- Chigai, my main OC that I want to use in a ton of other places but I'm afraid I'll become a bit addicted to "writing myself" into stories, so, um...

    Sorry if you already think I am?

    Chigai is a male manakete thief hybrid, known for a shy personality. He's a bit older, as you can tell.

    Chigai x Dozla

    C Support

    Chigai: *shuffle shuffle* Hm... Ooh, what's this?

    Dozla: (enters) What're you doing, laddie?

    Chigai: Ah!! N-nothing!

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! I know exactly what you were doing, child. Now, put Lady L'arachel's things back into her pouch.

    Chigai: Er... Y-yes, sir...

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! What could even be in her pouch that you'd want?

    Chigai: Um... Well, she's a princess and all. She has quite the amount of riches. I figured maybe I could... Um... Donate some to the orphanages around here?

    Dozla: That's a mighty fine amount of generosity you have... But I can't allow traitors in our army, now, can I?

    Chigai: T-t-traitor?! Me?! N-never! Oh, gods, you're right... I have to make up for this! Until next time!! (leaves)

    Dozla: Hm... Doesn't L'arachel carry this with her everywhere? How could he possibly have pilfered it...?

    B Support

    (Guest appearance!) Eirika: Oh, Chigai... What a beautiful bouquet... What were these for, anyways?
    Chigai: Oh, er... N-nothing in particular...

    Eirika: Well, thank you, anyways. I'll share these with the other women. (Leaves)

    (enter) Dozla: So, still making up for everything, laddie?

    Chigai: Gah!! Oh... Yes, sir...

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! How nice of you. Aye, perhaps I could help you, hmm?

    Chigai: Oh, that'd be very kind of you... If you want, you could. For now, I'm just passing out these flowers to everyone. Here, take a few.

    Dozla: Alrighty then, laddie. I'll hand them all out to the men in your name...

    Chigai: Ah, thank you. I'm going to deliver some more while you do that. (leaves)

    Dozla: What a change of mindset in that lad... Quite the suspicious one, actually...

    A Support

    Dozla: Hm... That seems to be all of them... Now, where was that boy, again?

    Chigai: (enters) Oh, hello. I think everyone received some flowers. I'd like to count the remaining flowers, if you please.

    Dozla: Ah, alright. Here. Say, I can't help but notice... You've been acting odd lately, Chigai. Especially around me. Is something wrong?

    Chigai: Er... N-no, nothing at all, Dozla. I'm just a bit... Shy. Yes, that's it. Shy.

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! I understand. Perhaps you'll come out of your shell soon, hm?
    Chigai: Er... Yes. I'll be going now. (leaves)

    S Support

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! There you are again laddie. What did you decide to do with the remainder of the flowers?
    Chigai: Oh... Um... You see...

    Dozla: Yes?

    Chigai: I... I decided to give them to you.

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! That's mighty nice of you, but why me?

    Chigai: ... Um... I-i... It's hard to say this, but... I... I have... Feelings for you.

    Dozla: Oh... Are you sure? It might be L'arachel. You seem to like her a lot, considering you stole her favorite gem.

    Chigai: W-what?! No! I... It's you. It's highly unlikely you'll return my feelings, but... I just had to tell you...

    Dozla: Gwa ha ha! I see! I'll give you a chance, laddie. But you'd better not steal any more of lady L'arachel's gems!

    Chigai: I... I won't! I promise... Oh, thank you, Dozla...


    After the war, Chigai and Dozla were soon wed. After much persuasion, Chigai managed to attract Dozla's full love away from L'arachel. Dozla provided a much needed hiding space for Chigai, and Chigai was always there to comfort Dozla. Dozla was always near L'arachel still, as the two moved into a cottage in Rausten near the capital. The two received many odd looks.

    This is really cheesy, and I felt REALLY awkward writing that... I might write some more conversations, anyways... ;w;

  4. I think it's all fair if the crowd votes. I'd like to enter as well, and I only have ideas for OC x Canon so far. Maybe Canon x Canon?
    Also, question about the rules from the last thread about this... Are we going by the rules of Awakening, as in only units of opposite gender can have S - supports?

    That'd be a real downer.

  5. Lemming's face was blank after hearing Vyse's words of belief in him. "I'm sorry for being so tense. I'm just unsure of myself at the moment," Lemming said, as a slight smile formed on his face, "I've never thought I'd have to become a soldier... This is all so very frightening for me, but perhaps with others, I will overcome the challenges set in front of me. Thank you for believing in me, Vyse". It was comforting to find people that may want to be his friend, and he would accept any help he could get in this predicament of his. He bit into his loaf of bread, closer to finishing his meal.

  6. Lemming began eating at a slightly faster rate, listening in on the other student's conversations. The meat was high-quality, which would be unusual for students. Perhaps they were right; this may as well be a test. He couldn't resist eating it all, though -- such great meals couldn't be wasted, and he'd need every bite to get the energy he would need for training, or more testing. The thought of becoming an actual wyvern knight still frightened him.

    ... What if he was expelled?

    How would his father react to learning that his child failed to follow in his steps? He couldn't be thinking about this all the time here, so to get his mind off of it, he began,

    "I came here to follow in my father's steps as a wyvern knight. He sent me here so I could do just that, and I'm going to become a soldier one day... That is, if I manage to graduate from the academy."

  7. To the tone of the ringing bell, Lemming stood and headed towards the mess hall. The only questions on his mind were how his wyvern was holding up, and what was being served today, and how well he'd done on the test.

    Arriving in the hall, the sight of four tables, spread across the room, with meals for the students placed across. All of them, were the same, aside from having some different vegetables, the plates adorned with some sort of meat, most likely from the wildlife adorning the forests nearby, a randomized set of vegetables for each plate, and a loaf of bread. Sitting down at a seat with tomatoes and lettuce, he slowly began eating.

    (( I kind of just did random things for the meal. I'll edit the food details out if someone else wanted to describe the meal. ))

  8. Well...

    In the list of importance (or maybe just random I dunno) ;

    1. Same sex marriage. I will have my husbando.

    2. Longer S- supports. The S- supports in Awakening were always a bit... short. I mean, they're getting married! They should atleast talk for a bit before.

    3. A branching plot story, other than being teased by it in Awakening. (Emmeryn, I didn't wanna sacrifice youuuu ;w;)

    4. More taguel. Kind of a weird wish, but it can be kind of plausible, and I really liked the taguel.

    5. The magic triangle. It was a REALLY interesting concept, and they kinda just... Got rid of it.

    6. An overworld map. I think I read something that said there won't be, but I don't remember it that well.

    The first one. Most people want it.

    So do I.

  9. So, basically, in the chat we decided it'd be fun to have a little thread about DnD alignments.

    Basically, you say each character is one of the following; Lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil.

    I'll start wiiith...

    Chrom: Neutral good

    Lissa: Neutral/Chaotic good?

    Frederick: Lawful good.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong thread. ;w;

  10. Personally, I'd just like to change the rosters, and I agree with the entire 'only lords get custom models' idea. I really liked the einherjar in Awakening, but... Their models were kind of inaccurate, even for the limited options of the avatar builder. Every time I look at a certain bunch, I keep being reminded by myself of how they could have been made better.

  11. Oh, gods. Lemming couldn't be prepared for this. Quizzing? No way! He had no choice, and he had to do this, or else he would never become a wyvern rider, and would disappoint his father. He sighed, mentally preparing himself... Alright. It's time to begin, he thought to himself.

    What are the definitions of these flight terms?
    This section would be all too easy. His father prepared him for wyvern riding, and made completely sure he knew all necessary terms.
    Jet stream:
    Fast flowing, narrow air currents.
    The upward force that acts upon a wyvern's wings as it flies.
    A force opposite to a flying object's motion that gets stronger as the object increases in speed.
    A town or a city, with a harbor where ships load or unload.
    The side of a ship or aircraft that is on the right when one is facing forward.
    Math wasn't always his strong suit, but he still could do it... He just didn't always remember important details.
    8+6(10/2)-4= what?
    (10 / 2) = 5.
    8 + 6 = 14.
    5 (14) = 70
    70- 4 = 66
    x = what?
    14 - 5 = 9
    9 / 3 = 3.
    x = 3.

    Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.
    Blast, he couldn't remember this... He'd have to guess.
    a = 48

    If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?
    150 / 25 = 7.
    You could buy 7 vulneraries.
    Correct all the errors in this paragraph.
    Grammar was definitely his strong suit. He was always reading magnificently written books, and knew grammar to a supreme extent.

    bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

    Bob went to the market. He bought milk, eggs, and meat. He saw his friend Steve there and said, "Hi, how are you?" After that, he went home.

    ((I think he may have done a bit too well?? Sorry if I'm overshadowing everyone or... Anything else that's wrong with this.))
  12. Interesting...

    I'll have a shot at it.

    Class: Thief / Male Manakete (Mamkute if you prefer?)

    Condition: NPC thief pilfering goods from the current enemies. Joins on chat with the main Lord or perhaps another character.

    Lord: You there! What business do you have with these men? You don't bear their usual armor.

    Me: Gah! Er... I-I'm not even with these men. To be honest, I'm just stealing some goods from them. They pay their men a lot in these ranks!

    Lord: ... Right... Listen, if you join us, perhaps we could pay you for stealing their gold.

    Me: Hm... That really does sound like a good deal... I need the gold, too, so... I'll come if you want...

    Lord: Of course we'd like to have you. The way you're stealing these men's goods with nary a glance from them shows you can be a real help.

    Me: Alright... T-thanks... I'll just go back to what I'm doing. I'll meet back up with you later if we survive. *leaves*

    Lord: Hmm... "If we survive"?


    Level: 6


    HP: 34

    Str: 8

    Skl: 11

    Spd: 14

    Luck: 12

    Def: 4
    Res: 6

    Sword Weapon Level; C


    HP: 45%

    Strength: 35%

    Skill: 40%

    Spd: 95%

    Luck: 20%

    Def: 20%

    Res: 40%


    Might be a bit OP, but that's alright. ._.

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