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Posts posted by Chigai

  1. Um... I don't think it's too late?
    OC x OC
    Re-using Chigai... for the third time.
    Chigai x Sen
    Chigai, if you've read my other supports, is a shy male manakete thief.
    Sen is a young archer with a kind heart who strives to bring the morality of the soldiers in her army up.

    SBs8qNd.png<-- Sen.

    C Support

    Chigai: Hm... Why were all of the enemies carrying all of this jewelry, anyways? It's pretty valuable...
    Sen: Hey, there... What are you doing?
    Chigai: Oh, um... I was just reviewing over everything I stole from the enemy... Almost all of them were wearing rings with these brilliant golden jewels.
    Sen: Were you going out to sell them just now?
    Chigai: Yes, actually... Then, I was going to get some supplies for the army and bring them back.
    Sen: The... Entire army? But that'd be...
    Chigai: A lot, yes. I could probably haul it back in dragon form.
    Sen: Wouldn't that shock everybody in town, though? They could think you're a real dragon.
    Chigai: Y-you're right... Would you mind coming with me, then?
    Sen: Sure... I'll get a few of the others and we can get ready.
    Chigai: All right...

    B Support

    Chigai: *Sigh*...
    Sen: Are you still upset about what happened?
    Chigai: We bought all of that food, and... It fell down that hill, and all of the packages just kept... Rolling.
    Sen: Well, it could have gone better, but... At least we saved some money, right?
    Chigai: We came back with a 2 gold pieces.
    Sen: Well, yeah... You said almost all of those enemies had gold gems, right? The next enemies we face are bound to have more.
    Chigai: I think I'll just give them to our leader next time...
    Sen: Well, that'd probably be safer.
    Chigai: If we keep selling those rings, won't they drop in value? Maybe we should keep a bank of them.
    Sen: Hm... You're right. Say, you're pretty smart... But do we really have the space to keep a bank of them?
    Chigai: Maybe we should go ask...
    Sen: Yeah! Let's go!

    A Support

    Chigai: *sigh*... The enemy didn't even have any this time... I checked each and every single one of them.
    Sen: Really? All of them? ... Was that where you were after the battle?
    Chigai: Yes. I looked at each fallen corpse of those guys, and... *sigh*...
    Sen: Well, cheer up. We didn't lose too many of our soldiers in that battle, either.
    Chigai: I guess that's pretty good... We're good on our supplies, too.
    Sen: Yeah! Maybe we should cook dinner tonight ourselves. We'll have plenty to work with.
    Chigai: I can't really cook that well... Or at all.
    Sen: I could teach you. I'm a really good teacher!
    Chigai: Really? You'd teach me to cook...?
    Sen: Yeah. We're friends, right?
    Chigai: Yeah... Friends... Heheh.

  2. Name:kaldson

    class:i dont know a special class that uses swords and dragonstones like i throw dragonstones at my enemys

    starting items:dragonstone killing edge food which restores 1 hp and can be used once

    Romantic supports:severa

    confeession:i cant marry the avatar

    recrtment:i join


    Throwing dragonstones.

    You forgot about beaststones. Can you throw those, too?

    We need details!

  3. I already am a playable character in Awakening, namely that guy who is found at the start of the game by Chrom, Lissa and Frederick.

    I think the point was someone that wasn't the avatar, or that could support with the avatar...


    Name: Chigai

    Recruited in: Paralogue 24; The Grip of Fate

    Starting Class: Manakete Thief (Specialized class)

    Starting Level: 20

    Starting Skills: Locktouch, Galeforce, Wyrmsbane, and Even Rhythm.

    Starting Inventory: Dragonstone +, steel sword, concoction

    Critical Quotes:

    "I-- I'm sorry!"

    "Forgive me!"

    "D-don't hurt me!"


    Support Options: As anyone that knows me would expect, Chigai is gay. All female support options go up to A, and all male support options go up to S.

    Male MU, Frederick, Miriel, Kellam, Lon'qu, Gregor, Nowi, Libra, Tiki, Basilio, Nah, Lucina, Severa, Morgan (Either gender, and only up to A support with male), Gangrel, Walhart, Yen'fay, and Priam.

    Confession: "Oh, gods... I didn't think anybody would return my feelings... And I'm glad that you did..."

    Reclass options: Myrmidon, priest.

    Modifiers: 0 STR/0 MAG/-2 SKL/+6 SPD/+2 LCK/-1 DEF/+2 RES

    "The Grip of Fate"'s plot: Chrom and the gang move towards a place slightly south to the Mila tree, still lush and filled with plant life. A boy with black wings defends himself against a band of mercenaries trying to capture him and force him to fight for them. Chrom, being Chrom, stops all searches for Grima in order to save the lone child... Chigai can be recruited by male Morgan, the My Unit, or Tiki.


    Recruitment Convo's

    My Unit (Using Robin as the default name)

    Robin: Hold on, child! We can...

    Chigai: Wh-what?

    Robin: You have wings... And a sword.

    Chigai: I'm a manakete... Some of us have wings!

    Robin: Then, you can fight?

    Chigai: A little bit, yes...

    Robin: Then, let's go!


    Tiki: Chigai, is that you?

    Chigai: M-miss Tiki! Oh, thank goodness... I thought I'd lost you!

    Tiki: I'm here now, Chigai... Stand back, and we'll save you.

    Chigai: I... I don't want to stand back, Tiki. I'm fighting alongside you.

    Tiki: All right... Don't get hurt.


    Morgan: Hey, sir, are you all right?

    Chigai: Yes... I'm alright...

    Morgan: I see you have a sword there... And a dragonstone.

    Chigai: Uh-huh...

    Morgan: Let's go, then! Err, wait... Can I give you a few tactics I just came up with?

    Chigai: Sure...


    After being recruited, if Chigai is entered into a skirmish battle, a swordmaster named Scarlet will appear. He can be used to recruit Scarlet.

    EDIT: Added more stuff.

    More quotes from Chigai can be found here.

  4. It's that time again! Shameless self-shipping with Fire Emblem characters!

    As a side note, Chigai is a shy manakete from Valm with a good heart. Commence!

    Canon x OC.

    Gangrel x Chigai


    C Support

    (Gangrel enters)

    Gangrel: GYAHAHA! Die, die, die!

    Chigai (Enters): Ahh! S-stop that! Wh-what are you doing?!
    Gangrel: Exactly what it looks like!

    Chigai: Stop ripping those poor butterflies' wings off!

    Gangrel: Ahaha! It's fun, though!

    Chigai: It isn't for them!

    Gangrel: They're dead, anyways...

    Chigai: Well, the ones you tore up are!

    Gangrel: Oh, fine. Let's go free these little pests.

    Chigai: ... Thank you...

    B Support

    (Chigai and Gangrel enter)

    Chigai: Gangrel...

    Gangrel: What is it you want, brat? Wait, why are you carrying that stick?

    Chigai: I don't want you to hurt anything else like that ever again... So I'm gonna whack you with it every time you say something insane!

    Gangrel: Ha! As if someone with muscles like that could hurt me.

    Chigai: I didn't say I was going to do it while in human form.

    Gangrel: ... Oh. In that case, I still doubt you even have the courage to touch me.

    Chigai: W-well... Maybe I do!

    Gangrel: Oh, yeah? Prove it.

    Chigai: Heeya!

    (Whacking sound effect)

    Gangrel: Ack! You little... That hurts!
    Chigai: S-sorry, but... I warned you!

    Gangrel: *sigh* Fine. I won't do anything to those precious insects of yours... But if you hit me with that stick ever again, YOUR wings are coming off.

    Chigai: Eep!

    Gangrel: Run along, now. Shoo!

    (Chigai exits)

    Gangrel: What an idiot...

    A Support

    Chigai: Um... Gangrel?

    Gangrel: Still bothering me, you little pest?

    Chigai: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry...

    Gangrel: Fine. Apology accepted. Go away.

    Chigai: I... I don't want to go away, though. I like you.

    Gangrel: Like me? You LIKE me? Ha! You know, you're a terrible liar.

    Chigai: It's the truth! I think you're a good person inside...

    Gangrel: You know what I've done in the past. Everyone does. I'm a monster.

    Chigai: No, you're not... You allied with Chrom to help stop Grima, right? No monster would do that...

    Gangrel: Tch. I did that only because I had no purpose.

    Chigai: Well, um... I wanted to be your friend... So, could your purpose be living for me?

    Gangrel: My friend, too? Don't flatter me, boy.

    Chigai: Um... I... I'm still serious...

    Gangrel: Fine. If I'm your friend, will you leave me alone?

    Chigai: Well, friends don't let their other friends be lonely...

    Gangrel: Ugh, fine. Here, sit down with me, and we'll eat something.

    Chigai: Heheh...

    S Support

    Gangrel: Chigai.

    Chigai: Ah!

    Gangrel: Calm down. It's me.

    Chigai: Oh... Hi, Gangrel.

    Gangrel: I got us some cake at the market, if you want some.

    Chigai: Oh, um... Really? For me? That's unlike you...

    Gangrel: Yeah, yeah. Just eat it.

    (Screen cuts to black for a second)
    Chigai: *Chew, chew*

    Gangrel: Could you, maybe hurry up?

    Chigai: Oh, um... Sure.

    Gangrel: (He's almost there...)

    Chigai: *Swallow* W-wait... What's that? It's shiny...

    Gangrel: Go on. Pull it out.

    Chigai: G-gangrel, this is... This is a ring!

    Gangrel: I don't want to be just friends, Chigai... Ugh, you're so damn kind, I just can't resist...

    Chigai: So you proposed marriage to me? What will the people of Plegia think?

    Gangrel: Oh, they'd accept me no matter what. I don't even know if I could retake the crown.

    Chigai: Well, um... I... I can't turn you down. You know, I bothered you so much because I had feelings for you...

    Gangrel: Ha! You've made me the happiest man in the world, Chigai!

    Chigai: I'm happy, too, Gangrel...


    With the slaughter done, Gangrel retired to obscurity with his husband. Chigai enjoyed this, and the two still made a long and happy life together in a remote corner of Plegia.

  5. So, I was taking a closer look at the first cutscene...
    And I saw this:

    Spoiler actually contains some plot details after the picture so don't look too far down if you haven't played it yet.


    We can see Grima, or perhaps the My Unit falling with the Risen. Could this mean a portal similar to that seen in Chapter 1 also formed above the field where the Avatar is? This could also mean, after the story ends, risen still exist.

    I don't know if anyone's commented or made a thread about this before, but I thought it was kind of interesting.

  6. Male

    Name: Chigai

    Build 1

    Hair: 1 (Default)

    Face: 2 (Slightly closed)

    Hair color: 13 (Aqua blue)

    Voice: Male 1 (Default)

    Wife: Tiki

    + Speed -Luck

    Class: War Monk, Trickster, or Assassin depending on mood.


    Name: Avia

    Build 1 (Default)

    Hair: 3 (Ponytail)

    Face: 1 (Default)
    Hair Color: 7 (Sandy Blonde)

    Voice: 1 (Default)

    Class: Hero or Bride.

    +Speed -Luck

    I also have some alternates to these, i. e. a female Chigai so "he" can marry male characters.

  7. I just got the idea for this but I also just woke up...

    I don't remember anyone doing Cordelia x Chrom, and I really wanted to see it, soooo...

    I'm doing it.

    Canon x Canon, Romantic, Chrom x Cordelia.

    C Support

    Cordelia: All right... This one went here, swords go here... Where did Robin want this one, again? I'd better ask him/her...

    Chrom: Oh, hello Cordelia. I thought Frederick was sorting the weapons today.

    Cordelia: Oh! Chrom, um... I asked him for the opportunity. I always want to help out and be of use, you know?

    Chrom: I see. Well, do you mind if I help? I'm not doing anything else at the moment.

    Cordelia: Oh, I don't mind at all! Ha... Ha...

    Chrom: Right... So, how did this go, again?

    Cordelia: Well, I think lances went here, axes went here, tomes went here, and... I don't quite know where the swords go.

    Chrom: Oh, they go here... And that's it. I'll see you later, I suppose.

    Cordelia: Wait! Actually, I wanted to ask you something...

    Chrom: Hm? I'm listening.

    Cordelia: After the next battle... Er... Would you mind spending a little time together?

    Chrom: Oh, sure. I don't mind. I'll see you tomorrow, then. (Exit)

    Cordelia: Oh my gods, I didn't think he'd say yes! I'll have to find a way to impress him... (Exit)

    B Support

    Robin: So, in the next battle, we'll go here...

    Chrom: No, we should go here. If we go there, we may as well be forfeiting.

    Robin: You're right... I'll review some more tactics for the battle preparations. (Exit)

    Cordelia: Oh, Chrom!

    Chrom: Ah, hello Cordelia. Was it time to go out already?

    Cordelia: Oh, that... Yes! I prepared a meal for us to eat along a field not far from here.

    Chrom: It smells wonderful, but... Did you mind if Frederick came along? He informed me that he should be protecting me at all times.

    Cordelia: What?! But... Oh, er... That's fine, I guess...

    Chrom: Shall we go, then?

    Cordelia: Right. I'll lead the way.

    (Both exit)

    A Support

    Chrom: Hey, Cordelia. That picnic was divine, and I was just wondering...

    Cordelia: Yes?

    Chrom: What did you use to make it? I've noticed that nothing in our army rations could have been made into those sandwiches.

    Cordelia: Well, I went into the town, and I bought some things with some money I saved up... Nothing much, really.

    Chrom: Oh... Would you like to go with me sometime today? We could use some more of that to bring the army's spirits up.

    Cordelia: Sure. Should we go now? Oh, but I can't guarantee they're have everything...

    Chrom: Sure, we can go now. I don't think it matters if they have everything we need. We just need enough to make it delicious.

    Cordelia: Alright. Could you go get some money from Robin, and we can go.

    Chrom: All right. (Exits)

    Cordelia: (Ha, yes! I can't believe he accepted my request...)

    S Support

    Cordelia: (I saw Chrom buy that ring... Could it have been for me? Oh, I wish... He probably got it for someone else...)

    Chrom: Cordelia...

    Cordelia; Ah! Chrom! Hello...

    Chrom: I wanted to ask you something. Do you have time?

    Cordelia: Oh, I always have time for you... Er... Um...

    Chrom: Good. Because I wanted to ask you...

    Cordelia: (Here it comes...!)

    Chrom: Cordelia. I've fallen in love with the sandwiches you make...

    Cordelia: Really? I was making one now, actually...

    Chrom: I want your sandwiches for the rest of my life...

    Cordelia: Really? I mean, some people say I'm pretty good at making them, but...

    Chrom: So, will you marry me?

    Cordelia: .....

    Chrom: You don't have to answer. Just... Think it over. Consider it for me.

    Cordelia: Yes, Chrom! Of course! I've had feelings for you since we met...

    Chrom: You did? Why didn't you tell me?

    Cordelia: I just didn't think I had a chance... I mean, you had so many wonderful women around, I thought you didn't need me.

    Chrom: Of course I need you! You're so skilled, beautiful... You give our army a goal to strive towards your example. That's why I love you.

    Cordelia: Oh, Chrom... I love you, too.

    (Both exit)


    After Grima's defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse's new exalt. Queen Cordelia gave Ylisse the woman it needed to mend it, and ironically, she was perfect at mending the scars of war.

    Personal comments? I don't think I captured Cordelia or Chrom's personality too well. Also, it's a bit too similar to Chrom x Sumia, and it's kinda short. Also, some people didn't quite enjoy the guest appearances last time, so I'd like to give an example of Robin being used in a support conversation between two other characters. This was in the C support between Tharja and Vaike. Done.

  8. I don't know how to go about this but I made a few of splices and now I'm going to share them.

    I'll add to it when I get the mood to make splices again.

    Also, I may be making some OC's of mine that I make for roleplays. I may also use these characters in roleplays here.

    (Lemming is coming soon.)

    Purple-haired knight girl

    8w7gJEO.png Used: Amelia, Vanessa, Eirika, random village girl from FE7, and Lyn. Palettes from Vanessa, Eirika, Wolt, and Geese.

    J6v2Ujt.png Used: Dozla, Wallace, and Brendan. Palettes from Wallace, Brendan and Garcia

    FecquF6.png Used: Dozla, Ross, Garcia, and Bartre. Palettes from Ross, Bartre, and Garcia.

    JHGbgma.png (Oh hey it's my OC Chigai) Used: Myrrh, Colm, Fae, Fir, Roy, and Florina. Palettes from Florina, Colm, and others???

    Accepting critiques that will not ruin my self confidence ;w;

  9. Character: Chigai

    Note: Summaries of characters can be found in the Roster, so there's no need for an explanation, unless you want to go more in-depth.

    Event Tiles

    • Alright... I'm getting better at stealing things, finally... (exp)
    • I've been practicing some sword techniques... I wonder if it's helping? (weapon exp)
    • Wh-what's that? I guess nobody wants it... (item drop)

    Relationship Event Tiles
    Asking - Normal

    • Hey, you look pretty chipper... What is it? (happy)
    • Um... You're so strong, and... Could we team up?(team up)
    • I've had a lot of dreams while I slept... Have you had any?(dreams)
    • H-hey, what do you do in your free time?(free time)

    Replying - Normal

    • What? I-i'm not happy... I'm just smiling out of shyness...(happy)
    • You think I'd be a good partner...? I guess that's all right...(team up)
    • I dream about finding someone to love... D-did I say that out loud?! (dreams)
    • Well, I like to read a book or two... Maybe take a nap, as well.(free time)

    Asking - Married

    • Is that a wound on your arm?! Please, promise me that I don't have to lose you...(promise)
    • You look nice today... (compliment)
    • I love you, -character-. Stay with me... forever.(love)
    • Are you holding something? ... Can I see it?(gift)

    Replying - Married

    • Of course! I'd never leave the one I loved...(promise)
    • Really? Thank you...(compliment)
    • I love you, too, -character-... Heheh... (love)
    • Oh... I just got you a little something... (gift)

    Level Up

    • What a rush! Whew... (6-7 stats up)
    • I'm feeling pretty good, actually! (4-5 stats up)
    • Ah... This is an okay pace, I guess.(2-3 stats up)
    • I'm pathetic... (0-1 stat up)
    • I'm so strong, now... But I'm still shy... (0-1 stat up, most stats capped)

    Class Change
    Whoa, this is new... I wonder what else I can do!

    • Oh, for me? Heh... Thanks. (buying)
    • Oh, it's not like I could even use that stuff...(selling)
    • Ah... A way to gain power. Interesting... (forging)


    • Hm... My wings are pretty shiny, today.(misc)
    • I'm feeling GREAT! I could fly across all of Ylisse!(surge)


    • Yawn... It's early...(morning)
    • Hello, -avatar name-...(midday)
    • Yeesh... I'm tired.(evening)
    • I promise, I'm not stealing anything... Heheh...(night)
    • It's your birthday, isn't it? I had some cake, somewhere...(birthday)

    A manakete of the Divine tribe from Valm who has a knack for stealing. He's extremely shy, and enjoys sleeping. The most likely to jump when he hears his name. Born on July 23rd.
    Help Description
    A shy manakete thief from Valm. Fairly gloomy.

    Final Chapter Quotes
    (Quote before final chapter, when Robin is almost defeated by Grima)
    -Avatar-, don't give in... I need you!
    (Quote when Chrom kills Grima)
    This is all over... Hurray!
    (Reassuring Robin for their choice to not sacrifice themself)
    Hey, you can't leave me... I couldn't live with that...
    (After Robin sacrifices themselves to kill Grima)
    ... -Avatar-... I... Oh, no...
    DLC Pre-Battle
    The Golden Gaffe Pre-Battle
    That gold was mine! I need that, you meanies... I'll end you!
    EXPonential Growth Pre-Battle
    Risen? Dark? Oh gods, this is a nightmare... But I can't call for help... Eek... I'm not a vegetable...
    Infinite Regalia Pre-Battle
    You've been here for... How long? I think you may be older than me...
    Death's Embrace Pre-Battle
    The spikes... They hurt so badly... I can't make it alive, can I? I'm such a failure...
    Five-Anna Firefight Pre-Battle
    I... I'm burning... But I'm not sure if it's from the lava or my blushing... Oh gods, make them stop staring at me...
    Roster Rescue Pre-Battle
    Wh-what's the page about me say? I don't want anybody looking at it! You keep your hands off my personal life...
    Summer Scramble Pre-Battle
    Wow... This place is beautiful... But the sun... it's burning my skin! Ah!
    Hot-Spring Scramble Pre-Battle
    Ah... This place is nice! I could really use a good soak...
    Dual Support

    • You can do this...
    • Don't let it hurt me...
    • Please, win!
    • Ahh!
    • Kill it!
    • I can fight...
    • It's all right!
    • Let's roll.
    • Okay...
    • *deep breathing*

    Dual Strike

    • Heeyah!
    • Hah!
    • This is it!
    • Take this!
    • Please, die!

    Dual Guard

    • Hey!
    • Keep close guard...


    • I'm done!
    • You're gonna die!
    • Sorry about this!
    • Ah!
    • It's over!

    Defeated Enemy

    • Close one...
    • I think I may be sick!
    • Oh, gods...
    • Ah...
    • Phew...

    Partner Defeated Enemy

    • Thanks...
    • You did it!
    • You did that for me...?
    • We did it!

    Defeated By Enemy

    • Ah... H-help...

    Death/Retreat Quotes

    • Ugh... This hurts... I'm going back!(Retreat)
    • No... It's upon... Me... The cold jaws... I can feel them sinking in...(Death)


    "Oh my gosh... I never thought I'd find somebody who loves me as much as you! I... I don't want to ever leave your side, again... Promise me that I won't have to... Please."

    Basic Ending (Unmarried)

    Chigai - The Sheepish Dragon

    When the war came to an end, Chigai returned to Valm to serve as Tiki's right hand helper. He longed to find a husband of his own, but the people who supported the Voice would not let him leave the divine land. He spent many years alone, too shy to use force to escape.

    Married to Male My Unit

    Many wrote of -My Unit-'s legendary exploits, but accounts of his/her origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone—he loved his husband, Chigai, above all else.

    Married to Gregor

    With his more epic battles behind him, Gregor soon sank into a life of excess. Chigai sank down with him, and the two peacefully lived for many years.

    Married to Basilio

    With Grima a done deed, Basilio returned to Ferox and applied himself to dethroning Flavia. If his army of champions failed, he knew he could always count on his trusted husband, Chigai, to transform into a dragon and wipe away the competition.

    Married to Walhart

    Walhart was said to leave this world in pursuit of new conquests, dragging his newly wed husband along. Some surviving legends go so far as to place them in the Outrealms, where he reputedly found a new continent to subjugate and rule.

    Married to Gangrel

    With the slaughter done, Gangrel retired to obscurity. Chigai eventually restored him to his regular self, and the two lived the rest of their days in peace.

    Married to Yen'fay

    Yen'fay vanished like the mist, never to be seen again. Some say he returned to the Outrealm from whence he came, but none were able to witness the great swordsman's departure. Chigai was left alone as he disappeared, and refused to marry any other man, as he expected his husband to return. Sadly, no record exists if he did or did not.

    Married to Priam

    Priam and Chigai vanished like a breath on the wind. Did Priam's pursuit of true power lead him to a quiet corner of the map? Or did Chigai persuade him to come to Valm? No existing record remains of where they left to.

  10. Wait!! This contains spoilers, for Awakening!
    Anyways, I decided to make a forum for some good old Fire Emblem OC development, specifically ones meant to be in Awakening. This doesn't even have to be an OC, either! As long as you can write for a character in their personality, it's all good. This is a very long process, and I want people to write a lot of good quotes, so be prepared to take some time on this.
    Examples can be found here, in the playable characters section, on that character's page, in the quotes section.

    Event Tiles
    • (exp)
    • (weapon exp)
    • (item drop)
    Relationship Event Tiles
    Asking - Normal
    • (happy)
    • (team up)
    • (dreams)
    • (free time)
    Replying - Normal
    • (happy)
    • (team up)
    • (dreams)
    • (free time)
    Asking -Parent
    • (train)
    • (concern)
    • (gift)
    • (story)
    Replying - Parent
    • (train)
    • (concern)
    • (gift)
    • (story)
    Asking - Married
    • (promise)
    • (compliment)
    • (love)
    • (gift)
    Replying - Married
    • (promise)
    • (compliment)
    • (love)
    • (gift)
    Level Up
    • (6-7 stats up)
    • (4-5 stats up)
    • (2-3 stats up)
    • (0-1 stat up)
    • (0-1 stat up, most stats capped)
    Class Change
    • (buying)
    • (selling)
    • (forging)
    • (misc)
    • (surge)
    • (morning)
    • (midday)
    • (evening)
    • (night)
    • (birthday)
    Help Description
    Final Chapter Quotes
    (Quote before final chapter, when Robin is almost defeated by Grima)
    (Quote when Chrom kills Grima)
    (Reassuring Robin for their choice to not sacrifice themself)
    (After Robin sacrifices themselves to kill Grima)
    DLC Pre-Battle
    The Golden Gaffe Pre-Battle
    EXPonential Growth Pre-Battle
    Infinite Regalia Pre-Battle
    Death's Embrace Pre-Battle
    Five-Anna Firefight Pre-Battle
    Roster Rescue Pre-Battle
    Summer Scramble Pre-Battle
    Hot-Spring Scramble Pre-Battle
    Dual Support
    Dual Strike
    Dual Guard
    Defeated Enemy
    Partner Defeated Enemy
    Defeated By Enemy
    • (Quote)
    Death/Retreat Quotes
    • (Retreat)
    • (Death)
    Rules? I guess?
    You don't have to do all of these (I.E. your OC isn't a child character. Therefore, they can't have quotes for a parent)
    Fields may be added, such as special characters in event tiles or the convoy.
    Event tile or convoy quotes must be directed towards anyone, unless specified otherwise.
    Make sure you write at least one for each of the bullet points!

    I'll post mine, later. Good luck!

    EDIT: Another rule, there's no rule against editing your quotes.

    Have fun! ;w;

  11. I'd like to suggest a theory that perhaps they can be persuaded to come back to the other side for whatever reason... Or perhaps they could even be kidnapped? Oh, but there must be a way to get them back somehow... Perhaps the loyalty stat theory could be intertwined with this.

  12. Chigai x Dozla


    I did not like this one at all. Firstly an outright guest appearance in a support? What if this happened on a map where Eirika isn't around at all? Not to mention I can't think of any supports that had a third character outright appear even if they were guaranteed to be alive/around. Then in the first post he realizes that his stealing L'arachel's stuff makes him a traitor (it doesn't. A thief, yes. Traitor, not of necessity) then proceeds to propose to Dolza who hasn't even realized he isn't a traitor yet and ISN'T rejected? Especially since he remained a thief? What if Chigai stole Ephriam's spear or Eirika's love letters or even something mundane like Neimi's headband? It's one thing to steal from an opponent in battle or a bad person but Dolza accepted that he was shy without question then let him continue? Yea... No. This support is not good at all. This support should have just been Chigai gaining a friend and dealing with his shyness a little bit and the romance just feels... it's from the left field of the left field shot out of a cannon in its own left field. And no, said fields are not at 90 degree angles to make it coming out of the right field.

    First of all, this has ruined my confidence in writing anything.

    But I appreciate you taking the time to write an entire paragraph about how it didn't make sense. And I kind of agree because I wrote this while half asleep.

    I also can't help but get a vibe that you don't like the pairing but that's okay. ;w;

  13. Leisurely strolling to the arena, Lemming decided he didn't really care about being a "rotten egg". It certainly wouldn't hurt his reputation much, would it? It had just been a childish joke to him. Then, he noticed that every other student was gone, already close to the arena. "H-hey, wait for me!" he shouted, running along to catch up with them.

  14. *pats* Don't feel too bent out of shape! I just feel that a lot more could be done with that support. Maybe some more characterization would help? You said Chigai was a thief manakete, so maybe you couldve had Dozla ask why he took up thieving as opposed to using his dragon form. Or something.

    Also I realized I didn't say anything about your other entry...hmm, maybe some stuff about where Avia comes from would be good.

    Ah, you're right... If someone DOES end up doing another one of these, I'll rewrite it, but with more stuff like that. Thanks for the suggestion and feedback. It helps.

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